I’m working on comments

| January 25, 2009

As many of you know, I’m finally taking a vacation starting on Thursday. When I’m not doing this;

I plan on smoking big-ass cigars and drinking rum here;

We’re going to Panama for Carnival for the first time since 1978.

I’m working on a solution to the recent spate of spam we’ve been getting and I want to keep comments open to everyone, including the drive-bys (they seem to get the regulars all wound up) so I’m dedicating myself to finding the perfect answer before I leave (at O-dark-thirty) Thursday. I don’t know how well the internet is going to work poolside so guess which I’ll give up for the other. Here’s a hint;

I’m working on some plugins and I don’t know how they’ll work. So keep on commenting – I promise I won’t lose comments or delete them. If they don’t show up immediately, don’t sweat it, I’ll find it.

UPDATE: Thanks to all of your snarky comments, I think I’ve got it fixed now. Only one troll ended up in spam and I think it’s probably because he pasted his comment into the comment box.

I think I have fixed  it so well now that you ladies can use all of the cuss words you want – you men control yourselves. You can also put two URLs in  your comment now.

So now I don’t have to think about ya’all. But you know I will.

Category: Administrative

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AW1 Tim


I’d love to go back down there one of these days. When the Sandanistas overthrew Samoza, my crew and two others were tasked to Howard AFB to fly recce ops over Nicaragua. It was one of the most amazing times I ever had.

Heh, the AF didn’t know we were coming until we showed up with 3 P-3’s and a C-130. We had to scramble to find space for quarters. the first week we were staying at the Hilton in Panama City. Great bar, better casino. After that, they put us back on base.. sigh. One crew was quartered upstairs from the base liquor store. hard duty, that. My crew and another were out in some less-used barracks in the jungle, complete with monkeys, lizards, and spiders as big as your hand 🙂

Still and all, it was a grande time, even though we flew out butts off. I’d love to relive me summa dat, though…

Jonn wrote: I was on Howard at about the same time (actually Fort Kobbe).


I’ll miss you but don’t you dare miss us! Relax, have fun and DRINK! Waiting for that PROMISED photo when you return.


Ooooh – I am officially envious. Enjoy the ceegars and have a few heavily rum-laced toddies for me.


Bon Voyage and think of those of us watching snowflakes fall in the midwest… OK, don’t think about it! Enjoy outstanding sunsets, great temps, and goodtimes, as that is what life is all about. Get it while you can. 🙂 Enjoy the time and return tanned and safe.


Wow, Jonn…so nice to know you’re still out here fighting the good fight! I ran into your name today at Pajamas Media


I never realized how famous you were.


Jonn wrote: Hey, Trisha glad you found me. This is much more fun than getting banned at the History Channel.


Gee, I dunno – with temps that high, I would prefer to stay in my pleasantly cool, damp room and work on the web all week…
Have a blast, be safe, enjoy. All the best~


have a wonderful time jonn! be safe. have lots of laughs. and take pictures!

and about those drivebys… i have been talking to my fellow smaller, less popular blog friends (:P) and we’ve noticed an increase in baiting and trolling from lefties since the immaculate inauguration. i would bet other right blogs are experiencing it as well. they feel ’empowerment’! heh.


I read this after taking the dog out, where it was 16 this morning. You can’t know how envious I am, Jonn. Enjoy, soak in the sun, have a drink or 3, or ??


We’re all the way up to 9 degrees here today and I read you’re going to Panama with temps in the 90’s! I am so envious! Have a great time soaking up the sun (and a little rum too).


You are a brave man to be in Panama during Carnival but somebody has to do it. Easy on the seco tho…

Jonn wrote: I prefer Abuelo – or Havana Club.


Jonn, Relax, have fun, drink, have fun, drink some more — but don’t forget to take lots of pictures AND don’t forget to come back!

(And I am NOT a drive-by — maybe a stroll-by or a walk-by.)

Jonn wrote: I thought you were mad at us. I haven’t seen around since election night. I figured you blamed us for McCain’s loss.


enjoy your vacation, Jonn, and have a drink or two for us here in the colder climes :o)


Have fun, stay safe… and no pictures of you in a Speedo… I’m still trying to get Pelosi’s wrinkled ass out of my mind, I don’t need to be exposed to any more scary images 🙂


Ray said: Have fun, stay safe… and no pictures of you in a Speedo…

Ditto. I’ve said as much before (several times), but I’ve sorta reconsidered. He might use such pix as avatars at some of the places he roots around in so we don’t have to.

Think about it?


Oh hell yes – pictures in the Speedo. He PROMISED!


You are miserable sadistic bastard showing that weather forecast.
I am in Ontario where we have been hit with a mega-dose of global warming, it was minus thirty Saturday night.

Jonn wrote: Well the forecast says “partly cloudy”, so it’s not all that sadistic, is it?