Monday morning feel good stories

| May 22, 2017

From Oklahoma City, Oklahoma;

Officials said the burglar broke into an apartment complex in the 5700 block of Northwest 23rd Street, near North MacArthur Boulevard. A resident was at the apartment and shot the burglar in the side.

The burglar was taken to an area hospital. Officials have not released the man’s condition.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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One bad guy down temporarily is better than no bad guys down at all.

Deplorable B Woodman

Too bad the homeowner didn’t apply the Taxpayer Relief Double Shot to the perp when he broke into the house. Save a lot of people a lot of money over the long haul.


Room 2, 09:30.

This link will take you to the District Court for Chesapeake, Va, enter Bernath in the name field.


Gee. Apparently ol’ Danni-boi didn’t manage to kick the can very far down the road last week.

Looks like Lady Karma’s arriving soon, Danni-boi. And she ain’t smiling.

Deplorable B Woodman

Karma’s a fast bitch on wheels….and then you marry her.


Well, it’s past 9:30 their time now, so I sure hope he shows up for it. Not that I have any personal vested interest in it, mind you.


Will check back tomorrow to see what stupid prizes ol Danni boi won!


Lady Karma, aka: DA PAIN TRAIN!




It won’t let me access the link 🙁


Try this one, and then select Circuit Court.

The next screen will offer a court selection field, select Chesapeake Circuit Court.

The next screen that should appear will have fields for entering lastname, firstname.

Entering Bernath will get you there or you can search by case number. Keep in mind that this case was an appeal from the General District Court and has a different number from the original case number which was GC16007809-00 and 01.

In the District Court Bernath was adjudicated as GUILTY and sentenced to 365 days in jail.

It wouldn’t surprise anyone if he checked himself into a “spa” or similar refuge to avoid the hearing this morning.

As of 3 PM on May 22nd, the court log has not been updated.

Laughing Wolf

It has finally updated, and it seems a trial is set for 11 August at 1000 hours.


Thanks for following up on him. Hell, I figured he’d try some medical scam for a deferral. Better mark the calendar for August 11th. Jeez, sure hope he represents himself!

One curious observation I noticed is that a Daniel G. Bernath also had a matter in the General District Court going back to around 2006/2007. How common is the name Daniel Bernath? I think there is a legitimate guy out there who is a dentist, somewhere.

Chesapeake is a hot and humid place to be in August but Danny’s probably used to heat and humidity from all that bicycling in Ft. Myers. Kind of makes me wonder if he possesses a valid driver’s license.


Well done!
Although I would have ‘Mozambique’d the Fuckin creep, till he breathes no more’
I just hope the courts make the perp pay for blood stain removal!