Tuesday Open Thread (Temp)

| February 7, 2017

Since someone is impersonating Hondo, I’m including one of the real Hondo’s photos in this Open Thread.  It’s gray, foggy and chilly,  a perfect day to curl up with a good book, beverages and food within easy reach, and get lost in an adventure.  ‘Treasure Island’ – remember that one?  Reading keeps your mind in the expansion mode.  I’m making a shopping list for Saturday.  You all take care.

Category: Open thread

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Just practicing to see if I still got the touch.


Just practicing to see if I’ve still got the touch.


Just as long as it isn’t ONE PEE PEE touch:





Beans, I’m intrigued by your sign on name. Still trying to figure it out.

Is it if reference to the count of beans in a can of Ham&MF’rs or something totally different?

Not trying to pry, just wondering.


Tnx for asking Claw. No big secret.
26L was my school MOS
We built, maintained and defended radio sites in Nam which involved lots of C rations. I always got MF’rs and had to find someone to trade with.


OK. Got it. Nothing but respect for Commo/Signal types. Didn’t even think of it corresponding to an MOS.

Sparks should’ve been there with you. He loves him some Ham&MF’rs.

Me? Not so much, although with some melted cheese, crackers and a little Tabasco they weren’t too bad.

I was a big fan of Green Eggs and Ham and Beans w/Baby Dicks, though.


Right on Claw! I thought I was the only one that liked the Green Eggs and Ham! The pork slices weren’t too horrible either once ya removed the cosmoline and degreased them.

Did anyone like the Fruitcake? That crap was horrible!


Fruitcake? No way! Wasn’t a big fan of the Beef&Shrapnel either. But there again, it all depended on whether you had a heat source to heat them up or not.

Now Pound Cake with peaches, apricots or fruit cocktail poured over it was a whole nother ballgame. You had to be on the top of your trading game to get those on a regular basis.

Good times.

Wilted Willy

I always put mine on top of the manifold of my deuce and a half and by the time we got to where we were going, bang, I had a hot meal! Of course most of the time, I would rather have eaten the tires and drank the diesel fuel instead!


Fruitcake? Pull!

Roger in Republic

I was a 26 Kilo during the same period. Were you Signal or AIS? 26 Kilo was an ASA MOS. 33 weeks at Ft. Devans.


Signal. 1st Sig Bde.
The 26 series had a lot of strange bedfellows. Looks like ASA was another one.

Wilted Willy

I was 31S30, 58 weeks at beautiful downtown Fort Monmouth, NJ!!




I wonder if that certain party has found Pass With Care in either MapQuest or Google Maps yet?

Hey, certain party. Try the road leading from Barstow/Yermo to Fort Irwin. Pass With Care may be listed there.


Hey didn’t we drive by this same place last Saturday?


And dutiful followers we are.


But with their anti-Trump virtue-signaling they are holier than we are.


In that first article, it’s flames. Big flamin’ flames.

That guy is definitely ‘on fire’.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, the Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder Operatives (TARDOs) are being led by outstanding pillars of their community, aren’t they?


Sounds familiar


Here’s some happy news. Hamas has recently scored another ‘own goal’.

‘Hamas bomb maker accidentally blows himself up’


‘It’s been two days since Hamas’ last workplace accident.

Hamas field commander Muhammad Walid al-Quqa, 37, died Sunday from injuries sustained while “setting up” something, according to a news release from Hamas’ al-Qassam Brigade obtained by The Times of Israel. Apparently, when you’re a bomb maker for the militant group, accidentally blowing yourself up before you can blow other people up is just an accepted hazard of the job.

Haaretz identified al-Quqa as a Gaza explosives expert and reported the deadly blast occurred at a warehouse used to assemble bombs.

Masked fighters carried al-Quqa’s body in a funeral procession on Sunday, Haaretz reported.

Hamas, the Islamic militant group that rules Gaza, has largely stuck to a cease-fire that ended a 50-day war with Israel in 2014, but has launched rockets at Israeli cities in the past and fought three wars with the Jewish state.’

A Proud Infidel®™

ALLAH *KA-BOOM!* and Happy Birthday to another goat-molesting jihadi fleabag! Somewhere a goat will finally get a good uninterrupted night’s sleep.


‘It’s been two days since Hamas’ last workplace accident”

I can just see the sign by the punch clock.
Zero Defects.


I believe the Hajj accidentally wired the punch clock…. hence the accident.

Time for work. Insha’Allah!!


Roger in Republic

His remains were carried in fifty Zip-Lok sandwich baggies.


Hey, maybe Clock Boy can take his place?


Not fucking first.



I know how you feel. I hit second without even trying. No F5 either. I was just walking by checking doors and there it was.
But second ain’t shit so yeah, I know how you feel.


