Tyrone James’ wrist slap

| March 26, 2017

In 2015, James Morales broke into the Lincoln Stoddard United States Army Reserve Center in Worcester, Massachusetts and stole six M-4 carbines and ten M-11 semi-automatic handguns from the weapons vault. He then took his haul home and asked his room mates, Tyrone James and Ashley Bigsbee to help him sell the weapons. They did and they were both arrested. Bigsbee was sentenced to 21 months in prison for her part. James was sentenced yesterday, according to Reuters to 57months in jail and 3 years of supervised release.

Tyrone James, 29…was one of two men who admitted to receiving guns stolen from an Army Reserve facility in Worcester, Massachusetts, about 40 miles (70 km) west of Boston, in November 2015.

Federal prosecutors have charged James Morales with carrying out that heist, alleging he broke into the building through a kitchen window a few days after he noticed a cache of weapons while visiting the facility to pick up copies of his discharge papers.

From the Washington Times, James wasn’t a first-time offender;

“During an interview on Nov. 20, 2015, James repeatedly lied to federal agents concerning his knowledge of the sale of the firearms. Further, at the time of this offense, James had been previously convicted of three counts of armed robbery and one count of armed assault in a dwelling making him a felon in possession of those weapons,” the statement said.

James was ultimately charged with conspiracy to possess, store and sell stolen firearms, possession and sale of stolen firearms and lying to federal agents, and pleaded guilty to all counts in December 2016.

Massachusetts is pretty strict with legal gun owners, but I guess not so much with criminals. Bigsbee and James weren’t making arrangements to sell those fully-automatic weapons to legal gun owners – the guns probably would have appeared at crime scenes across the state if they had got away with their crimes.

Category: Guns

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Silentium Est Aureum

I keep asking my liberal “friends” what gun laws we can pass to eliminate gun violence and their getting into criminal hands.

I’m almost used to the sounds of crickets now….


They’re not fully automatic, all semi-auto. Just throwing that out there. But I do agree, Massachusetts should’ve locked their asses up for a lot longer


says they are M4s…depending on specific models, think that’s either capable of burst fire or full auto; either is legally a full automatic, not merely a semi-auto. Feel free to enlighten me if I’m wrong.


Capable of semi or 3 round burst, haven’t seen a full auto since the M16A1, I’m not sure, but I don’t think 3 round burst quals as full auto.


SSG D You’re correct that they most likely were of the 3 rd burst variety, but as David points out, that qualifies them, at least legally as full auto. Having sold guns for the past couple years ( legally, at a FFL dealer) that was one bit of info we had to know

CB Senior

This was the Feds. Mass had nothing to do with it.
Federal Crime, Federal Court and Federal Prison.
As Hondo noted below. There are still plenty of State Laws broken that do not have double jeopardy attached yet.


Sounds to me like the other shoe might be yet to drop.

I’m guessing MA state law prohibits possession of firearms by felons. And a Federal trial for one crime generally doesn’t prohibit a trial by the state for other crimes committed in the course of violating Federal law that violate state law.

In short, James could be looking at a trial by the state of MA the day he gets out of Federal lockup. Whether MA wants to try him, or remembers to do so, is an entirely different question.

Silentium Est Aureum

Had he forgotten to pay his taxes, he’d be under Souza about now.


Well, what were you expecting? Real punishment for a crime that would get the rest of us locked up for decades? Hah!

The Other Whitey

For all their talk, if the gun-grabbers were serious about curbing violence, these shitwads would be looking at real hard time. The sentences they got barely even membership prerequisites for some gangs.

These fuckers stole automatic weapons, including multiple Scary Black Rifles, from the federal government and attempted to sell them to other criminals for use in violent crimes. Why aren’t they going away for decades? Hell, why aren’t they being hit up for conspiracy to aid and abet a mass shooting, or something? After all, the bleeding-hearts always screech about how Scary Black Rifles are only made to kill lots of people in a hurry! So where’s the outrage? Where’s the wailing and gnashing of teeth “for the children?”

Actions speak much, much louder than words.


Agree, hear crickets!

Fat fingered report, sorry.


I wholeheartedly agree that the sentences should be much higher.

However, it would likely take changing the federal sentencing guidelines which tightly control the sentences that are handed out at the federal level.

Federal agents and federal prosecutors are no fans of the lenient sentences. However, many times as light as these sentences seem, they are more often harsher sentences than would be delivered in state court.

While it is not much consolation, at least federal felons must serve 85% of their sentence, whereas it is common in state cases for felons to get their sentences reduced by more than half for good behavior.

It is also possible, but highly unlikely for the state to prosecute for the same or related incidents that was prosecuted at the federal level.

A Proud Infidel®™

Slap-on-the-wrist “punishments” like that and liberals STILL bawl about there being too much crime?


Tyrone stole my M4!