McCain sponsors bill to block transgender ban
John McCain, the Senate Armed Services Committee chairman, joined co-sponsors Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) in support of a bill that would prevent President Trump from banning transgender people from serving in the military, according to the Washington Post;
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), a military hawk and one of the GOP’s most outspoken critics of Trump, said in a statement Friday that he was backing the measure because “we should welcome all those who are willing and able to serve our country.”
“Any member of the military who meets the medical and readiness standards should be allowed to serve — including those who are transgender,” he continued.
Yeah, well, that’s the question, isn’t it? Are transgender people fit to serve or does their confusion about nature make their service more dangerous to themselves and their peers? I think that’s why the Pentagon needs more time.
Under Trump’s plan, Mattis has until Feb. 1 to finish his study. But the Senate’s bill would speed up Mattis’s timeline to the end of the year, prevent the military from discharging currently-serving transgender troops, and express Congress’ conviction that qualified individuals should be allowed to serve regardless of gender identity.
You know, because the less time that Mattis has to study the problem, the better he’ll be able to study it.
They can’t even settle on the number of currently serving members of the military the ban would affect, according to the Huffington Post;
Transgender troops have been openly serving in the military since June 2016. There are between 1,320 and 6,630 transgender people in active military service, a Rand Corp. study estimates. Another group, the Palm Center, put the number as high as 15,500 a few years ago.
Congress has so few things on their plate, that they can afford to spend time on whether to allow a few deviants to serve or not. I don’t see McCain trying to resolve the DACA issue or getting the wall built on the Mexican border, fixing Obamacare, or any of the thousands of other things Congress should be worried about accomplishing this year. You know, things that are actually in Congress’ wheelhouse.
Category: Congress sucks
McCain seriously needs to retire and focus on his health. The climate in Arizona is more conducive for it than that of DC anyway.
No. He needs to retire elsewhere. He’s no longer wanted in AZ in any capacity. CA can have him. Flake can live in his guesthouse.
Thanks, we have enough to deal with west of the Colorado.
But people keep voting for him.
I have never understood why arizonans keep voting for that dude. Aren’t there any conservatives that can take him out in the primaries?
The same goes for Kentucky and Mitch McConnell.
Do they have open primaries or something?
I suspect the D-rats are keeping these two in office.
Exactly the problem, Yef. His primary opponents haven’t been exactly energizing. I think he’s pretty much done if he decides to run again.
Members of Congress, in both houses, have a 98ish% re-election rate because of their own constituents thinking they do a good job.
The problem is, far too many voters think it is the other 533 assholes in Congress that are the issue, not “My” representative and Senator. No….. it is all the rest of them that suck.
And then they spend a shit ton of money to run campaigns about all the good stuff they’ve done, whether they actually did it or not.
McCain is and always will be a great and honorable man.
Its just time for him to relinquish the reins of power and enjoy retirement.
No McCain is not a great and honorable man. he was part of the Keating 5 and post office and banking scandal in the 1980s and also was forced to chose between retiring as a 0-6 or face a Article 15 hearing for adultery and unbecoming an officer and disobeying a lawful order from a senior superior officer.
Ask him how long he was tied up.
Get lost.
I think you get a lot of credit granted to you automatically when you are in the situation he was in and conduct yourself honorably. That doesn’t mean that one cannot chip away at that respect over the years with suspect behavior. I can’t speak to what Jeff Monroe said; my beef with the senator is more in the realm of politics. I do, however, certainly wish he would retire sooner than later because of his habit of “crossing the aisle” – code for shitting all over his own party. And that’s saying something considering what spineless weasels the Republicans are in the first place. McCain Feingold? Or should that be the “Incumbent Protection Bill”. With friends like this. . . Now I can’t imagine that he thinks that adding transgenders to the military is going to help achieve the military’s mission. We aren’t hurting that badly for volunteers. The fact that they would cost more medically and commonly have more mental health issues than the general population of military volunteers would seem to be enough justification. (We don’t take other people with physical more mental health issues.) Also, if a man goes about pretending to be a female (and leadership is forced to acknowledge this officially) is that man suddenly allowed to go by the female physical fitness test scores? It reminds me of the “transgender” boy in Connecticut who competed in female track and field events and – I hope you’re sitting down for this – was blowing the competition away. No shit, huh? That sort of thing in the military would likely give the “trans” man (masquerading as a female) a leg up in promotions. With everyone complaining about “fair” you think that would matter, but ideology trumps fair in this case. With all that in mind, I can only see McCain doing this as a way for him to bask in the adulation of a loving media (guess he doesn’t remember how they treated him once he clinched the Republican nomination for president) before he leaves the scene. I just can’t see another reason why. If… Read more »
People seem to forget that the only people who hate Trump near as much as the senior Democrats are the senior Republicans.
