What “Free Speech” Really Means to the Far Left
For your answer . . . look no further than Berkeley, California, this past Sunday.
Now IMO, it’s kinda hard to get much farther left than the self-styled “Antifa” without joining the CPUSA. So I’ll take what they do as indicative of the true agenda of the far left.
In Berkeley on Sunday, a peaceful protest by a group of conservatives was assaulted by a group of hooded, masked leftist thugs from the self-styled “Antifa” group. Five were injured.
Here’s a link to video of the event.
During the melee, some of those masked leftist thugs were heard to shout: “Take his camera, take his phone” on seeing a journalist in the crowd. Decide for yourself why a bunch of masked leftist hoodlums might not want anyone taking photos or videos of what they were doing – and why they were wearing masks in the first place.
So where were the police, you might ask? Well, it seems that the police stood down instead of confronting those leftist hooligans – again. Berkeley’s police chief claimed that was a “strategic decision” made to “avoid more violence”. He said that there was “no need for a confrontation over a grass patch.”
Hmm. Sounds more to me like a police department that is simply afraid to do its damn job of keeping the peace – or was perhaps ordered not to. In either case, IMO it amounted to de facto local government support for Antifa’s unlawful mob violence.
But that’s just me. YMMV.
Oh, did I mention that San Francisco’s mayor has publicly sided with those leftist “Antifa” goons? Well, that’s what I’d call it. He’s been reported to have called this example of blatant intimidation through violent action a “victory” over a group “inviting hate” – the latter referring to the peaceful conservative group protesting, not the leftist “Antifa” hoodlums that violently assaulted them.
Apparently for SF Mayor Ed Lee, free speech means “acts of mob violence committed against political enemies by those he supports, while local government stands by and does little or nothing to stop it”. You know, exactly the same thing some Jim Crow governments in the Deep South did during the Civil Rights Era.
Ain’t that just ever so nostalgic and lovely?
Fox News has an article with more details. It’s definitely worth a read.
For some reason, when I hear about stuff like this – violence against a group the local authorities don’t like, designed to intimidate, while those same local authorities turn a blind eye to that violence and tacitly assist same – another term also comes to mind. So does a name.
Now, what was that term, and that name? Wait a minute, maybe they’ll come to me . . . .
Oh, yeah – right. I believe I remember the word and name now.
The word I was trying to remember was “Kristallnacht”. The name? “Medgar Evers.”
“Antifa” is so named because they claim to be “anti-fascist”.
“Anti-fascist”? What a crock.
“Antifa’s” tactics (violent intimidation of political enemies) are no different than those used decades ago by the SA or the Klan. And in some places, they seem to have the same kind of political “top cover”.
They just haven’t gone as far as either the SA or the Klan. Yet.
“Anti-fascist” my ass. “SSDD” is more like it.
For the record: the Klan and other far-right idiots are no better than Antifa; historically, some of those moronic groups have been even worse. But it wasn’t a bunch of far-right thugs that attempted to silence peaceful protest at Berkeley two days ago.
Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Politics
Painting this as a “leftist” thing is not more valid that saying all peope on the right are racist Nazis based on the actions of the white nationalist movement.
The left is not happy with ANTIFA either.
Though, there is a difference between ANTIFA committing violence against a bunch of Nazis and white supremacists and Proud Boys that came to Berkeley armed with weapons INTENDING to come for a fight.
And peaceful protestors….
By all accounts that I have heard the group that came here this last weekend were peaceful.
Bull Manure! They are being supported by local Democrats and the Left. Look at every city this has happened and Antifa gets a pass from the Left Political Establishment.
They are no better than what they claim they are fighting. They are the Sturm Sturmabteilung of the modern age.
If the left was as “Tolerant” as they say, they would have squashed the Black front a long time ago.
So, yes, they are the foot soldiers of the Left who are going to exterminate the “Enemies of the People”. Then the Left will do a Night of the Long Knives like the Nazis did, once their usefulness is at an end.
Then we will all be speaking NEW SPEAK! It will be Double Naught Good! Remember, we have always been at war with East Asia!
“The left is not happy with ANTIFA either.”
That would carry more validity if the liberal news outlets, politicians, schools, students, etc would actually express such sentiment. To the point it was self-evident and not something you have to search for to actually find.
The actions of the Democrats, college administrations, and politicians thunder so loudly, I cannot hear what you are saying.
Whaddya mean? About two weeks ago you explicitly said some of your “pals” are ANTIFA. And in the pics and videos I saw, the only people in them with “weapons” were your Antifa “pals.”
Bingo, Commissar has friends who are AntiFa. And, the denunciations of AntiFa are strangely absent. Nasty Pelousy, Gov. Moonbeam, and the rest of the left are standing down, rather than upset their allies on the left.
The there is this from the See BS station that Commissar cited, “And while it didn’t look good, the mayor also praised Berkeley police for holding back and ceding the park to the anarchists when the group jumped the barriers”. After all, it was only conservatives who were assaulted. And,the mayor doesn’t think that AntiFa is a terrorist organization, which it is, but merely a “gang”.
Now, he’s using what happened as an excuse to call for the cancellation of a “free speech” event in Berzerkley, because the police stood down, on his orders, no doubt.
Remember this story, Commissar? Bezerkeley mayor is FB buddies with some of the Antifa crowd
Just wanted to refresh your “memory”…
Does this rate a forehead smack, Senior Chief?
With a 2 x 4!
Horseshit. Privately, you are fapping yourself silly to their antics.
While I generally disagree with Hondo on most things, he did say the ‘far left’, not the left. It’s a distinction few here make, and a needed one.
Even ignoring the violence for a moment, places like universities disinviting conservative speakers or dealing with increasing protests over their talks is a real issue. And is fundamentally opposed to the notions of logic and reason that such places are supposed to embrace. Don’t like what a conservative has to say? Then give a talk countering their points and do a better job than they did at convincing people.
I’m not convinced, as Hondo seems to be, that the police action (or lack thereof, as the case seems to be) amounts to de facto support of the Antifa any more than the police not doing their job in Charlottesville -recent news of the guy who shot at a protestor with police nearby and not reacting until now, when it’s on camera comes to mind- was an embrace of the white nationalists. Policing protests, especially in this political climate, comes with a lot of uncertainty and confusion. I’m inclined to give the department the benefit of the doubt on their choice.
Well, LC, this is why I don’t mind verbally jousting with you. You can debate without being a jerk.
Now, please answer me this: was it a deliberate decision by the police in Charolettesville to allow the two protesting groups there to become intermingled? Or did the police in Charolettesville attempt to keep them separated, but simply find themselves unable to do so?
