Weekend open thread
September 8, 2017
Blown Over
Your Shot photographer David Jakob and his friends had big plans for their overnight fishing trip in Norway. After taking snow scooters to their destination, they were taken aback by what they found. “This cabin was supposed to be our shelter for the night,” Jakob says, “but over time, erosion and heavy winds tipped it over.”
Hey, how’s about before you send me tips, you check to see if I wrote about it yet. That story about the three Taco Bell employees who shot up the thieves in Cleveland has been in my inbox about a thousand times, give or take, all after yesterday’s Feel Good Stories featured the link. I’m not mad, I’m just saying don’t advertise that you don’t read the blog, it’s bad for morale around the office.
Category: Open thread
A Request.
A neighbor’s F-I-L is developing Alzheimer disease. Via end of life discussions he indicated he wants to be buried with his VN buddies. As I explained to the neighbor, of which he was aware, it is likely his buddies are all over the country. However the neighbor is wondering if it is possible to find some of his buddies. So my request: are there any veteran organizations that correspond to the following information? He served in Nam with Co B & Co D AvnBn 1st CavDiv(AM) USARPAC as a helicopter mechanic from Apr 68 to Mar 69.
Incidentally this gentleman did well in the service of his country. He enlisted in 1959 and got out in 1972 making E-7 during his 13 years. He had duty stations in Arkansas, Virginia, Germany (591ST TransCo), Viet Nam, and Georgia. I’ve met him and he is a great guy. I would love to help him in his last days and any advice from y’all would be appreciated. I have great respect for the helo guys and those who kept them flying – none of my helo rides ever failed
I’d assume (yeah i know the risk there) that there’s some sort of historian, or “alumni” group for the 1st Cav… I’d think that’d be a good place to start
FF: Thanks, I’ll work that end.
PS: I’ve never tried to post first on the WOT and wasn’t trying today. My apologies to those who go for it.
Actually it’s kinda nice to see an adult post first
Who the hell let adults in here?
David: Haven’t been accused of being an adult – at least according to the bride. This will show her!
Most of these guys fapfapfap the F5 key from 9AM until it post. (not me of course)
Yea, cool to see a legit post first on the WOT.
Easiest place to start (If he knows names):
Possibility though, of getting placed right next to a friend is probably slim to none- space is running out everywhere.
Might want to point out to him that in any National Cemetery, he will be with thousands of his buddies.
When I went to Casualty Notification Officer training a couple years ago, we were told that its about a 6-month wait to get into Arlington based on all the people wanting to get in there.
My experience to date, one being an uncle and another a friend’s father, was about four months. Both were cremated. My uncle was placed in one of newer crypts, and my friend’s father and mother were placed in a grave a few streets from the Visitors Center.
They are either going to have to expand (again) or change to pecking order.
Thanks John I’ll work that end. His memory is going fast, so hopefully he will remember names.
Per John D’s post, If it’s Quantico he chooses, I’ll make sure it’s done proper, and my group does wreath laying there every year. We have a list we add to for photos we post for the families. It over looks areas 6A and 6C where I hunted for many years back in the day. Now they belong to the National Cemetery, I believe. Absolutely gorgeous there. I’ll be resting there sooner than later.
I know its kinda off topic, but 4 years ago my brother passed away and I had a dream about him. He and 5 or 6 other guys were in this room jammin on their pieces, smoking, drinking, having a good time. I stepped in with a Fender Strat and let a rif go by and my brother says, “Tim I didn’t know you could play guitar?” I replied, “Bill, this is heaven, you can do whatever the hell you want.” Those guys looked at me wide eyed and grinned, we went back to jamming..Then I noticed the time and said. “Shit, I’ve got to get back, it’s almost morning.” Bill replied, “You’re welcome back anytime.” “I’ll be back soon enough, see you then.” and I woke up. Cool dream though.
Probably should have mentioned he’s in Abraham Lincoln Nat’l Cemetary…but my minds going.