I paid big bucks to have my F5 key gold plated.

Regretting that decision….



An undercover reporter has learned that ex-OS2’s F5 key was not gold plated as he believed, but had instead been painted with a gold-metalflake plastic model paint.



12th total comment
which means I’m in the top 10 again.

2/17 Air Cav

You know what’s fun? Yes, that is and that is and certainly that is, too. But what I had in mind was something more immediate, such as ignoring some asshole who calls himself the Prince of Tides and leaving him twisting around in another thread’s wind. Yes, I know he’ll try here now, but that won’t help. He has already swiped at API and OWB. I suspect he’ll make even more pals here before he shuffles off.

Former EM1/SS

We all know that we should not feed the trolls.

But it is sometimes so freaking fun.


Yeah, I saw what was going on over there.

I’d like to request to put ex-OS2 on Alert 5 in case that guy shows up in here.

ex-OS2: can you support? Please advise.




Please set Alert 5 and stand by; we’re waiting to see if he shows up in here on this thread.

It’ll be an on-call/immediate mission.

Frankie Cee

Where is this “Over There” that you speak of? Am I missing something, if I were to visit, would I need to scrape the bottoms of my boots as I leave?


Yes. Get out the deep waders first.

I forgot where it was, that’s how obscure and off topic it was.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, I left a few cute insults for him there. He’s like a cockroach begging to be stepped on.


Really? It swiped at me?? My anti-swipe-by-trollnesses metre must be on the fritz again. It didn’t even register a mediocre effort.


Nah, OWB, it’s just that the POT-head is pathetic even in it’s trollishness. It would register only in a “oh, that’s supposed to be a troll?” manner.

A Proud Infidel®™

He’s yet to leave that thread on a bogus Marine. He came on bawling about us regulars, our insults and our style of comments and he was gracefully told how that’s like barging into someone’s home, hangout or place of work and doing the same, most of the time he’ll get told to STFU, ESBAM and GTFO or risk getting his ass kicked and IMHO he did.


Just posting a question to all – is it me or does it seem that there has been an uptick in troll action here at TAH? Some threads have been troll magnets lately, especially those on SV shitbirds (scientific name: Stolenvalorious shitbirdicus).

Do we need some “Troll-B-Gone” or a generous use of the TAH banhammer?

2/17 Air Cav

It’s absolutely true that some threads are, as you say, troll magnets. The only clean threads, it seems, are those that go to pure military matters, including our Fallen and other heroes. I would say that the past eight years or so have also seen a surge in political discussion here, which always brings out the flies. Maybe I’m wrong but it seems that years ago, there was nearly as much such discussion.

Dave Hardin

You notice that too, eh? Growing pains bro, it might take us a short while to pick up the slack for Jonn but it will settle down in a little while. Much respect.


Dave – you and the others have done a great job of filling in for Jonn while he’s been ill.

Dave Hardin

Appreciated brother. Its really all about the community that we have here.

A few of Jonn’s fans seem to be having a little fun. Predictable and foreseen…sometimes its best to give people enough rope to hang themselves.

Semper Fi

A Proud Infidel®™

I think I see what you mean, but sometimes it’s FUN to kick ’em in the face and do it again the moment they get back up and ask for more!

2/17 Air Cav

Funny how a little three-letter word, when omitted, can change things. Please insert “not” before nearly. Thank you.




Glad to see you are still human, 2/17 buddy.


DHS Secy Gen John Kelly fell on the sword at a Congressional hearing for the sloppy EO implementation of temporary travel ban. The White House needs to get their Sh1t together. Can’t blame the dishonest media for everything. The buck stops at the West Wing.


Try this link, Ex-PH2:

‘DHS secretary takes blame for immigration order rollout, defends ban’


‘Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly took the blame Tuesday for the hasty rollout of President Trump’s order suspending immigration from seven countries, while defending the measure as “lawful and constitutional.”

“It’s all on me,” Kelly told the GOP-led House Homeland Security Committee, acknowledging lawmakers were not fully apprised.


Frankie Cee

As of: Date of Search: 2/7/2017 2:52:55 PM ET, the Phony, Felonious, Kyle Christopher Barwan, aka Stretched, was still in the County slammer down in Lakeland Florida, as a guest of Sheriff “Go Get em” Grady Judd.
I suppose that, by now, he is telling “the boys on the block”, that he is in there in an undercover mode, to watch for some foreign threat. That he has been pulled off the front lines of his Special Feces ODA, to work for the CIA, on an NSA detail. When he completes this, he will probably be promoted to Turd Colonel. He may be asking to borrow some vaseline, until his canteen money gets released. Damn, it gives me the warm, fuzzies, to hit the link that shows his current status in the County lockup.


