Diomonte Demetrius Jean; phony PJ, Marine

Some folks in the Air Force PJ community ran into this guy, Diomonte Demetrius Jean, when he tried to join their social media group.

When they called him out, he presented them with this letter, supposedly from his commander;

He also claims that he was a Marine;

Yeah, but no. He was in Air Force Junior ROTC once;

The Air Force and the Marine Corps never heard of him;

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
That letter of recommendation certainly convinced me. He’s just a notch below Jesus Christ on the amazing scale.
That his training procedures could save the lives of future veterans is nothing short of miraculous. Plus; that task requires the “precise coordination material assets”, is monumental in it’s scope.
And that he was able to improve the internal processes of his occupation? Well, we all know how hard that can be. I mean, the internal processes are just so much harder than the external ones, I think we could all agree.
Oh, Demetrius; you write just as well as you pose.
Ex-Lax and cod liver oil both work quite well on internal processes, too.
I wouldn’t love this guy in any caliber. I never had any Commanding Officer say they loved me. Looked over all my Fitness Reports, nope…not one person ever said they loved me.
I tried to follow the Jack Lambert code, never cared if they loved me…I just made sure they respected me.
A Marine in PJ’s should probably be left alone. I had a Marine that wore giant carrot slippers every morning. Everyone knew he was crazy, but when the shit hit the fan he was the first to step up, slippers and all.
His name was Dan Brozovich and he finished his military service on October 18, 2006 in Ashraf, Iraq. He was KIA. Since Dan is unable to directly speak about the caliber of Mr. Jean, I will speak for him.
Choke on a bag of dicks Jeanie, you could never fill a set of carrot slippers…loser.