Fair point.
Perhaps this is one of those occasions when you salute the uniform, not the man.
“Any member of the military who meets the medical and readiness standards should be allowed to serve ”
Which leaves TGs out and proves the point of his opposition. dumbass
Dumbass is an understatement for John McCain…
I see John McCain as yet another living example of why we need Congressional Term Limits.
Unfortunately, that would require a Constitutional Amendment. That’s a high hurdle to clear.
We have the numbers right now to do it if republicans got on the same page. Problem is many of those supposed republicans are anything but and just Democraps in sheeps clothing. Like McCain.
More likely, many of those Republicans like their job security and 98% re-election rate and don’t want to have to go find “real” jobs to do.
No way in hell they are going to vote themselves out of a job.
The only way to get term limits is through an article 5 convention and that’s another pie in the sky.
Convention of States
With all due respect, John McCain spent many years as a POW subjected to torture and other indignities. All the while while someone had to be servicing that rich attractive wife of his. So you should address him with the respect earned. That would be Senator former POW and American hero whose wife was long dicked by someone who had sense enough to stay home after Hanoi Dumbass, Sir!!
I’m not sure if you were being sarcastic or I’m missing something (which happens often) but McCain divorced his first wife upon return from captivity. She had been horribly and permanently crippled in a car wreck and I suspect was not being serviced by anyone. McCain then moved on to his current wife. Read what you will into what that might reveal of his character.
Current wife whose daddy left her the largest beer distributorship in AZ which her son manages. Just read an article about it. I forgot about him divorcing his first wife. WAR STORY ALERT: Don’t know if I met her when I was at CINCPAC working on his father’s staff in J01. Met his mother a couple of times and flew back to DC with his father who treated this NCO really good.
McCain admitted that he was the one who went out on his wife when he came back. He is the one who was unfaithful to her. Make of that what you will.
I feel so bad that McCain has cancer. Its not fair to the cancer.
Oooooh bad….funny bad
” So you should address him with the respect earned.”
And you should address her with the respect she has earned, if not the common decency we owe to one another as civilized people.
“John McCain would later say, “My marriage’s collapse was attributable to my own selfishness and immaturity more than it was to Vietnam”
As far as I am concerned, his behavior as a POW was commendable, but that does not excuse any bad behavior in other circumstances.
And you, unless you have evidence supporting your slander, deserve no respect at all.
How Exactly does it leave TG’s out? Current research points to transgenderism being a brain imbalance and not a Psychological illness and TG’s have been serving openly in Combat Zones as part of the Canadian Military, The British Military, and The Israeli Defense Force among others. We’re behind the times on this one. Just because you have a moral hangup on the idea of Transgenderism doesn’t make them any less fit to serve than you are.
Which is why Mattis was taking 6 fucking months to do the study on it. McCain is playing bullshit politics with this and purely wasting time instead of doing his job.
As well, Our military is larger than all three of those militaries combined. One of which is a conscripted army because they need everyone to serve.
At the end of the day, just because it works in those countries doesn’t mean it will work here. Why? Because we do a lot of shit that they DONT do that works quite well. Should they change how they function because “we” do it better?
Obama and Carter did this to RUSH it in at the last minute while they could because they are scumbag politicians, plain and simple. Obama had an agenda of liberal feel good bullshit to implement and did it, especially to the military that he also worked hard to reduce drastically. (To the current detriment of our capabilities and functionality with all the missions we are holding down.)
This previous “EO” was nothing more than a “do something!” action without any thought into it, other than “because it’ll make me feel good!” and most especially for Obama, “Because it’ll make people like me more!”
Again, Mattis is on it and taking the time to figure it out. McCain is just grandstanding.
CA_SGT I don’t think any of us have a moral hangup on them. We have a hangup on them trying to shove their lifestyle and sexual perversions off on us and our families. Forcing grade schools to teach anal intercourse and accept them using our daughters bathrooms. All being done with the governments blessings. I served 30 years in the USMC and could give a crap less about what they did on liberty or the privacy of their own homes. I’m not buying the trash they’re trying to sell nor am I buying people like you with an agenda. They can be anything they want to be just don’t try and make me accept it. Live your life and keep your mouth shut.
