Robert Stanley McCormick; phony SF returns

| June 26, 2017

As many of you know, I was pretty sick earlier this year. Robert Stanley McCormick took advantage of that and launched a campaign against my inbox with several of his friends. They flooded my email with physical and legal threats to the point that I had little time or strength for anything else. So I just took the post about him down – a post that had stood for nearly three years.

This weekend, he launched a similar campaign against our partners using the fact that I removed his post as proof that he was indeed a special forces qualified soldier.

Honestly, I’d just forgot about the whole thing – McCormick should have done the same, but he didn’t, so I restored his post last night.

Reprinted for your entertainment;

Robert Stanley McCormick

Scotty sends us his work on Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick. Green Beret Posers Exposed, Guardians of Valor and Professional Soldiers are supposed to be working on posts abut him, too. But as you can see in the picture above, he’s claiming to be a Special Forces-qualified veteran by wearing the full 10th SF Group (Germany) flash on his beret and by the Special Forces Qualification Tab on his vest. He’s also wearing a Diver Badge and jump wings. Well, some of that is true;

Robert Stanley McCormick FOIA

Robert Stanley McCormick2-1.jpg

He graduated from jump school and went to Special Forces Training from August – November of 1966 as an Engineer, but he didn’t graduate and he went to 10th Special Forces Group in Germany (although it looks like there’s a error on the 2-1 that says he went to 1st SFG – but the 10th was at Bad Tolz, FRG, US Army Europe (USEUR) There is a picture on his Facebook page that shows him wearing a school flash on his beret). If I’m not mistaken, in those olden times, he would have worn a “candy stripe” on his beret, not a full flash, signifying that he was assigned to an SF unit, but not SF qualified.

Although his records indicate that he graduated from jump school, he didn’t attend or graduate from the Army combat divers course. Also his records indicate that he was assigned to 10th SFG as a unit armorer and supply sergeant.

I guess he was founder of the Special Forces Motorcycle Club and they could find nothing that supported his claims of being SF qualified. “Bo” told them that, even though he failed the course, Colonel Beck (Beckwith?) “awarded” him the qualifier and being a supply clerk in the 10th Group in Germany made him SF qualified. So they booted his ass.

You should really let sleeping dogs lie.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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What an idiot. He had a decent record without trying to embellish it.

But no one ever said posers were the brightest bulbs in the Chandelier.

IF this idiot wants to try and bully someone…bring it…I’m your Huckleberry…and pack a lunch cause you’re gonna be here all damn day.

A Proud Infidel®™

Count me in on that as well, I’ve had posers/embellishers threaten to find and visit me and all have FAILED to do so.


They all failed LandNav.

Robert C Zornes

In my case they need to negotiate the barbed and electric wire fence. Once in, i5 can watch what they are doing and where they are at on the camers system. THAT is enough to keep most at bay.


All this does is constantly force his failure that he refuses to accept into the spotlight. Kinda sad.


It is kind of sad that so many of these posers go to such extreme lengths and put so much time, effort, and expense into trying to prove that they are something/someone that they clearly are not.


Kinda sad, like a self-inflicted wound.


Note that he lives in Florida. Yet another one. Must be in the water.



Leather vest covered in Poser Bling.


— sigh —

Wilted Willy

Why oh Why, do all of this shitstains always have to be in Florida? I am beginning to think there is something wrong here? could it be in the water? Are this asshamsters getting too much sun? You had a perfectly honorable career and then you have to take a giant shit all over it? Bring it on fuckwad if you think you want to give Jonn any trouble, you will find thousands of us that will give you more shit than you can swallow dickwad! Jonn is far and above a better man than you could even dream of being! So, bring your lunch snowflake and see how much shit you get in return, enjoy your google fame fuck stick! You are a loser poser asshole and nothing better!

Daisy Cutter

It’s like the question of the homeless in a big city.

Does the city attract the homeless because they can live off handouts or does the big city produce these people that have to live on the fringes of society?


Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick picks on people when they are ill, therefore Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is a cowardly scumbag.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is a liar.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is not Special Forces qualified.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is a Special Forces failure.

Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick has dishonored his service.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick has dishonored his brothers.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick has dishonored his family.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is, therefore, a dishonorable lying valor thief.


“Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick picks on people when they are ill, therefore Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is a cowardly scumbag.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is a liar.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is not Special Forces qualified.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is a Special Forces failure.

“Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick has dishonored his service.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick has dishonored his brothers.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick has dishonored his family.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is, therefore, a dishonorable lying valor thief.”

Preach it, Brother Graybeard!


Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick picks on people when they are ill, therefore Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is a cowardly scumbag.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is a liar.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is not Special Forces qualified.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is a Special Forces failure.

Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick has dishonored his service.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick has dishonored his brothers.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick has dishonored his family.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is, therefore, a dishonorable lying valor thief.

Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick i sa certified, gerbil felching ass hamster!


Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick picks on people when they are ill, therefore Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is a cowardly scumbag.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is a liar.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is not Special Forces qualified.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is a Special Forces failure.

Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick has dishonored his service.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick has dishonored his brothers.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick has dishonored his family.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is, therefore, a dishonorable lying valor thief.

A Proud Infidel®™

Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick picks on people when they are ill, therefore Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is a cowardly scumbag.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is a liar.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is not Special Forces qualified.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is a Special Forces failure.

Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick has dishonored his service.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick has dishonored his brothers.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick has dishonored his family.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is, therefore, a dishonorable lying valor thief.



Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick picks on people when they are ill, therefore Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is a cowardly scumbag.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is a liar.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is not Special Forces qualified.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is a Special Forces failure.

Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick has dishonored his service.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick has dishonored his brothers.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick has dishonored his family.
Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is, therefore, a dishonorable lying valor thief.


This is what he posted on his page yesterday: TO MY TRUE FRIENDS AND FAMILY: I NEED YOUR HELP! I HAVE MADE A NUMBER OF ATTEMPTS TO GET MY NAME REMOVED FROM A NUMBER OF WEBSITES WITH VERY LITTLE SUCCESS. ONLY ONE HAS REMOVED THE SLANDEROUS ACCUSSATIONS FROM THEIR WEBSITE. 3 years ago several members of the Special Forces Motorcycle Club, Inc, National SGT at ARMS, National President, National Treasurer, a Chapter President, launched an attack on my character and integrity. It would appear that there was an agenda by these individuals. That was to influence members of the Special Forces Motorcycle Club, Inc. to resign from the club and join the newly forming SF Brotherhood that at the time was forming a chapter in the Tampa area. By discrediting me, as the Founder of the SFMC, Inc., calling me a poser and fake SF soldier, members dropped out or did not renew their memberships, the Special Forces Association also terminated my Life Membership, and the mission of fund raising efforts by the SFMC was greatly affected by the false accusations. These accusations were posted on a number of “Stolen Valor”, “Special Forces Fakes”, “Professional Soldier”, and other internet websites that proclaimed to expose people who either never served in the military or claimed awards, or service that they never earned or actually served in. As easy as it is to post on these websites it is next to impossible to get them removed. Their false accusations were: I was never awarded the Special Forces “S” qualifier, never completed Special Forces training and was wearing a Green Beret without authorization. I was also accused of Stolen Valor, wearing an unauthorized Combat Divers Badge and Special Forces Tab. I contacted my attorney and we discussed what action I should take. Since I knew the truth I decided to not respond to these false accusations at the time but instead sent a letter on 18 December 2014 and asked the Dept. of the Army’s Record Review Board to review my records and my Special Forces “S” qualification. At the time of my… Read more »

A Proud Infidel®™

Thrown out of the SFA as well, only a handful of people have had that done to them, a real testament to one’s character or lack there of. Gee whiz, WhO ElSe has been thrown out of the SFA?


“I have never done anything that would even suggest that I have received monetary gain by the wearing of any military awards or badges”

Weasel word much?


