Clayton Donoghue sentenced

We’ve been following the case of Clayton Donoghue as he made his way through the Canadian justice system on charges of stolen valor and some kiddie pr0n. He pleaded guilty in January and the folks at Stolen Valour-Canada tell us he was sentenced this week.
Clayton Donoghue was first charged in May 2016 after police were informed he was wearing medals not awarded to him during Royal Canadian Legion parades. When police were investigating, they discovered child pornography in Donoghue’s possession.
Donoghue pleaded guilty to three charges in December 2016 and was sentenced to two years’ probation at the time for the child pornography charge. Recently, he was given two sentences of 20 months’ probation, to be served concurrently, for knowingly making a false document and obstructing a police officer – the two charges that remained outstanding.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
I’d prefer to see this one in jail. Kiddie prun? He’ll just start up elsewhere after his probationary period is over.
With sentences like that (probation for child porn) Canadia must be proud. Maybe it can replace Thailand as the go-to porn place for these sick bastards, eh?
Many years ago, some canadian idiot published on Usenet(an ancient newsgroup system) asking for kiddie pr0n, and promising access to his server in return.— rubbed me the wrong way. I reported it as an internet crime…. besides kiddie pr0n, it was also an interstate felony across state lines, use of computer for a felony…. yadda, yadda.
Canadians were not interested much in making an arrest, but WE extradighted him to Detroit for trial. Canadian cops stood by and watched our feds bust the guy and whisk him away to America.
You do know that Canada (Ontario) has the world’s top leading child pornography investigation branch. Working with different countries all over the world including busting a massive CP distribution center in the United states. Just saying.
Should have gotten 5 years inside for valor fraud. For child porn, the rest of his life
“…was sentenced to two years’ probation at the time for the child pornography charge.”
How the hell does anyone only get probation for child pornography? The scum child porno trash in the US should take this as an invite and move to Canada. This is a freaking miscarriage of justice. Probation for child porn? YGBSM There should be a minimum of years in prison for such behavior with children.