One of those tell tale signs of a bad forgery. The fake letterhead that shows the 18th Wing and 31st Rescues Sqdn being an Air Combat Command (ACC) vice PACAF unit.
I also doubt a Capt is the commander of a flying squadron in todays Air Force unless things have changed since I retired.
Also, this ole former 70270 has to ask, has the Air Force changed their letter format where the signature block is now on the right of center and not the left margin?
With regard to the signature block,
Yes they have changed to that.
A 702! Haven’t seen that designation in years. I miss the old AFSCs. I’m surprised the Air Force hasn’t gone to calling them MOSs by now.
You’re right.
The new commander is Major Matthew McGuinness. The change of command was June 10th.
(Disregard, that link is from 2015)
Hmmm, I wonder if Captain Vince was a Mustang since he claims 17 years service, but is only an O-3.
Can anybody say “Passed over eight times, but still on active duty as a Squadron Commander”?
But at least Captain Vince loves having men based on their “caliber”.
1989; Med cruise; attached to ship as OIC of 6 man team; out in the middle of the Mediterranean leaning on the side rail.
A youngster, 3rd year USNA student assigned to ship for 6 weeks. Starts a conversation with me. Asks me how old I am,”33″, I responded. When did you join the Navy, “1972”, I responded. You could tell he was doing the math. You’ve been an Ensign since 1972 he exclaims. I just pointed at the tattoos on my arms and told him, “Don’t ever get any of these.” Then I turned and walked off.
The look on his face was classic. Wish I had a hidden camera. Never did tell him I had gotten a direct commission in 1987, and was putting on my silver bar in less than a week.
I still get a good chuckle from that memory.
AF Jr ROTC is some baddass shit. I don’t even want to think of the things he has seen.
Marching in two Founders’ Day parades can easily give a man the PTSD.
I’ll have to check the Global for the good Captain and the Airman on Monday and see what that shows.
I have had a couple mustang sqdn commanders, in fact two of the better ones had started out a Marines before seeing the light and coming over to the Air Force. As my father the 26 year Marine said, if you want to fly airplanes then go in the Air Force it is their primary job.
Ditto…would like to see what JPAS says as well but I’ve got no way to get their socials.
The Capt appears to be a CRO with a rescue squadron out at Davis Monthan; according to the global. He looks way to young to have 17 years of service. But… I’ll go with the SrA = NCO remark as a dead giveaway. Amongst all the other bullshit.
Diomonte Demetrius
— sigh —
And he claims to be a Marine.
Oh. Hell. No.
Diomonte Demetrius Jean (Manning) has a basic Name Scrabble (Home Version) score of 44.
Double, Triple or Quadruple multipliers may be applied at your discretion.
Thanks Claw!
You’re Welcome, Sir.
As per the unit motto of the outfit (15th Infantry) that both Jonn and I served in at the same time (35 plus or more years ago):
“Can Do”
With the Special Operations Battalion of the 1st Marine Division, no less!
I believe that would actually be the 1st RAIDER BN, and that would have been known as the 1st Special Operations COMMAND before that.
The guy can’t read or write apparently.
Well, Diomonte wants to be famous, so here are his 2 Mugshots records…he was recently arrested on 25 May 2017:
Also, there IS a Capt Vince Koziol who was the 31st Rescue Squadron flight commander in 2015.
In flying units its a big difference between being the flight commander and the squadron commander.
Some of us were flight commanders after being passed over for promotion, but I don’t recall a sqdn commander on G series orders retaining command.
Are you sure he doesn’t belong in the feel good stories section of the blog?
Hopefully Claw will come up on the net here this morning and give us a total score for ‘Diomonte Demetrius’ from the official TAH Name Scrabble (Home Version) game.
“Dynomite Demolitionus” (as JJ on Good Times would say it) which accurately captures what has happened to whatever shred of respect anyone had for him…and for that mugshot photo, another one for the illustrated edition of The Bell Curve
SMSgt says WTF?!?!?
FIRST, a SrA is not and NEVER has been a Non-Commissioned Officer. Sgt used to be E-4 and then in the 1990s the deleted it and made SrA E-4 BUT ib this era, until you hit E-5 SSGt, you are NOT and NCO you fucking douche gargler.
Second, as the USAF Retired has pointed out, Unless this fucktard was stationed at Kadena AB, Okinawa Japan, as was I from 1984-86, you aren’t part of the 18th Wing, as I was in 18th Trans.
The 31st Rescue Sq IS at Kadena and is part of 5th AF and PACAF.
You don’t BOLD shit in a official document and then change fonts (Yeah, I’ve had to type shit like this)
A SrA would never be leading “Hundreds of people and coordinating numerous government agencies” not to mention, this fucking diatribe was written about 8 weeks ago?