Here’s what AR 600-8-22 actually says regarding retroactive award of the SF tab for other than completion of an approved SF training program: (Quoted from para 8-49, AR 600-8-22, RAR dated 20130624 – emphasis added): e. The SF Tab may be awarded retroactively to all personnel who performed the following wartime service. (1) From 1942 through 1973. Served with a Special Forces unit during wartime and were either unable to or not required to attend a formal program of instruction but were awarded SQI “S”, “3”, or “5G” by competent authority. (2) Prior to 1954. (omitted, not relevant – this guy served after 1954) (3) From 1954 through 1975. Any company grade officer or enlisted member awarded the CIB or CMB while serving for at least 120 consecutive days in one of the following type organizations: (a) SF Operational Detachment-A (A–Team). (b) Mobile Strike Force. (c) SF Reconnaissance Team. (d) SF Special Project Unit. Of course, the other way to retroactively receive the SF tab is to have completed an approved SF training program. Prior to 1988, there were a few of those. So, let’s look at McCormick’s case in light of the regulatory criteria above. Item (2) is not relevant, as the guy served post-1954. Therefore, only (1) and (3) are relevant. Item (3) does not apply. Per his records, the man didn’t ever serve in combat or receive a CIB. Therefore, none of the item (3) criteria apply to this individual. That leaves item (1) or SF training program completion. By his own admission, apparently this guy didn’t make it through SF training. If that’s the case, that option is ruled out. That leaves one last way he might qualify: award by competent authority due to “unable or not required to attend”. Possible, but that would also leave a paper trail – specifically, orders awarding the individual the “S”, “3”, or “5G” SQI. And merely serving in a MTOE position coded “S”, “3”, or “5G” isn’t enough – the actual SQI must have been awarded to the individual via orders. Ball’s in your court, McCormick. To prove your… Read more »


Oh, Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick? If you can prove you qualify, I will personally and publicly retract my accusations against you.

I strongly suspect that Robert Stanley “Bo” McCormick is unable to prove he qualifies.


Where is his service dog? Does the pooch ride on the motorcycle with him? Is the dog SF qualied?

A Proud Infidel®™

Window-licking thumb sucking booger-eating bucket of butt nuggets!


“Bo” told them that, even though he failed the course, Colonel Beck (Beckwith?) “awarded” him the qualifier and being a supply clerk in the 10th Group in Germany made him SF qualified.

Hmm. If by “Beck” he’s referring to Charles Alvin Beckwith, that would be difficult. Per his Wikipedia entry, COL Beckwith didn’t serve in Europe during the period 1966-1968. His assignments then were Vietnam (where he survived being hit by a .50 cal round); convalescence followed by Ranger training command in FL; and again Vietnam, where he commanded 2/327th Inf.

A Proud Infidel®™

GEE WHIZ, that twatwaffle of a tinsel-headed toad booger fucked the pooch on that too!

Non Cedo Ferio

There is no shame in being in a support role for SF. Hell I did.very proud to have supported them and other units as well In fact there’s no shame in any mos you earn. Just because your not doing the high speed stuff or graduating from HOOAH schools does not mean your any less committed to mission accomplishment or care for your fellow troops. Doesn’t mean you don’t deal with a lot of the same stresses in combat. Or the same BS in garrison. My dad is buried at Fort Benning post cemetery he ended his career by retiring as a PAC NCO died from complications from AO exposure from Vietnam. Nearby is a Ranger killed in Somalia as part of Task Force Ranger 1993. Different men different jobs. At the end of the day. They lie in honored rest. They did their duty. And that’s all that matters. I hate to beat a dead horse but if you can’t be proud of the job you do. You lie. You not only dishonor the folks you are pretending to be. But those of us who do our jobs that we are best suited for.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hell, I was part of the RSE (Ranger Support Element) during part of my time on Benning and I don’t even think about wearing a Ranger Beret or Tab!

Non Cedo Ferio

I got tasked out to support 5th Group during OIF 1 2003. I did not wear their combat patch. I wear the one of the unit I came over with. Before I left them a couple of the guys gave me a 5th group ballcap and a cheap SF ring. I gave them some of my patches. I wear the cap and ring from time to time. My veterans portrait project pic shows me wearing the cap. But that’s as close as I get. No beret no patch no claiming SF. I’m totally cool with the jobs I held. And proud that my service was honorable


I got “coined” while working a contract at NASA. But an astronaut i am naut.

Can I be a shuttle door gunner? How about a Space Mailclerk?

Non Cedo Ferio

I worked as BN mail clerk for a few years. Went though basic mail clerk demolition course. Got the prized F5 skill identifier. Like they say in the mailroom the only easy day was yesterday’s mail. LoL

Robot Wrangler

I supported 5th then 10th in 2004, got a Benchmade knife from 5th and a third shirt and coins from 10th. Wear the shirt from time to time but when asked I tell folks it was a gift for supporting them while deoloyed.

