Arthur Murray leaves Royal Canadian Legion Branch 297 in a lurch

| February 23, 2017

Dave Hardin wrote about Arthur Murray last month on tips from our Stolen Valour-Canada brothers. Murray was the first vice-president of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 297 where he handed in his resignation to president Linda Fisher according to the Cornwall Standard-Freeholder.

“My first feeling when hearing about this was disbelief,” said Ron Racine, the Legion’s third vice-president and its membership chairman. “He (Murray) knows a lot of military information, so I was really in shock when I found out everything there (on This Ain’t Hell) was true, I couldn’t believe it.”

Murray was a Legion member for 14 years, which made the news even more difficult to accept.

“It’s hard because it’s like a family here,” said Racine, confirming Murray has also turned in his membership.

Racine noted that Murray was accepted as a Legion member because “he had been in the military – he had proof of that. Because of that background, he could become a member. (But) we don’t ask for full military background.”

From the Cornwall Seaway News;

All of the members of the Legion Branch 297 Executive Committee said that they were shocked by the revelations of about Murray.

“His own family didn’t even know,” said Bernadette Heagle, the new First Vice President at the Legion. “He was always very knowledgeable so why would you question it?”

“We have the guy outside and he knew everything about it,” said Ron Racine. “Its almost as if his life revolved around the military.”

Linda Fisher says that the Legion acted swiftly when it learned about the revelations about Murray, but that they only found out about it because a legion member saw the post on Facebook. No one formally notified the Legion.

But stolen valor (or valour) is a victimless crime.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Wilted Willy

I hope this fat Walrus gets clubbed like a baby Harp seal!


It isn’t going to stop until being in the military becomes a social malapropism again. I hope that never happens, but these people are so desperate for attention and approval and pats on the back that they will do and say anything to get it.

Did you guys know that 7 Earth-sized planets have been found in orbit around a red dwarf about 39LY from here? Yeah, I found ’em, all of them. It was MY bit of sniffing around various red dwarves, that’s what did it! Don’t believe me? Smeg off, dooks!


Imagine how many Walts waiting to be outed on all those planets……….


You got that right!


I remember when it was not cool to be a Nam vet. Then it was cool for a while and they even threw us a parade. I marched. Then it wasn’t cool again until recently when it became super cool and now the posers are coming out of the woodwork again. Some one please tell me when it ain’t cool again so I can go back into hiding.


Something you said here caught my attention, 26L. I was a kid in the seventies and I vaguely remember when it wasn’t cool. People didn’t talk to kids much about that stuff, but you kinda sensed the negative feelings surrounding the issue.

I very well remember the parades, as well as the huge attention surrounding the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Even the made-for-TV movie about it.

Serious question though. I didn’t realize some or perhaps many Vietnam vets felt it had then become unpopular again (late 80s or 90s?). Do you think that’s a common feeling among your fellow Vietnam vets? And, if so, I’d be curious to get your opinion on why.

Lot of the guys in my life served in that era, and some avoided it by hook or crook, so I’ve always been fascinated by the issue.


“Do you think that’s a common feeling among your fellow Vietnam vets? And, if so, I’d be curious to get your opinion on why”

Thanks for asking Ncat.
I certainly cannot speak for all vets but the ones close to me agree to this timeline:
It wasn’t cool circa 1970 and did not get cool again until the memorial as you noted.
It started going downhill again with the Central American conflicts leading up to Iran/Contra. Throw in the Haiti and Panama stuff in the early nineties and it was palatable.
9/11 turned it all around again and that is where we are today. Once again, I can only speak from my observations and how I perceive the treatment of veterans.
Hope that helps.


Thank you… for everything.


From someone who spent a total of 32 months in RVN during two tours, here’s my two cents worth. I don’t give a rat’s ass what people think of my service. Don’t belong to any veteran groups because of all the phonies who replicate what this Canadian Clown has done, weasel their way to the top of leadership. In fact, it makes me suspicious of ALL who openly run their mouth with their war stories. I don’t participate in any damned parades for the same reason. Have learned to not go to church the week of Veteran’s Day as well as Memorial Day and July 4th services. No, it does not bother me in the least that others attend during those weeks, or even if they want to wear a uniform. It’s HISTORY folks, just another chapter of our lives left behind. If you enjoy those events and recognition, good for you….not a problem to me. Just don’t ask me to join in any reindeer games. Homey don’t play those games. Period. Ditto for the flavor of the day as if it concerns me we may or may not be popular this season. One thing I have learned for ABSOLUTE CERTAIN….If you happen to hear some loser running his mouth about all his combat experiences to any group or individual…look closely, you’ll probably see a phony.


“It was MY bit of sniffing around various red dwarves…….”

Ah, mmmm…… Ex-PH2 did you really mean to air that statement in public? (running & ducking for cover) 😉


Durn, and I was so careful to compose that bit of lunacy in just that way!

It’s the extra wiggle in the starlight, you see, that gives away those planets.



Dave Lister approves. Time for some curried chicken. 😀

Carlton G. Long

Brian Williams claims to have covered major news events on many of those planets.

chooee lee

Could we use them for the Dwarf Toss at the local pup ?


Sure, why not? But you have to catch them first.






(as smoke clears from target area, Mick scans target with optics)

Yup; just as I suspected. Due to the extremely large, walrus-like size of this target, it looks like we’re gonna need multiple re-attacks in order to cover the target in its entirety.

You are cleared hot for immediate re-attack.


Fat fucking cocksucker.

Two fisted cocksucker.




BDA: 100/100

You are cleared to RTB to rearm and refuel. The way things are going today, we’re probably gonna need more sorties…





That sings, Senior Chief. Sings.


Amazing how prolific some posers are in attaining the knowledge required to fool those who actually did what they are pretending to have done.
I hope to see the expose on one I knew on here soon. He sure knew how to talk the talk, but never walked any further than AIT. Bastard would run rough shod over real Veterans in groups, and loved “hunting posers”.


Hope you turned this over to Jonn and Dave Hardin. A nice chew toy would be one like this. Must take exception to your claim of him running “rough shod over real veterans in groups”. There is ALWAYS that one little slip up at the wrong time when they go just one step too far and the questions begin popping up.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well now he can dance his fat ass right into obscurity if we lucky…here’s hoping this fat prick stays hidden moving forward.


That will be good news, if they decide to prosecute.

I believe it is a credit to your diligence in documentation, Jonn, when one of those fooled by this poser says “everything … on [TAH] was true.”

Integrity and accuracy as well as an honest desire to allow the accused to defend himself – good job, and thank you.



A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Arthur Murray, TAKE OFF, HOSER!

Bill M

Yep, he’s just gonna dance right outta there.

Combat Historian

Damn, this walt really IS the size of a walrus…


Hopefully, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 297 will do an audit of their books if ARTHUR MURRAY was able to handle funds while in his position within the legion.


Arthur Murray should have pretended to be Lt. Eckhardt from the 1989 batman movie. He would have fooled everyone.


“Our first feeling was disbelief. Our second was membership, with him gone we need 50% less space than before” – full quote.