Washington Post doesn’t like Cabela’s

| March 27, 2017

Chief Tango sent us a link to a Washington Post article written by Abha Bhattarai entitled New Cabela’s megastore in Gainesville, Va., is a monument to gun rights and the article is a monument to hand-wringing beltway liberals who are out of touch with Americans. The Post couldn’t help but bring politics into the opening of the store.

In short, shoppers heralded the new store as a victory for Virginia gun owners. Many said they feel underrepresented in a state that would have put Hillary Clinton in office (she skimmed past Donald Trump here with 50 percent of the vote). Meanwhile, back in Sidney, Neb., where Cabela’s is headquartered, 79 percent of residents had voted for Trump.

“It’s a constant battle, keeping our gun rights,” said William Fisher, 71, of Haymarket, Va., who got his first gun at age 16. “The fact that Cabela’s is here now, and that they carry firearms, is another step in the right direction.”

Bhattarai talked with some of the customers;

Like many others here, [Guy] Arndt says he is breathing a sigh of relief after President Trump’s victory. For weeks before the election, he had worried that Clinton would win the presidency and threaten his gun rights. To prepare, he bought a rifle and stocked up on ammunition.

“I really don’t know what would’ve happened had she gotten in there and done what she said she was going to do to,” Arndt said. “It would’ve killed the Second Amendment.”

Clinton had called for closing loopholes that allow people to buy guns online or at gun shows without undergoing criminal background checks. She also vowed to “keep military-style weapons off our streets.” (It’s quite complicated to kill a constitutional amendment, requiring action by both houses of Congress and state lawmakers.)

There is no “loophole” in gun show or online gun sales – it’s called “private sales” between American citizens. Nice to see that the Post advocates that we “kill a constitutional amendment”, though.

Anyway, Bhattarai focuses on Cabela’s gun sales, which I imagine is small part of their business, because there are cheaper places to buy guns. I like Cabela’s, my wife likes Cabela’s, mostly because you can find sporting equipment there that you’ll find no where else.

I went by this store yesterday and the Post’s article doesn’t seem to have done any damage to Cabela’s bottom line.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Semper Cabela’s!


They’re not moderating the comments anymore, so those of us who commented won’t get ours posted. I guess they’re afraid we’ll say something that’ll make them look stupid. Wouldn’t be very hard. LOL


Cabela’s gun cave is like a museum for. I almost bought the oldest AR-15 I have seen it was Colt SP1 at the store in Maine.

Silentium Est Aureum

I love the Cabela’s there. Right off 95 in Scarborough, and while the guns and ammo aren’t the cheapest (I buy local and get better deals) some of the camping gear is awesome.

Just waiting for the next sale so I can pick up a couple more “zero gravity” reclining lawn chairs.

And oh yeah–EAFBOD, Post.

Bill W

I’m having a Senior Moment here, SEA. Is that Cabela’s on US 1 south of the Len Libby store??

My wife grew up in Gorham. Her parents still live there. Beautiful area all around, except for tourist season!


Yup! The Kittery Trading Post has a nice used section also. And the fireworks stores are fun also.


Go up the road to the Moncton, Canada store and see the China made ARs for US$400. They look like they were made on a back street in Pakistan.

Perry Gaskill

The story I want to read is the one where the NY Daily News sends Gersh Kuntzman to a Cabela’s opening. He’d probably gersh in his Victoria’s Secrets…


Then he’ll try to use the little girls room, since he evidently identifies as one


Bhattari must be one of those deprived souls who don’t go outside when they see a cloud through the window, because they might get wet.


I don’t go to drag shows, to the left that makes me a Neanderthal. They don’t go to a store that sells ‘military-style weapons’ and when forced they complain ad nauseum because they’re f***ing enlightened.
It’s called freedom you pansies, I don’t tread on you so don’t tread on me.

