Superbowl Crap Talking

| January 28, 2009

OK peeps, my team has been resting comfortably since the season ended, and by ended, I mean roughly 7 mins into the season when Tom F’n Brady decided to spend more time with Supermodels and allowed his ACL to be busted up.  So, I decided to watch the 2 fight songs, and thus determined who would win.  Here they are.  I’d say they are about equal, what do you think?

BTW- This is the PETA ad you won’t be seeing during the Superbowl. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I am off to buy 3 tons of artichoke hearts and roasted red peppers.

Category: Politics

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this is a no brainer – GO STEELERS!!!!!!!


Equal? EQUAL?? *EQUAL*?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Have you run out of what few dangling participial brain cells you have left after assaulting them with copious amounts of adult [a decided misnomer] beverages????

TFB has enough gold jewelry to keep him solvent if his funny little honey ever drops him like the dead weight he’s been for the past five months.


Well, I prefer this fight song for the Steelers. :-)


TSO Wrote: Actually, damn good. Tom F’n Brady will be advised and when these girls reach the age on consent (I assume they are young, hard to tell), I look forward to the remake discussing the prowess of our supermodel dating quarterback.

Ray, do they do a bunch of Steelers songs? Pretty good stuff, just need to kick up the violin a bit, and make throw in a Bodhran and an irish whistle. But all in all, I am very impressed.


I find this commercial a gratuitious display of veggies that distracts from the real attraction :o) let the NFL change the veggies to the Perfect Pint then they can show it during the Game :o)


What’s a Superbowl?

Myself, I’m gonna give up meat.


PETA’s ad inspired me to go out do a barley grass shot



Yeah… there are a bunch of Steeler’s songs. That one was the best I’ve heard. It was e-mailed to me by friends that still live in the “Burgh”. I think the oldest kid in the band is 13 and the lead singer is 12. They run credits at the end and give all the ages.

The sad part is… I still remember the original words to the “Steeler’s Polka” 🙂 Damn, I’m gettin old!

AW1 Tim

I am so rooting for the Cardinals to win. If the Squealers win, they’ll be the NFL equivalent of the IVAV or Code Pink. Full of themselves beyond the boundaries of acceptability, and well into the envelope of psychosis.

I loved how 2 years ago now ex-Squealer Joey Porter was running his mouth about how New England’s SB rings were tainted because of “cheating” when there was never ANY frikkin’ accusation of cheating by ANYONE in NFL management. That whole cheating load of crap was brought to you by the unber-douche bags of F’nESPN who also ran with the Bullcrap “illegal tapes of Rams practices” story by bucket o’lard John Tomasse of the Boston Herald, whose sports secetion is banned in my household. So accurate a story, you’d think it was written by Joshua Key.

All of that craptacular commentary by Porter and the rest of the sychophants in the press and his team mates, from a team whose previous “greatness” turns out to have fueled by steroids during the “Steel Curtain” daze. And now, to top it off, a couple months into this past season, the team doctor unexpectedly leaves for “Personal” reasons, and to pay more attention to a suddenly burgeoning private practice. Buried in the story is the fact that he’s being investigated for illegally providing HGH. Turns out he’s ordered massive quantities of the stuff, and hasn’t got any records as to where it all went. He’s also lawyered up and not willing to talk to anyone about it.

Frikkin’ Squealers. That entire team, from towel boy to owner must go through an incredible number of knee pads everytime that JETS enabling scumbag of an NFL commissioner, Goodell, comes to town.

I hope the Cardinals put up more points on the Sqealers than any other team in the history of the league. Let’s GO CARDS! give the Squealers the bird!



I think Mr. Tim (the might wizard) needs his OTC potions monitored and adjusted…

AW1 Tim


It’s a team thing….. 🙂


I’m a lifelong Browns fan, so I hope a big defensive lineman picks up Rothlisberger and breaks his legs. GO CARDS!


Timmy? Have you been freebasing the coffee and rip fuel again? LOL

AW1 Tim

Nah…. I used to snort a lot of coke, though… but the bubbles effed up my sinuses. Man, you haven’t felt real pain until you get one of those little ice chips caught up inside your nostrils.. 🙂




Now, THIS…. is a stimulus program.