Sandy Hook denier sentenced

| June 10, 2017

Lucy Richards, a Florida woman who thinks that the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012 was a government conspiracy was sentenced to six months in prison for making death threats towards a parent of a six-year-old victim according to the Santa Fe New Mexican;

Prosecutors alleged Richards left a series of menacing voice mails and emails with Pozner last January, saying in one, “death is coming to you real soon.” Three of the charges in her four-count indictment were dismissed under the plea agreement.

After she completes her prison sentence, Richards will be confined to her home for five months, according to court records. She will also undergo three years of supervised release, during which time she will be required to maintain a daily log of her computer activity.

In court Wednesday, U.S. District Judge James Cohn told Richards her threats against Pozner were “disturbing,” according to the Associated Press.

The victim in this case, Lenny Pozner, took on another guy, James Tracy, who had demanded that Pozner prove his son ever existed. Pozner got him fired from his university teaching job.

In 2014, a self-proclaimed hoaxer in Virginia was sentenced to a year in prison after he stole Sandy Hook memorial signs from playgrounds honoring the victims. The following year, a Brooklyn man received a one-year suspended sentence for intimidating the sister of Victoria Soto, a slain Sandy Hook teacher hailed as a hero for shielding her first graders during the attack.

It takes all kinds, I guess.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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I have no problem with the consequences theses loons are facing for their threats. I just wonder why some other folks we all know and love have made threats for years and are only now just starting to see some legal issues headed their way.

The Old Maj

281 Lawyers per 100K, highest in the world.

A Proud Infidel®™

WTF drives some people to be that excessively fucked the hell up?


Easy, mental health problems and nobody put them in check. Lucy probably hasn’t had a man in 20-30 years. She has nothing but time on her hands.


If she looked like Bernath and Nick Nolte DUI mugshot…probably should have posted that one too!

Give us the nasty photo of a nutcase unhinged.


Actually Jonn, just did a google check.

Don’t do it!

She aged pretty bad. Either from electro shock therapy or mental ward food.




Ok, you threw down the gaunlet and I searched. The picture above i’d hit but the latest gives uncle fester a run fir his money. Ouch. Excuse me while I go to the Hooters site tobget my mind right

Bill M

Jonn, you were kind to her. Jeez, I don’t think ever SARC would hit that. Time has not been kind to Lucy Richards.

Excuse me while I go apply eye bleach.


“… latest mugshot of Daniel Bernath”…


Saw those. Thought you meant there were new ones. I needed something to scare varmints away.

The Other Whitey

Did leftist politicians shamelessly try to smear half of the nation with the blood of those kids? Absolutely, and it was and is disgusting. Did the parents lash out in the wrong direction for no good reason? Yes, though grief can make you do some stupid and/or crazy things, so I don’t really blame them. They’ve suffered an unimaginable tragedy, perpetrated by a crazy asshole (may he burn namelessly in Hell–[spit]) who wasn’t locked in a padded room because the incompetent system didn’t recognize the threat he posed, and the leftist politicians who established it wanted to cover their asses.

But this shit is utterly appalling. I’ve seen the hoax claims, and every single one of them made me want to beat the shit out of the individual making them. I’ve seen people lose their children. It’s been the subject of plenty of sleepless nights–often while holding my own kids tight as they sleep–, as well as discussions with my Priest and the state shrink. I can think of few forms of assholery as low as mocking or trivializing that loss.

I hope this bitch gets beat like a fucking cheap piñata in the hoosegow.


I just can’t improve on those comments.. well said TOW


Well said.


^^^ x 1,000. Well said

Bill M

I think you speak for all of us on this TOW.


There was A LOT of info out at the time, that the whole thing was a govt false flag event….would you BET it wasn’t? Do a google search and make up your own mind…..




There was a whole bunch of Sandy Hook shit-stirring by kooks who just cannot accept:

that one lunatic can get away with a simple building invasion and mass shooting,

but that

dozens, even hundreds, of people can conspire to fake a building invasion and shooting with perfect secrecy and authenticity, and no one leaks or spills their guts, ever.

Well, perfect secrecy except for the conspiracy spotter, of course! Why their whole claim to fame is that they are -smarter- than the sum total of a huge sinister conspiracy of evil geniuses! (Oddly, this is usually their one claim to fame. Otherwise, they are often “average” to “meh”.)