A great place to start would be the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association (VHPA) or the Vietnam Helicopter Crew Members Association (VHCMA) websites if you were able to pinpoint which Battalion in the 1st CAV he served in. I know of at least three (227th, 228th and 229th) as well as the myriad of CAV Squadrons that were there.
The VHPA/VHCMA websites have links (down to the company/troop level) for almost all of the 1CAV’s Aviation units that were in Vietnam. Most of those links have Died After Tour (DAT) rosters for all members of the companies, both Officer and Enlisted.
Well, not exactly, but first to claim… and here i was originally sad because this was put up while I was taking care of critters..
and dry, I hope.
“I’m just saying don’t advertise that you don’t read the blog, it’s bad for morale around the office.”
I’m offended! Us old farts can’t remember what we had for lunch much less the FGS from 3 hours ago. I’m innocent this time but have been known to do that.
SECOND…missed it by that much. Congrats,Fyrfighter…we had the same time.😉
Thank you very much! and I agree with a poster (i forget who) from a few weeks ago, that said they’d love to see the time stamp down to seconds, or tenths of seconds.. could be fun! lol
You are so welcome….and thank you for being a First Responder to your city/county…you deserve being First!
Nah, It’s just a family tradition, and what the voices in my head tell me to do…
Top 5! Now where is my Participation Trophy?
Okay, then how about Top 6?
During one of the Texas events that I went to, when I was in the Texas State Guard, we ate MREs. My MRE came with a peanut butter packet. I wanted cheese spread instead. I had to hand over the peanut butter packet, and the main meal, in exchange for the cheese spread. I didn’t care, I just wanted the cheese.
Dennis Howard Chevalier
Denny H. Chevalier
How many C-130 spider line rescues did you score while on respond duty in TX?
I did a lot of C-130 Compass calls while at Atropia, fucked those Taliban up while I was at it. In Texas, I didn’t fly any C-130s, unless to do those top secret missions that are classified that required me to leave the state. I did support missions in Atropia, Pineland, Cartona, and other places. In the Guard, I was a bad-ass NCO that everybody worshiped.
Not exactly.
So does that make me 7th or 8th? Top ten is still pretty good I guess.
If you’re in Florida, stay safe. Looks like things are going to get rather sporty this weekend.
Hope Frankie Cee will be ok and others who post on TAH from FL, GA, SC, NC and possibly TN. And yes, even the other two dudes from Florida despite what they did and the hell they put folks thru.
I got the biggest bottle of JD I could find at the store, so I’m set for any and all weather possibilities.
Ranger that!
Jack Daniels by the personalized cask can be purchased at Costco.
Provided you have $9k.
“Jack Daniels by the personalized cask can be purchased at Costco.”
America: Fukk Yeah!
If the JD comes in a carton, does that make it a, “Jack-in-the-Box”?
Not necessarily, but wine in a box is otherwise known as Cardbordeaux.
Yeah everyone keep your heads down! and still wondering where the next one will hit, not gonna be good in any case. My brother is still waiting for inspectors to check out his house near Houston, so he can start rebuilding.
I’m friends with Frankie on FB and it sounds like he will be ok.
Thanks on the update about FC, Twist.
Good news!
I am good. Hadn’t checked in earlier today because I was doing a major repack of my arms, ammo, and accessories. My one bag got to heavy to lift. I bought a couple of 20 inch tool boxes. One for AR-15 magazines, ammo and accessories, and one for .22 and handgun ammo and accessories. Now I can actually carry them. 78 pounds of AR-15 ammo had them a little heavy.
The hell with them “other two dudes”. I hope that when they hit the 7/11 for more MD 20/20, that they park in low ground and their car floods, and as they try to get it started, the cops shoot them for burglarizing an abandoned vehicle. On a brighter note, US Army Ranger School, Class 9-15, Florida Phase, jumped a C-17 into their 10 day FTX yesterday. Swamps, Snakes, Gators and Irma. Rangers Lead The Way!