The Other Whitey

This Bhattarai individual (not sure if “Abha” is a masculine or feminine name) clearly didn’t go inside the store. Yes, the gun section is pretty big. So are the fishing, camping, clothing, automotive, and home decor sections. It’s a store that caters to Americans who like to experience and appreciate the outdoors. Americans who will drive their truck 18 miles up a rough dirt road, park it, and hike another 10 miles to get a bull elk, see an unspoiled view, or just spend a few days away from electronics. Americans whose existence doesn’t revolve around latte snob-coffee, Twitter, the closest shopping mall, and whatever bullshit dominates the cover of “People” magazine. In other words: the huge segment of American society that wouldn’t wipe their ass with the Washington Post. This individual was likely traumatized (according to them, a la Gershie CUNTzman) by simply sharing a parking lot with representatives of this segment of society (whose taxpayer/welfare-recipient ratio leans very heavily toward taxpayers), and is likely in a shrink’s office as we speak, tearfully describing the horrible triggering experience. As for myself, the first Cabelas store I ever went to was the one in Boise, Idaho (lots of family in the Treasure Valley area). When I walked through the door, I was greeted by a choir of singing angels and the warm, divine, golden light of Heaven itself, and that’s before I even saw the gun section at the B/C corner! The same is true of Bass Pro Shops. My wife, who shops like a chick and grew up with the “gunz r bad” California inner-city school indoctrination, had a similar experience in both stores. She left the first time with a tight-fitting t-shirt that says “This girl doesn’t retreat–she reloads!” The next time we were there, she bought a fashionable holster for her .38 and some camp chairs that struck her fancy. And none of the conservative, gun-loving rednecks (which includes me) batted an eye at the hot Asian chick perusing the aisles, because it’s not an unusual sight. You might be surprised how racially diverse Rednecks tend to… Read more »

Silentium Est Aureum

With all the gun laws being passed in CA these days, if Cabela’s or BPS ever decided to open up some shops just across the I-10/15/40/80 lines in Arizona and Nevada, they’d be doing gangbusters.


Think the one in Boise is the one that has Elmer Keith’s guns on display. AKA The Holy Grail to all the true believers in big sixguns that shoot big bullets.

A Proud Infidel®™

If you’re ever in Springfield MO check out the Bass Pro Shops to beat them all with an NRA Museum in it to boot. AS TO the Washedallup [Com]Post, fuck them and I’ll continue to shop at Cabela’s as well, I’ve been to their stores in MN and Dundee MI!


North Dakota just passed a law that allows people to carry concealed weapons without a permit.

Some states are enlightened. ND is one that will give people like Bhattari (all hat, no cattle) and the Gershie stomach aches, headaches, and tension backaches.


Missouri as well, we have Constitutional Carry


WaPo had to deal with real people and didn’t know how to act.

Snowflakes gonna flake.


Haven’t been in Cabela’s in a while. That article makes me want to find the nearest one. Check out the Bargain Cave at least. Yeah, bargain shopping. Or just show them some support for no particular reason.

The Other Whitey

I got a good pair of shooting gloves and great set of binoculars from the Bargain Cave a while back. There’s good stuff in there.


Yep. A great way to equalize the often overpriced items elsewhere in the store. But when they reduce the price of something? Can’t beat them.

Daisy Cutter

I remember the first time I went into a Bass Pro Shops. I thought I died and went to redneck heaven. It was great!


Cabela’s is always good to go.

Green Top in Richmond, VA is also a great place.

Bill M

The Washington Post doesn’t like Cabela’s; I don’t like the Washington Post. I’d say we’re even.

Bill M

Abha Bhattarai is female. If you Google her, there’s a picture on her Facebook page. She’s a business reporter, so she was certainly within her wheelhouse with this article. Of course, all she saw was the guns at Cabela’s. Guess that particular store only carries guns, unlike all the other Cabela’s across the country. Go in with a bias, come out with a biased article. Not surprising.

The Old Maj

DC area is a good spot for Cabela’s. Their prices fit right in with the cost of living up there.