Wanna fix the economy without a bailout?

| January 25, 2009

I’m not a particularly smart man, but I have an over-abundance of common sense. It seems to me that if the government really wanted to fix the economy, the first thing they’d do is open up our off-shore oil fields and allow drilling in Alaska.

In the short term, the government would get all sorts of royalties from the oil companies for their efforts, thousands of people would be employed to not only build the pipelines and the inherent infrastructure, but steel orders would rise to support the effort which would put steel workers back to their business, truckers would have jobs to haul the new material to the job sites. Not to mention all of the ancillary businesses that spring up to do laundry, sell groceries – and all the while the government is getting money from the oil companies to fund this ill-conceived TARP crap and they can put money into alternate energy programs so they can feel good about themselves.

In the long term, when the oil is flowing, we’d get off of foreign oil, there’d probably be an alternative source of energy funded by oil company money (without the mess of windfall profits taxes). And those annual royalty payments would flowing into the Treasury.

So, how come we’re not doing it?

Category: Economy, Liberals suck, Politics

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Jonn asked: So, how come we’re not doing it?

Common sense and political agendas function together only by accident, never by design.


Because, Jonn, for a demorat to admit that they could create jobs with a Conservative idea is not right for them. They instantly forget why and whom they were elected to serve and choose themselves over the betterment of our Nation. THAT is by design. Stuck on Stoopid.


another brilliant plan.

Frankly Opinionated

Sheesh Jonn! Common sense and gummint in the same article. What in hell makes you think that anyone in gummint would even consider common sense? Get a grip, man, get a grip.
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