I like money, so I’m at work.
Next week is mine!!!
Have a good weekend y’all!!
I have no smart aleck numbery response today.
I did hear a rumor that Hillary isn’t president though. And some guy named Bernath is not a lawyer….
Try to keep up. The latest in Hillary news is that her book about the election is due for release this month to be followed by a nationwide tour to promote it. Ticket prices for the tour stops have initially been set at $2400.
According to reviewers with advance copies, Hillary evidently goes into detail about how Bernie wrecked her campaign, The Donald was a creepy stalker because he stood behind her at a debate, and the FBI were being poopie heads about that pesky secret-stuff thing. Mixed in are also poignant anecdotes such as the time Hillary and Huma had a good cry when Carlos Danger got caught being a weenie wagger again.
She also apparently passes along to mere mortals the observation that getting through her post-election crisis has been helped with prayer, yoga, and Chardonnay.
While it’s true the press can often be cruel and driven by scandal, the commentary about the new Clinton book has been remarkably restrained. No reviewer so far, for example, has pointed out the effect of the mental image of Hillary in yoga pants.
Spend 2400 to see Hillary?????
Who the hell wants to spend that kind of change to see her…’specially when over in Kennewick I saw a used BMW R1200RTP (ex-police bike) for 1833! I could get the bike, and still have enough left over to buy some spares, AND take Mrs Dino and the little tankers out to dinner.
Priorities! 🙂
Hope you all are well. For you folks in the path of the Hurricane; all my prayers and thoughts for the best. For those in the burning states; thinking of you too. Knocking on wood, reading the bones and lighting candles that my part of Washington doesn’t burn much more!
Take care and Happy Weekend.
“Spend 2400 to see Hillary?????”
People who are too dumb to realize she no longer has the influence she used to and people dumb enough to believe she has a chance in hell in 2020.
OH, it’s gonna be SO much fun to see her slither out once again in 2020 expecting yet again to be coronated.
MSG and people dumb enough to believe ANYTHING, that lying evil bitch has to say! She is running out of people to blame, Sanders, news media, trump, fbi, geez that broad is NUTS!
I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a mention of TAH, at least in the index list, of all the people who’s fault it is she isn’t president.
Currently on the list, Bill, Chelsea, everyone else in the world. Not on the list, Hillary Clinton.
Imagine walking up at a book signing and asking
Pease autograph this “and I blame (name) too, HRC”.
Of course, with the cameras running and live uplink….
A no-airplane-flying-son-of-a-bitch and shit-house non-lawyer, all in the same person!
You don’t have a smartass response?
Turn in your fish and nuke qual cards.
Taking a day to work from home so I can cut out sheet rock from the parts of the house that got flooded in Harvey. Goddamn, I hate doing that… only been 15 months since I got the place fixed from the Tax Day floods last year. Sad part, we checked the flood plain maps before we moved in, are in no flood plain and the nearest creek is over a mile away. Needless to say, my ideal retirement location will NOT be Houston.
Sorry to hear that David, best of luck to you!
move the electric to the ceiling and replace the sheetrock with blueboard. save the effort next time. just drill holes low along the walls and plug with plastic inserts for drainage
Doesn’t stop the black mold, Tom H. And that stuff can make you seriously sick.
I’m sorry to hear that too, David.
Mudout is a bytch. Hope you have some help nearby.
Tracking Irma, Jose and now Katia since Wednesday. It appears that Irma won’t go up the east coast, after all, but will go north up FL then turn toward KY and dump a lot of rain everywhere. Just glad I live on a hill. What’s next? Earthquakes?
I might get out the frozen beef, make some chili and cornbread, and not take things too seriously. Life’s too short.
Ex-PH2: Earthquake did hit Idaho (isn’t one of us TAH Bloggers from Idaho..a Vietnam Vet?) as well as Mexico.
