Stevie Wonder Could Have Seen This Coming – Part II

| July 3, 2017

Headline says it all:

Crime drops in Phoenix after city drops
sanctuary city status, former cops say

Stands to reason, actually.  While some illegal immigrants are doubtless in the US in search of employment and/or because of bad conditions in their native lands, a significant number of them are criminals.  It doesn’t take a huge fraction of criminals in an area to have a measurable impact on crime statistics.

Further, the criminals among those illegal immigrants have brought more than themselves here illegally.  In many cases, they’ve also brought their criminal gang ties and practices along for the ride.  Because of that, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that giving “sanctuary” to illegal immigrants also means giving sanctuary to some number of illegal immigrant gangbangers – as well as giving them a potential base of operations in which they can commit their crimes.

I’ve got no problem with anyone who immigrates to the US lawfully.  But I do have a problem with those who didn’t.

And I have an even bigger problem with public officials who look the other way at criminal activity.  Officials condoning “sanctuary” for those breaking Federal law are doing exactly that.

Category: Crime, Illegal Immigrants

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AMEN!!!! to that


Especially those low lifed politicians that do it to increase the dumocrap voter registration rolls!!


The left always obscures it, but it’s important to remember that the whole sanctuary idea protects illegals who are already in jail for other crimes.

Just writing that out reminds me how absurd this all is. I can’t believe it’s at all controversial that some politicians want to put a sock in this.


Me, too. It quite boggles the mind … the sheer stupidity of it all.


It’s controversial because if those ‘immigrants’ are ‘illegal’, they can’t possibly commit any crimes, can they?


Of course not, especially when they’re reliable democrat voters…

The Other Whitey

Makes you wonder just how many politicians have adopted the Leland Yee model of campaign finance.

The Old Maj

There is crazy, then there is California Crazy. If I lived in San Fransisco I would be marching on City Hall right now. Cuz this is completely off the chain.


Yeah I couldn’t fucking believe that one. The smug look on that guy’s face just added to to it. I’m wondering if the board of supervisors is actually going to roll over and approve it.


Definitely won’t. They kinda made their bed anyway.

The Other Whitey

It’s San Francisco. Their definition of “backbone” has nothing to do with the spinal column…

A Proud Infidel®™

That SOB could likely retire in his home country with that kind of money, fuck him.

The Other Whitey

And this is why so many Californians support a secession of San Francisco.

I skimmed the comments on that story and found some dickweed insisting that the murder of Kate Steinle was a “tragic accident,” and when pressed, backed it up with, “Those are the very words from the shooter’s mouth!” Because everyone knows that no murderer has ever lied about his crime before! Somebody else shut him down by asking how you “accidentally” shoot someone three times.


And the flip side from a politician and an editorial board:

Bristol County deserves a better sheriff than Hodgson

By defaming whole segments of the state population, Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson is pushing the political rhetoric in Massachusetts into dangerous, Trumpian territory. Immigration is a touchy subject, and pending legislation that would limit local police cooperation with federal immigration authorities deserves a full and frank debate. But voters need to insist that elected officials step back from divisive, even incendiary, posturing that tears at the fabric of the Commonwealth.

Hodgson, a longtime critic of illegal immigration, crossed the line of decency during a recent Beacon Hill hearing on the legislation, which he opposes. At the hearing, Hodgson blithely asserted that Massachusetts communities are exposed to “more crime by illegals being here,” an unsupported and untrue attack. State Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz pushed back: “I’m wondering if you have any evidence to substantiate that claim? . . . What I’m looking for is statistical information and evidence rather than anecdotal.”


Part of the problem is that police deal with illegal immigrants every day, know that they are illegal (or reasonably assume they are) but are not allowed to check and or keep data on it.

There may be no hard data because they can’t create it by law, and then lawmakers want the hard data. Without the hard evidence, the experiences of the police are dismissed.

I have never understood the thinking of pro-illegal immigration people when they say they portray the people who come here illegally as simply looking for a better life, good people, hard working etc, but then the federal government says that these same people are more likely to commit and be a victim of a crime by an illegal immigrant because the illegal immigrant victim is too scared of deportation to report it.

