Right on Cue
Swedish authorities arrested a man in the predominantly immigrant Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby on drug charges yesterday.
I hope the POTUS has the good taste not to smirk too much when he says, “I told you so” at his next press conference.
Category: Politics
I read the article. I like this part:
‘Sweden’s official Twitter account – which is operated by a different user each week – tweeted at Trump on Monday morning: “Hey Don, this is @Sweden speaking! It’s nice of you to care, really, but don’t fall for the hype. Facts: We’re OK!”’
‘Hours later, the Rinkeby riots began, with a second wave starting around 10:30 p.m. Seven or eight cars were set on fire and many stores saw looting, The Local reported. A photographer from media outlet Dagens Nyheter said a group of 15 people beat him as he tried to document the chaos.’
‘“I was hit with a lot of punches and kicks both to my body and my head. I have spent the night in hospital,” said the photographer, who was not named.’
Glad to hear you’re okay, Sweden! Sounds like you owe the unnamed photographer a big hug and an apology. And Trump, too. He was right. You’re wrong. PFFFTTT! 😛 😛 😛
“We’re OK!”
I don’t think that phrase means what you think it means, Sweden!
Or else you had a really harsh dose of reality smack you in the keister.
I hope the Prez DOES SMIRK, he earned it, he was right on and his back biters were wrong as usual!
Once the resident commie awakes from his medication induced sleep, his tits will be in a wringer over this.
So thats where Baghdad Bob ended up at, well good for him.
I liked the old Baghdad Bob better. He’s let himself go.
Out of respect for their new “guests”, has the famed Swedish Bikini Team been burqa-ized and forced into reciting the Koran yet…?
The horror! The horror!
Was the riot in any way related to cheese? Those crazy immigrants in Sweaden, I tells ya!
Maybe they saw a picture of Mohammed and freaked out.
How long before there are claims that the masked rioters were paid off by Trump?
Only if Lars attended the Swedish equivalent of Cal.
Yeah, Trump is so concerned about illegal immigration that he is allowing the so called “Dreamers” to stay in the US.
The Swedes used to be Vikings, for Christ’s sake! When did they turn into pussies?
The hardier folk emigrated to the US?
Your first sentence tells its own story. And answers your question.
I know that I am going to be pilloried for this, but blaming this incident on immigrants seems to be misplaced to some extent. The Rinkeby area does appear to be heavily inhabited by immigrants. There is no denying that. However, when the Swedes took in the immigrants, they forgot a couple of things. The Swedish government, in all its socialistic type brilliance, forgot to provide jobs and education. Without jobs and ways of assimilating into the country, the area became what many areas in the US are like – areas where lawlessness and unspoken “no go” neighborhoods. In the US, we see these neighborhoods in major cities. Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, Washington, LA, Oakland, and right on down the line. The difference is that in those cities, the people that are rioting and creating areas of lawlessness are not immigrants, they are born and raised American citizens. We all remember the Freddie Grey incident in Baltimore where a career criminal was injured and allowed to die while in police custody. That set of rioting in the areas of the city were bad schools and lack of economic opportunity was prevalent. The same thing happened in Rinkeby, In 2013, the police there shot and killed a 69 year old mentally retarded man who had a knife. Three nights of rioting followed. The police were eventually cleared of the shooting, but the mob mentality took over. It’s easy to blame this all on “immigrants.” It is easy to say “they aren’t like us. They don’t respect our values.” But when you allow people into the country that are trying to escape bad situations and trying to make a better life for themselves, you can’t heard them into an area that is just as bad and say “good luck!” It can be argued that Sweden should not have taken in so many immigrants into their country, but the question that has to be asked is whether the mistake comes from the people coming in or the lack of preparation for the influx of people? It is probably both. You can’t know just looking… Read more »
Sure, blame everyone else. Personal responsibility?
Please reread the first sentence. Certainly there is personal accountability. Never said otherwise.
The point I am trying to make is that “blame Muslims” or “blame immigrants” is too simple and binary a solution. There are more factors that need to be considered.
Don’t forget, in during the great immigration period in the US history, there was great violence in communities of Irish, Italian, Asian, etc immigrants. It was not until people got jobs and assimilated that turned around to a great extent.