I believe the latter was the case in Charolettesville – and if so, the two situations were quite different. However, since that involved two groups I detest (Antifa on one side and a bunch of moronic white supremacists on the other), I’ll admit I haven’t delved deeply into that situation. My reaction to that sad incident was essentially, “Too bad someone who might not have been a member of either group of idiots got hurt – why couldn’t they have taken each other out completely?”. If you have links to definitive info one way or another, please post them.
By the Berkeley PD CHief’s own admission, in Berkeley the police deliberately allowed Antifa’s thugs to rush the otherwise peaceful demonstration. And I have a hard time buying the “we did it to prevent violence” line of BS he’s trying to sell. Under those circumstances, based on past history of Antifa’s actions violence was a foregone conclusion. So his having been ordered to do so (or decided to do so because he sympathizes with Antifa) isn’t IMO out of the question.
If that happened in Charolettesville as well, then the police – and city administration – are IMO as equally culpable as those in Berkeley. Specifically: yes, that means they deliberately sided with Antifa and encouraged violence.
I asked on a particular FB Feed for someone, anyone to provide an example of when Antifa showed up to a demostration, protest, etc., and they didn’t become violent, destructive, riotous and still haven’t been provided even ONE example of them demonstrating peaceably.
Their mission statement even says, “Peace through violence” or some such stupid rubbish.
Let me preface this with two things – one, I haven’t read up at all on this encounter, and two, I wasn’t sure you were wrong I’m just not convinced you’re right.
With that said, I think it’s possible, given the attitude towards police among some idiots, that the chief thought that keeping a low profile and only getting involved if things escalated dramatically would be the better strategy. Put a lot of police out, people start throwing rocks, things escalate, and boom.. exactly what people didn’t want. And keep a low profile and yes, some idiots might charge and fight a crowd, but it’ll be like a late-night bar fight where a few fists are thrown and then people have ‘proved’ their manliness and get back to just shouting and being stupid.
I’m not saying he’s right, and frankly I don’t like that approach, but depending on manpower available and crowd dynamics, it could be plausible. So leaping to the police being scared or ordered to not engage seems a bit of a reach absent additional information.
Regardless, speculation on police motives is pretty much a secondary concern at this point – I, too, would like to see Antifa more strongly denounced and any violence, on either side, treated as a crime. I’ve got no love for any of these idiots either.
Hey, Commissar! You’re the one who keeps defending the assholes who act like brownshirts. Who gives a fuck what you think?
And of course YOU WOULDN’T BULLSHYT anyone about it would you? take gas and die, you are totally worthless as a questionable human being imh!
The link I posted broke…
So that is why he told the Police to back off? The only time they arrested anyone was when they were caught on Camera, just like in Boston. He and Lee in SF have been encouraging these fools.
A gang…well that’s a start….hate group or terrorist organization would be more factual.
I don’t recall anybody on the left calling any organization they disagree with a gang…it’s always Nazi, Racist, hate group, terrorists, etc.
Can’t be labeled a hate group because they do not target a protected class.
Hating someone’s for their politics is not the same as hating someone for the color of their skin or religion.
And Mayors do not have the authority to label a group as a terrorist group.
There was a petition to have AntiFa labeled a terrorist group submitted to the white house that achieved the number of signatures for a response from the White House.
I don’t think they qualify as a terrorist group. Not even close.
Hell, even the KKK has not been categorized as a terrorist group and they actually kill people sometimes and terror is literally the basis of many of the iconic aspect of their dress and tactics.
“Can’t be labeled a hate group because”
I’m not talking about a legally applied label…the people I cited have no authority to apply the label in a legal manner.
The labels are used abundantly on the left whether fully qualified legally or not, I’m sure you know that.
I’m speaking about the vox populi and you’re quoting semantics.
People peaceably assembling are a protected class. It’s in the Constitution.
Unlike dudes who want to pretend they’re chicks (or vice-versa).
28 C.F.R. Section 0.85 defines terrorism as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”
Antifa is a group that by design does exactly that, and little or nothing else. Specifically: they publicly engage in the unlawful use of force and violence to intimidate conservatives they consider political enemies. Conservatives would seem to qualify as a segment of the civilian population.
Now, how about you tell me again why you believe Antifa doesn’t qualify as a terrorist group?
You simple bastard LOOK UP THE WORD HATE! You don’t even understand 4 letter words do you?
While Berkeley’s mayor may have condemned Antifa’s actions and called them a “gang”, the Berkeley police force tacitly assisted Antifa on Sunday by refusing to maintain order. I’m guessing that was top-driven.
I’m also guessing you know full well that public statements by political leaders often are at variance with their actual positions. That’s how the word “bunk” (as a synonym for a statement that is “for public consumption” and BS) originated.
I notice you didn’t address SF Mayor Lee’s comment that Antifa’s action was a “victory” over a “hate group”. I also notice you haven’t directly condemned Antifa’s actions Sunday, either.
As I said above: Antifa is representative of the far left. Their actions Sunday demonstrate exactly what the far left wants: “Free speech for me, but not for thee if you disagree.”
ya beat me to it. 🙂
Great minds, etc . . . (smile)
What’s next? Jack boots and billy clubs? Wearing a cloth elephant sewn onto your clothing? Being pushed into the gutter by these paid-to-riot shits? Just askin’.
Berserkeley is definitely a wonderful place to be FROM – as FAR from as possible.
Have you seen the weapons confiscated from these folks?
Bricks, Batons, knives, hatchets, etc. I noticed some wearing sap gloves. They also like to tape their signs to sturdy staff-style weapons, some even made of metal and fashioned with a pommel on the business end.
Shit like that can easily become unintentionally lethal, especially if wielded by someone untrained and pissed off.
I know, IDC_SARC, but I was using a metaphor, not being literal.
Since these twinks get paid to do this, nothing they are doing surprises me at all.
You are so absolutely full of shit Hondo.
I no longer have a shred of respect for your bullshit. Nothing but relentless partisanship spin from you.
The police were VERY active in stopping violence.
Not according to the Chief of the Berkeley PD – they made a conscious decision not to separate Antifa thugs from the peaceful protesters at Berkeley. In plain English, that means they got out of the way and let the Antifa thugs attack the peaceful protesters instead of stopping them from doing so.
Read the freaking article I linked. You obviously didn’t previously.
Hondo is one of the most fair people on this site who posts. He pulls out the legal and the math like a wizard regardless of who it supports.
The fact that the police chief made a “strategic decision” to not fight “over a piece of grass” is enough to show that police were told to stand down and stay out of it.
This isn’t bigger news on Fox because they’re covering the Harvey in Houston situation. Its not news on CNN or MSNBC because they don’t care if conservatives get beat up. They’re probably still talking about Charlottesville.
HEY Babbles McButthead, YOU are part of that crowd! The Crowd that claims to be FOR the environment except for when you’re rioting and burning cars, mobile light plants and defecating on cop cars,…
Yes nothing says I am here for a debate like being armed to the teeth.