Since we are still in Hurricane season, the next Hurricane that could happen is name Lee. Yep, LEE. Would be ironic if it hits Virginia.
BTW, excellent reads on NORK.
I think that to avoid any and all dog-whistles of racism and white privilege, instead of Lee, the next hurricane should be name LaTisha… or LaRhonda… or some such…
OOOH, no, wait, i know… La-A
Pronounced LaDasha?
How ’bout LaSqueesha?
You done messed up, A-Aron!
How ’bout say, Shameeka?
Justice? (yes, I saw a young lady at the local Carl’s Jr. with that name).
Thanks, AnotherPat.
Next hurricane name is Lee? That’s Korean, isn’t it?
I don’t know about Korean, but it can’t be announced on ESPN.
Another Pat–except the snowflake basement dwellers are protesting against them naming the hurrican “Lee”, they want it torn down LOL
Remind me to post my chili recipe tomorrow.
Consider yourself reminded. Yeah, I know. Ya asked somebody else to do that, but there’s a hurricane out there! Or it’s the phase of the moon. Or something.
Key West downtown is deserted. Miami Beach apparently still has people who didn’t have the sense to leave when they should have and are trying to figure out how to get out of town.
Live cams are great, aren’t they?
All the Tiny Kittens who were rescued from a wildfire in Canada are getting bigger.
Venice looks great at night, with all the lights on in the harbor.
Top 40! And the hits just keep on coming.
I nominate AGrimm’s friends F-I-L as First for this week.
I second that First!
USAF (ret): That just made my day! I can’t wait to pass it on to the neighbor.
So let it be written, so let it be done.
…To kill the first born Pharaoh’s son
I’m creeping death!
Top 100
Umpteenth and I once again claim Honorary First.
The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) works his balls to a picture of “His Gayness, The Jayness” Big Gay Jay Kerwin as the phone rings off the hook from yet another interested party seeking clarification of his (Phildo’s) Nave SEAL, Native American and Law Enforcement claims.
Maxine is starting to lose it….again.
Poor Maxine.
(Video included)
“Maxine Waters: They Want To Kill Me”
“Wednesday at a House Financial Services Committee hearing on lone-wolf and small-scale terrorist attacks, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) lumped Breitbart News in with white nationalists and other people who she claimed were seeking her demise.
Waters said, “I’m worried about these domestic attacks. As a matter of fact, I was forced to focus on it a little bit yesterday when in my office in Los Angeles one of the people opening the mail opened an envelope, and a bunch of powder fell out with a note about me dying and killing Hillary Clinton and on and on and on. This is getting more frequent, and I know that we have privacy concerns and information sharing and all that.”
She continued, “But I’m wondering what can we do to get a handle, a fix on these lone killers, and not simply just say we throw our hands up and we can’t really do anything because of privacy concerns. And I’m wondering particularly in our finical institutes and banks if questionnaires that do not invade privacy but simply ask questions about what the intentions are for the uses of certain money under certain circumstances. And these people can say whatever they want to, and they can respond in whatever way they want to, but if resources are used to go and commit killings they will have lied on the questionnaire and perhaps that can trigger some kind of actions to begin to prevent this kind of domestic terrorism.”
She added, “I think we should focus on domestic terrorism also. So I would like to ask again, given all that you have said about how difficult it is and about privacy concerns, do you have any thoughts about what can we do to begin to deal with the KKK, the white nationalists, the extremists, the alt-right? They’re on the Internet; they’re Breitbart. If you look at the YouTube, you see how much they want to kill me and others. What can we do?”
To Maxine: The same laws, customs, and Amendments to the US Constitution which allow you to act ignorant in public apply to the rest of us as well.
For instance, when did a member of any of the groups you seem to fear actually kill anyone? I don’t like them either, but we don’t get to deprive folks we don’t like of their rights just because we don’t like them. Meanwhile, there is medication available to help you with your delusions.
Did she have that ‘white powder’ analyzed? Or is she just grandstanding again? She can’t seem to speak the truth, so I wonder how solid her grip on reality can be.
