File Under “Who Cares?”
I never watch THE OSCARS. Simply not interested. I also haven’t seen any movies made in the past few years. Much like our current network TV options they are, at best, derivative anyway. At worst the are lousy re-makes.
Our Pal OWB expanded on the subject elsewhere and I wanted to share with this illustrious lot:
With all the news in the world, the media fixation on Hollywood and their never ending series of self-aggrandizing awards ceremonies is curious. While I don’t begrudge any group getting together to celebrate their craft, the disproportionate amount of glory and grandeur associated with entertainers congratulating themselves at their ability to pretend to be some character or another is unseemly. Among other things, it apparently gives them a sense that their opinions matter more than do the opinions of those they entertain. They don’t.
It should really come as no great surprise that folks who make a living from delusional behavior frequently fall into the trap of coming to believe their own imaginations. Even that is not a problem until they insist that the rest of us congratulate them for their delusions. We won’t.
Keep screeching, precious little snowflakes. You make yourselves less relevant with each of your self-absorbed public melt downs. Your media co-conspirators will dutifully continue to report your antics while the rest of us continue to laugh at your feelings, your filthy language, and your opinions. We just don’t care.
Category: Geezer Alert!
“At worst the are lousy re-makes.”
Follywood has hit rock bottom, CHIPS in 2017.
Hey, “Rogue One” was good, and probably guaranteed to get zero awards since it was actually good, and not some boring artsy bullshit.
But I agree that the new “CHiPS” and its 80s-TV-Reboot ilk are generally not worthwhile.
Rogue One was awesome and yes, zero awards.
How can you have CHiPS without Erik Estrada? That would be like Escape From New York without Kurt Russell.
Some ugly, narrow minded, narcissistic, racist, little people live and work in Hollyweird… where the movie industry has gone downhill since 1939
Kissing each others ass to get the Oscar. Who can give the biggest anti-Trump speech usually wins.
Oscar and Kermit are my favorite Muppets!
You just might be a winner tonight!
Statler and Waldorf are clearly the best. To apply one of their quotes to the Oscars:
Waldorf: They aren’t half bad!
Statler: Nope, they’re ALL bad!
Statler and Waldorf: world champion shit talkers!
Though I’m rather partial to Gonzo and Rizzo myself.
I played drums in High School, mostly marching band stuff.
Special mention to
But Kermit is just the all-around character actor and Great Newsman.
And Oscar was smack-talking before Waldorf and Statler were couch-cushion stuffing. (11B-Mailclerk pops back in can and slams lid…)
It’s been at least 15 years since I last watched even a part of the Oscars and it’s extremely likely I never will again. On the bright side, IMHO the more the left and lefties parade their idiocy and imbecility for the world to see, the more people will come to the Conservative side of politics!
Over 20 for me, API. You’re right, on the left and their idiocy.
It’s likely 20 or more, I just typed 15 to keep myself honest.
They still do the Oscars? Really? Huh.
Preach it Brother!
Last movie worth a shit was Blazing Saddles and it could not be shown today because it ridicules EVERYONE!!!
Ok, Private Ryan was great. And Band of Bro’s but that wasn’t a movie.
A quote from you: It should really come as no great surprise that folks who make a living from delusional behavior frequently fall into the trap of coming to believe their own imaginations. Even that is not a problem until they insist that the rest of us congratulate them for their delusions.
My son-in-law is a renown set construction foreman for a bazillion movies. His tales of Hollywood jackwads is hillarious.
I go to very few movies, and the ones I do see don’t tend to be nominated for Oscars. Action movies and comedies just don’t get the love they deserve.
I would rather watch Paul-mer (of the Ballsack) work Phildo’s balls.
Think the VA would hook me up on a PTSD claim?
I have zero in watching (wasting 4 hours+) what has deteriorated into one big Hellywood circle jerk. The Fluffers only vote on the movies with the biggest social agenda….if you don’t have that as a major part of the storyline…well faggetaboutit.
“I have zero INTEREST…in watching….”
Hollywood is a communist sewer.
McCarthy was correct but vilified for it.
Margaret Chase Smith should have sat down and STFU but the little commie darlings made her out to be some sort of moral hero and a star was born. You can drop the whole pile right into her lap. If the lefties in Maine had their way Mt Katahdin would have her mug chiseled into it.
Hacksaw Ridge is pretty good. That is why it won’t win anything. When are the Oscar’s?
I knew that Hollywood was full of shit when they failed to give the Best Picture Oscar to Terror In Beverly Hills and Best Actor Oscar to Frank Stallone. His character in that film made a lasting impression on me, and whenever I am in Beverly Hills, I always drop by The Old Bean Factory.
I really haven’t given a damn about the Oscars since “Smokey and the Bandit” got snubbed for Best Picture when I was a kid.
Well speaking of movies that suck how about “The Hateful Eight? What an example mindless shit.My buddy talked me into going because neither of our wives would go. They have better taste than we do. I figure Martin Scorsese owes me $16.00 that includes one senior admission and a small popcorn.
Hollywood hasn’t had an original thought since the Nixon administration.
Screw ’em.
Talk about the folks in “la-la land” being, well, in La-la Land:
But don’t forget: those left-leaning “Progressives” are
dumb as a rock with lipsso much more intelligent, so we should all follow their lead.Kinda like lemmings follow their leaders, I guess.
How much you wanna bet she was looking for a wire hanger to beat the shit out of Warren with after he tossed her THAT little grenade?
No more wire hangers!
What was hilarious today was listening to some gals at lunch who evidently take this crap seriously complain about an assortment of things wrong with all of this. From the way the media is reporting it to who knows what. The excuses were precious. They didn’t even like the outcome, or the length of the program. Lefties all, apparently.
“Kinda like lemmings follow their leaders, I guess.”
Right off the cliff….
Great point.
Watched it once whatever year “Rocky”, “Carrie”, and “Taxi Driver” came out. Richard Pryor was one of the hosts.
I have to include TV along with most movies as NOT BEING watched for a very long time.
I did like Pvt Ryan, have yet to see Hacksaw Ridge, hoping and praying that The Martian is as good as the book.
The last TV I regularly watched was when I was in High School; MASH was on CBS (?) prime time and Monty Pythons Flying Circus was on PBS. Probably gives some of you waaaaaaay too much insight into my mental processes.
I wonder how the Hollywood crowd of today would have fit in with Stalin’s version of Hollywood? Cant imagine how these folks would have “worked” for Sergei Eisenstein. On the other hand, the skits in the Gulag would have been creative…
If a movie makes you THINK, its probably not going to do well popularly, as movies are designed on some level to provide Escape. The movie that I remember striking home to me as a pseudo adult was Gallipoli. For some reason that flick brought mortality home to me.
Hope you all are well. The Sun has returned to Eastern Washington! The motorcycles are oil changed and tuned. 🙂
They did a good job with The Martian. I read the book years before they made the movie. Really well done!
I quit giving a shit years ago, and I agree, anything by Mel Brooks is great. I loved Blazing Saddles, it was his best movie by far!
Hollywood is just as capable, or more so, of turning out quality product as they ever were… note that the vast majority of what they did before is now unknown, just as the majority of crappy current movies will be in a few years. They have always done dreck like Bridemaids, the Hangover series, the Bowery Boys, etc… and occasionally turn out gems like Lincoln, Last of the Mohicans, Count of Monte Cristo, etc. Ignore the awards, wait several decades, and see what remains. Just MHO.
Hollywood occasionally produces the Great, quite in spite of itself, not as an intentional part of the System.