You want to talk a Free Speech suppression call ball and strikes equal Hondo.
I’m talking about the Berkeley incident above, not Charlottesville. Perhaps you missed that – as well as the fact that I’ve previously been critical of both Antifa and the idiot White Supremacists at Charottesville.
Now, regarding Berkeley: given the fact that this was CA I doubt anyone but the police there had much in the way of firearms. The Berkeley PD made the “strategic decision” to get out of the way and let Antifa do whatever it wanted.
Given what’s been reported, it appears the predominance of non-firearm weapons at this incident – if not the vast majority – seem to have been wielded by Antifa. The conservatives protesting at Berkeley seem to have been peaceful, and generally unarmed. If you have info to the contrary from a trustworthy source, please post a link.
Bottom line: take off the left-polarized glasses and view reality instead. Here, Antifa was doing precisely what the Klan and the
SDSA were doing in the 1950s/1960s and 1930s, respectively: attempting to silence political opponents through the use of violence, while the local authorities stood by and did little or nothing to stop them. It was wrong 60+ years ago, and it’s still wrong today – regardless of which side is doing it.Sorry if you find that bit of reality offensive.
Hondo, what do you think the odds are that Lars has masked up once or twice (or more) in the last eight months?
One 1 in 10, maybe. I don’t think he’s willing to risk it.
Good point. Perhaps I give Commissar too much credit.
The police did not back off.
The police presence was huge. The right wing protestors were able to seek shelter behind the police line.
And police arrested 13 people.
Stop trying to spin everything as the left is bad and the right are victims.
It is absolute bullshit.
You guys even tried to spin the terrorist attack and vehicular homicide by an self professed white supremacist as an act of a man “fleeing” the left.
And then you whine when I claim that this group is the most partisan group of people I have crossed paths with on the internet.
Having an actually conversation about politics is damn near impossible with you people.
I spend time on Breitbart as well and it turns out the alt-right is far more reasonable and less biased in their political discussions that you guys.
Seriously, WTF?
No one is forcing you to post comments on this blog, you dumb stump-sucking horse’s ass.
If you don’t like what you see here, move on. Start your own blog. Run your suck some place else and quitchur whinin’, asshole
Fuck off Beers.
I am not being “forced” to be here.
But I do have a right to call bullshit when partisanship > facts and reason most of the time.
And constantly telling people who disagree with your politics to leave is why this blog is so damn partisan and why it DOES NOT COME EVEN CLOSE to representing the views of veterans.
And the whole “we only tell you to leave because you are an asshole” excuse lost its legitimacy long ago.
I have seen this group tell every single outspoken liberal to go pound sand. The liberals not told to fuck off are the ones that essentially keep their mouths shut here.
Who’s the dickhead that said Orlando shootings were caused by a “self-loathing” homophobe? Who’s the ignorant asshole that claimed there was some inherent right to emigrate? Who the dipshit that claimed we were all racists because he linked to some #fakenews story that death threats to Obama were up 400%? Who’s the stupid moron that went out of his way to lie for Obama about when the Chinese began building their artificial islands near the Spratlies?
You have almost zero credibility here, Lars.
My favorite posts of yours begin with “I think….” because, by definition, I don’t give a fuck and I just skip them.
I don’t understand how you calculated “almost zero credibility here.” Oh, I guess I forgot about “joe” and his fellow blatherskite, LC.
You have a̶l̶m̶o̶s̶t̶ zero credibility here, Lars.
Fixed that for you GDContractor.
I’ll give him a little but of credit for agreeing with me that the only reason Trump was the GOP nominee was because of the conspiracy that existed between HRC, the DNC, and the complicit press to ensure that Trump’s name was on the ballot.
The answers to those questions are:
What do I win?
Herr Kommissar,
You actually think that you have a “right” to be in here?
I’m sure that comes as a surprise to many on this site, particularly Jonn.
Jetzt hau ab.
LC and the few others liberal posters can make statements that don’t involve bigoted statements and accusations of racism. You, OTOH, have threatened to ID people that post here and posted half assed comments accusing many of us of being “right-wing” and “racist” that made Jonn have to moderate posts by you, “Joe” and “TX Nomad”.
Did you ever think that you’ve been told to pound sand because we’re fed up with your bigoted, narcissistic, hate-filled, narrow minded commentary. You’ve made it clear in the past that you’ve been an asshole for some time in your life – many of us are tired of seeing/hearing it every day at TAH.
You give a bad name to those of us that serve in uniform and those of us that are veterans.
Looks like you think you OWN the blog or something to me.
You don’t like what people say here? Too bad. Like I said, no one is forcing you to stick around. And no one who comments here is required or forced to agree with your uninformed screaming screeds, either. You forget that freedom of speech includes freedom to think for ourselves.
How in the blue-eyed gopher-fucking world does someone as whiny and narrow-minded as you are expect anyone to swallow your leftist bullshit?
You sure do use ‘partisan’ a lot. Sounds like the big fat pot calling the kettle black. You couldn’t be more partisan lefty wingnut if someone put a bull ring through your nose and tied you to a fence. What the matter? Didn’t get your free shit check yet from Uncle Sugar?
Kumusta at mamatay, pendejo puto puta.
By his own admission, he spends a lot of time on right-wing sites. He probably does this on multiple sites in different personas.
He’s also claimed, more than once, that he’s leaving this site and never coming back. I wonder how that’s going.
Lars being a liar is hardly a newsflash at this point.
DITTO with him being completely full of shit!
Once again, Commissar, you have proven you’re too lazy to do your own thinking – or your own homework.
The Berkeley PD Chief himself admits that his officers allowed Antifa thugs to storm the peaceful protest. From the linked article, which you apparently were too lazy to read (emphasis added):
That’s LE standing down and refusing to do their freaking job. You claim to be former LE, so you know that full well.
Deny reality all you want, but that fact won’t change.
This sentence by DA Stoopid sticks out like a sore thumb:
“Stop trying to spin everything as the left is bad and the right are victims.”
Well, dadburnit, the LEFT are those who started the violent behavior against the RIGHT.
How much more obvious does LEFT=BAD have to be?
He really IS that stoopid. Wow! Denial of reality is raising its head more and more with this one.
Which exact posters were making that claim about the murdering Charlottesville white supremacist? Can you name one? Can you link his post?
Was he denying reality long after it was clear what had happened, or was he simply speculating when specifics were still foggy? Because I’d presume the latter, unless you have a shred of evidence otherwise, and frankly, that’s a lot less egregious than, say, Brian Ross, who took the Aurora shooter’s name and suggested it was the same man who led a local area Party chapter. Don’t act like premature speculation about heinous acts is a new or particularly right wing thing.