I’m sure that he has heard the following phrase more than once since his confinement”


A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure he’s also heard:


I’ll bet his first day in lockup was like this:

Cellmate: What you in for?
Barwan: some shit
Cellmate: Kind of cramped, like we’re married, you wanna be the Husband or Wife?
Barwan: HUSBAND!

Thank you very much, don’t forget to tip the Veal and try the Waitress!

Frankie Cee

Down in Orlando Florida, at the University of Central Florida, Knights for Socialism the campus Socialists are teaching their leftist compadres how to smash the Conservatives.


I am glad that we have Campus Carry in Texas.


The Iranians may have just ‘blinked’.

‘EXCLUSIVE: Iran pulls missile from launchpad after apparent prep for launch, US officials say’


2/17 Air Cav


A Proud Infidel®™

Well gee whiz, maybe they took one look at President Trump and had flashbacks of when Quaddafi suddenly had F-111s overhead with shit being blown up while the crews said something like “SURPRISE, ASSHOLE!!!”?

2/17 Air Cav

“I posted an article on August 2, 2016 about Melania Trump that was replete with false and defamatory statements about her. I acknowledge that these false statements were very harmful and hurtful to Mrs. Trump and her family, and therefore I sincerely apologize to Mrs. Trump, her son, her husband and her parents for making these false statements.”

That’s from a statement released by a Maryland blogger’s attorney, attributed to the blogger, after a settlement was reached regarding crud the blogger posted about the First Lady. I’m guessing that the UK’s Daily Mail won’t be getting away with a nice apology and that the check will have a great many zeros in it.

2/17 Air Cav

Some of you were aware of the Secretary of Ed nominee, DeVos, facing a tough road to confirmation. She’s not one of my favorites and I would not have minded at all if she went spiraling down and splat. Well, she was confirmed in a way you may not again see. The tally was 50-50 and the Veep broke the deadlock.

A Proud Infidel®™

That’s another battle that Soros and his paid minions were hell-bent dead set on winning so I choose to see it in that positive shade of light.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, then, I feel much better about deVos. Thanks. The enemy of my enemy…


Kind of like the local tree-hugger moonbat in our community. I drive around and see who he is supporting (by the signs in his rental properties) then support their opponents.

2/17 Air Cav

That’s funny—because it’s so damn true.


I have read a lot of what DeVos has done for education – including being a valued and respected volunteer in some public schools – and have to say I’m staunchly in her corner.

Given the state of public education – and how it is failing our inner-city poor – drastic reform is the only hope our public school children have.

A Proud Infidel®™

Absolutely, the fervor with which the Teachers Unions and establishment types opposed DeVos put me in her corner.

Frankie Cee

How many people really know anything about Betsy DeVos?
Like that she surely is a supporter of GOOD education.
That she is the wife of the owner of AMWAY, a multi-level company selling a pretty good line of products.
That her husband owns the Orlando Magic Basketball team.
That she and her brother inherited their father’s business then sold it, making them both into Billionaires.
That her brother is the only person in the history of the US Military to enlist as a Billionaire.
That her brother donated the services of his company to help secure New Orleans, and has never written an invoice for those services or the expenses involved.
That she is patriot to the core.

2/17 Air Cav

Here’s what I had in mind regarding my reservations about her appt’mt:



That is a factor that gives me pause, too 2/17. Unfortunately I was not aware of that quote. (Working on the premise that it is an accurate quote.)

I’d much rather see the Federal and State departments of education taken out of schooling decisions entirely. I work on the premise that the Federal DOE is entirely useless – although I am open to arguments for some very limited functions.

I’d like our state DOE to be reduced to vetting textbooks and maintaining some scaled-back teacher certification functions. Let the local School Boards actually run the local schools and make “Independent School District” a meaningful title again.

A Proud Infidel®™

I thought getting rid of Common Core was another Trump Campaign Platform? One thing is for sure about that crap and it’s that it couldn’t even give a kid the skills to be a Janitor or Fry Cook!


…So Alexander’s support means DeVos is his hand-puppet? I don’t care what Alexander’s goals are.

I don’t care who supports her, I care about her policies & goals. The linked article is just an attempted hack job.

I have to admit a lot of my support relates to the people she’s pissing off, i.e. the right people.

It hasn’t gotten a lot of play (naturally) that a fair number of black community leaders (as opposed to the faux leaders Jackson & Sharpton) support her because she’s passionate about school choice.


Great Job, Pence! Is that the first time the President of the Senate has had to break a tie?


What they said a few times today is that it is the first time the veep broke the tie on a presidential nomination.

