More deceit from IVAW’s Washburn

| January 17, 2009

You may remember Jason Washburn from TSO’s post about his exploits as recounted in the Winter Soldier book. He was the guy who claimed that it took a burst of 40-mike-mike grenades to stop a charging woman carrying groceries. Washburn is also the guy who was busted by “Defend Our Marines” last year on his IVAW profile. Apparently, Washburn had claimed to be a member of the squad of Marines who was involved in the famed “Haditha” incident until asked about it;

“I completely forgot about that shit” is a good excuse for lying about stuff, isn’t it?

See I met Jason last year, I have his card floating around here somewhere. I just don’t like him. I know he’s a liar and a sneak and it’s all completely personal. Last I knew, he was married, too – that’s why I was surprised that he had a profile on Suicide Girls. Suicide Girls, according to Wikipedia;

SuicideGirls is a website that features softcore pin-up-style photos and text profiles of goth, punk and indie-styled young women (although styles reminiscent of the 1940s and ’50s pin-up models are also incorporated) who themselves are known as the “Suicide Girls”.

Oh, by the way, Suicide Girls isn’t a community like Facebook or My Space are communities. You actually have to pay dues to post a profile to Suicide Girls. So it’s not like he thought it was a cute thing to do that was free, so why not sign up. Washburns profile at “Suicide Girls”;

Notice in the third column he says “I’m looking for: A woman”. Like I said, last I knew he’s married.

I know that IVAW has become a great big dating service in the past few years, I guess Washburn is tired of that and he’s looking for “strange” outside of IVAW these days.

Category: Politics

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Maybe you should check your sources. I haven’t been married for over a year and I was separated from my wife for more than a year before that. I also NEVER claimed to be IN that squad in Haditha. I said I was in that unit. The 3rd battalion 1st Marines… which I was. I was also in a 7 ton truck helping with medivacs during that thing. Also, I didn’t “claim” that’s what it took to stop the woman carrying groceries. This was during the invasion and everyone was declared hostile in that town. The 40mm grenades were used because we had a Mk-19 and a 50cal mounted on top of our AAV. That shit happened I have people and pictures to corroborate both of these experiences. At least get your facts straight before you try to squash someone’s reputation.
Now honestly, who gives a shit if I have a profile on Suicidegirls? Is that illegal now? Do you really think I’m offended that people know that? I’d freely tell them myself. How do you have a personal beef with someone you don’t even know? You met me one time and you think you know me? You spend so much time looking into my personal life, looking for discrepancies and hypocrisies when you should be looking into your own. Get a life dude. Grow up.


You have pictures of the women being blown up with the Mk19? Good enough sport, lets see them. I’m calling bullshit, so lets see it.