Robot Wrangler

T-shirt… Not third shirt. Autocorrect got me.


I was only a grunt at Kelly Hill at Benning, but some of us spent more time in the field at the various Ranger sites than most Rangers. We did get more sleep, though.
Perhaps I could wear half a Ranger tab, signifying “half-assed” Ranger? After all, we had to fight the same water moccasins, coral snakes, ‘gators, and bugs.


Sounds like something MilSpec Monkey could make for us.

Non Cedo Ferio

Columbus is my hometown. My stepbrother used to be first sergeant at 2-69 armor on Kelly hill. It used to be third BDE of third ID. Before they furled their colors a couple of years ago. But you probably already knew that.


No, I didn’t know that. I was in 5/31/ inf., 197 Inf Bde. Of course, who can keep track of the units since the brass love changing them. Addicted to parades and ceremonies, I guess.


He claims that he has a favorable decision from the ABCMR and a DD 215 that support his claims. If that were true, I’d think it would be a simple matter to provide copies of those documents to any and all persons and blogs that he wanted to convince. How about it, Bo?


Yep. And he can even find a PII-redacted copy of the ABCMR decision online and post a link to same if he’s worried about accidentally posting PII. All he has to do is find the link to his ABCMR case under the correct year here, then post that link:

Of course, that would require the case to (1) exist, and (2) actually support his claim. Not holding my breath on either.

Non Cedo Ferio

If he posted it that would be the end of the discussion right? I’ve heard that ABCMR are very thorough folks. And that they are the last word on records decisions. I’m with you Hondo. I’m not holding my breath that he will post it. Because such a decision probably does not exist.


I was in the same berthing as some Force Recon folks and got to know them. I guess I can now go purchase the gold jump wings and scuba bubble….and they, in turn, can wear the crossed cannons. lol


I want to wear my old BDU’S but for some reason, they have shrunk. I wonder how that happened.


I know, right? But mine only shrunk around the waist area….

Toasty Coastie

Wank Puffin Blue Waffle…

I’d like to see that Flash ripped the hell off him….


Somebody just slap him for me???


Smack him silly and call him Willie? :mrgreen:


Another recipient of the “blue waffle disease” award…


He was taking hits on his Facebook page and he and his friends were answering. Now he’s deleted the posts and put his defense statement back up and only allows posts from supporters.


Yeah, I saw that and was reading all of it just before he deleted the posts.

But, really, this turd who has once again floated to the top of the bowl, needs to just give it up. It’s been 50 freaking years since his service and here he is still reliving his glory days. He ain’t no SP5/SGT Peter-san and having a SF identifying duty MOS posted on your 2-1 don’t mean shit.

All I know is he was sent home three months early from Germany and separated three months early from his three year active duty commitment without a good cookie, so that’s all I need to know of his active duty time.


Holiday early DEROS, maybe? Can’t say about the late 1960s, but I seem to remember the same kind of stuff in the early 1980s.


Well, he claimed on his Facebook page that he was released three months early by “Beck” in order to start college in the spring semester of 68.

But you can also see that in his ABCMR request that he wanted to have at least two months added back into his overseas time, so it wouldn’t look like he actually only spent a grand total of 11 months, 22 days in Germany before he was discharged.

So much for self authored statements to the ABCMR. About as effective as a popcorn fart in a whirlwind.


Damn, Charlie Beckwith got him an early out while the Col. was still serving his tour in the Viet of the Nam. Now that is really some major pull for an E-5 supply dude. Just amazing. Maybe he did a special remote control issue of new OD underdrawers (that’s “skivies” for you squids) for the Col.


iirc, the Spring of 1968 was not exactly a time when they were looking for excuses to release grunts early from active duty. Seems like instead they were reversing a lot of college deferments instead of releasing folks to attend college.

Anyone else remember it that way?


Not for nuttin’, but the link from “Scotty sends” in the original post is to a non-working blog.



At least it shows that someone is actually clicking on the links you provide. 🙂

Wilted Willy

Since I was in the Signal Corps, that means anything the SF guys sent over the airwaves had to have come thru my equipment? So does that make me SF qualified? OOOH, can I wear the pretty hat and the oh so cool biker vest? I’m sure I could scrape up the money to go buy a moped and train my killer cat to ride with me? Can I be in the pussy poser parade??? Oh OH pretty please???