The people are responsible for their own actions, but when a government fails to protect the people’s rights, the government needs to be accountable as well.
“Certainly there is personal accountability.”
I said responsibility.
I seem to remember when I immigrated to the big mean world there was no house, food, car, job, fluffy bank account or welcome center waiting for me.
Why don’t you go live in Sweden? There is a neighborhood in Malmo that will be perfect for you. Just practice your grenade catching skillz before you go, just to be prepared. Then you won’t have to worry about “scapegoating,” as the Swedish gov’t and the media have been covering the “problems” created by their blind admission of muzzie “immigrants” for over a decade.
“Muzzie?” You really want to go there? You really think that pejorative adds something to your argument?
I already said the admission of people into Sweden created a problem because once in the country, there was no where for the people to go. They did what anyone would do – they congregated with people they knew and could understand.
We have seen the same thing in our history.
If we are going to allow immigration into this country, we can’t throw them to the wolves. There has to be jobs and required skill sets in place as well as educational systems.
Of course one of the major issues is that the refugees/immigrants have no jobs and too much time on their hands.
The liberal-socialist Government of the country didnt take that into consideration. They just opened the flood gates in a knee-jerk reaction without thinking over the fact that they were letting in thousands of young men with a different culture and language who came from a violent region where there was no true law and order.
Perhaps they should have vetted them.
And, how about the fact that they don’t believe in any of the values of a western democracy and instead have been indoctrinated into a politico-religious dogma created by a 7th century pedophile warlord bent on conquering the then known world. The likelihood that any of them will assimilate into their new nation is slim. Especially, since they are taught that accepting any of our norms of western civilization is “haram” (forbidden) and evil. But hey, it’s reasonable to expect that someday in the future, for some unknown reason, they will embrace being Americans just like the Irish, Germans, Russians, and Italians that emigrated here over a hundred years ago. NOT! Hell, we can’t even figure out how to stop the muslims who were born here from waging Jihad against us. And they have grown up here and been educated in our schools.
JOBS? Job skills? You mean like what the San Bernadino attacker had? Let’s not forget that Hasan had a legit PhD in Psychology. The common thread? They’re muzzies.
They have a people who believe that it is their right to rape non-muslim women and girls, to lie to, cheat, and defraud anyone not of their sect, who refuse to acknowledge human rights of anyone who is not of the “right” belief as they proclaim it.
I’m sure that has nothing at all to do with the riots in Sweden. /s
I don’t think ol’ gitacarver has ever heard of the Islamic doctrine of Taquia (however it’s spelled). Maybe someone can point him to the website of Truth about Islam. He has apparently been drinking the Kool-aid of King Putt’s State Department that the only reason they resort to terrorism is because they are poor and don’t have good jobs. Which is another “liberal” aka “progressive” dhimmicrat lie.
Were you perchance referring to the term “taqiya”?
That’s it. I suspected I spelt it wrong. We septuagenarians start losing our spelling skillz just like the first thing to go out on an old frog is his legs.
You must be talking about this Graybeard:
“Islamic State militant Amar Hussein says he reads the Koran all day in his tiny jail cell to become a better person. He also says he raped more than 200 women from Iraqi minorities, and shows few regrets.”
“Hussein said his emirs, or local Islamic State commanders, gave him and others a green light to rape as many Yazidi and other women as they wanted.
“Young men need this,” Hussein told Reuters in an interview after a Kurdish counter-terrorism agent removed a black hood from his head. “This is normal.””
“”I would sit them down, put a blindfold on them and fire a bullet into their heads,” he said. “It was normal.””
And here comes the sob story:
“Hussein sees himself as a victim of hardship, a product of a broken home and poverty in his hometown of Mosul, where Iraqi forces have launched an offensive against Islamic State to dislodge them from their last stronghold in Iraq.”
“”I had no money. No one to say ‘This is wrong, this is right.’ No jobs. I had friends but no one to give me advice,” said Hussein, who has been held in the cell with a barred window since his capture in October.”
I am sure some carpenter skills, job and Obamacare would change this guys mind.
