Israeli teen behind threats to Jewish community

| March 26, 2017

The Associated Press reports that a 19-year-old Israeli was arrested for making about 150 bomb threats to various Jewish communities across the United States. Of course, before the arrest on Thursday, President Trump was blamed for encouraging the threats;

Previously, Jonathan Greenblatt, chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League, which fights anti-Semitism and monitors extremism, had partly blamed Trump for creating an atmosphere that fueled the bomb threats and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, among other recent harassment. “His well-documented reluctance to address rising anti-Semitism helped to create an environment in which extremists felt emboldened,” Greenblatt wrote last month.

On Feb. 28, in a meeting with state attorneys general, Trump had suggested the phoned-in bomb threats may have been designed to make “others look bad,” according to Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro. The remark raised concerns that Trump was downplaying bigotry.

So you’d think that these groups would take a step back from their accusations, but, no, that doesn’t put money in the coffers;

Steven Goldstein, executive director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, a civil rights and social justice group based in New York, said the arrest in Israel doesn’t change Trump’s record of being slow and insufficiently forceful in condemning anti-Jewish prejudice and bigotry in general. The center had repeatedly pointed to the bomb threats as evidence of “a national emergency of anti-Semitism” and accused Trump of failing to recognize the “real evidence” behind the problem.

“Nobody has said that Donald Trump himself has spray-painted swastikas or tipped over gravestones or that he picked up the phone and made bomb threats,” Goldstein said. “What we were condemning was the silence. Organizations had to shame Donald Trump into responding.”

Yeah, some kid in Israel was just waiting for the US President condemn his bomb threats before he’d stop. Makes perfect sense.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Deplorable B Woodman

“…150 “bob” threats….”



Lemme see….”Goldstein and Greenblatt”..’DUMB AND DUMBER”!! You morons kiss obamas ass from here to the store and back and he hated your ass! He was muslim, down to his cockroaches, Trump on the other hand loves the Israeli people and is trying to help them and you moronic maggots badmouth him? WTF is wrong with you jews in America? Voting jews do the same thing, vote for the evil bitch clinton instead of Trump? and NO, I am NOT anti-semitic, I would love to live in Israel if I was 30/40 years younger!

Arkanovi Tigrovi

You can not have anti-Semitism without Semitism!

Deplorable B Woodman

Having President Trump decry anti-Semitism falls into one of those “feel good” categories, like strongly worded letters from the UN. All hat, no cattle.
President Trump built a business (and apparently is building a political) empire on ACTION, not pretty words.

The Other Whitey

But remember, it’s all about the feelings!

Deplorable B Woodman

“Feewings, nofing mowe fhan feewling….”

A Proud Infidel®™

But, but, but WHAT about people’th pweciouth thelf-ethteem? Someone call a *WAAAAAAAAHH!*mbulance for them!

The Other Whitey

When I was in the Basic Fire Academy, the instructors told us that self-esteem is for pussies.


Self esteem is used to get wrinkles out of esuit.


Gee, it wasn’t bad enough that the attempt at a nanny state included anti-semitism, but they still expect Big Daddy in the White House (whoever has the job) to run to public microphone and make off-the-cuff scripted remarks?

No wonder I’m confused by the news. It’s either 1 to 6 people, mostly children, were shot on the South Side before supper, or someone did something somewhere, and in both instances, da Prez has to ‘say something’ for the ‘feelz good’ effect.


President Trump is now expected to address every perceived slight Social Justice Warriors “feel?”

There aren’t enough hours in the day for that nonsense.

The Other Whitey

Looks to me like Trump was, in this case, 100% correct. And they just can’t handle that, can they?

Ya know, the President of the United States of America is extraordinarily busy if he’s making any attempt to actually do his job. Running to the microphone and TV cameras to say that conservatives are bad, bad people every time somebody slams a door too hard takes time away from that. Barry did that, when he wasn’t golfing or promising to give away the farm to the Russians after he got re-elected (apparently that’s okay for a democrat, but if a republican happens to be in the same room as a Russian it’s treason–I’m looking at you, Dave Hardin! !) ). I can think of a lot of words to describe his presidency, and “effective” ain’t one of ’em.


the Anti-Defamation League, which fights liberty and aids extremism


A Proud Infidel®™

Funny how nothing was the previous POTUS’s fault but now all the world’s ills are all the fault of President Trump!


“Funny how nothing was the previous POTUS’s fault”

For the life of me, I cannot remember his name.


SCoaMF help?


A Proud Infidel®™

You mean the JEF?


I can…”traitorous shytbird, queer, muslim, communist, illegal asshole” I believe thats the whole name!




The apparent backstory in the Israeli press (last I saw) is that the kid had a brain tumor and mental health issues, so the IDF refused to draft him. He wanted to show that he is good enough, and came up with a hairbrained scheme. Supposedly he had previously grounded a Delta Airlines flight with threats, too.

NR Pax

The SPLC is going to be pissed at this kid for disrupting The Narrative.

Perry Gaskill

Something I’ve had a hard time understanding is the seeming propensity on the part of the Jewish community to bring up the Holocaust whenever it feels put upon. I’ll acknowledge the need to preserve it as an historical artifact of worst-case scenario, but it doesn’t seem like something you would want to constantly remind people you were a passive victim of.

My own non-Jewish upbringing, the result of having an old man who was a World War II paratrooper, was that the ones to emulate were those who stood their ground when surrounded and outnumbered. Whether that be at Bastogne, or the Alamo, or Thermopylae. Molon labe.

In the words of Macaulay pointed out on TAH recently:

And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his gods.

Can somebody such as Greenblatt even wrap his head around such a code of conduct?

I’m not trying to be anti-Semitic; its a serious question about cultural differences.


Well, it’s a complicated issue. About 50% of jews alive at the time were killed by the nazis.
Such a catastrophic drop in membership of an ethnic community can have deep psychological consequences.

Liberals wear victimhood as a badge of honor, and here in America jews are the ethnic group with the highest percentage of college graduates, getting brainwashed in academia’s liberalism like no other group, thus shamelessly exploiting the suffering of our people at the hand of national SOCIALISM, a point that is forgotten by most liberals today.
So liberals use shoah as a shield to protect their stupid socialist ideas from criticism.

Schlomo Shekelmeister

The trillions of Jews bug sprayed to death in automated gas ovens. Oy Vey!


I do not understand your meaning…
Care to explain your point?

Just An Old Dog

Coupla thoughts on this. First off there are mentally deficient people out there who act out just like this kid did.
Second, there are people who are so twisted up by Trump’s election they would do anything to discredit him. Several other groups have concocted fake hate crimes and tried toi tie it to Trump Supporters.
Last of all many who cling to being an “Oppressed Jew” are simply non-secular liberals who are Jewish by heritage only. They are simply athiets with Jewish names.
One of my favorite pundits, Ben Shapiro who is a devout Jew has put these “Be a Jew Because It’s cool” asswipes on blast several times.