White powder? What if it had been black powder? What then?
Didn’t hear anything about it on the news. If a member of Congress gets an envelope with “white powder” in it, that makes news and the FBI investigates.
So, I call buku bullshit.
The fact that she’s saying these things on the floor is an example of abusing her seat and power by lying her ass off whenever she wants to because she’s speaking as a member of Congress.
The people in her district are just as stupid since they keep her in office. Her, Pelosi, McCain, Reid, etc., are all the epitome of why term limits need to be a thing for Congressional seats in both houses.
“White powder? What if it had been black powder? What then?”
She is an idiot who uses race to stay in office and take home a check.
Why does this foolish person think she’s even important enough to warrant someone wanting to kill her? She isn’t. She’s a big mouth saying anything she needs to say to keep her job – a job she is, to all observable facts, eminently unqualified for.
She’s not worth whatever would be used if someone did, indeed, want to eradicate her.
There is a solution in Maximum waters situation….JUST STFU!!
An update on Stolen Valorist, phony, poser, Kyle Christopher Barwan:
He has absconded from Community Control, telling the people where he lived that he had been released from probation, <<<A Violation<<<.
He and his girfriend went North to Tennessee to her mother and step-father's place. He has been hunting his next couch, and told one person this story: “My probation officer, knowing that I am on trumped up charges told me to get the hell out of Florida because Sheriff Grady Judd and the Polk County Sheriff’s Department wouldn’t pay to have me extradited back to Florida.”
He really, really, needs to have his name used in any commenting about him. He wants, desperately, to be famous and it is up to us to help him. One mention of his name per comment goes so far at Goooooooooooooogle.
Kyle Christopher Barwan must be missing the cockmeat sammiches served to him at the BTJT Deli (Home of the WORLD FAMOUS Cockmeat Sammich) something fierce!
On another note – hope you and your family and friends are not in the way of Hurricane Irma, Frankie…
Looks like the track is shifting west–right over Fort Myers.
C’Est Dommage.
Over Fort Myers??? Oh, that’s where some bad disbarred lawer resides when he’s not busy making an ass of himself.
I wonder if his wife has adequate insurance coverage for their home?
I’m guessing that the home probably isn’t in his name, because of his “stellar” reputation
Isn’t Kyle Christopher Barwan forbidden from leaving the State of Florida?
Kind of a neat irony, isn’t it?
Kyle Christopher Barwan
Kyle Christopher Barwan
Kyle Christopher Barwan
Kyle Christopher Barwan
Kyle Christopher Barwan…….
Is a dink, a dumbass and a felon in search of a free ride, don’t let it be you…
RIP Country Music legend Don Williams.
Also lost yesterday – Troy Gentry of “Montgomery Gentry”:
Damn! RIP, and prayers to his wife and kid
Oh well; ‘a day late, and a dollar short’, as they say.
Hope that everyone on Team TAH has a great weekend, and if you’re affected by Hurricane Irma, best wishes and stay safe.
Speaking of hurricanes, Key West still has a few idiots there. They were out last night at Sloppy Joe’s Barbecue, trying to get in. Apparently, they think that a notice on the door *CLOSED FOR HURRICANE* doesn’t apply to them.
Key West is getting heavy winds now, shaking the live cams. And there are still people there driving around in cars. I guess they think hurricanes don’t apply to them.
Here’s a live view of Duval Street.
In case anyone doubted me, one of our ninjas recorded Ice-T when he told Stern that he was an Army Ranger. The post has been updated.
Never had a doubt…..what a disappointing douchegnard. Even worse that he hasn’t owned up to it.
Let’s get the Guv’mint to send all of the phonies a draft notice for a ultra-top-secret-if-I-told-you-I’d-have-to-kill-you mission. The ones that show up could do battle with an afternoon garden party group whose azaleas had just been trampled. The rest of them can take the next train to hell and be done with it.