I’m late to this show but this line jumped out at me: “We all remember the Freddie Grey incident in Baltimore where a career criminal was injured and allowed to die while in police custody.” Allowed to die? Either that means je asked for permission and it was granted or it means something else. Assuming that it’s the latter, then police must have known of his critical medical issue and ignored it. Unfortunately, after multiple trials, there are no facts to support that. So, what does that mean, that he was allowed to die, gitarcarver?
One other thing. Just like in Missouri, the riots were not based upon facts but rampant rumor and phantom witness accounts. When the sworn facts came out in those cases, Missouri and Baltimore, there was an “Oh shit” moment in both. Apologists and quiet enablers will be apologists and quiet enablers, I guess.
“The Swedish government, in all its socialistic type brilliance, forgot to create jobs…”
There, corrected that for you. The government creates jobs. If you don’t believe me, just ask Pelosi or Obama.
Guests have an affirmative duty not to riot and wreck the homes of hosts.
If that isnt true, they are neither “guests” nor “welcome”, and should return.
For those philistines who argue that religion does not make a difference, I leave this thoughtful essay:
Oh! So this is what he meant when he said, “What happened in Sweden last night”, several days ago.
By the way, Hondo, you posted more than a half a dozen hit pieces about Obama’s travel and vacation costs to the taxpayers.
Apparently over 8 years they amounted to almost $100 million. (according to your betters at Breitbart).
So far Trump and his family have cost the taxpayers $11.2 million. At this rate in less than a year, he will blow through the cost to taxpayers for Obama’s entire 8 years.
I know you have the integrity to be upset and criticize the Trump administration for their obscene waste of taxpayer funds, right?
I mean all those previous blog posts over the years could not have been based on a partisan hate for a semi-liberal black man…could it?
“partisan hate for a semi-liberal black man…could it?”
You could have said partisan hate for a semi-liberal white man too, yet you chose black. Interesting choice.
Did you have your coffee yet?
He lost his bottle of whiskey, so he can’t think yet.
Actually, Lars, if you bothered to do a bit of homework, you would know what Trump said was:
“You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what’s happening in Brussels. You look at what’s happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris.”
Trump didn’t say anything about a terror attack in Sweden.
He mentioned “last night,” referring to a report on Tucker Carlson’s show the night before, but all he actually said about Sweden? “They’re having problems.”
The facts jump up and slam you in your pie hole again Lars. Facts are such inconvenient things to your worldview, are they not?
There is no room for facts in his piehole. Something else is filling it.
So far, Lars, Trump and his family have not taken any vacations. I don’t know what the costs to which you are referring consist of – but if we compare apples to apples, your darling what’s-his-name the 0 is going to come up loser. Of course, he already is a loser, but that’s another matter.
Didn’t what’s his face take a vacation more than anyone else, ever? And the number of people who went with him, plus vehicles and other stuff – wow, I don’t think anyone else, including the Roosevelts, ever did anything like that.
Near as I can tell, what’s his face took an 8 year paid vacation.
He may have worked at campaigning and fundraising like his party in Vegas that he got a good night’s sleep before while four Americans died in Benghazi. I’m sure that he likely played more golf than any other POTUS in American History!
Last I heard, I think it took Air Force one and about a dozen cargo planes to move him his staff and their vehicles on each of his boondoggles (I wouldn’t call them vacations, as most people only take one a year).
Please don’t feed the troll, he only stops by here so he can be made a bitch by all of us rational thinking people. Lars, how is that bed wetting coming along? Does your mommy still hang your sheets out for all your neighbors to behold? You really should go away now and let the adults have rational conversations without your silly interruptions. Now go take a nap with your cocoa and your puppy.
What do you have against puppies, Willy?
Sorry, he was waiting for his Mommy to get back from the store with some baby wipes.
He will get back to us – someday.
HEY THERE Babbles McButthead, President Trump traveled to someplace he already owns while his predecessor traveled and rented at excessive costs to us taxpayers.
You lose.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
When Trump plays golf on his own course— he saves all those fees and cart rental costs.
Too bad about the cost of housing agents in a 4* hotel, inconveniently owned by Trump.
I suppose given your abysmally bad reading comprehension skills, you actually might believe this was what President Trump was referencing the other day – even though it hadn’t yet happened. I guess that means you think the man can foretell the future, eh?
