Post, O’Donnell and Maddow advance “wag the dog” theory

| April 9, 2017

Chief Tango sends us a link to the Washington Post in which they republish the whack-a-doodle theory that Lawrence O’Donnell discussed with recently-disgraced Rachel Maddow on O’Donnell’s MSNBC show “The Last Word”;

“Wouldn’t it be nice,” O’Donnell asked a nodding, smiling Rachel Maddow, “if it was just completely, totally, absolutely impossible to suspect that Vladimir Putin orchestrated what happened in Syria this week — so that his friend in the White House could have a big night with missiles and all the praises he’s picked up over the past 24 hours?”

The theory was impossible to rule out, O’Donnell said, because of the Trump campaign’s ties to the Russian government.

A few minutes later, the host elaborated on his theory under banner text: “Wag The Dog?” — recalling a similar conspiracy theory that President Bill Clinton launched missiles in 1998 to distract from his own scandal.

“It changes the conventional wisdom about the dynamic between President Trump and Vladimir Putin,” O’Donnell said. “President Trump has finally dared to do something Vladimir Putin doesn’t like. It changes everything.”

O’Donnell didn’t offer any evidence on his theory, promising only that “you won’t hear … proof that the scenario I’ve just outlined is impossible.”

The Washington Post makes a show of disparaging O’Donnell’s and Maddow’s lunacy, but it falls flat. Actually they’re just adding legs to the story – a fact not lost on WaPo readers in the comments.

Category: Politics

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That Maddow guy should have quit when he was ahead.


You won’t hear prof that it is impossible” – nonsense describing itself as punditry.

Deplorable B Woodman

You won’t hear proof that it is impossible……just like you won’t hear proof that it is POSSIBLE.

Libturd used asswipes. Trying to stay relevant in a world that’s attempting to forget them.


You also won’t hear proof that Maddow and O’Donnell are mentally competent to be allowed out on their own without a keeper.


You also will not hear proof that chocolate chip cookies are not good for you as breakfast food.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

No one tries to prove something that makes no sense, so of course you won’t see proof this was impossible any more than you will see proof of unicorns or fairies.
Two idiots trying to remain relevant and failing as usual.


Liberals are such retards and ass wipes.


That’s why we call them “progtards.” It is such a apt term. A combo of progressive and retard, which describes most present day liberals perfectly. Madcow and O’Donnell are perfect examples of progtard propagandists.


the “re” + “gressive” halves of those words work just as well, if not as fun to use….



Green Thumb

Rachael Maddow = Clown.

Deplorable B Woodman

Rachael MadClown. There. Fixed it for ya.


Ya know, I just don’t remember such wailing and gnashing of teeth concerning a “wag the dog” scenario back in 2010 regarding the previous gang of naive tools and Leftist “useful idiots” in DC Administration and their “adventures in the Libyan Desert”. Or about them thumbing their nose at the War Powers Act, for that matter.

But maybe my memory isn’t as good as it once was.

MSG Eric

You also didn’t hear about them throwing conspiracies at the Obama regime for droning 7 different countries (that we know about) either.


Not good enough, Hondo. Doncha know that instead of them proving anything, it is your responsibility to prove that they didn’t? Huh? Huh?

And that twist of logic nonsense makes absolute sense to their followers. Just because it’s what they want.

Don’t wait until tomorrow. What they want will likely have changed a few times between now and then.


Oh I realize that OWB. But trying to convince the “lost Leftist libidiots” wasn’t my objective. Doing that is . . . well, the Don Quixote character sang about that in “Man of La Mancha”.

Tilting at windmills has never been something I enjoyed. (smile)

My objective was pointing out their rank hypocrisy.


Is there any proof that Madcow and O’Dognuts are live, and not just ‘bots? Has anyone tried to serve brownies to them ?

Perry Gaskill

Wouldn’t it be nice if it was just completely, totally, absolutely impossible to suspect that Lawrence O’Donnell wants to get naked with Rachel Maddow, and smear her with mayonnaise and sparkly glitter…


Perry, you could have a little pity on us mere mortals when you post stuff like that before lunch, fer Pete’s sake!

Perry Gaskill

I was wrong. I should have left out the glitter part…

MSG Eric

What did that poor glitter ever do to you?


No, no, the glitter’s fine but you have the roles reversed: He’d rather have it smeared on him.


But, but there is no proof that has not already happened. So, it must be highly likely that it has happened. Such a disgusting tableau must be occurring even now since there is no “proof” it is not happening.


With the number of people who’ve read this, Richie Madcow and Nutsie O’Donuts doubled their audience.
Bet this was mandatory viewing at the Akademy of Berzerkley.


Lars has probably played it about a hundred times for his fellow travelers at Commie College West Coast.

MSG Eric

This guy tapes hamsters to his thighs and has sex with a chicken.

You won’t hear proof that it is “impossible”, will you?


Actually, it’s a chicken in a garter belt and CFM’s and the hamsters are homo. Makes for some interesting variations. Rumor has it that Chris Matthews has some leg-tingling pics


Ladies and Gents of TAH….

Madcow and Loonie Larry are living proof that alien anal probing causes severe brain damage!


When I look at them, I want to do a rip of ‘Give Peace a Chance’ and call it ‘Give Sex a Chance’.

Thank you, I’ll be here all day.

MSG Eric


I’ll be your drummer boy Ex, anytime.



All we are saying, is give sex a chance
All we are saying, is please drop your pants

Might be able to do something with that. Might take a bit, though. (smile)


Not too hard to do when they have their heads up their bums.


Particularly since their heads are in the way.


Actually Rachel finally saw the light this past week. Truly, a blindingly bright light in the midst of all the surrounding darkness.

It was her OB-GYN’s proctoscope…


Try the cheeseburgers, and make sure you tip the waitress!


I thought OB-GYNs were for one of the other genders?




“The Last Word with Lawrence O’donnell”

Promises, promises.

2/17 Air Cav

Hey. Lawrence O’Donnell used to go by the name Max Headroom.