Diomonte, If I were your NCO, I’d Cunt Punt you all the way back to the US of A and personally squeeze your narrow ass between the bars of Leavenworth, however since you were never in the military, this is a non sequitur.
Typos because this fucknozzle made me so pissed off I couldn’t even type straight LOL
I hereby make a motion for Diamonte Demetrius Jean to receive The Official TAH Wall of Insults®™.
Well dickweeds, because I’m online and on TAH on this weekend, MOTHERFUCKER GETS IT. TAH Robert’s Rules enacted and preemptively launched (Thanks to you guys) I take PERSONAL ISSUE WITH YOU Diamonte Demetrius Jean YOU ARE LESS THAN THE SHIT THAT COMES OUT OF MY MRE EATING ASS!!! You better realize you got me on a day that I WOKE UP ON THE FUCKING WRONG SIDE OF THE BED YOU CUM STAIN VAGINAL SLUG. If it were up to me, I’d bend you over so hard I’d stuff your head so far up your ass, you’d see daylight through your BELLY BUTTON. Don’t. YOU. *EVER* Disrespect. MY. PJ’s. Or. MY. United. States. AIR. FORCE. *EVER* **AGAIN**!!! Wall of Insults®™ FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!! TACTICAL NUCLEAR ROUND OUT!!!! DANGER CLOSE!!!! MOPP LEVEL 4!!! TAKE COVER!!!!! Diamonte Demetrius Jean, is NOT an Air Force PJ, (more like he gives BJs! ) (Jr ROTC Doesn’t count, BITCH!!), NOT a Marine, NEVER SERVED, SMSgt, Chip Should Bury His Foot, side 11 BOOT, Up Your Ass Up To My KNEE!!!!, ALLEGEDLY, but not confirmed or proven, but in some people’s opinion, works balls, tickles taint and tongue punches hobo’s crusty fart boxes all, I Guess, while being a syphilitic, turd-sucking feces factory, Bitch-ass Fuckstick guzzler, pile infested, onion-eyed flapmouthed butt-bailiff, “Fowl” mouthed Chicken fucker, moral equivalent of pond scum, THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS A WALKING TURD, inflamed, “Towel boy” in a gay bath house, Ambulatory verbal dissembling anus, gaping ass fungus nugget, Cambodian cunt sauce, ball working asshole, Poster-child for abortion, Swallowing Spoo Sampler, shit tonguing, munching wanktoaster, cock gobbling, lientery steatorrhea, sperm burping, tit, sniveling, codpiece licking toilet seat sniffer, lying, taintpimple, Pillow bitin pickle smoocher, Bowl of ass soup, Festering fuckwart on a sewer rat’s ass, Satan even said about you, “Boy is this guy a DICK!, Sparklepony, worthless, Vice Admiral of the Narrow Seas, More worthless than rubber lips on a woodpecker or tits on a boar hog, moldy bowl of ratshit, would wear Richard Simmons’ used jockstrap as a facemask, useless bag of monkey fuck, rancid floor buffer wax spreader, both of… Read more »
How about “lying bucket of Chihuahua shit” for future deployment?
OK Got it. I only have 1 instance of “Lying” in the document so I’ll add
“bucket of Chihuahua shit” to that phrase
“lying bucket of Chihuahua shit”
has been added,
IF, in are in a thread and you see me and you don’t see something you want included to the
Wall of Insults®™
Let me know and I’ll edit/add as is appropriate.
I am only a lowly curator, not the inventor, but the host to the
Wall of Insults®™
A living and breathing TAH entity as long as Jonn allows it.
I’ve tried to make it a slightly democratic post and not a recurrent idiom, so be it.
(Thanks Jonn for putting up with our fun!)
Motion to add Chicken Fucking Chickenfucker
I suggest “Poodlefucker”.
Because I don’t like poodles, I’m going to make it “Poodle Raper”
Or “stack of cum-stained hadji sheep shit”!
“sheep” is noted twice and has been edited/upgraded
Good Morning you hemorrhoids,
I got drunk dialed by 2 of my Chiefs (Retired E-9s)who were at Solomon’s Island having a bit of a Squadron Reunion last night and I was not able to be there.
nota bene to them and all at TAH, I am SINGLE (Hello LADIES!!) and more than that a single DAD. not heavy on the details but I have it all, kids house retirement and such.
That being said, the Wall of Insults®™ goes on.
I will add these as is appropriate and press on.
Have a great Sunday!!.
I move to add needle dick bug fucker to the wall
Thank You Kim Jong UN!BITCH
I think you left out “poopy head”.
So Simple yet so effective, I added it to “, Poopy Headed ball working asshole”
How about “Blows winos behind bus stops for a nickel and gives change “?
OK I totally LOL’d
OK This is mine,
Bernath: “Hey!!! I made $505 giving blow jobs at the truck stop bathroom.”
Random Dude: “Who gave you $5
Bernath: “All of them!!!!”
Diomonte in my ass.
That’s not the same Diomonte who sang with the Bronx, NY Belmonts singing group!!!!
Apparently, Diomonte Demetrius Jean, phony Airman/Marine, didn’t live up to that description. If Diomonte Demetrius Jean had the knack for looking at problems from multiple angles, and coming up with courses of actions that’d allow him to meet or exceed his objectives, he wouldn’t have any bad involvement with the law… unless bad involvement with the law was his objective. 🙄
I know about this kid, He recently moved in his new neighborhood .