My wife made me SOS to bring to work for breakfast this morning. I’m a happy man.
Having flashbacks here. Sat out Hurricane Earl in FL. By the time they figured out that we needed to be outta there, it was too late. At least they found us a solid structure to occupy, with water running through it, from which we could collect our tent pieces the next day.
A good time was had by all. Although, can’t say I enjoyed working on tent recovery after getting no sleep the night prior.
It was morbidly fascinating to watch it all as the eye of the storm came directly over our position. Still grateful it was a very small storm. Don’t want to do it again, though.
I got an e-mail yesterday from a friend who’d been with me in the 101st Airborne in Viet Nam.
With this hurricane in the news, he wanted to know if I remembered when we got hit by Typhoon Hector.
Boy, do I remember!
I was out in it.
But, until he e-mailed me, I didn’t know that typhoon had a name.
Were any of you guys in the 101st Airborne when Typhoon Hector hit Viet Nam?
Typhoon Hester, not Hector. If you’re gonna tell a whopper about being “out in it”, from the confines of the Division Headquarters base camp, at least get the name of the storm right.
We had to be out in it to try and minimize damage as it was happening.
But, what do I know?
I was just an ordinary Specialist Four, E-4, doing what I was told.
Were you there during that typhoon?
I do admit it was a very long time ago, and until I got that e-mail, I hadn’t given any thought to it.
First off, Yes, I was there during the typhoon, 10 miles south of Camp Eagle (where you were) at Phu Bai.
So I’ll try to break it down for you. Camp Eagle and Phu Bai were 120 miles north of where Hester came ashore roughly around Chu Lai on 23 October 1971.
At Phu Bai (closer to Chu Lai than Camp Eagle) we suffered no blown away buildings, hooches or hangars, no helicopter damages due to winds, actually all we got was hard rain and strong winds.
Based on entries from my trip book, normal flight operations were conducted by my company out of Phu Bai on the 21st, 22nd, 24th and 25th of October, so there would have been no reason for you up there at Camp Eagle (being further away from the eye of the typhoon) to have “been out in it trying to minimize damage as it was happening.”
I knew I should never have replied to your initial comment, as it only presented an opportunity for you to add another shovel full of bovine/equine fecal matter to the mix.
And, so like Forrest Gump says, “That’s all I have to say about that.”
Unfortunately, of late JRM has been spouting his tales of daring do. He apparently has forgotten about the photo of himself he posted showing him wrenching on a large non-tactical radio unit inside a permanent building with electrical outlets. Maybe he is just misremembering how windy and rainy it was when he walked from his barracks to the shitter and back.
Everybody knows all those flimsy bunkers built to withstand mortar and rocket attack didn’t have a chance against a typhoon in The Old Republic Of Viet Nam. Personally, I was hoping to be awarded the coveted Typhoon Action Ribbon issued by the government of The Old Republic Of Viet Nam, but was too far south in The Old Republic Of Viet Nam to qualify.
Speaking of nontactical radio unit, JRM, if you are reading this, I am curious about something. Were you ever an 11B or were you always Signal Corps, i.e. Field Radio Repairman? The reason I ask is that I have seen pictures of you wearing the Blue Cord as well as being displayed in your Shadow Box. Also, were you stationed at Fort Campbell when you served? I noticed you wear the Bullwinkle Badge and have that displayed as well. I know Soldiers do change their MOS…so I’m guessing you went to school at Fort Hood and changed your MOS from Signal to Cav or did you do OJT and switch MOS? Thanks, JRM.
When I was at Fort Hood, Texas, my final duty station, I transferred from the Signal Corps into the Cavalry, and while assigned to a Mechanized Infantry unit, completed an On The Job training program to become a Cavalry Scout.
I was never stationed at Fort Campbell.
Tell him the rest of the story. Tell him the truth.
That you are not now and never have been a graduate of the Airmobile/Air Assault School and have been wearing an “Honorary” Air Assault Badge for the past 33 years like it was a certified award.