This particular batch of loon-goons are dancing on the graves of -murdered children-.

USMC Steve

I don’t know about that, but I have seen several photos of at least two professional “victims” both female, that just keep appearing at Obamafests/tragedies. Someone ran facial recognition on them and they were confirmed as one in the same for both women. That makes me suspicious.


These nutjobs need more than 6 months or 1 year in prison. People like this Lucy character spend their every waking hour using their Lifeline phone plan and welfare to harass people.

She admits to have mental problems, wouldn’t be surprised she is on food stamps and so on.
Her dumbass goes to court apologizing and begging not to do time. After she pretty much stalked LP for who knows how long.

Throw her raggedy ass in the deepest hole possible.

Green Thumb


Dolch Mann

In her spare time she plucks out her nose hairs with a pair of needle nosed pliers, steps on baby bunnies, and is a side show freak that felches elephants.


What a barking moonbat. IDC SARC in 5, 4, 3…



“It takes all kinds, I guess.” Well, we got all kinds and there’s a hell of a lot we can do without.


Unexpected. This board usually highlights nutcase leftists.

Nice to see a nutcase right winger be highlighted.

The propaganda on both sides in driving everyone crazy and the already crazy into batshit territory.

Was the Pizza restaurant gunman. Highlighted? I don’t think I saw it. But he was a canary in the mine with respect to the fuckwittery we might expect from both sides.

You distort people’s reality for political gain long enough they eventually bring their new reality to life.


Yeah. I knew you didn’t. Poe has some pretty radical right notions he blogs about but he at least still has boots on some stable ground.

The internet communities these people belong to are complete alternate realities.


“Nice to see a nutcase right winger be highlighted.”

I don’t see anything nice about this situation. Your satisfaction with it is particularly appalling.


lol…it’s easy to play the snowflake 🙂


It’s how he rolls…

The Other Whitey

Way to be a self-righteous asshole, Lars! You stay classy.

A Proud Infidel®™

Lars aka Babbles McButthead can be counted on to be a blithering imbecile at least 99.989% of the time.


Well, then you still have me beat with your perfect record of idiocy.

A Proud Infidel®™


Just An Old Dog

“Unexpected. This board usually highlights nutcase leftists.”

BullFuckin’Pussy. You do realize that the vast majority of military phonies busted on here are extremely right wing in their political beliefs don’t you Lars?
You apparently overlooked how we use the Oath Keepers as chew toys on a regular basis.


Damn, you went from happy the article was featured, back to being butt hurt again,, all in one post!

I’m no counselor, doctor, head-shrink, whatever but that sure sounds like someone with bi-polar disorder.

I guess I’m happy and sad for you.!.!😩😁

USMC Steve

That would be because there are so many mentally ill leftists out there to pick from, Lars.

USMC Steve

There was also absolutely nothing said about her being a registered republican or conservative or anything other than she doesn’t buy into Sandy Hook.


Reading the comment sections on stories related to her charges and stories related to the former professor James Tracy issue is a wake up call.

They are filled with Sandy Hook conspiracy theorists.



The world is filled with conspiracy theorist nutjobs. We got Sandy Hook hoaxers, birthers, 9/11 truthers, etc.


People in this country are fucking sick


It is the price we pay for having a society based on Liberty, including the freedom to be -odd-.

We cherish the right to oppose the established thinking. The price we pay is that we thus must tolerate the existence of some really ugly kooks.

We are free, of course, to refute them, but some of those addle-brained folks see the refutation and derision only as further proof that they are really right and that the refuting people are wrong / evil / part of some sinister plot.


Some people have way to much time on there hands


Fucking ginger’s

Mark Lauer

It’s the same sort of mentality that spins conspiracy theories that the government murdered Robert LaVoy Finicum, John Kennedy, set the bomb that blew up the Murrah Federal Building, blew up the levies in New Orleans in order to kill all the black people….and so on.

I’ll sit back now, and wait, as the people whose pet theory I’ve denigrated come screaming out of the woodwork.

USMC Steve

Finicum is not a theory. Film evidence showed the FBI shot him down, and let him bleed out. I am kinda not down with that. The others I have no information on that proved out to be valid.