Lars, why don’t you go over to Ace of Spades and posting over there? If you think you’re so abused and put upon here, the Moron Horde will eat you up and spit you out in a New York Minute there.
Lars, the damn police chief said they backed off. Are you telling me you know better? Putz.
You can’t confuse Lars with actual facts. He lives in a parallel universe and never deviates from the approved party narrative.
First of all, dipshiit, Breitbart is not alt-right, that is a label given to them because Breitbart published one article about the so-called alt-right, the guys that had a convention in DC and about a hundred people showed for it. Second, we don’t have to spin anything to show the left is bad; all we have to do is cite recent history and Venezuela. You crypto-commies/admitted commies have never done anything that bettered the human race.
The left are INSANE! Look in the mirror!
When you’ve lost the NYT and other “beacons” of the MSM, you’ve done fucked up.
Well stated, Hondo…
Thanks, Hondo.
There is no real difference any more in these episodes of violence and what happened in Germany or during the civil rights movement in the 1960s. They are all one and the same.
I think the first sentence in your final paragraph should be in bold type. They are all cut from the same cloth.
I just hope this doesn’t turn into another episode of Days of Rage, but it seems to be heading in that direction. We do not need to ‘bring the war home’. It’s already here.
Anyone with a hood / mask and a weapon , have made themselves out to be an aggressor in my opinion . As such , I would be tempted to overwhelm them with superior firepower . I’m way too old for an ass whuppin’ and way too young to die .
Society is going downhill fast . Carry something , my Brothers , carry !
Are Berkley PD allowed to even carry firearms? Or do they just assign them bongs an dildos for protection?
…and eeeyeeeeeeew
If they are like Sfran p.d., its hard to tell, so many transgenders aboard!
It’s kind of strange that it seems to be mostly centered in places where warm or mild weather is almost year-round.
Do you think these protests would stop if there was a blizzard in the Berserkeley area? There has been snow in SoCal in years past. It would be the height of irony if it snowed or rained buckets during something like this.
I do have to ask how come the antifas knew what was going on far enough ahead to show up at the precise time the other protesters organized themselves. Obviously, someone gave them away. Or maybe they shouldn’t have posted signs about it?
Since the violence is all coming from the antifatheads, not from the others, then it’s “when someone gets killed”, not ‘if’.
The right wing protest was planned weeks in advance and organized on social media and announced in the local news.
These are not state secrets.
Go to Hell and stay there.
Go straight to Hell, and don’t look back.
Do not turn right. Turn LEFT only because that’s the only direction you follow, anyway. You are part and parcel of the whole leftwing crowd, you Commie suckup.
Just go to Hell, and close the gate behind you. Stay there.
Commissar DILDOHEAD, have you noticed that your candyassed shitheaded pus-nuts fleabag cohorts mtay in mostly leftist strongholds like Berserkely, Austin, LA,…? Let them try their shit anywhere in Red State strongholds and see just how quickly they get their shitty little asses beatan, shot ot run over, I CAN’T WAIT to try out the new brush guard on my pickup truck as soon as some Antifa puke tries to block the road in front of ME!
You’ll also notice that none of these left-wing thugs and mobs are showing up in areas where Constitutional Carry exists.
Oh, you saw that, too? 🙂 🙂 🙂
Washington state,
Try again dude.
Wrong as always, imbecile.
The following are U.S. jurisdictions that have constitutional carry (aka permitless or Vermont carry)
Idaho (residents only)
New Hampshire
North Dakota (residents only; concealed carry only)
West Virginia
Wyoming (residents only)
Oregon, Virginia and Washington ALL require permits. Not all permit states allow reciprocity, either, dumbass.
At this point, I don’t think you even know the meaning of a vast range of subjects. Your arguments are ALL flawed by your ignorance and arrogance.
This post by Commissar is another bright and shining example of why he is no longer a LEO, if he ever was. He doesn’t know law, or the elements of crimes, and can’t articulate what little he thinks he does know.
Y’know, the thought of him with a badge makes my stomach turn.
You ain’t kidding, Ex.
That pathetic kommissar prick wouldn’t last 1/2 hour in a good law enforcement agency!
True, and when he says the violent protesters are a protected class, as shown in Five Beers’ comment below, which quotes the 1st Amendment and specifies that assembly for the purpose of engaging in violence is NOT protected – well, he is JUST DEAD WRONG, as usual.
Arizona is CC. The others are not. Took two minutes to look that up.
Try again, dude.
Oh, and speaking of AZ, the guy that got shot where his dick would have been were he a man is now facing 4 charges, 3 of them felonies.
And just curious, does he still work for GoDaddy.com?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Go to Hell and stay there.
Go straight to Hell.
Do not turn right. Turn LEFT only because that’s the only direction you follow, anyway. You are part and parcel of the whole leftwing crowd, you Commie suckup.
Just go to Hell, and close the gate behind you. Stay there.
Strictly speaking, Ex, there’s snow in SoCal every year, just not in the coastal cities. Which is why we here in the mountains have to deal with hordes of fucking flatlanders clogging the roads, blocking driveways, and generally being dicks every time we get a winter storm.
I like the snow. I can’t stand the assholes that come with it.
They wouldn’t be so eager to go to Big Bear, Arrowhead, Mammoth, etc., if they had to shovel a few feet of “global warming” every few weeks.
We had snow for Christmas this past year. I was working, so we had to shovel out the station driveway, chain up the engine, and deal with all the retards who couldn’t be bothered to get the hell out of the of the big red fire engine with the bright lights and loud siren, on our way to deal with other retards who didn’t think that snow and ice should motivate a change in their driving habits.
Amen to that.
Rim of the World Highway can be pretty unforgiving at any time of year.
And those flashing 4WD and Chains flashing signs aren’t a suggestion.
They don’t live only where you are, TOW. During the 2011 February blizzard, which dumped 4.5 feet of snowdrift on my stormdoor, there were people who tried to drive through that blinding storm instead of stopping at one of several roadside restaurants there are open 24/7 to wait it out.
Some of those people got stuck, could not get anyone to get them out of trouble, and froze to death in their cars.
You would think that they’d know better, but you have to get the state/county LEOs out to block side roads to stop that, because that is just how stupid people really are. And I don’t live anywhere near the mountains, but I know what you’re talking about.
One of those “take the warning stickers off and let the situation resolve itself” circumstances, eh?
Let’s get something straight here: The Nazis were NEVER “far-right” nor are the current crop.
Nazi is short for “National Socialism” and is certainly inclusive, in it’s own platform, of not just Auntie Fay, but also BLM and most democrats.
The Nazis demanded and end to democracy, and a large government that used Fascism to control the people and the national economy. They also demanded an end to capitalism, supported Euthanasia, national healthcare, the seizing or private property to give to others in order to redistribute wealth and opportunity, and on down the line.