No, Poodle-Dipstick: my distain for the former POTUS is due to my distain for any Socialist tool who manages to con the American electorate into electing them to public office – particularly when they’re utterly incompetent. I don’t give a damn about the man’s skin color; an incompetent Socialist tool of any race or ethnicity is still an incompetent Socialist tool. I have little other than contempt for such individuals.
You might also want to pay more attention to both your use of logic in comments here and your reading comprehension while you’re making comments here after “scouring the Internet for old news”. (You did realize that the Obama travel cost story is nearly 2 months old, right?)
Your rant above regarding Presidential travel is completely unrelated to events in Sweden – and more specifically, to recent violence in Sweden that appears linked to their open refugee admission policy. That incident in Sweden, not Presidential travel, is the subject of the above article. That in turn means your rant above was logically a non sequitur – a rhetorical technique used by someone who has no logical argument based on fact, and who is thus trying to change the subject. As I said above, not even a “nice try”.
Moreover, it wasn’t Breitbart that determined the former Occupant, 1600 Penn Ave, Wash DC’s travel costs. That info was compiled and publicly announced by Judicial Watch. Apparently your poor reading comprehension skills – along with your penchant for doing zero homework – bit you dead in the butt on that score as well.
Now, why don’t run along and find a nice coffee house somewhere and discuss the relative merits of Fidel and Che with some other
Useful IdiotsFellow Travelers?Dammit, Hondo, do you have to use logic and reality on someone who has to neither of those qualities?
Hey Hondo, I see you’re using facts, logic and common sense on Lars T. who I refer to as Babbles McButthead DESPITE that he has so frequently demonstrated that he is as allergic to those as a hippie or hipster is to them along with honest work and warm soapy water.
“I mean all those previous blog posts over the years could not have been based on a partisan hate for a semi-liberal black man…could it?” Whoa. That was jumping over the line with both feet, Lars. You done phuked up, boy.
Bait, Air Cav. It’s nothing but bait and switch from an amateur troll. Buzz words, trigger words, PC phrases – all tricks of the trade in a fishmonger like Commissar, Commissar Poodledick the Piuperdink.
That’s about as low as that POS Commissar has stooped, to suggest that racial animus was in any way, shape, or form a motivating factor for certain of Hondo’s posts.
You must have forgotten that everyone who posts on this “board” is a racist… totally based on a fake news story that Commisar Poodledick fell for hook, line, and 400% sinker.
You forgot “authoritarian.” It should be “authoritarian racist.”
I thought we were “deplorable” “scumbags” now. I can’t keep up.
Yes, but he enjoys provoking people with those tricks.
As a wise man once told me, Ex-PH2: “Well, ya know – some guys are just azzholes.”
But think of the amount of attention he gets for being an azzhole, Hondo! It’s monumental. It’s probably the ONLY attention he gets all day long, anyway.
Everyone has a role to play, Ex-PH2. In the Poodle’s case, his role apparently is to serve as a shining example of how to be a biased Leftist azzhole with delusions of adequacy who’s too lazy to think for himself (or is intellectually incapable of doing so) – and thus merely parrots approved “Progressive” talking points.
By Odin’s empty eye socket, Limpdick Commissar is back to tell us what ignorant meanies we are for not declaring our personal allegiance to Comrade Bernie Sellout–ahem–Sanders.
Knowing how he works things, he’ll be back around 1AM or 2AM EST, which is 11PM his time, just to avoid the possibility that anyone will see him sneak in the back door. That’s what he does, like someone who thinks he’s clever: run in, slap something or someone, and then run away.
The only one talking about race is our Zampolit.
A direct attack on our host? I think he is seeking the banhammer of lefty virtue!
Nah. Not that smart or tactical.
Aha! He is broke again, thus can’t pay his Domme for the abuse he craves, so he comes here for freebies!
Attacking the author of the piece by using a specific vocabulary is the mark of the rabble rouser. He only did that to piss people off. Unfortunately, he’s done it so many times now that it is part of his pattern of tricks.
He should have quit while he was ahead… except that he never did get ahead, did he? No.
A transcript of President Trump’s speech:
Worth the read.
‘No arrests after Rinkeby riots’ http://www.thelocal.se/20170222/no-arrests-after-rinkeby-riots-sweden-stockholm-police