Heather Wilson confirmed as Air Force Secretary

| May 9, 2017

According to Fox News, Heather Wilson was the first Trump appointee confirmed as a service chief.

Senators voted 76-22 Monday to approve Wilson, who represented New Mexico in the House before becoming a defense industry consultant. Her post-congressional work drew scrutiny for several Democrats, who had questioned an arrangement with government laboratories that paid her $20,000 a month. Wilson denied any impropriety.

Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode Island, the top Democrat on the Armed Services Committee, said he voted against Wilson’s nomination because of his lingering concerns with the payments. Reed also cited as troubling a call Wilson made a decade ago while still a member of Congress to a federal prosecutor handling a politically charged corruption probe.

Trump’s attempts to fill the other two service secretary jobs have failed so far. His picks for secretaries of the Army and Navy were forced to withdraw from consideration.

The Palm Center also opposed Wilson for her positions on LGBT issues;

As a member of Congress, Rep. Wilson consistently opposed measures to protect LGBT Americans from discrimination or grant them equal protection under the law. As a senate candidate, Rep. Wilson opposed a bill intended to reduce anti-LGBT bullying, saying that victims should simply be stronger and more ‘comfortable with themselves’ instead of expecting perpetrators to be held accountable. In the Air Force, where it’s imperative to make clear that sexual harassment and anti-LGBT conduct have no place, this is a troubling position for any senior leader to adopt.

But their whining came to naught.

Thanks to HMC Ret for the tip.

Category: Air Force

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Still no SecNav? Okay, I’ll send in my application for the job. It’s a temp job, after all, and I could use the cash.

Combat Historian

Heck, I think I’ll send in my application to be SecArmy. After all, I DO have more experience with the Army than the sodomizing pederast who previously held this post, who never served a day in his life*…

*Serving himself up to his boyfriend doesn’t count…


You have proof that Eric Fanning is a pederast? You are accusing him of criminal behavior, as the term indicates sex between an adult male and a boy between 12-17.


D, a pederast is not necessarily a pedophile but can simply be a male homosexual, which Fanning openly is.

Wilted Willy

I’ll vote for you Ex, what could go wrong?


I don’t know, Willy, I’m kind of confrontational and would most likely piss them off by pointing out that a bunch of the slugs on the approval committee have never had any military service at all. That would annoy them, wouldn’t it?


Ex, I heard former Navy guy (that never was a Chief of any kind) applied. Not sure if being a felon helps or hurts his case.

USMC Steve

I am fervently hoping the SECNAV will be another Marine. We are slowly taking over everthang.


As a former Army guy I am OK with that. It is a helluva lot better than a bunch of panty-waist social justice warriors.


I dunno…IME social justice endeavors start with the Army more so than any of the other service branches. Starts in the Army and metastasizes from there.


Probably has something to do with the Army having the lowest ASVAB requirements in the DoD, with waivers down as low as a 26. lol


“drew scrutiny for several Democrats”

They were pissed that she was a carbon based life form that thrives in ambient atmospheric levels of oxygen. **the horror**

Silentium Est Aureum

Democrats would “be concerned” if Trump nominated Jesus Christ, claiming he couldn’t swim.


Only if He was nominated for SecNav…

Carlton G. Long

The would rip Him in regards to His record on “diversity” as well, claiming that He is the only way, etc.


and claim that since he was the light he was shaming blind


and since he is the Word shaming the illiterate…


turned water to wine without an environmental impact statement or permits of any kind. **shudder**


But it was good wine!


he also healed people without a medical license


He was a carpenter without a union card.

A Proud Infidel®™

They would label him as “Violent and Temperamental” for what he did to the merchants in the Temple as well as “Insubordinate to Authority” for his noncompliance with the Pharisees.

Silentium Est Aureum

But he’s “good” in that he said, “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s,” without actually understanding what that statement meant.


Well, after all, LBGTwhatever issues are the most important thing facing the Air Force. Bombing terrorists etc is so yesterday.


There is hope that Heather Wilson can correct the pandering, politically correct Air Force and bring back the professionalism it once commanded.

Common Sense CO

Let’s hope so, and soon. Two of my kids are in the Colorado Air National Guard and they have transgender sensitivity Death By Powerpoint coming up soon.


I hate to point out the obvious here, but if any of these Congress critters had a brain cell working (which they don’t), they’d put the whole ‘discrimination’ meme in the trash bin where it belongs.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title VII, covers the very things they’re whining about.

Unless there is something I missed, there are already regulations on the books regarding civil rights in the military.

The issue lies not in more rules, but in enforcing the rules and regulations already in place, which no one is addressing.


Ex, they don’t want the same protection as everyone else, they want “protected class” status.



I could speculate on the psychological dysfunctioning behind the compulsive drive to prove themselves “equal” by getting “protected class” status…


‘Protected’ removes their ‘equality. If they want real equality, they shut up and get to work.

Deplorable B Woodman

Palm Center……LGBT……
Anyone else here see both the humor and the irony here?? Me, I’m having a difficult time keeping a straight face. FORGET IT….I’M ALL OVER THE FLOOR LOL!!!!!


So is this chick a veteran of the Air Force?


1982 graduate of the USAF, and served 7 yrs AD. Her grandfather was a hotshot in the British Royal Air Force.





USAFA Class of 1982.

Served until 1989, left as a Captain.

Not a NDSM in sight.

AF MOS was Political Adviser.


I believe her official AFCS (USAF MOS) was as an intell officer.

She was the Rhodes Scholar out of USAFA and completed her PhD during while serving her commitment on the USAFE staff in the UK and Belgium (5 years plus the two that don’t count during scholarship).


Yeah, that “chick” went through 4 years of boot camp and was an officer who served honourably. Is that ok with your three inch penis and oak leaves?

HT3 '83-'87

I nominate myself for SECNAV, and my qualifications are as follows:
4 Years USN – Good conduct, Sea Service Ribbon 1 Star
College grad with BA, & MBA with 20 plus years work history.
No convictions, arrests, or civil judgments.
However, growing up in the 70’s & 80’s we did use the term ‘gay’ when we didn’t like something, or we called people we didn’t like ‘fags/faggots’, but that was almost 40 years ago. They wouldn’t hold that against me, would they?

Silentium Est Aureum

Damn Skippy they would.


Why’d you drag Skippy into this? 😉


Shoot – I nominate myself for SecArmy.
Qualifications? Who needs qualifications?

I’m an old geezer who has no patience for PC garbage. Does that count?

HT3 '83-'87

I second the nomination. Is there a second second?


I understand Mabus is lobbying the Dude in the Dixie Cup for SecNav:


Green Thumb

I love the LBGT argument.

The good of the few outweighs the good of the many.



The good of the few is not going to run a tight ship or an efficient crew.