Green Thumb

Another minion in Phildo’s legions.

Phildo and the boys ride again!



His vast Special Forces experience was sniffing their skivvies on laundry turn-in day!


I think I may have found his ABCMR decision from 2015 – there’s no name attached to it but the information appears to match his dates of service from the FOIA (I took a phrase from Sandman’s post above and used it to search the ABCMR website):


Could be. However, given his supposed previous admission to others that he failed SF training but was qualified anyway due to assignment, I still want to see orders awarding him the appropriate SF SQI. And I’d also like to see a version of that AMBCR decision that specifically shows it’s relating to him and not someone else – e.g., one with a name attached.

Bottom line: during the time he served, per current Army policy there were two ways of getting an SF SQI without serving in combat: complete SF training or award by competent authority because the individual “could not attend or did not require” the training. I haven’t yet seen definitive evidence of either concerning this guy. And his official records rule out combat service.

And IMO it’s also noteworthy that the ABCMR did NOT retroactively award him the Special Forces Tab. From what I’ve read of the ABCMR’s decisions (and I’ve read probably 100+ – some are damned entertaining), they generally fix ALL errors they find in an individual’s records when they consider a case.


As I read the ABCMR decision, it appears that they based the award of the “S” based on two factors: he attended SF training (didn’t say graduated), and was assigned to a 76Y4S position. It looks like the board bought his rationale.

You’re right, though, he could put this to bed definitively by producing a copy of the decision with his name on it, as well as the DD 215 that he claims to have.


My guess is that you’re correct. However, per AR 600-8-22, para 8-49(e), during the period this guy served that combination is not sufficient for retroactive award of the SF tab. Award of the SQI must have been approved by competent authority. Otherwise, the individual must have a minimum of 120 days combat service with a specified type of SF organization (plus receipt of either the CIB or CMB) or must have completed an approved SF training program.

My guess is that the ABCMR may well have proved that it’s composed of humans – and humans are fallible. I suspect someone there simply forgot that a soldier’s assigned duty MOS is not always a MOS actually held by the individual, and thus didn’t check to see that the individual in question had actually been awarded all SQIs required by his MTOE duty position. That’s not too uncommon in units that are understrength – like USAREUR was during Vietnam.

The ABCMR does on occasion reconsider cases and change its own previous determinations.


I guess I’m surprised they redact names – aren’t these all public records they’re dealing with?


Decisions by the various service BCMRs and DRBs sometimes include significant derogatory information about an individual that normally is not releasable in response to a FOIA request. My guess is that’s why the USAF chooses to redact names before making the decisions public in sanitized form on their site.

Coffee Drinker

Really, did anyone read that Army Review Board remarks? Bo Bo told the ARB the following.

3. The evidence of record shows the applicant attended SF training at Fort Bragg and was awarded SQI “S” as verified by his primary MOS of 76Y4S. Therefore, he is entitled to correction of his DD Form 214 to show his specialty and skill level as 76Y4S.

He told the ARB that he was awarded the “S” from Ft Bragg. That his PMOS was already 76Y4S and it was his DMOS. He’s lying to everyone. He stated he dropped out and finished training in Germany. A Colonel, the Commander, signed off and gave him the “S” ASI.

Dave Hardin

The Delete Posts Manager over at is kinda like the old Maytag Repair man. He is around, but rarely if ever has anything to do.

I was hopeful that I found something for him to do here, but alas…

Hondo has to monkey up my plans with facts and sound reasoning once again. I hate it when he does that. Oh well, maybe next time.

A Proud Infidel®™

Here’s a solution, Robert Stanley “Bo”‘ McCormick can remove the “Forces” ‘from his tab and enjoy life as he runs around just being “SPECIAL “! 😄


With a nickname “bo” and that stupid photo, he wonders why he has a credibility problem? This dude screams “sketchy”.. I wouldn’t take a fucking thing from him at face value. Loser.



The only thing better than the nickname ‘Bo’ would be if he went around trying to get people to call him ‘Hoot’.

Green Thumb

Bo knows balls.


Bo works balls…


But he doesn’t know Jack.


That’s right, he DOES NOT know me.


Dildo with ears.


Having spent almost half my career as an SF support guy (3/1, 3/3 and 5/19) I’m surprised there aren’t more SF support guys posing as “OPER8Rs.”

