RINOs Who Will Break Hard for Obama

| January 20, 2009

The Politico has a list of top Republicans likely to throw support for pretty much anything Obama tosses out.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.)
Sen. Dick Lugar (R-Ind.)
Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.)
Sen. George Voinovich (R-Ohio)
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine)

I don’t necessarily disagree with any name on the list or the reasons put forth in their article but it must be pointed out how woefully incomplete it is. Of course this is exactly why blogs like this exist.

Pointing out all of the RINOs would take far too much time so I’ll just point out the top five RINOs that didn’t make their list.

1. Lindsey Graham – Given that Graham’s lips could not be more securely attached to John McCain’s ass through surgery, it is impossible to imagine how he was overlooked. Mark my words, Graham will continue to be an embarassment to conservatives everywhere.
2. Mel Martinez – Martinez has always been a big McCain supporter and he has already announced that he isn’t running for reelection in 2010. The lack of political pressure will free him for a run at the Lincoln Chaffee award for ass-hattery.
3. Olympia Snowe – Snowe practically caucuses with the Democrats on most domestic policies already so the jump would be of no shock to anyone. She is pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, anti-drilling, and she is also an open-borders hack.
4. Arlen Spector – Spector could be Obama’s best weapon when he decides to put a full blown communist on the Supreme Court. Spector is always a faithful RINO but his greatest legacy of idiocy is the Supreme Court.
5. Colin Powell – I know Powell doesn’t get a congressional vote but he is a Sunday morning darling and he’s totally in the bag for Obama.

Feel free to nominate more in the comments.

Category: Politics

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Wow, both my “republican” senators made the top ten…

AW1 Tim

Yeah, I’m a Mainiac too, and it’s a sad, sad thing that I had to vote for one of them just to keep Tom Allen out of office.

I love Maine. It’s a wonderfully beautiful state, but it looks like it’s finally time to bail. I’ve been here more than 30 years, but the governor and the legislature have so screwed the pooch up here that I just can’t make it anymore.

I mean, how sad is it that the state can come up with money for thousands of Iraqi and Somalian refugees, but a disabled vet like myself has to literally go out picking up cans and bottles to make ends meet?

The democrats and their eco-terrorist dirt worshiper friends have driven almost all the industry out of the state. What’s left is more like cottage-industry piece work with low salaries. But it’s GREEN! gag… we have carpenters building homes that no Mainer could ever afford for affluent socialists from out of state who move up here and bring their politics with them. Hell, my 10 year old was forced to write a report about why it was important to elect a black president as part of her 5th grade “black history month” project. I just can’t deal with this sh!t anymore.

I’d move right away if I could save up any money, but I can’t save two nickles these days due to all the fees and taxes and high costs up here. Most likely, we’ll end up selling everything we own and start over somewhere else.

Texas sounds awfully nice this time of year.

COB6 Wrote: Texas is always glad to welcome another conservative. Tomorrow it’s going to be 75 degrees and sunny!

Amendment X

We already see a portent with these Repubs voting for Gietner for Treasury:

Pat Roberts-KS
Mike Enzi-WY