Pigs To Join Bomb Detection Units

| May 2, 2017

Pigs, Pen, Portrait, Livestock, Barn

In an effort to relieve some of the pressure on working dogs in bomb-detection units, the US Army has announced that it will employ a sounder of trained truffle-sniffing hogs to detect roadside and mid-road homemade IEDs.

Since pigs are renowned for their refined sense of smell, particularly in the search for a favorite delicacy of les Crapeauds, a small sounder of young pigs will be chosen for this honorable employment within the next few weeks. As is well-known to any truffle hunter in Provence, pigs are widely-known for their ability to detect that buried treasure, no matter how deep it may be. They are, in fact, considered to be much better at it than dogs, partly because their flat, shovel-like snouts can get to the root of the problem and detect the distinct differences in scent between oak roots and the horse-manurelike scent of the black truffle, a rare, highly-sought after and prized fungus which can fetch up to $1200 per pound.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/10/truffle-2500-australia-ted-smith_n_5571053.html

There have been trials in Israel, and while successfully completed, the reluctance of most Israelis to accept pork in their midst, per kosher dietary laws, has made it difficult to bring a full-blown pig bomb detection unit into effect.


There is some concern that the pigs may set off an IED if they detect it, but the cost of training a pig to find a bomb is reduced by their extreme intelligence, their willingness to please, their very rapid growth rate, and the fact that they will work for Snickers and candy corn as rewards for finding an object.  Replacement cost is also a consideration, with the market rate for live pigs going as low as $65 a head.

However, should a pig be injured or killed in the line of duty, not only will they be fondly remembered as impressive four-legged heroes named Mayo, Ham or Peanut, but the little porkers will also provide a welcome change of diet for the troops.

Category: Army News

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OK Ex-PH2, you’re about 4 weeks late.

Oh and FREE BACON!!!!!!

/combat bacon ribbon?



That ought to strike fear into the hearts of the muzzies.


Will they ship by MAC flight?

“When pigs fly….”


I was thinking ‘if they find a bomb… “Pigs in Space”


So, we here at TAH have floated the idea of attack hogs (to be known as 11-Bacons) and now we learn of EOD pigs (89-Diggers).

That ought to really be a sight – a heard of EODiggers with some attack hogs pulling overwatch in the middle of some ISSL turf.


” attack hogs (to be known as 11-Bacons) ”

OK I admit it. I laughed.

Retired Grunt

Hey, remember, in the news the other day was a story about some ISIS types that were killed by wild boar…. lol


I thought “11-Papa” for the Porcine Patrol types.

Shopped this to the Onion yet? Duffleblog?

And I suppose this is payback for my comment elsewhere about “Days of Swine and Roses”….


They’ll be assigned to Squeal Team 6


Man I thought that was real. Google “Hero Rats” they are so cool!


“market rate for live pigs going as low as $65 a head.”

Well, it’s good to see that they have went up in price a little.

45 to 50 years ago, in good old West Hog Flats, Indiana, you could trade a feeder pig for a 1962 Ford Falcon, straight up.

So remember, bacon seeds do start off small. Just water them on a regular basis if things dry up and you too shall be rewarded.

Tom Huxton

Low corn prices makes a good pay-point for increasing feeders.

Pork loin special today $1.29

Start the rumor. Hogs trained to kill by night, eat explosives by day. A well placed bullet will blow your house down. Better yet; hogs self detonate to signal the enemy.

They can hide, but we grease the ville anyway.


Ex-PH2, I “squeeled” with delight after reading your pig article.

At first I thought it was all “hog wash”, but then after “rooting” around on the internet. I found it to be true. “Ham”- mercy!

I wonder if some politician farmer from Iowa came up first with this idea to make this his personal “pork” barrel project?

Was he being supported by the local farmers for this idea, or was he just doing it for the “chitlins”?

What Army Post are the little “porkers” being trained at, because I might just want to “hoof” it on over there to check it out.

Not in a “sows”-and years would I have ever thought a project like this would happen.

I’m “bacon”- ing you to find more news worthy articles like this for us to “root” over.

Meanwhile, I have to clean up my house, it’s a real “pig-sty”.

Oink, oink.


Unfortunately you are right, Ex-PH2.

And slop that some of them come up with I wouldn’t have feed up to the meanest boars or sows on my Uncles farm when I lived there in the summertime.

Now, you got any good pork recipes you care to share? Something different & unique, not just toss a roast in the oven for x amount of minutes & then serve.


I’ve been waiting my whole life for a recipe on how to cook up squeal.

It has always been my experience that the squeal is the only part of a hog that can’t be eaten./smile


Sorry Claw, but I don’t have one either.

There was a place in Nawlins called “Squeal BBQ” that served
“Squeal pie”, but the closed their doors in 2015.

Yeah, people always said the squeal is the only part you couldn’t eat.


It has always been my experience that the squeal is the only part of a hog that can’t be eaten./smile

I’ve heard that, and in theory perhaps that’s true. But in practice, I draw the line at brains, liver, and chitlins.

If anyone’s ever slipped me some of those in a good pork sausage – I don’t wanna know. (smile)


Hmmmmm, both sound like the ticket.

I have a bag of 16 beans plus two ham bones in the freezer so I could make soup?

Or the beans and smoked sausage (also in the freezer) in my crockpot.

Decisions, decisions…..

BBQ beans & sausage it is. Make it tonight, and tomorrow I’ll have dinner already made for myself.

Thanks Ex.

Tom Huxton

Cut up 1 onion…. into bottom of crock pot. Cube 1 pork half-loin. add to crock pot. add lg can tomato puree (more solids than “sauce”) Add salt/pepper/ garlic to taste start on high, change to med or low when it boils. Done when cubes fall apart,
Can be made w/ “country ribs”, just remove bones when meat falls off.

serve with cole slaw and country toast (cheese or garlic) or rolls/ buns.
Suggest tobasco on the table, sliced onions and salad
Iced tea on the side


Cry Havok! And let slip the, errr, what? Already been done?

Ahh shucks. *kicks rock*


1. Sorry, boys. Lt. Bacon didn’t make it.
2. Bacon for chow tonight


PH: Ham bones are easily found at Honey Baked Ham all year, not just around the holidays. My HBH has a chest freezer full of them year round. Also, the commissary carries them as do Publix and Winn Dixie. You have to ask for them usually, though, at P & WD.

I simmer the bone for a few hours, right from the frozen state. Allow to cool, put in fridge and scoop off fat, if any, the following day. Then use to cook beans. Homemade cornbread completes the meal and the beans will last for days. They can also be frozen.

19D2OR4 - Smitty

Did anyone else assume this was satire from the Title and the fact that ex-PH2 posted it before looking at the article?