I’m tired of it already [Jonn]
Yeah, OK, I’ve had enough. It seems like the Obama presidency has already lasted four years, doesn’t it? All of this imagery, and fluff reminds me of an event in our recent history that built up into a large wet firecracker. Our Bicentennial. Some of you old coots remember just like I remember the huge and endless build up to our nation’s 200th Birthday, the product placement, the endless hawking of goods. Everything had a Bicentennial logo on it;
By the time it happened, everyone was sick of hearing about it. That’s the way I feel about this Inauguration. EVERY SINGLE local news broadcast since the election began with a reference to the expected record-breaking crowds on Inauguration day. I got an email last night from an old high school friend who said that for once she envied me for living in DC and being able to attend the Inauguration. Anyone coming to DC for the Inauguration and expecting it to be a good time has never been to an Inauguration.
But I’m tired of hearing about the historical implications, I’m tired of messiah imagery, I’m tired of hearing about the healing that’s begun, I’m tired of hearing Barrack Obama’s name every ten seconds on every single news broadcast even about stuff that doesn’t involve him. And big damn deal, he rode a train from Philadelphia. Hallah-fricken-luya!
Michelle Malkin wrote:
I respect the historic tradition of inauguration day, not the cult of personality driving the schlock festivities now taking place.
Pomp and circumstance have been replaced with pimp and self-aggrandizement — all topped with a heapful of double standards.
Yeah, I agree, and mainly because I remember things like this;
A local business man decided to put a McCain/Palin sign in front of his business, on his own property in heavily Democrat Prince George’s County, Maryland (which borders the east side of Washington, DC) last weekend according to the Washington Post. Apparently, that simple gesture of expressing his personal opinion is somehow a “slap in the face” of the largely Black community.
If you can imagine what the mood would be like in the country if John McCain had won in November, you’d probably feel the same way I do. Besides, if it was truly an historical event, we wouldn’t even mention the race of the new president.
Added: Right on cue, the media reports that Obama FINALLY visited wounded troops at Walter Reed today. Where was he before now? Do you have any idea how many times George W. Bush went to Walter Reed and it was never reported? Hundreds over the last eight years (I know because my wife would tell me when she got home from working at Walter Reed). Wait until they start reporting that Obama’s farts smell like Spring-scented potpourri.
Category: Politics
I knew I couldn’t be the only one who’s sick of all the hype about the Inauguration and I’m glad you posted this to give ourselves a chance to vent! 🙂
I was stationed in Germany and working in the ROS on the day of the Bicentennial. I followed the events during that day on AFN. I can remember feeling kind of left out and a bit lonely on that day.
The media ‘coverage’ is absolutely a disgrace. The WaPo seems to be channelling “Tiger Beat” as far as teh one goes. Even my mom (who, sadly, seems to have gotten ahold of some koolaid) agrees this coverage is adding to the woes of news outlets.
A neighbor’s 2nd grade son actually had an Obama-themed sleepover last night. SECOND GRADERS. This is SICK. The cult of personality is NOT the way we do things in the US. Its just disgusting to see the herd mentality in full goose-stepping swing.
I guess all I want out of the next four years is for actual American institutions and ideals to survive.
“Wait until they start reporting that Obama’s farts smell like Spring-scented potpourri.”
I agree 100%….you can’t even escape obama on the Weather Channel…..Katie Hussein Couric was on at halftime of the AFC Championship game extolling the virtues of the Messiah
Most folks I know are renting a bunch of movies for Tues….I have just opted for a self imposed media blackout.
Reading this makes me happy to be in Paraguay!
“Katie Hussein Couric was on at halftime of the AFC Championship game extolling the virtues of the Messiah
Exactly, fortunately for me, my dog had to go out and do her thing at half time. I’d rather get a root canal, without anesthesia, than be subjected to another “report” on how the Obamunist has parted the seas, made the sun shine and made everyone love us.
I am with you. Our school district (Montgomery County) is going to be closed tomorrow, they say for every future inauguration as well, but I have already placed bets on it being quietly pulled after this “historic” inauguration. I am sick of the Lincoln imagery, the MSM singing their praises 24/4, the references to Camelot. I usually watch news in the morniing before I head out to work. I’ll just leave it off until Friday so I don’t have to watch it repeatedly.
In this economy, this is the most expensive inauguration in history. At least he hasn’t said, “I feel you pain yet.”
‘It seems like the Obama presidency has already lasted four years, doesn’t it?’
lmao its so bad that we have been watching TV Land at my house just to try to escape all the slobbering. bah!
[…] from all reports by the lamestream media, ‘the healing has begun.’ well, as my friend jonn says […]
Affirmative Action Executive installed.
Big deal. So 1960’s.
I’m going to have to start pruning blogs that persist in reporting on it off the must-read-daily-list.
Does this mean I can’t sign all the TAH readers up for buying a singing Obama bear.
Okay, I’ll admit. I had to go to be decontaminated with all the COW hype. I blogged all f-ing day and I turned on the TV only to have Oprah replace my regular watch. I needed to puke. There sat Demi Moore and her man. And they claim that when The COW spoke at the DNC they paid attention to “that” guy. And then, THEN when he was elected to be POTUS, how the WORLD had changed and they had real HOPE?!! WTF!!! i mean, do we as normal humans walking God’s green earth really have it all that bad for Christ’s sake? DO we? And they have money and the ability to accomplish whatever the hell they’d like!! I got nothing against the money, but the starry-eyed stupidity and the magic of Puff the Negro(he brought it on himself) is astounding to me. These people were crying in the studio for fukk’s sake. They really believe in him and oooh the pedestal is high and teetering.
Do you think I am just a wee bit tired of this? My friend Claire had a saying when her day sucked and couldn’t get any worse- Just Fukk me dead, will ya?
The thing that grated on me most this weekend was the CBS promos with the cheesy “Yes We Can” crap during the AFC game. ENOUGH!! I have stopped watching the news and most major network shows as it is just getting worse. Hopefully after Tuesday it will drop off… but I doubt it.
I am sorry to be the one to inform you, but the propaganda media going all gaga over Obama has just started. Remember, the propaganda media have built him up to be not just the savior of the USA, but of the whole planet. Remember, he is going to bring peace everywhere!!!
The propaganda media has to keep feeding us the same swill they have been feeding us all along. They have to do it just like the advertisers do to keep selling their products to the public.
Those of you with cable are lucky. You can watch something else other than the inauguration. The only other choices I have I don’t care for that much.
Hopefully we will have another inauguration in four more years.
Yah, I was throwing away bicentennial stuff for years. However, I don’t recall those items as defacing national symbols as we now have today.
On the news sites, I have seen several instances of people carrying American flags that have BO’s face super-imposed on the stripes. Of all the personality cult imagery, this is the most disturbing.
Oh come on, Jonn, the media hasn’t even whetted their appetites yet. We’re going to hear how 17% unemployment is notsabad. We’re going to hear how 50% tax rates are notsabad. How socialized medicine can raise the dead – especially since it produces more of them and hey that’s notsabad. So what if the taxpayers fund shoddily run corporations that line the pockets of democrats in Congress. That ole deficit is notsabad..
Welcome to Notsabad, Carterland, on planet Obama.
Yes, I was in NYC for the Buycentennial, aka Operation Sale. It was nothing like this. Truly Teh One is proving to be everything we expected, minus a bit of hope. His socialized medicine, except for Veterans, will indeed raise the dead – so they cannot escape the mandatory voluntary servitude. We can hope for change in four years, but don’t bank on it.
Today I enter into internal emigration.
I just hope that my local media here in Wichita finally quits with the orgasms for obammy. Good Lord it’s been downright nauseating. We know the worship festival will continue at CNN, MSNBC, CSPAN and the like. But with the local news stations, I want local news.
And I can categorically state, I didn’t watch a minute of that event. But I didn’t watch billy jeff’s either. Had to watch jimmy’s, I was on PCS orders/leave and transit and Mom is a school teacher by profession. I was in the Indian Ocean for Reagan’s first one. I missed alot, maybe not. I had a job to do, in the service of the Republic. Hint to obammy.
i am black myself and yh im happy a black man is president but i just feel set up to fail. I think bo is raising black peoples hopes too high making us feel we will now rise up an be superior but facing facts it will neva b the case, he may b sucessful but jus coz hes president of us doesnt help me get a job any easier than a whte blck asian r chnese. He also made a million too many unrealistic promises but o well whatever i cudnt gve a shit im already sick of seeing his face. I hope ths sht dies down soon.