Devil Dog Arms on the way back

| April 30, 2017

About a year ago, we wrote about Joe Lucania, the founder of Devil Dog Arms, who had pretended to be a Marine in order to build his new company. He had never been in the military so when his customers found out the truth, he fell hard and was forced to leave the company. reports that Devil Dog Arms is still around and now under the direction of a real Marine;

Former recon Marine Walt Hasser is one of those seeking to rebuild Devil Dog Arms and its reputation. The strategy is simple: Come clean and hope the nostalgia of serving with fellow Marines will help to bolster the new company whose old reputation was built on a lie.


Sure, Hasser said, Devil Dog Arms’ sordid past is a stain on the company and the stolen valor incident is probably making it hard for the business to turn a profit, but he hopes people will forgive the company’s past and see the new firearms maker for what it is: A phoenix who embodies the Marines esprit de corps.

It’s new motto, “Honor, Courage, Perseverance,” is a nod to the Marine Corps’ own “Honor, Courage, Commitment.”

Hasser is so confident in the company’s success, in its dedication to perseverance, that he’s not being paid until the company turns a profit, he said.

Hasser admits that he’s the only Marine in the head office, but that he plans to hire more when they get the business back on it’s feet.

Category: Veterans in the news

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Silentium Est Aureum

I wish him and his company the best.


Maybe they shouldn’t cling to the name since the name carries implications and there’s only one token Marine in the company.

I dunno….I’m just not big on entrepreneurs branding themselves, leatherneck, recon, devil dog, marine, jarhead,etc. If they can’t come up with a strong name without implicitly riding on the back of the USMC then they aren’t putting much effort into it.

Just my opinion…disagree ad labium


I, too, tend to scratch my head at these.

If it is “close enough” to imply an endorsement by the military organization, it is probably -too- close.

Then again, my concern may be due to all the “knock-off”/rip-off firms surrounding any military base.

Is it respectful? Is it tasteful? If not, is it clearly spoof/satire?

“JAG-off Legal Help! When your JAG can’t get you OFF, we maybe can!”

2/17 Air Cav

Ad labium? Dickus biggus? Hey. I was wondering about that name, Devil Dog. No, not that meaning. That’s easy. I’m talking about Drake’s Devil Dogs. So, I tried to find out where that name came from. And I failed. Drakes doesn’t say where it got the name, only that the sweet treat was born in, I think it was, 1926. So, if anyone knows what the cake name traces to, please let me know.


devil dogs is a name according to Marine lore as the translation of the name given by Germans “Teufelshunde” to the Marines in WWI

as far as the confectionery variety, I have no desire to trace the lineage, but I’m thinking they are devilishly good sweet treats and look hot “dogish” …hence the name

Marine 0331

Ho Hos and Ring Dings must have been named after the Army and Navy!!!


Here ya go, 2/17:'s_devil_dogs_get_their_name?#slide=1

They are devils’ food cake, and the product does vaguely resemble a hot dog.

2/17 Air Cav

Ah. Okay. Devil’s food cake + shape of hot dog buns = Devil Dogs. Makes sense. Should have figured that one out myself. Thanks, Hondo.


Do you seriously think that any of us expect you to know snack cake trivia as well as document WOT participation, monitor Atlanta local court news, prepare snappy comebacks generously shared, and whatever other witty displays you make?

Oh. OK. Guess you overachievers can expect whatever you want. Getting it is quite another thing.


I knew somebody would do the leg work. Thanks Hondo, my OCD trivia gene thanks you.


I hope that Mr. Hasser is successful in rebuilding Devil Dog Arms.

However, in my opinion, overcoming that past Stolen Valor incident is going to be extraordinarily difficult, because once the word is out about incidents like that, it’s very tough to get things turned around again and restore a company’s reputation.

And it won’t help that most veterans have very long memories when it comes to incidents of Stolen Valor.

Hack Stone

I know what you mean. The proud, woman owned company that I work for does not have the greatest reputation online, but I am sure that under the tutelage of the current Vice President, things are going to turn around.


Are they still waiting for that “black swan” event to help them regain creditability and turn a profit?

I miss Elaine and her quiche…

Hack Stone

Before or after she shaved her quiche?


Both… have you ever “had” Elaine’s Quiche???

Bill M

No, but perhaps IDC SARC has.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wouldn’t be surprised if IDC SARC has had her tuna taco as well.

19D2OR4 - Smitty

I still wouldn’t buy from them. Once they’d been burned, they should have cut sling load and moved on. The stigma is still present and there are plenty of good companies around without that reputation.


Best possible reason I see for keeping the name is so that another poser will be less able to use it. Who knows. Conjecture is just that, and worth very little.

Here’s hoping that the stated objective is real and that it works out OK for all. It would be easier to believe if only Marines were employed by this new and improved (?) version of the company.


Firearm industry rife with bullshit appeal to authority fallacy and this is one of them. Should have dropped the name instead of trying to continue to prey on idiots that think anything military related equates to good products at a good price.

Tom Huxton