Tell him. I dare you.
Claw……As you well know my time in the Army was brief. I was with the 1st. Cav and we were airmobile, but I don’t recall any special school during my 11b AIT. When did the Air assault badge come into being? Just curious.
1974. It was at first called the Airmobile Badge and was for local wear only by 101 troops.
In 1978 it was renamed to the Air Assault Badge and was authorized for wear Army wide.
Thanks for the feedbak, JRM. So, if you only changed your MOS from Signal Corps to Cav, that means you were never an 11B. So why do you wear the Infantry Blue Cord in pictures as well as display it in your Shadow Box? And what is the truth about your Bullwinkle Badge? I have never heard of an Honorary Air Assault Badge, JRM. I know that one has to attend the course to wear that badge just as one has to be an 11B to wear Blue Infantry Cords. JRM. So, again, were you an 11B and is it true you never went to Air Assault School?
I earned my 11D20 MOS while serving with the 1/12th Cavalry (Mechanized Infantry), 1st Cavalry Division at Fort Hood, Texas, and it’s on my DD-214, my Form 20, and my 201 File.
At the time, the Scout Platoon was ordered to wear the Blue Infantry Branch Cord, but with Cavalry insignia instead of Infantry.
The Air Assault Qualification Badge is an honorary award presented to me in 1984 (long after I’d left the Army) by the Commandant of the Air Assault School.
Since the wings were pinned to the certificate, I assume they are intended for wear and display.
If there’s an objection to this, then maybe someone should tell the Commandant of the Air Assault School, who presented it, and/or the Commanding General of the 101st Airborne Division, who authorized it, that they were wrong for doing so.
At that time, I was attempting to have those wings awarded to EVERY veteran of the 101st Airborne who served in Viet Nam, but retroactive award of those wings is not authorized.
You said you changed your MOS from Signal to Cav Scout thru OJT while at Ft Hood. CAV falls under the ARMOR Branch, not Infantry Branch, which means you were never INFANTRY. Which means no Blue Infantry Cord. I doubt you were “ordered” to wear the Blue Cord. To wear the
Air Assalt Badge, you have to complete the course. Again, 11D20 is CAV, not Infantry.
You seem to have time to reearch on the Internet, so please show me where someone who changed their MOS thru OJT to become a Cav Scout is authorized to wear the Blue Cord. Show me where someone who got an honorary certificate in the 1980s is authorized to wear the Air Assault Badge.
One more lump of coal.
That same Air Assault School certificate that JRM cites as the “authority” for him to wear the AAB is the same certificate that is given to elementary school children from the surrounding Fort Campbell community as a keepsake of their field trip day on post.
Claw, thank you for the update on the honorary certificate for the Bullwinkle Badge. That makes sense to give it to the school children. Also, for JRM, one would think if you were awarded the CAV Scout MOS via OJT while at Hood, you would wear the Yellow Cord, not the Blue Cord. Besides, you don’t wear cords on clothing that is not an Srmy Uniform. Your pictures show you wearing thd Blue Cord and the Air Assault Badge while dressed in a Scottish Tartan clothing. Still don’t believe you were “ordered” to wear the Blue Cord while being an 11D20, which is not an 11B.
Thank you for filling in those missing details.
As I said, it was a very long time ago, and until I got that e-mail, I hadn’t ever thought about it.
Keep watching the goofy news coverage of hurricane Irma – when will a crazy broadcaster be blown down a street? Will one be hit by flying debris? It’s all theater, so probably not.
Are we supposed to admire them for standing in flood waters? Not sure just why we need to see them out there when others are under orders to not be there. Hmmm.
OWB: You nailed it spot on.
One of these days, I feel that it will happen, i.e. a broadcaster will be hit by flying debris…or perhaps the cameraman.
Anything to get the ratings up, yes? Guess they are the Ernie Pyle of weather reporting (and we remembered what happened to him.)