A kid by the name of Keandric Daniels who was supposed to have been his his God mother’s son friend stole out her house, Diomonte goes to gun shows and the gun range with friends and family and was going to take the kid along with him as well the kid was apparently involved in a incident Diomonte didn’t know about.Keandric lived in his neighborhood and was involved in stolen weapons, grand theft so on and so fourth; the kid is now facing a murder charge a local officer lives down the street from him who works for the Department of Florida City and says “he is a great kid never says much, works out all time around the neighborhood, play sports, a great artist and the kids look up to him and focused on college.” Keandric Daniels supposedly claim the gun was his dad’s and he can use it at the gun range which they were on their way to untill a officer spotted Keandric and held them in custody on the spot. Diomonte having the guns in his bag pack was charged with one open carry on a firearm and stolen property for the other fire arm. You guys can contact him or friends and find out, He also runs Spartan Races and attend other big or local events.
I sent him a gentle IM
“If I were you, I’d take down your USAF crap before you regret it. Also, I’d suggest you apologize for claiming something you’re not.
You are NOW internet FAMOUS.
LOL Let’s see what happens.
I don’t think this doorknob is smart enough to understand the shit storm he’s unleashed.
Someone Else also bombed his FB page with the TAH link. LOL
With all of these phonies exposed in the past two days, this song just popped into my head…..
(with apologies to Joe Egan,Gerry Rafferty and their band Stealers Wheel)
At some point these bags of anal leakage will figure out they’re not the smartest people in the room, even if they’re alone.
Until then, weapons free!
I was in Army JROTC before I enlisted. JROTC was so bad-ass it should’ve been made the ONE and ONLY branch of the U.S. Armed Forces. I’m talking serious bad-ass here…///
I was ROTC at U of MD until someone forgot to tell me YOU STILL NEEDED 3 YEARS OF COLLEGE LEFT TO GRADUATE TO BE ELIGIBLE. (Stupid fucking counselors)
Funny thing, was I was a SSgt in the AF Reserve with 10 years in and my FIRST SERGEANT’S son was in my class. LOL
Complete accident.
These kids were so ate up and every once and a while I had the opportunity to tell them what it is really like (Post DS/DS) Talk to REAL NCO LMFAO Good times, good times. (I had to tell my 1st Shirt’s son not to blow my cover too much!)
I was like 29/30 at the time. HA
I seen this, We even spoke with the guy in person. He was in Fort Worth Texas, with a Army Recruiter and a couple of his friends who were all doing fitness testing at this local park. We asked him about it and even spoke to his friends which they either was in on his like or really was telling the truth. Doesn’t get on Facebook his account is linked to his Instagram but he has no access to his Facebook anymore, He has another Facebook by the name “Diomonte Manning” they stated He post a lot of pictures only with JROTC, ROTC, Civil Air Patrol or events he may attend. His account was hack and he did report for identity fraud way before the incident, Diomonte admitted he did put Marines on his page a while back when he was younger around 13. They said He really and always admired and wanted to be a Marine he was in contact with a Marine Recruiter once in got in high school but the recruiter was no longer with the recruiters office in South Florida by his Junior year he had left. Now as for the Air Force this letter head they claim was never done by him and they were able to prove that with some messages of whoever was trolling him.I was pissed at first about the kid but if you don’t actually find out for yourself the truth you will never know and just be a blind cat chasing a mice. He did publically apologize for the incident saying it was embarrassing. Now I know how serious stolen valor is but I realized this was just a kid making a stupid mistake if it’s true or not. He had clear evidence and his friends backed him up to the bone.
I know about this kid, He recently moved in his new neighborhood .
A kid by the name of Keandric Daniels who was supposed to have been his his God mother’s son friend stole out her house, Diomonte goes to gun shows and the gun range with friends and family and was going to take the kid along with him as well the kid was apparently involved in a incident Diomonte didn’t know about.Keandric lived in his neighborhood and was involved in stolen weapons, grand theft so on and so fourth; the kid is now facing a murder charge a local officer lives down the street from him who works for the Department of Florida City and says “he is a great kid never says much, works out all time around the neighborhood, play sports, a great artist and the kids look up to him and focused on college.” Keandric Daniels supposedly claim the gun was his dad’s and he can use it at the gun range which they were on their way to untill a officer spotted Keandric and held them in custody on the spot. Diomonte having the guns in his bag pack was charged with one open carry on a firearm and stolen property for the other fire arm. You guys can contact him or friends and find out, He also runs Spartan Races and attend other big or local events.