US Launches Tomahawks into Syria
US has launched at least 43 Tomahawk missiles into Syria, targeting the area where the sarin nerve agent is being stored.
Pres. Trump gave the order at his house in Mar-a-Lago in Florida, in the company of Pres. Xi Qinping, who is there to work on a solution to the problem with Kim Jong-un.
More to come tomorrow.
Category: Breaking News
Looks like Pres. Trump means business.
Will this have an effect on Fatty Kim da T’ird? Xi QinPing is at Trump’s house in Florida now to discuss the Kim problem and how to stop the fat little basterd.
Per CNBC, the total missiles launched is 59, from two US Navy destroyers, Porter and Ross.
There will be more updates tomorrow, and yes, Pres. Trump did warn the Russian ahead of time.
(I couldn’t resist)
Use the same stuff phat boy used on his brother, seems appropriate to me!!
Contrary to what all the leftist cock-moles are freaking out about the Russians were fully aware of the strike.
The same shit-stains who are denouncing the attack to save Civilian lives with civilian borders are the ones who want the refugees to swamp our shores.
Apparently saving Syrians means it has to be down by letting them migrate and live on the dole in Western Countries, regardless of their ideology, instead of helping them smash assholes in Syria itself.
‘…the Russians were fully aware of the strike.’
Yep. Both the USA and Russia have additional planning/coordination staffs dealing solely with deconfliction and ops.
‘Why’d all the Russians leave for lunch at the same time? They never do that.
Oh shi-!’
Hey, listen guys, ummmm all of Russians have a last minute hail and farewell for Major Trotsky, his retirement came through. So, see you after maybe…
Terrible decision.
Stupid comment.
See, I can do it too.
And it was a terrible decision when the JEF (the Nobel Peace Prize winner) made his comment about the use of chemical weapons in Syria being a “red line”, then never backing it up.
Chuckles Schumer and San Fran Nan are commenting that it was the right thing to do…
Well, it took a little while for Obama to respond…oh, wait. He never did respond to Assad crossing the ‘Red Line’, did he?
Somebody better tap Assad on the shoulder and let him know that there’s a new sheriff in town and that using chemical weapons is going to hurt big time from now on.
If Assad employs WMD again, some of those cruise missiles might oughta be tossed his way, rather than at his military.
While they’re at it, they might want to clue Fatty Kim da Turd about the new sheriff also. Although I don’t think Fatty will get the message.
You mean the #LittleDickNorkDork ???
Ah, the Ryan Doctrine. I love it! Assad, you can bet President Trump is a Jack Ryan fan!
That would be a plus.
Now there are two things that HRC and the Trumpster agree upon. Care packages for the Syrian Air Force. Why are we there again?
Loving the whole retired gig.
I guess they didn’t expect someone to actually react to them crossing the Red Line?
So much for leaving the dirtbag in power. The first response to being told “we can leave him in power” should not be, “hmm, I’m going to drop some chemical weapons on civilians since I’ll still have a job, why not?” Dumbass.
We did tell the Russians, which means Iran and Syria knew, but hopefully this will be significant enough of a message to cut the shit.
Unless my mind is slipping, the airbase was the launch point for the special weapons.
Storage (long-term) is mostly under a couple of mountains.
That’s as of a few years ago, ‘if memory serves’.
This smells like employment for millenials.
Raytheon, General Dynamics, Loral…….
When Reagan was elected he built up the military and I had a job waiting for me right out of college. Think of the upside.
Why are we in Syria? I support President Trump but I don’t see what we were doing there in the first place. Assad is a nasty person but provides stability much like Gaddaffi did in keeping the terrorists at bay. Are we now in the business of taking out every dictator on Earth we dislike?
One thing that will be interesting is watching the lefties twist themselves into pretzels with fake outrage when their man Obama and Hillary were running guns into the country trying to overthrow him
The lefties started all of this sh!t, in Syria and Libya, so let’em twist.
I hope President Trump is petty and vain enough to continuously announce that he “inherited this mess from the previous administration”
Is North Korea next? Assad is murdering terrorists but the fat psycho is murdering an entire country and threatening nuclear war
If the reports are true that Li was in the room when Trump pushed the button, you can bet that the message was received loud and clear.
Make that “Xi” not “Li” – insufficient coffee…
At least we’ve got a good idea what we want North Korea’s end state to be, and it’d be a lot easier to identify who is on what side for once.
I don’t want to sound too much like a hippy, but my heart’s just not in this Syria thing. Their problems don’t seem worth a missile attack.
It may be a one-shot deal, like a warning shot across the bow. Trump did say, in his press conference earlier this week, that he and Xi have a lot to discuss about Norkiland, and that King Abdullah has taken in a lot of Syrian refugees across his own border.
He also brought up the problem of Iran, which he called ‘the worst deal ever’, or words to that effect. This leads me to believe that this was a single shot deal, meant to do what it did and serve as a signal that he means business.
If it were done impulsively, I would feel that way. I didn’t get the impression that it was.
‘I would NOT feel that way’.
Geez, proofread, for Pete’s sake, willya?????
Hope that some of those tomahawk missiles had Elizabeth Warren’s or Jane Fonda’s image or name on them. After all, the Fauxcahontas Tomahawks only cost 70% of the price of privileged missiles.
Actual red mist beats imaginary red lines every time. When a politician says that this strike was not meant as a message, I have to believe the strike was meant to be a message. The obvious one is “Hey, don’t use chem weapons” but, beyond that, the strike is a message to Iran, for one, that the current administration isn’t the previous one. (So, yeah, try to board a US vessel again, fellas.) It is also a message to our friends that the muzzle is off the Big Dog. That’s the value of the strike, as I see it, and the only value of the strike. Otherwise, as far as I am concerned, the Syrians can do what they want to one another.
That is the only value of this strike as we didn’t take out all of the airfields….the messaging…as I doubt there’s any plan whatsoever to deal with a Syria without Assad keeping everyone in line…
Assad goes ISIS or some new bad actor has a new playground on Turkey’s borders…yep that’s a good plan.
Hell, if the warheads weren’t going to be touched with a strike, what was the point if not messaging? Anything destroyed can be rebuilt, except human life. This is a whack-a-mole strategy that just doesn’t work to effect longstanding change. If we’re not altogether in, then we should be altogether out. We have pockets of our people peppered throughout the region. We have men and equipment in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. It’s Mosul on Monday, Turkey and the Kurds on Tuesday, Aleppo and Assad Wednesday through Friday. The weekends are for Afghanistan and terrorists attacks in Belgium or France, with Iran and North Korea entering play where they will. Trump and his team can’t fix this shit but they can exacerbate the situation, as his immediate predecessor did. And Congress? They’ll be over there in the corner sucking their collective thumb and issuing meaningless statements to the press. I would very much like us to stand down until we have a plan and consensus in support of it. I am weary of unilateral executive action against foreign states that we like in January, loathe in February, and kiss and make up with in March.
I think I hit the report button, on accident.
If that was for me, I needed reporting. In fact, I was about to report myself when I saw your cmt.
Is it odd that this action occurred on the 100th anniversary of the US’s involvement in WWI?
Will their be a press conference with Nobama blaming this on Bush?
Dunno, but here’s a response to Trump from Daesh:
“Islamic State said on Tuesday the United States was drowning and “being run by an idiot.”
In the first official remarks by the group referring to President Donald Trump since he assumed office, spokesman Abi al-Hassan al-Muhajer said: “You (the U.S.) are bankrupt and the signs of your demise are evident to every eye.”
“…There is no more evidence than (that) you being run by an idiot who does not know what Syria or Iraq or Islam is,” he said in a recording released on Tuesday on messaging network Telegram.”
— from CNBC this morning.
So the ISers are letting us know that we know that they know that we know that they have an opinion. Okay, then.
Who cares if he knows anything about Syria, Iraq or Islam! Leave them laying in their own piss and blood, and put a permanent stop to their antics.
I think he hurt their feelings because he didn’t warn them first.
New way of fighting wars!
Bout time!
It’s said he changed his mind after seeing the photos of dead kids…
Apparently no one has ever shown Trump the photos of little kids killed during a drone strike to get a HVT in the seven countries whose sovereign airspace we regularly violate….otherwise he might have sent the Tomahawks to the Pentagon…
Here’s hoping there’s some sort of fucking plan this time out….we really don’t need another 16 years of useless wars that change nothing but manage to get a lot of Americans killed or wounded.
But I have more hope for there being a plan under this administration than the prior clown show.
I don’t know the long game here. But all the indicators point to there being a better idea of what goal will look like than we’ve had in a long time.
Graybeard, I don’t think there ever was a goal with the prior admin. It was more like everything else that fool did, drift aimlessly through life and get a paycheck while he was at it.
We’ve been annoyed for how many years now? that the prior occupant of that office was all talk and no results, all bat and no balls. Now we have someone who doesn’t give a crap whether people swoon over him or not, approve of him or not, and like his hair or not.
Last night’s missile launchings show the real difference between those two.