Add in the Klan. The Klan was started by democrats, fueled by democrat membership and the dues they paid, and still supports democrat candidates and policies, as long as they pertain to whites only, which, looking at the last presidential campaign, seemed in line with the Democrat candidate, considering just a cursory look at her staffing. 🙂
And lets not forget the democrats and their social hypocrisy. It was the Klan Grand Kleagle, Senator Richard Byrd (D-WV) who led the filibuster attempt against the Civil Rights Act.
While on that subject, it was LBJ, Democrat, who got his “Great Society” welfare programs put through which effectively swapped the iron chains of the slave plantations for the velvet chains of the welfare plantation. In one stroke he began the destruction of the black nuclear family, and in his own words said “I’ll have those n….rs voting Democrat for the next two hundred years”.
So the reality is the common thread between Auntie Fay, BLM, the Nazis, KKK, Occupy……. etc, are that they are all outgrowths of the Democrat Party. They are still today, part and parcel of the Democrat Party.
If you vote democrat, it appears you are a part of this nations problems.
Elections have consequences.
Nicely done, AW1 Tim.
Nazis are far right. That is a historical fact. The word “socialism” in the GERMAN term National Socialism is not the same use as we use it today in English.
It was referring to fostering strong NATIONALISM and unity/purity in SOCIETY to make the nation stronger.
The NAZI party was a response to the perceived failures of capitalism but they were a RIGHT wing response. Capitalism was LIBERAL and PROGRESSIVE economic idea and the rise of fascism was a right wing response to LIBERAL economic globalism.
The leftist response to the perceived failures of capitalism was communism and actual socialistic economic ideas (which are not the same as the German notion of National Socialism).
It is an undisputed historical fact that the Nazi party was a right wing party in Germany during its era, the only party that was arguably more right wing was the reactionary Monarchist party.
The NAZIS frequently brawled in the streets with leftists much like the alt-right today.
The NAZIS also did not advocate socialism. They advocated protectionist economic policies to make German industry stronger and protect German workers for foreign competition modeled after the ideas of Friedrich List. The Nazis were economic nationalists.
They wanted strong PRIVATELY held industries but wanted the industries protected from foreign competition. They wanted workers, society, industry, and the government to work toward the NATIONALISTIC goal of maximizing Germany national strength particularly industrial strength.
In fact the parallels between the alt-right/white nationalist movements in todays politics and the National Socialist movement is overwhelming. They are almost an exact repeat of historical responses and ideas concerning perceived failures of liberal economic globalism and multiculturalism.
The Economic Nationalism that Trump hints at are very similar Listian economic ideas as the Nazis wanted.
State control of the means of production.
Yes, the Reich-tards were socialist, just not -quite- as far left loonie as their Marxist-Leninist rivals to the east. or the Maoist maniacs further east than the M-L types.
Your denials are pointless, and oblivious to reality. You lose all credibility when you deny reality.
Folks rightly mock holocaust deniers. It happened. The folks who deny it generally do so because…
They liked it and intend to repeat it.
All the Pali-Nazi students at Berzerkeky deny the Holocaust. All you have do for proof is look at the Zombietime photos of their multiple protests against Israel. Their Pali Grand Mufti was a guest of the Fuhrer for the last 3 years of WWII, and he helped recruit 2 Muzzie SS regiments in the Balkans.
Yeah. “Socialism” in German means something completely different than what Marx and Engels wrote about in 1848…because, little known fact, Marx and Engels were from Swaziland and their work was translated from Swahili.
Wrong,yet again, ʞomrade ʞommissar. From Adolph’s own mouth, “We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions”. Adolph Hitler 1927.
Emphasis added, because you’re so incredibly dense you still won’t get it. How can you even remember to breathe?
He has written instructions to follow.
Babbles McButthead always gives his maximum effort to be as FULL OF SHIT as he can.
Read up on Jonah Goldberg’s, “Liberal Fascism,” then get back to us.
National socialism versus international socialism. Two sides of the same shit-coated coin.
“To put it quite clearly: we have an economic programme. Point No. 13 in that programme demands the nationalisation of all public companies, in other words socialisation, or what is known here as socialism. … the basic principle of my Party’s economic programme should be made perfectly clear and that is the principle of authority… the good of the community takes priority over that of the individual. But the State should retain control;every owner should feel himself to be an agent of the State; it is his duty not to misuse his possessions to the detriment of the State or the interests of his fellow countrymen. That is the overriding point. The Third Reich will always retain the right to control property owners.” Adolf Hitler, 1931.
So much for Lars assumption that the Nazi’s wanted strong PRIVATELY held industries, unless ultimate government control of property owners is your definition.
HEY Babbles McButthead, YEAH YOU Little Lord Fartleroy, I wonder just how much you snivel and sneer while posting your shit? Half the time I kind of pity you, the rest I just DGAF. YOU ARE totally full of shit and worthless indoctrination, just try to remember a piece of advice I gave you in the past, something you just decided to sneer at as you carried on with your shitheadery!
Actually the Germans took control of most businesses, they retained the appearance of private ownership but their Reichswirtschaftsministerium set all prices, told the shops what they could produce and what they could charge so those private owners were really nothing more than shop managers.
The Nazis kept private ownership for appearance sake, but in reality those owners were not free to act as they wished.
It was an authoritarian, totalitarian style regime that, while theoretically radically opposed to communism, in practice far too similar to its supposed communist enemies.
The Nazis also did away with trade unions when they took control of businesses.
The difference between national socialists and regular ones is that the nazis are racially picky about who will supposedly reap the benefits of their utopia, and that they openly designate the slave-labor pool it will depend on.
The racism isn’t actually all that different from most communist regimes, in fact. The Soviet Union heavily favored Russians over just about everyone else. Yugoslavia was a country in which Serbs (like Tito) were *much* more equal than everyone else. Vietnam has always been nasty to Khmer, Hmong, and Montagnards. The Khmer Rouge went after my Father-In-Law for being half-Chinese. The Red Chinese are pretty shitty towards Tibetans, Mongols, and other non-Chinese ethnicities. Cuba doesn’t like admitting that they don’t exactly favor their black population and never have, either (Che Guevara was a toxic white-supremacist). North Korea doesn’t fall under this category because the whole country is racially homogeneous. Funny how they’re all so similar to the nazis when it comes to racism…
?? Tito was Croatian and Slovenian. He was most certainly NOT Serbian.
For that matter, Tito was a part of the Communist partisan groups that fought against the primarily Serb Chetniks and the Croatian Ustashi.
Sorry if that seems like nitpicking but it’s not. Saying Tito was a Serb is like saying George Washington was Canadian.
Fair enough. Thought he was a Serb for some reason.
I would add that under Tito, nationalist groups were suppressed, not supported and that includes Serbian nationalists.
