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7 years ago
Re: Millenial Men: The Irish don’t want to support a welfare state?
Well, of course not! Everyone knows an Irishman expects to have a pipe and a mug while the poor women do all the work!
Not up to a lot of that this morning, Claymore. The weather went from a fair, sunny 74F to 40F in two minutes yesterday afternoon, and that means the furnace still has to run.
Those DUer idiots still don’t understand their own selves, not even a little bit. The weeping, the wailing, the gnashing of teeth!!! Their day came and went and they still haven’t figured it out.
They were obsessed with the United Airline thing this morning, so the typical quality of crazy was uncharacteristically low. They really let me down this morning.
Re: Millenial Men: The Irish don’t want to support a welfare state?
Well, of course not! Everyone knows an Irishman expects to have a pipe and a mug while the poor women do all the work!
Not up to a lot of that this morning, Claymore. The weather went from a fair, sunny 74F to 40F in two minutes yesterday afternoon, and that means the furnace still has to run.
Those DUer idiots still don’t understand their own selves, not even a little bit. The weeping, the wailing, the gnashing of teeth!!! Their day came and went and they still haven’t figured it out.
I have to go snark about Fatty Kim now.
They were obsessed with the United Airline thing this morning, so the typical quality of crazy was uncharacteristically low. They really let me down this morning.
Yes, they even said Trump makes :W: look like a peacenik or something.
I love the comment on the Sharia Law thread:
“Tell me about women’s rights under sharia law?”
And then there’s Claymore, Jr: