Maxine Waters: ‘Eventually,’ We’ll Have To Impeach Trump

| February 7, 2017

“Maxine Waters is continuing to bang the drums of impeachment, even though she has yet to accuse President Trump of breaking the law.

But her statement today on the topic may be the most embarrassingly ridiculous yet.

Speaking to reporters with other House Democrats today, Waters attempted to build the case for why Democrats “may” push for impeachment.

“How can a president who is acting the manner he is acting — whether he’s talking about the travel ban, the way he’s targeted Muslims, or whether he’s talking about his relationship to (Vladimir) Putin and the Kremlin and knowing that they have hacked our (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) and the (Democratic National Committee),” she said.

But then the already wobbly wheels began falling off Waters’ rhetoric wagon.

“And knowing that he’s responsible for supplying the bombs that killed innocent children and families in, um, in, um,” she said, forgetting the name before someone behind her murmured, “Aleppo.”

“Yeah, in Aleppo,” she said.

Waters continued, “And the fact that he is wrapping his arms around Putin while Putin is continuing to advance into Korea.”

Korea, Crimea, what’s the difference, besides spellings, cultures and continents?

Referring to Trump, she said, “I think he’s leading himself into that kind of position where folks will begin to ask, ‘What are we going to do?’ and the answer’s going to be, ‘Eventually, we’ve got to do something about him.’”

Nancy Pelosi immediately distanced herself from the comments.”


Maxine Waters is just another career politician coughing up talking points in front of the camera. Confusion does not even describe her selfish, incoherent rant in this video. Facts? No way, who needs them. Preparation? You bet not. Specific purpose or central idea? Huh, what’s that?

Maxine Waters should take a long vacation on Guam with Gary Johnson and Hank Johnson.

The left continues to self-destruct and fails to realize how idiotic these soapbox events and temper tantrums are. As for me, I take pleasure in watching them pout like little girls and blame the nuclear option on global warming and George W. Bush.

I can assure you that after Vlad read about Maxine’s accusation of a Korean incursion by Russia, he calmly said: Khuyesos.

CONFUSION: Maxine Waters claims Putin ‘continuing to advance into Korea’





Category: Politics

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The biggest threat to Trump’s Presidency isn’t the moron Democrats who scream and cry at the drop of a hat. They are simply a clown show of FEEELZ!

The biggest threat is the entrenched bureaucrats who fear that he is going to erode their power or shrink their budget. Until he has the power to break their unions and be able to actually fire people, he will be fighting against them for every inch of ground.

Cable Dawg

You got that right. The so called, “Deep State” will fight hardest and dirtiest to make sure they feel there is no threat to their comfortable existence.




Hahaha, would a twit


what a twit…too fast with the post button (I guess maybe I’m a twit???)


Better tell the 2nd I.D that Putin is in town for some fresh Gaegogi and Soju.


… and kimchee! Don’t forget the kimchee … love me some kimchee …

Hack Stone

This kimchee is made in New York City.

New York City?!

A modified throwback to a salsa commercial from a few years back.

At Stately Stone Manor, Hack likes to sing a duet with his lovely Bride, Rosetta Stone. It is the Neil Diamond/Barbara Streisand classic “You Don’t Bring Me Kimchee Anymore”.


LOL!! 😛


But she must represent her district well.

And she provides the rest of us with a lot of comic relief.


Mike Pence is an insurance policy against any shenanigans so stop. Maybe Maxine should recall what happened to the GOP in the mid terms after Bubba was impeached. The Republicans actually made that a$$wipe Slick Willy a sympathetic figure, and his national poll numbers shot up to the high 60s.


Thank you for my morning laugh, Хуесос.

Maxine gets dumber and dumber every time she gets a camera opportunity. Nanny P. distanced herself from that rant? She actually did something smart? Woooa! What’s the world coming to? I thought they all bunched together like a herd of steers heading for the chute.


This was equally amusing Nancy Pelosi calling the newly elected and inaugurated President Bush and wanting to fight his agenda.


Dontcha just love it when a plan comes together?

2/17 Air Cav

People misspeak but, when we do, it’s usually followed by an immediate erection–sorry–correction. Not so in Botox Nancy’s case. She carried on, unaware that she was either years or many years from a Bush administration. Of course, this is the boob who told us Congress had to pass ThatGuy’sCare to find out what’s in it.


You left out senile, Air Cav.

Definitely applicable here.


Maxine waters is a morally bankrupt bitch, that every once in awhile lets her socialist mouth overload her retarded little brain, just like the loser pelosi! Those two should hang on the same branch imho!


Your Democratic Party leadership people-prepared to stand up to President Bush over Vlad Putin’s attack on Korea.

Lars will be along any minute to explain to all of us how they are the party of the intellectual elite.

The Other Whitey

They’re tailor-made for his dumb ass, that’s for sure.


Tailor-made? I see what you did there, TOW.


You’ve been saving that, admit it!


Nancy Pelosi is not part of the intellectual elite. She is a huge part of the reason the DNC is so worthless as a party.

She blocks any attempts to shift party politics from the financial/donor class interests model they adopted under Bill Clinton.