In fact, the whole reason that Yugoslavia blew apart in the 1990’s was because Tito died and when he did, all the pressure he had been keeping on the nationalist groups erupted into civil war.
Yugoslavia was far from perfect but it was never the repressive communist nightmare that the USSR was. After Tito’s well-publicized rift from Stalin in 1951, they tried to steer a neutral course through the Cold War.
IMO there’s no better proof of that than the fact that Yugoslavs, generally speaking, were free to travel in and out of Yugoslavia and to Western countries, and few (none that I’m aware of) ever “defected” to the West the way many prominent Soviets and East Germans did.
Yep, that was one of the #1 rules on the Do’s and Don’ts list when my unit was going to Bosnia. “NEVER TALK BAD ABOUT TITO!”
He ruled with an Iron Fist, but they loved his iron fist. He kept them from fighting each other, even after 1000 years of killing one another (Bosniac, Croat, Serb) and kept the country functional and out of Civil War.
We ended up in the FRY because there was no one with an iron fist who would rule equally as he did. So, they went back to the evil and horrible tactics of generations past on one another. (Serbs became the enemy because CNN found their POW camps, even though another 15 miles down the road they would’ve seen a Croat POW Camp and Bosniac POW Camp all in the same condition)
Bosniacs and Croats called a truce because they knew the Serbs would destroy them if they didn’t combine forces.
I was amazed to learn that even at one point, Hitler told the Croations to “ease up their tactics and treatment of the enemy” because they were being so torturous and vile. When Hitler says you’re being too evil, you’re really fuckin’ evil.
I enjoyed the hell out of being there just for a few months. It was amazing the conversations I got to have with local nationals from each “Entity Armed Faction”, from various age groups, etc.
I don’t know if it was Hitler saying that but there were apparently reports sent back to Germany by liaison officers who were shocked and disgusted by what their Ustashi allies were doing to prisoners and civilians.
Liaison officers from the SS.
Let that one sink in….
“Conversations with Stalin” is a good read, just sayin. Milovan Djilas is an interesting cat.
“Our system was built only for Tito to manage. Now that Tito is gone and our economic situation becomes critical, there will be a natural tendency for greater centralization of power. But this centralization will not succeed because it will run up against the ethnic-political power bases in the republics. This is not classical nationalism but a more dangerous, bureaucratic nationalism built on economic self-interest. This is how the Yugoslav system will begin to collapse.”
Djilas! I was trying to think of his name this morning, thanks for the heads up.
I believe it was Djilas to whom Stalin was speaking when, upon being asked about reports of mass looting and raping by Red Army soldiers, Stalin replied “Who cares if a man who has walked through a thousand miles of blood and fire takes some trifle or has fun with a woman?”
I was talking to a friend of mine a few weeks ago about how I had been in Bosnia “ten years ago” and he said, “huh? “Don’t you mean 20 years ago?”
That was a wake-up call for me. Holy shit it was 20 years ago I was in Bosnia. I did a lot of research and reading about it, but haven’t in a long while. Good to know about that author, I’ll have to look it up for a read. I can’t recall if I have or not.
The book was called “Wartime” by Milovan Djilas.
Not to be confused with “Wartime” by Paul Fussel (also a great book and highly recommended, BTW.)
And yeah, it was 20 years ago that my USAR unit was mobilized for OJG. We never made it to Bosnia but our company HQ was in Hungary (Taszar Airbase) and we had a platoon in Croatia as well (Slavonski Brod – Camp Pershing, I think it was called?)
AW1 Tim you are EXACTLY right!!
On another web site, I saw a video clip of Anti-Fa (i.e., COMMUNIST PARTY USA) “protesters” chanting,
“No Trump!
No Wall!
No U.S.A.!”
That’s what their true purpose is.
yeah…the Anarchist, Hamas and communist regalia accompanying them speaks volumes even without the chanting. SMH
Is this going to be the 1960s all over again, but without the Summer of Love (I can see IDC_SARC there), the hippies, and Woodstock?
The comment was made that the conservative protesters were “not a protected class”
The Liberty of American Citizens is -absolutely- protected. The Constitution has that as a primary purpose.
If we fail to protect the free speech rights of annoying folks, then no one else really has any rights. We are down to what the strongest allow others to do.
When the state steps aside and lets mobs bash heads, or run off people who prefer not to be bashed, Liberty is -dead-. You cant sugar coat it. You cant say “well, the authorities tried!’
They stood down. They stood aside. They lat a violent mob form, and alone dit to intimidate others. The answer is to overwhelm the non-peaceful ones,, drive them- out, and incarcerate any that insist on playing SturmAbteilung.
And the folks hadd better figure out quick that they must -actively- drive these shitbags -out- of -their- ranks, or they cannot claim they are not co-belligerents. The SA/Anti-free openly discuss melting onto the lefty crowds that shield them.
No sane and honest person can fail to see how this is in fact what SA/AF actually do, and they they get -lots- of support from the supposedly opposing same-side crowds. When the left starts demanding they unmask, and leave the melee weapons elsewhere, and stop attacking folks, -then- I might accept that they are opposed by the left.
Beside, when they run out of republicans to bash, they will -inevitably- turn on the les than perfect folks on the left. it is what hate-mobs do.
They mean to ferment a Comminist Revolution. They argue over the end state: Communism or the fabled “faded away” to post-communism anarchy. But they mean to make that omelette, and they mean to break any eggs that oppose it.
The Soviets referred to any opposition to Worldwide Socialism as “Fascist”, “Hitlerite”, etc, and “the right”. Thus it is always funny when someone calls National Socialists “right wing”, as it puts them squarely and undeniably in their true camp of the far left.
Yeah, I think that part of the First Amendment that says ‘right to peaceably assemble’ applies to everyone, including conservatives.
Oh, here it is, in all its correctly worded glory:
The First Amendment of the US Constitution states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Now, since the antsie fatheads showed up and engaged in violence against the conservative protesters, clearly, they broke a long-standing US law, a law that has been in place since the US Constitution was ratified.
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the United States Congress from enacting legislation that would abridge the right of the people to assemble peaceably.
The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution makes this prohibition applicable to state governments.
The First Amendment does not provide the right to conduct an assembly at which there is a clear and present danger of riot, disorder, or interference with traffic on public streets, or other immediate threat to public safety or order.
Statutes that prohibit people from assembling and using force or violence to accomplish unlawful purposes are permissible under the First Amendment.
– Source: Library of Congress.
Still want to argue your invalid point, Taylor? You go further and further into territory that you deny exists to protect all of us from what happened at Berkeley, CA.
If you weren’t in favor of those rioters, you wouldn’t be so quick to defend their behavior, which broke the law, as did law enforcement officers and their police chief, when they did nothing to stop the violence.
You just go right on running your ignorant mouth. You look more and more like a leftist wingnut than ever.
