Jefferson Taylor; Blue Falcon

| May 21, 2017

Task & Purpose tells the story of 21-year-old Jefferson Taylor, an Army Reservist stationed at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, who crashed through a power pole and several traffic signs at the end of a cruise at 80 miles-per-hour in a 25 MPH zone. Taylor fled the scene leaving his passenger, Hernan Barragan, unconscious in the wrecked vehicle. Barragan died from his injuries 40 minutes later despite the efforts of first responders.

Police used a search dog to track Taylor to a nearby apartment complex, where officers could hear yelling.

They found Taylor lying on the ground outside an apartment door covered with bloody handprints. Taylor was bleeding profusely from a head wound.

Although Taylor claimed the man who lived in the unit shot him, officers determined that Taylor woke the man up by pounding on the door and tried to push his way inside when he heard police approaching the area.

Taylor struggled with police as he was taken into custody, kicking one officer in the chest. He kicked the doors and windows of the patrol car and repeatedly spit blood and threatened to kill officers.

Taylor has been charged with “vehicular homicide, two counts of third-degree assault, failure to remain at a fatal collision and obstructing a law enforcement officer”.

According to the News-Tribune;

“When told that Mr. Barragan was dead, the defendant responded with expletives, stating he did not care about him,” according to charging papers. “The defendant then launched back into his verbal attacks on the officers.”

Category: Blue Falcons

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There is an awful lot of stupid out there when soldiers get drunk, this punk hits a female security guard. Guess he won’t be reporting to his next unit on time, if at all.


I saw that on the news. There was no reason at all for him to do that. I think she’s going to be okay, but he’s a useless idiot. And now, he gets to pay for it.


The photo of his family at the hearing says a lot. Hope he gets tossed in the slammer for a nice long stay.


Takes a real badass to smash the face of a woman old enough to be your mother (literally twice your age).

What a douche. I hope he rots in prison and enjoys a steady diet of warm cockmeat sandwiches.


How did he get in the Army with a DUI ??
His DUI was in 2010 and it states he had been in for 5 years
before they retired me they placed me with Recruiting
And we had a ton of folks that were DQ’d for less
Amazing how desperate the Army is now

Silentium Est Aureum

Pretty unlikely he’s been in for 5 years if he’s only 21, although getting a DUI at 14 isn’t unheard of.

Silentium Est Aureum

Correction. Story at link has his age as 32.

Silentium Est Aureum

He’s fucked. He knows it. And unfortunately, as with so many DUI cases, the innocents get killed and the drunk walks away from the wreck.


I’m sure that, somehow, his training as an Army reservist is to blame.

Dai Uy

Actually, the press is reluctant to describe him as even part of the military. “Police said Taylor, a 21-year-old Joint Base Lewis-McChord resident”


Possible alcohol fueled roid rage.


There’s probably more than ETOH involved in this story. What a tragedy.

Isn’t that the area where Bernath had his first major sociopathic misadventure?


with apologies to old El Paso folks: A modern day Barmuda Triangle?

A Proud Infidel®™

I have absolutely zero sympathy for him whatsoever after he left his buddy to die in the wrecked car, let alone for him being so damned reckless. I wonder how the liberal media will spin this to look like the Army made him the monkeyfuck ratshit Blue Falcon that he is?

MSG Eric

Says he’s an “active duty member of the Reserves” and Stationed at JBLM, which means he’s an AGR?

From what I recall, there are about 5 Reserve units that share the Reserve Facility on Ft Lewis right inside the Logistics Gate. I’d be curious what unit he’s assigned to and what his MOS is.

I’m sure it’ll be all the talk from the Blotter. Especially since he’s an AGR, according to this story. (Which might very well change 10 times over the next few weeks.)


Probably WTU. Temporary duty going through a medical discharge process. It would be consistent with mental health problems.


Can confirm, this guy was at a wtu


“Barragan, 32, was an active-duty member of the Army Reserve. He was from Hollister, California, and stationed at JBLM.”

Barragan was the one they were citing.

Taylor is a sociopath. Hanging him should be considered a mercy killing.


Thats how I read it too, Barragan being the active duty person.

Not sure how Lars jumped to the WTU assignment for Taylor. But hey look who we’re talking about.


Just simple math. There are very few active duty reservists at JBLM and most of them are at the WTU.

I said “probably” which merely means “more likely than not”, and given that there are more active reservists at WTU than other JBLM assignments then it is more likely than not he is at the WTU.

It is also where some reservists are being processed for medical discharge. For physical or mental health issues.


Nah, you jumped directly to WTU and mental health issues. Nice diagnosis, did you stay at a Holiday Inn recently?

You didn’t take the time to read the article, which is typical.


So I don’t know anything about the blue falcon. But I did know Barragan… He indeed was at the wtu. He was getting his life together doing so good. We and a few others met up on Fridays for meditation and study. The whole thing is so tragic, he was missing home and couldn’t wai to get back.


He’s not AGR, he’s a TPU soldier, I should know, he was in my unit


At least with DJT as President, he won’t get a pardon. With the previous sh*t, he would be out already.


Obama pardoned fewer per year than most presidents. Far less than Reagan and only slightly more than Bush Jr.

He still granted less that most which makes it LESS likely that he would have pardoned any individual person than the average president.

He did grant a lot of clemencies. Mostly to non violent drug offenders. With a few notable and highly political exceptions.

A Proud Infidel®™

Here’s hoping that he spends at lest a couple of decades as the “Property” of Bubba, Thor, and the rest of their cell block.


He will absolutely get his shit pushed in with the attitude he has!!!


I second that


Mr. “Tiny” is gonna be getting some of that real soon… before the rest of the boys at the BTJT Deli!

A Proud Infidel®™

Oh I’m sure he’ll get his cherry busted and his can pushed in shortly after well before he goes to prison.


Does the US Army not have grooming standards any longer?


Depends if your little dude in the sky won’t love you unless you wear a turban, grow a beard, don’t shave the sides of your head,or otherwise identify as this or that, etc etc ad nauseum.

It’s an Army of whatever makes you feel good.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Too bad his last name isn’t Kennedy there would be no charges that stick.


[…] – GFY, also, Dueling Jew Haters The Political Hat: The Sin Of Animus This Ain’t Hell: Jefferson Taylor, Blue Falcon, also, 2LT Richard Collins Murdered War Is Boring: Saudi Arabia Can’t Win Its Own Battles […]


Jefferson Taylor is an ACTIVE DUTY SOLDIER. The passenger that passed away, Hermon Barragin was a Reservist. The press got that messed up. I knew both of these soldiers, they were friends. Very sad and tragic situation.

MSG Eric

Thanks for the clarification on that, my condolences.

It wouldn’t be the first, or thousandth time the media screwed the pooch on military vernacular.


I knew Specialist Barragan as well we deployed to Cuba together and returned this past January we’re having a memorial for him at the unit tomorrow

Green Thumb

To hell with this dude….