Name that rabid right-wing chickenhawk:

| January 16, 2009

The insurgency is not noble. They are not, as some would have you believe, just like the Americans fighting the British for their freedom. This isn’t a popular opinion, because many peace activists fear that by talking about the evils of the insurgency, we’ll arouse sympathy for the war. Some even call it ‘racist’, saying that they don’t have the right to ‘defend themself’.

This is morally disingenuous. The Iraqi insurgency bears little similarity to our revolutionary fighters. Our revolutionary fighters never went around cutting off people’s heads, or killing women for talking to soldiers, or throwing acid in children’s faces. We didn’t target civilians in the revolutionary war. They weren’t full of religious fundamentalists-and since when has the activist community supported religious fundamentalists?

We do not have to beatify evil men in order to say that the war is wrong, or that it hurts America, or our military, or our national defense, or even that it hurts innocents. And any peace activist that mourns and condemns the death of Iraqis while refusing to mourn and condemn the death of soldiers is a hypocrite.

I remember once holding a fellow soldier as he cried about the young kid he had to kill because the kid was aiming a weapon at the soldiers. It’s a terrible thing. Is it the soldier’s fault? No, it’s not. It’s whoever put a weapon of lethal force in the hands of a child and told them to go hunting Americans.

Picture of this neo-facist after the jump.

I’d say this one won’t win you any friends on your side Army Sergeant.

Sniper is getting DAMN good at photoshops I would say.

Just for Pons:

Category: Politics

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The Sniper

I thought for sure you would go for the one where she was riding the unicorn. The rainbow fart does give this one more humor value, though.


Sniper said: I thought for sure you would go for the one where she was riding the unicorn.

Wait. What? Why not both?


[…] Continued here:  Name that rabid right-wing chickenhawk: […]

LT Nixon

Haha, why did AS give you that picture of her in the witch outfit? She must’ve known that was going to haunt her for months and years to come. A good lesson for those of us with Prince Adam outfits to keep them off the internet.

Jonn wrote: Actually, she didn’t give it to anyone. I found it on a website in which people make their own gnome clothes and then model the clothes for each other. I’ve got more in the archives.

LT Nixon

Well, it is a pretty sweet gnome outfit. I can see why she would want to share!


Holy shit! AS and I actually agree on something!


Looks more like a serving wench…


Such an attractive young lass, too bad like over half this country, she does not know the difference between illegal and a legal wars.

The Sniper

I liked the one where she was riding the unicorn on the beach with the rainbow behind her better.


YatYas said: Such an attractive young lass

Wonder if that shouldn’t be ‘comely’ in this context?

Obstreperous Infidel

Excuse my ignorance, but who is this “AS”? Thanks in advance. Love the site by the way.

Jonn wrote: AS (short for her screen name “Army Sergeant”) is our resident Iraq Veterans Against the War member.


Now, now, y’all are being too hard on her. She’s been used and abused by the power hungry for too long. I think there may be hope for her now that there is no longer any useful purpose for the IVAW. With the Huffing Post calling her friends “crazed killers” and the organization telling her to shut up, she may realize that she’s been hanging with the wrong crowd.

Can you imagine her wrath unleashed when she realizes the scorn of her “leaders?”

What is the future of the IVAW (and others) now that Iraq is a successful, peaceful democracy?

Obstreperous Infidel

Thanks, Jonn. I’ll figure things out around here…probably slowly.

Obstreperous Infidel

BTW, she looks pretty melancholic for a gnome. Especially a gnome standing by a rainbow farting unicorn. Where’s the mischevious grin?


Where are the humpty back camels, green aligators, and long neck geese? Just wondering. LMAO

The Sniper

TSO asked me for Army Sgt and a unicorn, no grins of any sort. I threw in the rainbow fart myself. If he wants grins next time he’ll have to be more specific.

I think I may keep the “rainbow fart” motif for any and all future crunchy-type photoshop requests, though.

richard wheeler

Wotn “Iraq a successful peaceful democracy”.What the hell are you smoking?


I was gonna say something whole inappropriate but I do not to be forced to do anymore POSH/EO training this quarter. Again, AS, you demonstrate why Soldiers like you are so challenging to lead. Just when we got you pigeon-holed and placed into a box, you go and show some common-sense. Nice to see that you have not drank all the kool-aid.


RW: Perhaps you need to keep up on the news a bit. C’mon over to my site. It’s posted daily.