What the Hell Did Obama Feed these People?

| January 20, 2009

About an hour ago Fox News reported that Senator Robert Byrd had some kind of a seizure at the luncheon and was removed by medical staff.

Just now it was reported that Senator Ted Kennedy was removed after experiencing an apparent siezure.

Can a person overdose on socialism?

Category: Politics

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LT Nixon

Obama probably fed Kennedy “Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables“, haha. Tasteless joke, but, whatever, Kennedy sucks.


Loaves and fishes?


First the Boston U-Boat Kapitain Crashdives, now the Senate Kleegle.

Mary Jo must have whispered in Fatboys ear “Hells waiting, and there out of Potato Salad”- Man simply couldn’t take it.


“Can a person overdose on socialism?” I don’t know about that but it’s a well known fact there is no cure for stupid, and congress is now filled and controlled by stupid.

AW1 Tim

the opinions up here where I am is that the “Lightworker” was using his Jedi powers to incapacitate the two of them so as to have another couple Senate seats to auction off, er, appoint political sycophants to.. yeah, that’s it… 🙂

William Teach

They both finally had the thought go through their heads “Seriously? We elected this lightweight?”

Other Byrd thoughts revolve around sheets.

Teddy was probably miffed that Barry could get elected and Ted couldn’t.


Of course you can overdose on socialism, the most sever cases usually end at gulag recovery camps and the untreatable ones with bullets to the head. What kind of an idiot question is that anyway? Have we forgotten our Soviet and Chinese history so soon?

COB6 Wrote: Wow, lighten up Francis. It was a rhetorical question 🙂


COB6, it was not rhetorical to ME… I am more scared than most of you by virtue of living through the socialism and personality cults…