But then again, that may be because being in such close proximity to actual SF soldiers, the fakers who were SF support are more crafty about their posing and thus less likely to get caught, more’s the pity.

If the BMCR decision that Mr. Bill found is correct, then McCormick may indeed be entitled – in the strictest sense of the term – to wear the beret on a technicality. If I understand correctly, back in the days before SF became its own MOS, the rules regarding the award of the SQI of “S” were more, shall we say, “fluid” and subject to interpretation.

But to my mind, the analogy is that of winning a court case that has no merit simply because the other party ignored the summons and you won by default.

LTC Tony Herbert, author of the book “Soldier”, once said “There are two kinds of military reputations. One is official and on paper in Washington DC. The other is the one that goes from bar to bar from the mouths of those who served with you there.’ That is the only reputation I ever really cared about.”

McCormick may have gotten his “paper tab” by pulling the wool over the eyes of the BMCR (who may not have been well versed in the SF Qualification process as it existed during the height of the Vietnam war) but those of us who know what he did will know exactly what that is worth.

John Robert Mallernee

I couldn’t read that one document that’s posted, so I don’t know what it says.

The other document doesn’t specify his what his MOS was.

When I read the book, “STOLEN VALOR”, I was surprised to see the name, “JERRY WAYNE GRAHAM” mentioned as a Special Forces poser.

According to the author, Jerry Wayne Graham served in the old Republic of Viet Nam in a support MOS with a Special Forces unit, but was never Special Forces qualified.

When he was found dead in the bushes in Salt Lake City, Utah, homeless and destitute, destined for a pauper’s cremation, I was one of several who immediately wrote letters, made telephone calls, and visited with my Congressional representatives and news media, and thus, we successfully organized a very public graveside service with full military honors, attended by the 19th Special Forces Group (Airborne).

So, you can imagine my surprise at seeing his name in that book!

Today, if you visit the cemetery in Salt Lake City, Utah, you’ll see Jerry Wayne Graham’s military headstone in the Veterans section.

I don’t regret helping out a fellow veteran in distress, but I just wished he’d told the truth.

Since he served in a Special Forces unit in Viet Nam, I think the 19th Special Forces (Airborne) would still have come out to honor this homeless and destitute war veteran.


My #3 son is an SFC with the 10th SFG(A) at Ft. Carson and I am certain that he would LOVE to have a serious conversation with this Poser!

My #4 son late of the 5th SFG(A) would likely love to clean up the mess left behind!

Me? I’d just like to watch the carnage. lol


Yeah! Let my father join in the fun; he served in the 77th, 1st, 6th, 5th, and Training Group.


My best to your Dad!


My son may soon meet your #3 son. 🙂


I wish your son well, Eden! I did just short of a year at Ft. Carson 1966-1967. Beautiful area!


11 years all total at Carson in the 4th ID for me.

First go-around 77-81. Second (and last) 84-91.

My second born son also served with the 5th SFG (as a motor pool parts clerk in the Support Bn) 90-91. He went to DS/DS with them.


I don’t believe the 4th ID was there at the time….I trained with the 12th ACR, shipped over and was assigned to the 11th ACR.

#4 son went to the 5th SFG around ’95 (I think) was badly hurt in a training accident mid-97 and was medically retired. (12 ga. shotgun breaching round to rear upper calf.)


You’re right. No 4th ID at the time at Carson. The 4th deployed from Fort Lewis to Viet of the Nam and returned to Carson in 1970.

The tenant Division in the 60’s was the 5th ID (Mech) and Carson was used a Mech/Cav unit form-up, train-up and ship out post. It’s said over 60 different Battalions came and went from Carson from 62-70.


Good talking to you guys!

Enjoy your 4th of July.


I was in the 3/12th in Dec. 1970. It was the last infantry battalion of the 4th ID to stand down. My company was the last infantry unit to leave the division base camp at An Khe, the first week in December, 1970.