“Current research points to transgenderism being a brain imbalance”
you mean like Bipolar I, Schizophrenia, OCD, PTSD, Anorexia Nervosa, Pedophilia, Bulemia …and everything else in the DSM-V, since all brain function is a matter of biochemistry?
In that realm, so is every form of aberrant human behavior including murder to and mooning.
Yeah…that’s just popping smoke in favor of political agenda. 🙂
Wait, mooning is a brain imbalance? Shit, don’t tell my chain of command please. I don’t wanna get kicked out before I retire.
“Wait, mooning is a brain imbalance?”
By the standards of biological psychology yes, it is. The act of mooning is a limbic system based behavior that is saturated in dopamine. The same pathways from which spring behaviors like addiction, perversion, sadism, exhibitionism etc etc.
It’s a slippery slope that turns every person’s behavior no matter how seen by society as the result of physiology…lawyers love biological psychology.
Mooning hell, can I blame the times me and my friends went streaking in my younger days on that, especially on New year’s Eve?
Dial 1-800-BIO-SYKE
Call now and talk to the most accommodating mental health professionals on the planet.
Remember, it’s not your fault.
The shrink society, I forget the acronym, has straight out said that gender dysphoria is a mental illness issue. And to be a tranny full bore, you have to take a bunch of drugs to keep you from reverting, sort of, to your real gender self, so, no, they ain’t deployable at all. Some are not even fully capable of unlimited duty.
APA: American Psychiatric Association
Canadians couldn’t stop a Boy Scout Troop from Fargo
The British can’t stick their asses in the air fast enough to take it from the Muslim Invaders they have surrendered their country to without a shot
The Israeli’s are small enough that they have to take everyone they can get their hands on as it seems the rest of the world doesn’t have the balls to help defend them
You want to try another example?
Service to your country does not excuse all further actions. McCain is a piece of shit and should have been run out of DC long ago.
John McCain should have been put out to pasture after he lost the 2008 election to President Trump’s predecessor.
At least Harry Reid finally retired. McCain should’ve taken the hint.
VERY true!!!!
Harry Reed had the mob to help encourage him to exit – or so it is said!!
Juan McPain’s cancer isn’t vicious enough…..he’s not dead yet.
I can fix this.
If they’ve already had it done and they’e content with themselves, fine. Let them serve.
If they haven’t had it done, they can serve as the sex they were born with, and no freebies medical assistance. If they’re taking hormones, they pay for it themselves. And no deployments. (What? We still need people as REMFs, desk jockeys, and POGs, don’t we?)
If they haven’t had it done and expect the military to pay for it, absolutely not. Period.
No cross dressers, either. My underwear is mine. I paid for it. They can buy their own.
And do let’s remember that both Evelyn and Beverly were once considered names for both women AND men. Don’t believe me? Look it up.
Also, I strongly recommend requiring women to register for Selective Service if they REALLY want REAL equality.
Last but not least, reinstate the draft. Then we’ll see just how many TG REALLY want to serve in the military. In fact, I think every able-bodied human 18 or over should be required to put in a minimum of 3 yrs AD full time, period. In addition, since some of us geezers are quite capable of answering phones correctly, taking and conveying literate messages with correct information and already understand military protocols, I see no reason that if/when a real war fires up, we should be denied a return to AD if we request it, if only to fill desk jobs. Someone has to hold down the fort, you know.
As a P.S., recalling old farts to AD would shut up a hu-u-u-ge lot of the phonies, in my view.
Negative. If you’re not deployable, you’re not needed by any branch of the military. There are more than enough non-deployables to handle rear detachments now, we don’t need to create a new branch to suit the SJW howler monkeys.
Okay, then, they deploy with everyone else, with they understanding that they’re first in the line of fire.
After all, if they’ve had it done, they can’t reproduce so no breeding stock is lost, right?
I’m just saying it’s a way to weed out those who actually want to serve and those who think it’s a free ride for unnecessary medical treatment.
And I am sticking with asking us older vets to return if we want to. I can man a desk and answer phones. I’ve been told I have a very nice phone voice.
“Okay, then, they deploy with everyone else, with they understanding that they’re first in the line of fire.”
