Cold enough for you? [Jonn]

| January 16, 2009

I have to get this off my chest. It’s been bugging the snot out of me all day.

I had to go to the office today because my power went out at home which means I had to fight the maddening crowds a few blocks from the Capitol. It’s worse today because of ya’all Hope and Change tourists gawking at the statues and taking pictures of each other pointing at stuff.

Anyway, whenever I stopped at a street corner to wait for the light to change, perfect strangers would ask me “Cold enough for you?” I’ll bet I got asked that twenty times today.

Look, if you’re standing face-to-face with me on a street corner in bone-chilling weather in the wind tunnel that is North Capitol Street and the only thing that pops into your mind to say is that question, just stare at me and keep your stupid yap shut.

Even my workmates couldn’t resist asking me if it’s cold enough for me. Why? Do you really want to know if I could stand a few degrees colder? Or does the chance of a few moments of silence so terrify you that you’d say something that moronic just to fill the air with your voice?

To answer the question: Yes, it’s cold enough for me and I can’t wait till the end of the month when I get go to the tropics, lay by the pool in the 95 degree heat in my Speedo with a stogie and a bucket of cuba libres.

I wonder how many Panamanians will ask me if it’s hot enough for me.

Category: Pointless blather

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TSO prefers the cold.

Even with a jeep with no heater. If I could find a pillow that stays at roughly freezing level, I might never get out of bed.


I’m fairly certain it’s spelled y’all (you + all). I’ve always been taught (in school in the south ya know) that ya’all is redundant (y’all + all). Anyway…hope it’s not too cold for ya.


Oh…and I’m still EXPECTING a photo montage of you in the speedo(s) when you get back from your trip. K?


No, its not cold enough. Cold weathre keeps the asshats in thier dives andd off the streets. When they do venture out, they keep thier car windows rolled up which helps contain the noise of their ghetto blasters.We saw minus 26 Wednesday night, and yesterday the car went on strike. So a good excuse to stay inside and read TAH. Today the temps have risen and the car started, so I ran delayed errands.Tell me again how much you like your panhandlers. BWAHAAAHAHA.


TB said: Oh…and I’m still EXPECTING a photo montage of you in the speedo(s) when you get back from your trip. K?

Dang… uh, er, okay, so long as he doesn’t post any here.


Rurik said: No, its not cold enough.

Justify it as you will. Hit minus 5 here last night and projected colder yet tonight.

Got no water and related plumbing chores upcoming.

Difference is… you love it! I aim to win the lottery and move back to Hawaii.


It was colder than a witch’s tits yesterday here in Shitcago, suburbs…-19. Schools were closed and the only time I went outside was to throw out garbage. Today, it’s warmer and I am going to return all the Christmas crap that was not liked. Maybe get some good bargains…
Uh, gee, Jonn, I love a Partagas #4…you know, for the next GOE event? 🙂 I believe customs says you can bring up to 100 cigars legally…


You guys are having a damn heat wave anyway, I look forward to 20 degrees.
I agree with Rurik, weather like this keeps the wack jobs in their houses with the government provided heat.