2/17 Air Cav

Salaries. California. Being a janitor for San Francisco’s Bay Area Transit is a helluva job. One fellow pulled in $270,000 in a single year, with some $162,000 of that in overtime. In other words, his measly janitor’s salary w/o OT is over $100,000. Poor fellow. His situation is not unique. 49 other janitors cleared $100,000 in 2015. Now, I’m not going to begrudge a fellow what he earns, and if the crazies in Frisco want to pay that kind of money for unskilled labor that’s their business, but I really do think that town needs no federal dollars whatsoever. Evidently, they’re swimming in dough.



Drowning in dough!


More bleak, distressing news from the Department of the Navy.

‘Grounded: Nearly two-thirds of US Navy’s strike fighters can’t fly’


‘Congress’ inability to pass a budget is hurting the fleet, leaders say

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Navy’s F/A-18 Hornet and Super Hornet strike fighters are the tip of the spear, embodying most of the fierce striking power of the aircraft carrier strike group. But nearly two-thirds of the fleet’s strike fighters can’t fly — grounded because they’re either undergoing maintenance or simply waiting for parts or their turn in line on the aviation depot backlog.

Overall, more than half the Navy’s aircraft are grounded, most because there isn’t enough money to fix them.

Additionally, there isn’t enough money to fix the fleet’s ships, and the backlog of ships needing work continues to grow. Overhauls — “availabilities” in Navy parlance — are being canceled or deferred, and when ships do come in they need longer to refit. Every carrier overall for at least three years has run long, and some submarines are out of service for prolonged periods, as much as four years or more. One submarine, the Boise, has lost its diving certification and can’t operate pending shipyard work.

Leaders claim that if more money doesn’t become available, five more submarines will be in the same state by the end of this year.

The Navy can’t get money to move around service members and their families to change assignments, and about $440 million is needed to pay sailors.

And the service claims 15 percent of its shore facilities are in failed condition — awaiting repair, replacement or demolition.


A Proud Infidel®™

That after eight years of an administration stripping all it could from the Military to hand out to illegal aliens and welfare flunkies as well as generous contracts to outfits that were also lavish campaign donors along with the most expensive, luxurious and lavish vacations for the former First Family at taxpayer expense as well as the previous POTUS jetting wherever and whenever he pleased aboard Air Force One at about a $180,000 per hour cost to taxpayers.

2/17 Air Cav

The guy replaced by President Trump said that having Air Force One for his exclusive use was one of the best perks of the job. I suppose the next best was having a Marine hold his umbrella.

A Proud Infidel®™

Didn’t the previous POTUS also ferry President Trump’s election opponent around on Air Force One? It’s well known that he was getting a good night’s sleep in the White House the Night Benghazi went up in flames and Four American Citizens were murdered by a mob of goat-raping fleabags and he gallylanted off to a campaign fundraiser aboard Air Force One the next day!


Take that article with a yuge grain of salt. The numbers go from “nearly two thirds” (my emphasis) to “over a half,” then “53 percent.” So what’s the freaking number?

They mention, barely in passing, that “about one-fourth to one-third of aircraft are out of service for regular maintenance” but include that in the claimed numbers above.

The article reads more like an editorial trying to spread FUD than real reporting, although they did mention Mattis’ plan to submit a supplementary spending request for this year. Reading between the lines some folks are laying a lot of smoke & mirrors down so they can get the money they want. God forbid that they just come clean on deficiencies.

A final aside: they talk about the F/A-18 in general, but they don’t provide details like how many A & B models are down compared to how many Super Hornets. The original model is getting pretty long in the tooth; no surprise they would show a greater “down” rate.


Thought I’d share this here in case anyone is interested in contributing – it’s gone viral on Facebook:



One Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) got a beat down in the Senate today for violating rules during a session concerning the nomination of Jeff Sessions at Attorney General:


Stupid is as stupid does…


Mose stuff coming to light concerning the Berkley Riot:

The Campus Police Chief’s failure: https://pjmedia.com/blog/uc-berkeleys-police-chief-offers-terrible-excuses-for-her-failure/

Also, she had her service weapon, computer, iPad and badge back in 2015:

The university staff member… allegedly, he’s being investigated by the FBI for his role:

And the hits just keep on coming…


Anyone following the lunar event occurring tonight/tomorrow night? Read about it a couple of weeks ago, forget where, but a snow moon, lunar eclipse, and something else. Evidently unusual for them to occur at the same time.

It’s a big, bright moon out there tonight. Hope everyone else can see it.


OWB: Just walked outside and sure enough, there is a big, bright, beautiful Moon.🌚

Thanks for the reminder.

Wish I could capture it on film.

2/17 Air Cav

It’s very bright but not very big. It’s about the size of a nickle.


(Runs outside with a Penny, a Nickle, a Dime, a Quarter, a Half-Dollar and a Silver Dollar and holds them to the sky):

Yep, it’s a big, bright, beautiful Moon that is PRICELESS..And as always, you crack me up, 2/17 Air Cav. Thanks for the wittiness…😎♞