I myself came back in after a NINE YEAR break in service with the knowledge that doing so would get me deployed to the Middle East which was FINE BY ME because that was EXACTLY what I wanted, an opportunity to get sent to their turf and make life for them as much of an absolute HELL ON EARTH as they would let me!!!
Isaiah 6:8…
Ooooh funny, did you really mean to handle the Rear Detachments! How about make them all tail gunners?? I’m sure we can find jobs for them? Hand grenade catchers maybe??
I had a wonderful year as a rear detachment 1SG. Nearly put me in rehab. Most of non deployables were able to deploy at a later date, some were for legal issues, some health related. There are actual, legitimate support functions the rear D performs for the deployed troops. We don’t need to create a special snowflake rear d unit to do that.
so I can hear the following:
“Sir, I am sorry to report your grandson was killed in battle two days ago”
“You, the guy with a mustache wearing the WAC uniform – why weren’t you deployed in his place?”
Uh, cuz I am confused about whether to sit when I piss or not.”
Tell me that is what you want to hear. A profile is one thing, a full-time desk job because you’re confused?
Can you read?
I said ‘if they haven’t had it done, they serve as the sex they were born with’. Clearly, that solves your issue. And make all the jokes you want to, but none of them are confused about sitting or standing.
Except for the whole delusional facet to their personality…but when has a psychiatric delusion ever impacted behavior adversely?
Go ahead…put your blinders back on now. 🙂
But you’re missing the point, Doc. I thought I was being clear.
– If they’ve had it done, fine.
– If they haven’t had it done, they go serve as what they were born with. If they’re on hormones, they pay for that. It’s their problem.
This is if they REALLY want to serve. It would sort out who does want to and who just views it as a free ride for medical bennies.
“But you’re missing the point, Doc”
Nope, I’m certainly not. You are. You are missing the multiple realities which are unaffected by you opinion.
Yes, you are, but that’s okay. I still love you. I just have to be more patient with you.
Explain things in words of one syllable or less. Get a Tiki god interpreter or a surf bunny – something.
I still respect your opinion I just don’t agree with it based on my training and experience. 🙂
Then we do see things the same way, even though you don’t think so.
This^^^. Ex hit the nail right on the head – how many of them would be willing to serve if they first of all had to sign away any medical responsibility for the Armed Forces or the VA?? I’m sorry, but my impression is that the loudest crying ones are the ones that want the Military to pay for their surgery and treatment since it’s part of the few things that the military still has. As far as McCain goes, he really needs to retire and go be a pain in the ass elsewhere.
Duane, could you please explain it to IDC_SARC for me? I didn’t say I WANT it. I was simply proposing a viable plan aimed at sorting out those who want to serve and those who just think they’ll get freebies.
sometimes you just have to say no…no is used a lot… everyday when people want to join the armed forces.
40% suicide rate, even in those who are happy they had “the surgery”…
Ho Lee Fukk….that’s funny. The only justice here is if you got your wish and suddenly had to manage the mess you made. 🙂
OK, but historically, gays and TGs have served without issues. You’re assuming that TGs can’t adapt to the military culture. I’d say that the historic record says otherwise.
Besides, McCain is just doing this to get attention and we all know it.
Ask any military psychiatric practitioner about your assumption regarding “without issue”
and I wasn’t laughing at just your ideas about TGs…your geezers on the phone, REMFs, and draft positions are equally unbelievable.
Yeah, okay, but listen up, Doc. Some day, you’re going to be a geezer – maybe not in YOUR eyes, but in someone else’s view. And you will be told to step aside, whether you like it or not, probably under protest, too, and find yourself wondering what you did to deserve that.
again…not my point at all. I retired and now work with active duty troops every day. There are plenty of ways to “serve” without restructuring and otherwise impeding good order and discipline within the forces.
Like making sure they have a normal budget each year to plan with?
If only Congress was “serving” the country.
IDC SARC, D0 you hear” oh you are Old Corps, Sir”. Guess what rank you joined? Semper Fi Joe
“Guess what rank you joined?”
You seem to have misunderstood my comment.
Semper Fi
Who says they have served, historically, without issues. Until commander 0 used his pen and phone, they didn’t serve at all. Unless, you are talking about the handful of females that pretended to be males until they were discovered. But then they were promptly removed from the service. And, obviously they were an issue. I think, PH, you never served with any transgenders, so you are just letting your “feelz” control what you are writing.
Whoa! Hold on there, Big Fella.
