The Gore effect
According to the Washington Times, Al Gore is scheduled to give a talk to members of Congress tomorrow on the need to combat global warming. Here’s what it looks like in DC this morning;
Category: Politics
According to the Washington Times, Al Gore is scheduled to give a talk to members of Congress tomorrow on the need to combat global warming. Here’s what it looks like in DC this morning;
Category: Politics
Philly has a dusting of snow as well.
Get with the program, Jonn…it’s no longer “global warming”, it’s “climate change”, which is synonymous with “pocket change”, which is ironically all we’ll have left after these liberals…excuse me, “progressives” get through with their taxes…I mean “patriotic contributions”. Words are fun.
Another term that’s being bandied about is “anthropogenic global warming”, which translates to “effects, processes or materials are those that are derived from human activities, as opposed to those occurring in natural environments without human influence.” Same old same old though, it’s blaming humans for the weather. Since when can we humans control the weather? 🙂
I have a theory on all this. The Earth is on an elliptical orbit around the Sun. When the Earth is further away from the Sun, it’s cooler on Earth and when the Earth is closer to the Sun, it’s warmer on Earth. Hence, the Sun is the major culprit of “climate change” (or “global warming” as Jonn described it!). 🙄
Wichita, Kansas: 15 degrees, wind chill -1 degree, snow. this on thop of the freezing drizzle that lasted most of the night.
Global Warming? Yeah. right.
Al gore is an idiot, plane, pure and simple. That can be the only explanation.
Have you ever seen the following picture:
Agreed, Algore is a sanctimonious idiot.
haha, it’s snowing in the Puget Sound too (which rarely gets hit with the stuff). Thanks for making me shovel my driveway, Al Gore.
Also, what’s with the google ads. Why the selling out? Obama screw with your retirement pay or something? Anyways, let me know how much $$$ it bring in, as I’m kind of curious. Best of luck with it.
Is Marion Berry out in the streets with a large straw yet?
Glen, here in Michigan, north of Grand Rapids, it was 6 this morning, we’ve gotten almost as much snow so far this year that we get in an average season, and Algore tells us the planet is warming? What a maroon, and so are his followers.
I wonder if the Church Of England leaders still think it was wise to invest $225,000,000 in Al Gore’s company. Some how I have a feeling that sometime in the future the assets will be FROZEN (pun intended).
I have a theory about it too. It’s call the “It’s been happening for millions of years” theory. The earth has been super heated and frozen many times, and it all depends on the angle of the earth, how far it is from the sun, volcanic eruptions, meteor hits, etc.
Glenn Cassel,
How can an idiot get people to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in his company? I wish I were that stupid.