McCormick knows what he is doing wearing that flash and SF tab is bogus. Even in 1971 in the 10th SFGA, if any newly assigned peeps had started wearing a full flash before they graduated from the appropriate SF qualification course they would have been severely “counseled.” I’d like to see a bona fide photo of him at Bad Tolz, wearing a full flashed beret; bet it didn’t happen.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I’m a transplant to South Florida from Long Island NY and nothing wrong with the H2O that I drink. Maybe I moved to the wrong state with all these stolen valor knuckle heads running around down here. I left the OKIE 3 in 1966 and never made SE Asia as my ship did. I never claimed to served there as I was asked many times by people when I wear my LPH 3 or DD 700 cap and Navy tee shirts. HOO YA


Hey, Jeff – Hicksville here………..and still here and the water still sucks!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Life member of Long Beach FD. Used to hang out at Jabbys on Broadway. Am using a water purifer in West Delray Beach.


OMG!!!! Jabby’s?? Great place! That’s now an Indian Restaurant! I live about 1/2 mi. South off of Rt. 107. Gone are the days of the friendly bars around here.

Hell, Long Beach was a well-known party town a few years back with a great FD!

I’m NCPD, 2 Pct., retired.


Edit: Been using an Aqua Rain for at least 20 years and before that reverse osmosis….which was pretty inefficient.

Take care!


There’s a new discussion thread on him over at Green Beret Posers Exposed. The consensus over there is that the “S” designator was given to denote Special Forces support personnel; it does NOT mean he’s SF qualified.


I was just over there. I love the comment where he told an SF SCUBA instructor that he was awarded his dive badge by someone at some ersatz scuba course conducted at Bad Tolz. Yeah, right; they spent training time on a supply type who flunked the Q course, ‘cuz everyone knows there are a lot of scuba ops going on in the supply room or arms room. Maybe he handed out towels to the scuba team (there would have only been one at Bad Tolz) when they came out of the water.

Not SF...Just a Red Leg

In 2015, Bo Bo requested a corrected 214 with the Army Review Board.. His MOS was changed to reflect his last duty MOS. BASED on this from his statement.

3. The evidence of record shows the applicant attended SF training at Fort Bragg and was awarded SQI “S” as verified by his primary MOS of 76Y4S. Additionally, he held the temporary rank/grade of SGT/E-5 at the time of his assignment and subsequent release from active duty. Therefore, he is entitled to correction of his DD Form 214 to show his specialty and skill level as 76Y4S.

He did not complete the course at Ft Bragg, for 12B4S and tells everyone that. HE could have restarted, but had to reenlist for it, he declined. He also claims he completed Phase I and the MOS training.. He posted on his page and in chats that his commander awarded him the “S”.

IT WAS HIS DUTY MOS. (MTOE position), Prior to Jul 67, he did not have 76Y as a MOS. ..It is possible that the commander issued orders awarding that as his PMOS. There is no training on his form 20 showing any SF courses and if the only correction on the DD 215 was his MOS, then the training “should” be on his 214. It’s not. He was a Supply Sgt. Nothing more.

Coffee Drinker

It was explained in a Facebook chat by one of his supporters the difference between a SQI and ASI. His supporter said the following.

QUESTION….I went into the ASI regulation there currently is no ASI S….after research….. the confusion is ASI vs SQI….. an S in the FIFTH -NINTH position is an SQI..,,for support…NOT AN ASI…. for Special Forces….which ceased to be when we got our MOS….an ASI was an ASI and stood for Special Forces Qualified…. .

Bo Bo’s Army Review Board and his own words awarded him a SQI “S” and not an ASI “S”. In 2015, when the ARB made their decision, they had to go by 2015 Regs, so if Bo Bo was SF Qualified, he would have been given a 18C MOS. He wasn’t, he was a supply Sgt.

His duty MOS was 76YS in support.. There is nothing anywhere that shows any SF training on his form 20..

Legal Beagle

The reason people believe him is what he writes on his page. Lying to them and they have no idea. Here’s what he wrote

“The evidence of records shows the applicant attended SF training at Fort Bragg and was awarded SQI “S” .” “Therefore, he is entitled to correction of his DD Form 214 to show his specialty and skill level as 76Y4S.” This is the MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) for a Supply Sergeant E-5 with a SPECIAL FORCES Qualifier. . The “S” qualifier was awarded to my MOS 12B2S which is an Engineer, Specialist 4th Class, SPECIAL FORCES qualified. I won’t get into why I was signed into Co C, 10th Special Forces Group, Airborne as a Supply Sergeant but I spent most of my time training with an ODA team and very little time in a supply room.

That was his statement on what the ARB found in 2015. He has never been awarded a 12B3S MOS. Problem here is the only “S” still being used after 1983 is for support..