No “feelz” on my part. I can’t stand those people. I think they are a full box of screws short.
They HAVE served historically, because they did NOT bring up the subject. If they were caught, they were discharged. Neither am I referring to women cross-dressing as men.
All I was doing in my list up above is setting conditions for service for these people, as a means of finding out whether or not they’re serious about it and nothing else. The military is not and should never be viewed as a free ride for elective medical treatment. If that were the case, I might have asked for — oh, never mind.
Well, I don’t think anyone is saying we should immediately discharge everyone who is trans and is quietly serving without making an issue out of their mental disorder. But, that is quite different from saying that trannies have a right to serve in the military and we should be enlisting them on demand. This is nothing but another Alinskyite bullshit agitprop issue intended to divide us and spread chaos.
Okay, it goes like this:
MEPS guy: Male or female.
Prospect: Ummm.
MEPS guy: Okay, straight, gay or TG?
Prospect: Oh! TG.
MEPRS guy: (which way does the wind blow with this one?) Male or female as born?
Prospect: But I’m transitioning.
MEPS guy: I don’t care. Have you had it done, and are you on meds?
Prospect: No.
MEPS guy: Sign this waiver.
Prospect: What’s it for?
MEPS guy: We don’t do the transition for you. Neither does the VA. If you lose your pecker in combat, we’ll give uou a new fake one or a catheter and a bag, but that’s all.
Prospect: But I thought —
MEPS guy: Nope. Sign the waiver. Next.
Prospect: Well, I don’t want to do this any more.
MEPS guy: Fine. Next.
then later a disproportionately common scenario occurs with a mental health professional behind closed doors…often after unfortunate circumstances or disciplinary actions
Well after reading down this far in the comments I agree mostly with Ex-PH2. Seeing I am Transgendered and I don’t want anyone paying for anything for me. I have served in the military for 12 years honorably with combat action. I agree in this country went to war their will be a lot of those who will not want to go and lots will be draft dodgers if the draft is started up again regardless of what sexuality they are. I also know there will be a lot of people crying saying why can’t these or those people risk their lives like all of us in the military if they enforce a ban on any group. must it will be from those who want the ban as they will be there in the line of fire protection those they banned. I agree if you haven’t had the surgery then you go in as it says on your birth certificate without the military paying for the surgery. People can save up their pay and pay for themselves. as for the time needed to take off for the surgery every branch gives 30 days leave a year and it can be carried over each year to have enough time to recoup from the surgery to not interfere at all with man power time. I also agree its none of anyone else’s business. I myself would re-enlist just like I did the first time just to serve my country and protect the people of this country I didn’t serve for any benefits and I don’t expect any special treatment but I do expect to be treated with the same respect any person who serves deserves.
Proud US NAVY Veteran 1979 – 1991 Honorable Discharge
It isn’t about what you and any individual wants. It is about what is best for the Armed Forces.The Armed Forces doesn’t need mentally ill people any more than they need diabetic, the blind, or people otherwise needing special consideration or entering with mental, physical or moral impediments.
Military service is viewed by many as just another social welfare program that their “entitled” to. For a long time recruiters pushed it, extolling all the benefits you could get and how Uncle Sugar would take care of you, “learn a skill that will give you a career!” What you want comes behind the needs of the country, that’s why it’s called service, not self-service.
The best way to get people to want something is tell them they can’t have it.
You’re still claiming that huh? Along with your “WESTPAC” Combat experience?
Your Red Flags don’t go away just because you stopped throwing your last name up too. lol
Oh and once again, you didn’t “Transition” while you were in uniform, that you claim to have been wearing at one point.
Same as Beck, you waited until after to do so, which is a huge difference.
And if having to use your “own” accrued leave is something Mattis determines is a worthwhile COA, then good deal. I doubt that “the they” will find that acceptable or ‘fair’ to that tiny little group.
That also wouldn’t cover any other “medical” appointments and necessities which would take time away from the mission/tasks of the service members that OTHER service members will have to accomplish for them.
Here comes “Marci” with the same old talking points…
BTW, “Marci”… you can only carry 60 days on the books – need a waiver to carry more than that over. And, where did you see your “combat action”?
I think we have heard all this before. Were you ever able to grasp this when you were in the service, that YOU DON’T COUNT while in? The military as a whole is what counts, and accomplishing the mission. Did you get butchered to be all you could be while in, or did you do it when you got out? If you were a dude wearing dude clothes the entire time you were in, you WERE NOT A TRANSGENDER IN THE SERVICE.