In other words, “we open our arms to your criminal activity of crossing the border and civil infraction of staying here illegally, but if you get robbed, beaten, raped, etc, that’s too bad.”

I just don’t understand it.


Seems kinda similar to the argument I’ve been seeing on the news the last couple days, about all the states that are refusing to comply with turning over election records to the fed so they can investigate voter fraud, and the reason they’re giving is that there’s no evidence of voter fraud… I’d think that’s the whole purpose of an investigation… typical leftist circular “logic”


I agree with you to a large extent. However, some things I have seen that the Trump administration wants are not part of the public record and should not be turned over.

Frankly, I would like to see some voter records and access to them tightened up.

For example, a person who is trying to hide from an abusive spouse can be found using voting records. That just doesn’t seem right to me.

Also, what I register as (Democrat, Republican, Independent, etc) is MY business and not the business of some political party. Where I live is not the business of some political party.

An anonymous vote is one of the rights we here in this country enjoy and yet it seems that when it comes to being an anonymous voter, the parties have made the system open and allowed the camel’s nose under the tent.

Just An Old Dog

I will disagree with you .. partially. While the register of voters has a right,,, actually a DUTY to validate a person’s eligibility to vote and should keep track pf their updated residence and political affiliation ( and this it only tracked for ballots in primaries), John and Jane Q Public has absolutely NO right to know ANYONE’S political affiliation or voting record.

Hack Stone

If you are for open borders but lock the doors of your home, you are a hypocrite. Those thieves only want your possessions so that they can support their families.


It’s those confounded Irish, you know! Once the door was open, the Micks never stopped coming.

The Other Whitey
Just An Old Dog

Here’s something that you might not have seen. Some cock-mole professor ( one of those who claim only people of color have ever been discriminated against) wrote a paper saying that discrimination against the Irish was just folklore and myth.
A 14 year old teen girl called him on his bullshit and by simply using Google and going through newspaper articles found a consistent pattern over several decades of ads and articles in different parts of the country disparaging the Irish. In the Sunday editions of the New York Times alone in 1842 she found 15 different examples of ” No Irish Need Apply” in help wanted sections,

A Proud Infidel®™

If I remember correctly, one of President Trump’s first campaign platforms was taking a staunch stance on illegal immigration and illegal aliens and he solidly won the election. IMHO the true majority of American Citizens are fed up with illegals and want the Government to do its job and enforce the laws already on the books, offering illegal aliens things is akin to offering additional items to a burglar once it’s in your home! Yes, a number are escaping oppression and many are looking for honest work, BUT we have laws. Look at Mexico’s immigration laws versus ours, I think ours need to be just like theirs and LET’S BUILD THE DAMNED WALL, one JUST LIKE what Mexico has on its Border with Guatemala!


I have a better idea, API: build walls around cities like NYC, L.A., SanFran, etc., and guide all the illegals to them.

Remember the movie ‘Escape from L.A.’? May not be such a speculative idea, after all. Keep those idiots locked up in their own swamp, and the rest of us can go about our business without their interference. (Soylent green is people!)


Apparently, American citizens have abrogated their duty to vote Democrat, so the Party has decided to replace the citizenry with a new and more politically reliable one.

A Proud Infidel®™

California’s moonbat Governor signed legislation allowing illegal aliens to vote. Happenstance? Coincidence?


Illegals commit a shit ton of crime compared to their overall population. It’s pretty insane when you see the numbers. Essentially almost 75% of all violent crime in the country is either black or illegal alien committed. Good fucking grief.

Just An Old Dog

Illegals are about 3% of the population but 12% of the prison population.
African Americans make up about 12% of the population and are 35% of the Prison population.
One thing that cuts across ALL races and backgrounds is that prisoners on average come from poverty.
In addition to fixing our immigration policy and security our country needs to do a hell of a lot better in creating jobs, providing REAL education (translation: something that can be used in a workplace) and strengthening the family.

Airdale (AW) USN ret.

I think you are wrong on the percentage.


87.39% of statistics claimed on the interwebs are inaccurate. Have fun figuring out where the rest are quoted.