Small point: it was actually a number of different individual SCOTUS decisions over time that extended the 1st Amendment to be applicable to state/local governments due to the 14th Amendment. The process is generally referred to as “incorporation”.
However, that is not universally true for all Amendments to the Constitution – or even for all of the Bill of Rights, for that matter. Some portions of the Bill of Rights are NOT binding on state/local governments.
Wikipedia actually has a pretty decent rundown on the status of the various parts of the Bill of Rights. Most of the Bill of Rights restrictions on government action have indeed been held by the SCOTUS to be restrictions on state/local government action as well – but some have been held to be NOT APPLICABLE to state/local governments, and the status of at least parts of two amendments (3d and 8th) have not been definitively determined.
Point taken, but it all holds up under close examination.
Like I said, legal Wizard!
Nice explanation, very eloquent.
We can thank James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, John Locke and Cesare Beccaria for coming up with this notion about the meaning of freedom and putting it into writing, never mind turning it into law.
Isn’t saying AntiFa the same as saying George Soros, 12 year old Nazi collaborator who turned in his own peeps or am I wrong????
He has some fat fund that pays for it, marked as a nonprofit or charitable fund, or something like that.
Yeah Soros is about as “charitable” as the Clinton Foundation. But unlike the Clinton Mob, he spends his money to foment chaos rather than just spending it on his own inner circle.
Follow the money …
George Soros, Open Society Foundations
link : http://www.opensocietyfoundations.org
I continuously tell people when I hear “George Soros, Socialist” the same thing.
George Soros isn’t a Socialist, he’s a Capitalist. He wants EVERYONE ELSE to be Socialist.
Looking at the political spectrum as a circle is a good way to see this. The extreme left wing, extreme right wing, are all interested in only one “end”. Their way or the highway and only their specific ideology is correct. The more extreme they become, the more they all use the exact same tactics, say the exact same things, and profess how they are not the other side.
Antifa is doing the same thing as the KKK did at one point, when they had more than just 3,000 members (current membership according to the anti-defamation league).
I would say how often do they show up in locations/states with “anti-mask” laws, but they have once or twice. The problem is, Berkley HAS an anti-mask ordinance for not wearing masks to “intimidate” others. Well, a gang of people all dressed in black covering there faces must not be “intimidating” enough for the police? But, it wasn’t important enough to enforce that law because they didn’t want to fight over a piece of grass?
I’d like to think this would be bigger news if there wasn’t a “sixth great lake” in Texas right now, but who knows. Supposedly, TWO antifa protestors were arrested by Berkley PD, but it is hard to say what they were arrested for, reports vary.
While Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street “might” have started as a positive effort, they’ve dwindled into the extremes (BLM leadership recently told white people they need to give up all of their homes, cars, money, etc., to black people as part of their manifesto), Antifa was never a “positive” effort. Its been a bunch of dirtbags using mob mentality to their advantage from the start.
Antifa will never comprehend that they are fascists claiming to be anti-fascist.
Yes, and that is the reason I said a while back that the political pendulum swings from one side to the other, but always centers itself.
Maybe what will come out of this seeming insanity is a strong middle of the road political environment, because of all these attempts to destroy our government and country.
Sometimes, people become complacent. Doesn’t hurt to rattle the doors and shake things up once in a while. What we take for granted can far too easily slip away from us if we aren’t paying attention.
I think the situation in Houston is a grand example of “centering itself” because people are helping people there, regardless of any ‘class’ of society or the economy they are in.
Hopefully people will exude that example, instead of continuing to allow the bullshit 0.0001% of extremists to be the deciding parties.
DJ this morning talking about some Today Show (?) talking head coming down & standing in the water near Allen’s Landing and telling the local person how amazed he was at how helpful Texans were.
And we’re all here like “Where have you been? We’re always this way.”
And how I suspect 98% of America always is.
Graybeard, it’s like that everywhere. It only becomes astonishing to those very Talking Heads because they never leave the safe shelter of the indoors enclaves for more than a moment, unless they’re forced to do so.
That has been my experience as well.
It is, IMHO, past time for those talking heads to lose their influence and respect. Although in this case, I applaud the guy for recognizing reality when he saw it.
Glad to see you’re still alive and kicking, GB. Everything more-or-less OK?
More or less. In the Graybeard Compound we’ve received (as of 0600 today) a total of 27.1″ of rain. I had one dead tree come down across the road through our property to the houses of our two eldest and their families – but about 10 minutes with a double-bit ax fixed that.
We were kept from going to town by flooded creeks and a river – our three ways out. Lost power for about 20 hours – mostly because the coop linemen couldn’t cross those streams either. Did not lose any foodstuffs though.
The grandkids could walk over to our house when they or their parents got stir-crazy. We even had a joint birthday party for three of them.
My kinfolk in the Greater Houston Area are all safe and accounted for. Some friends have had to evacuate their homes and are expecting 4′ of water in them or more.
Although the rains are letting up today, the floods will continue for a long time. And the recovery for even longer.
The Graybeard Clan is counting its blessings and thanking God for His provision through it all.
Thanks for asking.
Glad to hear that GB. This is just very surreal, I’m sure moreso for those of you in the area dealing with it.
Please stay safe, Graybeard… many of us have been thinking of you, you family and friends and those in Texas that are going through this trying time.
Thank you all.
Just remember, it is more than just Houston that has taken a hit. There are thousands of people in the coastal counties from below Corpus Christi up to Port Arthur who have also been impacted. Rockport and Aransas Pass (Ground Zero) are near 100% destroyed.
There is a lot of fundraising going on for Houston relief.
HEB Grocery stores are providing disaster relief specifically to those areas, especially meals. You can donate at:
Texas Baptist Men is providing work crews and kitchens, they take donations at:
There are other charities that help as well. I know these two.
FWIW, I am not a big fan of ARC. IMHO too much bureaucracy is involved in their efforts. (Although I’ve been an ARC FA/CPR/AED instructor for decades.)
I do know, from ADweek’s reports, that Fox viewers watch it all the time, whereas the other “news” channels (CNN, MSNBC, HLN) only bump up over an event like Hurricane Harvey or some other disaster. It has to be something they can chew on for a while.
My impression of the so-called news channels other than Fox is that their main fodder is gossip, not news, because they have nothing else to offer. They seem to operate at the level of high school girls, either sophomores or juniors, who only have the prom on their minds and get upset if a tornado interferes with it. That is the impression they provide. The epitome of that kind of stupidity was Maddow’s stunned disbelief that Trump won the November 2016 election. And now she’s trying to burn down the gym.
MSG Eric
Your circle analogy is a better way of looking at the political spectrum. It’s much more nuanced than left/right or communist/facist. Libertarians don’t really fit on the L/R spectrum either; they can be economically “conservative” and socially “liberal”.