I’m still waiting to hear what command you were attached to when you got that CAR.
Why aren’t you telling us that, pray tell?
Well surely you remember the stampede of patriotic gays when DADT was repealed right?
That all “just wanted to serve their country”
Recruiters were overwhelmed by the flood of gay patriots. It was in all the newspapers, surely you remember it.
That had to form a whole new regiment, The Fighting 69th. /sarc.
The whole trans thing has nothing/nada/zip/zilch to do with serving. It’s all about pushing a political agenda.
You may want to think again.
Perhaps a USMC unit would be more appropriate, then you would have someone to dance with.
Been a long time since someone brought up Evelyn Waugh.
Hat Tip!! Don’t forget Marion. My uncle, a guinea from Rhode Island, had that name. Great guy.
McCain is just bitter he did not get elected. He is just like Killary. He cannot fathom how the people could come together and elect Trump and not him. Just a bitter old fool throwing wrenches at Trumps machine. That’s how he is really starting to be seen.
still say he announced his senility when he chose Palin…
McCain does show flashes of integrity once in a while.
Go fuck yourself Joe.
Hey Joe, I see you’ve taken a break from your coloring books to come and troll.
Hey, Joey, how about you step up to personally lead the first tranny infantry company. You will be held personally responsible for any and all lapses in performance or readiness. Put your money where your mouth is and demonstrate your expertise.
Joey is the reason I said ‘reinstate the draft, for men and women both.’
and we will always wonder which category Joe would fit in
And Joe the Boulder Bigot stops by to spew his views once again.
Fuck you, Joe…
I notice you actually didn’t say this was one of those times, Joe. 🙂
Ummm…. I don’t post here much. Why is everybody mad at Joe? Just curious.
Joe is a libtard bigot that only does drive-by posting… claims that he’s “retired” and lives in Boulder. Loves to come and troll…
Then perhaps we should all just ignore him. He might go away then.
I agree but those don’t outweigh all of the other stuff he says and does.
Were was all this commitment to stoping the president when Obama was in the White House, lots of talk from McCain and fellow republicans but never any action… SERIOUSLY WTF !!!! Is going on here!!!
Poli meaning “many”
Tics meaning “Blood sucking parasites”
That is what is going on here.
Hognose? He is greatly missed.
Definitely, but I don’t think he originated that.
McCain has led a pampered and protected life of nepotism by virtue of his Admiral Grandfather and Admiral Father. Yet, he still tarnished the silver spoon he was born with and his family name (Forestal, Betrayal, arming Middle East Terrorists).
One must have integrity, honor and earned respect to possess humility.
Something McCain has never had, it showed when he ran for president.
Screw McCain.
Yep, screw ol’ Songbird
UMM McCain only made 0-6 and lucky he was not busted and kicked out.
I’ve read accounts saying that the only reason he wasn’t drummed out is that his Daddy was an Admiral.
If that part about “Any member of the military who meets the medical and readiness standards should be allowed to serve — including those who are transgender,”Is included there, that is actually a good thing. None of them are. If they are taking all the meds they need to complete and maintain their mutation, they are not able to deploy or even be on full unlimited duty, thus should be forced out. And if they did this voluntarily, thus limiting their ability to perform their duties it should be considered the same as a self inflicted wound, and they get a bad paper discharge.
We all know what opinions are like.. but here’s mine, FWIW:
We’re told they need to transition because otherwise they are desperately unhappy and screwed up. So serving would be a bad thing. Post transition they need a tailored drug and counseling program to ‘viably’ stay in their chosen sex, which would require special drug treatments etc… again, a bad thing. Other service members will be seen as needing training and classes to ‘understand and appreciate’ these folks…at a cost of 1.2 million serving times however many hours. That’s wasted training time. Now during the length of time available to join, most reliable estimates place the number of TG as between 2,000 and 7,000 people… a tiny fraction of the overall forces. Where is the benefit?
Oh and Marci – say the TG saves up and gets the transition on their own dime – are they fully recovered within the max leave they can take? Or do they require a profile? Who picks up the slack? And if they do that – ALL of their records will require adjustment to fit the new reality. Their new sex may restrict where they can be stationed. Theirs, and others’, career paths may need to be revised…how do you cover such costs?
McCain is a RINO
I also miss weapons man