Monday morning feel good stories

| February 27, 2017

In Little Rock, Arkansas;

Little Rock Police Chief Kenton Buckner said that a uniformed off-duty Little Rock officer in an unmarked car was approached by at least three people trying to rob the officer.

Buckner says there was an exchange of gunfire between the suspects and the officer. One witness described the suspect vehicle pull up behind the police car and at least one suspect ran up to the car when the gunfire erupted.

At least one suspect was shot and killed in the parking lot. The police officer was not injured. Two other suspects have reportedly been captured.

In Rocklin, California;

Officers responded to a burglary in progress at 10:01 a.m. Saturday, according to the Rocklin Police Department. The caller who contacted authorities said that a man was trying to break into their home.

The man was confronted by the homeowner, who was armed, which caused the suspect to run out of the house.

Three responding Rocklin Police officers found the suspect outside. Authorities say he had a weapon.

At this time it is not known if the suspect charged the officers but he was shot by at least one of the officers and died on scene.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee

Two more incidents of Law abiding citizen’s lives being threatened or threatened with having their goods taken from them. Two thugs DRT, (Dead Right There), and two others arrested. All citizens safe.


Even better, FC – Arkansas seems to be a state whose laws include the crime of felony murder. So the two apprehended perps are likely going to face murder charges.

That’s just too damn bad. (smile)


Dirt naps for two! No sympathies at all for the perps, either.