Other groups can be the opposite, economically “socialist” and socially “reactionary”.
I’ve found it best to view each on it’s own merits and positions.
And I’m against any group that employs social violence as a tool.
Violent mob organizations escalate. Unless actively squashed, these RedAbteilung roaches will only get more bold, and more violent.
Of course, some folks are -counting- on it.
Sooner or later, the thugs of AntiFree will run into opposition that is decisive. Some ordinary Free folks will defend themselves, rightly, against mob violence, and there will be dead bodies to show for it.
At that point, the folks holding the leash of AntiFree will say “See! See! We have to disarm those hateful righwingers! They are violent and kill innocent protesters!!”” (Yaadda yadda yadda..)
Provocation is a tried and true tactic of the Marxist Revolutionary. They will escalate until they get their martyrs. Their useful idiots will excuse the provocation and blame the folks who defended themselves.
But I rather doubt it will work out for them as they have planned. That old bit of wisdom applies: “Be careful of what you wish. You might get it.”
Well, they haven’t run into biker gangs yet, have they, Pilgrim?
Sounds like a worthwhile idea.
“Hey, guys! Those masked Antifa dirtbags are calling you all Fags because you ride harleys and make too much noise! (ala South Park)”
Come to think of it, I haven’t seen any accounts of them trying ANY of their shit in smaller towns or Rural America where they’d very likely get their asses handed to them. They don’t get bold until they outnumber their intended prey by say, 12 to 1 or outweigh their intended victim by at least 20-30 pounds as well! THE LEFTISTS ARE COWARDS that act just like Hitler’s SA, “The Brown Shirts” who made life a painful hell for those who dissented with the Nazi agenda. I live and work in a Concealed Carry State and any of the little shits messing with me and my family WILL be on the receiving end of whatever weapon i have handy and Mrs. A Proud Infidel®™ also has a CCW Permit and is a wicked shot with the .380 I got her as a Birthday present!
They won’t go any place that has no public bathrooms, no real media presence and no Starbucks or whatever they patronize. Also, since none of those dimwits know how to feed themselves, they have to have a food source, which means roach coaches like the street food vendors in some major cities.
Dennis Prager has some worthwhile thoughts on the matter:
And I don’t think Lars will like it.
He’ll have a stroke if he read it…
The leftist cunt bait worked well, Hondo.
Thanks for the laughs.
As with all commie sympathizers all you’ll hear from these jerkoffs is that communism/socialism hasn’t been properly tried to date…they keep hoping that the next time they’ll get it right, but they never do.
But every time their new commie/crypto commie strongman consolidates his power a great many innocent people die who don’t want to go along with the “new order” of things.
You say that as if 100 million people have died due to communism or something. Gfawww
Try 150+M – in the 20th Century alone.
Oh, and that may be a conservative estimate. The methodology used to produce those numbers appears to have used a midpoint or average over various estimates for each state, not simply the worst-case numbers.
Rest in peace, Dr. Rummel. We lost an intellectual giant when you passed.
That sort of goes without saying sadly….but it never stops the lefties as they are more than willing to kill a bunch of people to prove they care about the people.
[…] The Political Hat: California To Jail People For Expressing Cis-Normativity This Ain’t Hell: What “Free Speech” Really Means To The Far Left, also, Major General Martin Armand Hammer Weasel Zippers: Professor Says Texans […]
Antifa, KKK, white supremacists, La Raza… Just different shades of bigoted assholes.
Add BLM to that list
The BLM Co-Founder was just on Tucker tonight saying stupid stuff like “Trump is LITERALLY Hitler!”
When Tucker pressed her about why BLM was having meetings that were “black only” all she could say was, “I don’t know about those meetings, but the meetings I have been to….” Along with calling Trump a racist, but not understanding that having “black only” meetings was racist.
Not to mention their recent manifesto that says, “White people need to give all their belongings, houses, bank accounts, cars, etc., to black people!”
BLM ‘might’ have started as a positive effort, but as time goes on they just become more ridiculous and continue to turn into another fringe group like the ones listed with no redeeming qualities.
Patrisse Cullors is the BLM co-founder that said those things. The woman on Tucker Carlson was actually LaDawn Jones a Democratic talking head that agrees with Patrisse.
It was just absurd to watch and listen to her rhetoric. I doubt Patrisse would actually come on Tucker’s show.
It’s just a circus when you hear these commentators and activists. I guess they’re getting their 15 minutes of fame and paying their mortgage by fomenting racial division and hate though.
Why should Al Sharpton make all the money?
Call me old fashioned, but I remember when fighting fascists was considered a good thing. How times change.
Well, well… if it isn’t Joe. Any “insightful” commentary, or this another bit of drive-by bullshit?
You don’t strike me as the type to fight anyone, Joe… more like the type that hide under the piss-stained “My Little Pony” sheets on your bed.
So, Joe – when are you going to start fighting the fascist false-flag organization calling itself Antifa? Or do you have a mask and a membership card?
He’s probably that guy who sits around Fort Lewis College, reeking of skunk weed and banging his “peace drum” for mother Gaia, lamenting why the revolution he so pined for in the 60’s never came.
Then he fires up another spliff.
I see Joey waited until the coast was clear and he thought he could sneak one past the Guardians at the Gate… not!
At least he’s consistent in his ignorance.
Sometimes the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy as well….ANTIFA is a great example of such a scenario. They claim to oppose the Nazis, which is great because I hate those fucking nazi assholes too and I can’t stand the genetically mutated fucktards who seem to populate the white supremacy movement either…
But ANTIFA are a bunch of commie loving fucking goons….sprinkled generously with some anarchists for fun and games….they offer nothing I need or require, consequently they are just another enemy to be dealt with after the shitbags from the Nazis and KKK are taken care of, it’s wise to remember that.
“How times change.”
Actually it’s how definitions and agenda change to obfuscate facts. False equivalencies, bait and switch…it’s a sideshow…so I guess, you’re Sideshow Joe. 🙂
“Hobo Joe” would be
more apropos
Not old-fashioned.
Just an idiot.
One of our “Friends” in the media, Dan Noyes had been covering the story of the “Patriot Prayer Group” and all but condoned all the ” counter-protesters” showing up.
Sad day when someone you think is open to finding out the truth ends up becoming a cheerleader for Antifa.
Free speech and the Left:
You rights end where our feelings/beliefs begin
It’s easy to protect the speech of those with whom we agree. What are we willing to do to protect those with whom we disagree? That is the true test for our society.
Most of us just don’t see marauding gangs committing acts of violence, arson, vandalism and other crimes as “speech.” Criminal behavior is just that and the rest of us should be protected from it.
Want any of us to listen sympathetically to your message? Burning my home or car will get my attention, but a healthy exchange of ideas is not likely to result.