Military retirees and disabled veterans to receive 2.5% monthly pay increase

| October 11, 2024

The 2025 pay increase has been announced. Military retirees, disabled veterans, civil service retirees, and Social Security recipients will receive a 2.5% increase on their monthly pay for 2025. Military retirees who joined the military before August 1, 1986, and those who joined after but did not opt for Redux, would see a $25 increase per $1,000 of pay. Military retirees who opted for Redux will receive $15 per $1,000 of pay.


Military Retirees

For 2025, retired military members will receive a $25 increase for each $1,000 of military retirement pension they receive each month.

Retirees who entered military service on or after Aug. 1, 1986, and opted for the Career Status Bonus (CSB/Redux retirement plan) will have any COLA increases reduced by a percentage point, so they will receive a smaller increase of $15 per $1,000 in 2025.

Survivors receiving Survivor Benefit Plan payments will receive increases to their payments by the same amount as retirees.

Service members who retired in 2024 will receive a slightly reduced COLA in 2025. Their COLA is prorated based on which quarter they retired in (January-March, April-June, etc.). The prorated amount may also be adjusted based on when a member entered the service and which retirement plan they elected.

Disabled Veterans and Survivors

Disabled veterans will also receive increases to their benefit payments in the upcoming year. VA disability checks will go up about $4.28 per month for those with a 10% rating and $93.45 for those rated at 100% who don’t have dependents.

Dependency and Indemnity Compensation, or DIC, benefits for surviving spouses of disabled veterans also increase in 2025. Here are the VA Dependency and Indemnity Compensation Rates for 2025.

Additional Reading:

Miller, A. (2024, October 10). Here is the 2025 pay raise for disabled veterans and military retirees. Link.

Category: Military issues, Retired Issues, Veterans Issues

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I’ll take it, but it could have been more if we weren’t funding the war in Ukraine so that our politicians could launder our tax money into their accounts


The extra $140 a month won’t cover my car and home insurance premium increases over the last year, which were $70 for home and $80 for autos per month. Motorcycle and boat insurance went down about $50 a year each.

I’ve never had a home claim before, last auto claim was three years ago when a lady with no insurance or driver’s license crashed into my truck while running about 40 through the hospital parking lot.

USMC Steve

And anyone on social security will also receive a 2.5 percent increase on their medicare.


That and of course the graduated income tax tables slide over to the right as well. But by 5.4%, which is likely the real inflation rate.


Social Insecurity, Military Retirement and Disability are all adjusted using the same economic indicators, so they will all be adjusted by 2.5%

Skivvy Stacker

Ah, yes…there will be a slight shift in where I feel the big Red, White, and Blue dick hitting me in the ass.


So that proves it….inflation is only 2.5%.
Damn price gouging is real.

Skivvy Stacker

Oh, don’t worry; Cameltoe Harry has a plan to stop that.


Sweet! I’m going to place all of it on red and let it ride!!!!

Last edited 4 months ago by JustALurkinAround

I could get 5.00% on a 12 mos CD a few weeks ago but even
that is taking a dive for the election.


Really 4% since you have to kick back 20% to your favorite uncle.


Yay. Bout 100$ more a month in VA but I spend about 300$ more a month on groceries. That’s about right…


A week or two ago, I stopped by Aldi for the first time in two years. My dogs, a 100-pound lab and a 60-pound mountain cur, have a fondness for the little trays of dog food, so I used to spoil them by buying dozens at a time. Two years ago, these individual servings intended for small dogs cost 45 cents (sometimes they’d drop to 35 cents). Now they’re 89 cents per, more than I paid for name-brand Cesar trays a few years back. Similarly, I used to feed seven and struggle to touch $100 at Walmart. Now, I regularly spend $150+ a few times a week to keep five of us and the animals fed and hydrated.

By my math, I’ll get about $175/month more a month. Let’s just say that I plan on keeping a full-time job for another decade or two. In a few weeks we’ll decide if we sink or swim as a nation. Or those in power will decide for us.

Last edited 4 months ago by fm2176

No, no,no. I am reliably informed by reputable sources that what you say is disinformation. Please stop spreading misinformation.

Oh, and vote Democrat!


Perfect, with inflation running about 4%, that means we’re only taking a 2% pay cut.

Seems fair.


Sorry, bad math…4-2.5 = 1.5% pay cut.


I hate it when y’all call this a “pay raise”. It isn’t. It is a cost of living adjustment that is supposed to make sure the real-dollar value of your pension/disability remains the same over time. It doesn’t. (Same concept for the military pay adjustment, again not a “raise”.) Everyone knows we are actually taking real-dollar reductions (pay cuts?) when the “basket of goods” used for inflation calculations hasn’t changed in generations, or the adjustment is a tenth or a half a point below actual inflation. Today the government announced another 3.3% core inflation for August, putting us even further behind, and that 3.3% will be compounded between now and the time the adjustment kicks in.


And yet I retired 11 years ago. If I retired today at the same rank and longevity on the 2024 pay scale I would receive retirement pay within $50 a month of what I get now. Remember that military pay raises aren’t closely linked to COLA but rather the whims of Congress. What that means is that the military hasn’t had an actual pay raise in 11 years, just keeping up with the official inflation rate.


They say that in [retirement] the pay is mighty fine…


“Inflation is transitory” –Yellen, Xoe Xiden, talkingheads… (you ‘member)
It’s ebil Poootin’s fault
“Inflation (I shit you not) is a good thing

Yeah, ‘stuff happened’. But the rampant money-printing and lockdownerism are the underlying issues. This canard of ‘price gouging’ from our ‘elected’ ‘leaders’ is annoying and exposes their lack of faith in the free market, hence the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act”. (to know a bill is to read the name; it does the opposite)

How the hell are we going to keep this $100,000,000,000+ per month outlay on just the debt service? Bueller? Bueller?

I can’t afford my share of that, and quite frankly, I refuse to pay it. You fuckers lied. You continue to lie. You make me/we/us finance those lies and threaten to jail me/we/us if someone voices an opinion about your bullshit. (Too many illiberal asshats continue to run their fucking suck about splitting up twitter and using jail as a deterrent for dissent. I ain’t having it)

You are untruthful, thieving hunks of chicken shit, tyrant fuckheads that would, and SHOULD, be polishing balls and nobs behind truck stop dumpsters with the All Points C-suite while a gimp suited Jeremy Dewitte watches from the corner.


“…their lack of faith in the free market”

Hard to have faith in something you know nothing about.

Skivvy Stacker

Gives my local county that much more money to steal from me for my retirement home residence.