So this is how it’s gonna be, huh?

| January 22, 2009

In reference to the post I put up yesterday about the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball; are we going to have to listen for the next four years to these kind of excuses from the Left? “There was no such Ball and if there was, Obama was there, and if he wasn’t so what?” Multiple choice answers.

Yeah, the American Legion isn’t helping by posting an article about the C-i-C Ball on their front page instead of the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball. I guess they figure they have to work with the new administration so why piss them off. I understand, but I don’t agree.

Just so everyone knows, we sat on that story for eighteen hours. I typed it Tuesday night around 5:30 and it didn’t go public until just after noon on Wednesday. The main reason we went with it was because we were getting search queries in regards to the subject for hours before we posted it – people wanted to know the truth. Also, I left my usual comments out of the post – just the facts. If you think there’s something racist about posting inconvenient facts without commentary, you need to take a look at yourselves because it’s more of a reflection on you than on me.

I’m no journalist, but I play one on the internet.

But, the Left is acting like they did when we asked why Obama hadn’t gone to Iraq. They gave the same kinds of excuses for him when he didn’t go to the Landstuhl hospital. Campaign’s over, folks. He doesn’t have to do the right thing every time, but YOU don’t have to be dishonest/ignorant about what he does.

Oh, and I want someone to tell me how pointing out that Obama didn’t go to the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball is racist? Is pointing out an inconvenient truth now racist? Like I said, the campaign’s over. Time for your guy to bat.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck

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Hate to say it Jonn, but I’ve been reminded on more than one occasion here in ATL that this isn’t my president, that he’s not there for my benefit…this is “their” turn. Infer what you will in that. So much for the post-racial presidency.


OMG, John and TSO,
I’ve been reading the comments to TSO’s original post and it is CRAZY!
The Left has no idea that there are more than one military related inaugural balls; they do not read, and when they do read, they all seem to have very poor English comprehension skills demonstrated by they persistent confusion of the CiC Ball with the Red-White-Blue Ball with the Salute to Heroes Ball… sigh… What a sad state of affairs…


They when you only has a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail.

Cry “Racist” has been a handy tool for liberals for decades. Too bad that they’ve been exposed and can’t use that anymore.


Right you are! No longer can they cry about EEO, Affirmative Action or Discrimination. You see, the COW had no experience and he got elected for using the right words. Now, it should all be abolished, this race thing, right. It magically disappeared since The COW was elected!!

AW1 Tim

I suppose that, based upon the rhetoric thus published, that the cookie folks are going to have to rename “Oreos” eh?

Scr@w that stuff. I’ve already run into two situations here in Maine where accusations of racism have lifted their ugly head because I questioned the “One”. I simply replied that everytime I turned around I saw some button or bumper strip that proclaimed that “Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism”. I was told point blank by one of the local “O” cultists that that was when Bush was president. Questioning the “lightworker” was just latent racism by the white man.

So, yeah. It’s happening. The Stalinization of the nation has begun. although it sure gives me the willies how much these leftists remind me of Mao’s Red Brigade and Cultural Revolution.

I wish Orwell was alive to see what his ilk helped foster.


Ehhhhhh…..Jonn? The American Legion never stood behind the guys from Vietnam. What makes you think any thing is different now?

Membership after all ain’t nothing but warm bodies….Half them bastards still live in WW2…..The rest are dumbed down

Mike H.

Did they take the story down? I went to your link and searched for both the C-i-C Ball and the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball and came up with nothing. Are they running scared or something? If you find it let me know and I’ll go back to google school.


On the MoH/”Salute To Heroes” Inaugural Ball Kerfluffle…

Which is easier to believe?:

That a Ball that has been held every inauguration since 1953 was suddenly canceled & or rolled into one of the other balls – and no one is talking about it – especially when proving the ball didn’t happen get the Thetans off Barry’s back and Clear him…


That the Chicagoan In Chief failed to attend an event that Bush specifically said (in 2005) was the Traditional FIRST and Most Important Ball to attend – and the MSM is studiously spiking the story?

Which is more believable?