A Proud Infidel®™

Fine by me, Nanny Lugosi not only led the DNC off the proverbial cliff, they elected her to keep it plunging downward at terminal velocity! 😃👍


Well, she’s senile, too, Lars. You should take that into account. It isn’t just what my sister calls ‘senior moments’. She’s been losing her grasp on the real world for a while.
I expect to see a story about her being found wandering aimlessly through a Congressional hearing, or something similar, and I don’t mean that as a joke.

Deplorable B Woodman

“…..wandering aimlessly through a Congressional hearing…..”

Can you imagine her ghost….?


I thought ALL congress people wandered aimlessly through congressional hearings??

The Other Whitey

Yet your people keep electing her, Lars.


You people? I am not the partisan one here.

I voted against both Clintons (For Bush Sr. and for Sanders).

I would have voted for Huntsman had he won the nomination.

I cross party lines for several reasons, especially on down ticket races and proposals.

I would rather a good person or honest person I disagree with run this country than a corrupt shitbag (I see political corruption as equivalent to treason).

And I will vote for something proposed by conservative groups if I think it is in the best interests of the country and against liberal proposals if I think it is not.

2/17 Air Cav

“And I will vote for something proposed by conservative groups if I think it is in the best interests of the country….”

There are two ways to understand that statement. The first is to conclude that Lars is lying, that he would never vote for, or otherwise support, something proposed and favored by a conservative. He may be, but, in this instance, I doubt it. No, the other way to understand that statement is to appreciate that whatever is in the best interest of the country in Commissar’s view doesn’t include building a border wall, building the Keystone pipeline, doing away with a gov’t mandate to purchase health insurance, curtailing gov’t by bureaucrat and its concomitant legislation by regulation, or myriad other items. Whatever. The determination as to what is in the country’s best interest has been largely made. It happened last November.

The Other Whitey

Two things, Lars.

First, you claiming to be nonpartisan is hilarious.

Second, I didn’t say “you people.” I’m given to understand that you are neither a resident nor a registered voter of San Francisco, thus “you people” doesn’t apply to you. I said “YOUR people,” rather obviously referring to liberals, especially self-righteous liberals, of which there are plenty in San Francisco. They keep sending this blatantly-corrupt and self-serving hag to DC over and over and over again. No democrat has a prayer of challenging her in a primary, and republicans can’t unseat her because San Francisco won’t vote for a republican. So much for nonpartisanship.

Of course, I could also apply “your people” to mean idiots, communists, rioters, pseudo-intellectuals, hypocrites, and anti-American dickheads in general.



There’s nothing to fear from communism.

Everyone knows that.


“Don’t fear the Commie”.

I feel a Blue Oyster Cult song coming on.


The same can be said of the shitbag Mitch McConnell who is has the lowest favorability rating of an abysmally disliked congress.

He also finds himself constantly on “most corrupt” lists.

I would love to see them both run out of office.


I won’t argue with that.

A Proud Infidel®™

I myself would love to see “Blubberneck” McConnel go bye-bye and get replaced by a true Conservative, ditto with John McCain. He too has long been a member of the DC Insider Country Club which is part of what’s wrong with the Great Whorehouse on the Potomac River.


Two California twatwaffles in desperate need of cunt-punts.

Just Google “Maxine Waters ethics”… she’s as crooked as they come.


I figure that when Putin makes his move on Korea we submerge the submarine island of Guam and move it stealthily into the Sea of Japan. We then surface Guam and use it as an aircraft carrier to attack the Russian forces.

Strategery bitches!

RGR 4-78

Remember, loose lips sink Guams.


And too many Marines will capsize it…


If we could just make blatant stupidity an impeachable offense we could clear out a number of positions on both sides of the aisle, but I suspect the effect would be most noticeable on the left side.

RGR 4-78

Speaking of loose lips; does anyone know if madonna ever came through on her promise about voting for the BOB?


I read where some guy tried to get her to follow-through – and was laughed at.

I understand some actress or some such in Italy, however, did schedule a tour where guys could pre-register for fulfillment of the same promise by her if they would vote as she wished. I hope she bought a lot of mouthwash beforehand.

RGR 4-78
The Other Whitey

And that guy was none other than the AR-15-fearing mangina Gersh CUNTzman.


Bowling green massacre? Blatant stupity


No, that was a mistake, rectified later.

The (D) from Georgia who was afraid Guam would tip over if we sent more Marines there? That is blatant stupidity.


Except she did it more than once.

And if you look at the context her “mistake” comment makes no sense:

“Those two Iraqis in Bowling Green were the masterminds of themselves.”

A Proud Infidel®™

That’s take compared to the monumental gaffes made by your co-hero, former VP Joe Biden!


Conway was probably tired from visiting 57 states with only 2 more to go. regards, Alemaster


And your evidence for this accusation?

Oh, yeah. It just “feels” right and justifies your self-righteous hypocrisy.

She made a mistake – and yes she made it more than once in that interview. No question about that.

To then tout this as evidence of “fake news” is the mark of desperation as you scramble to draw attention away from your demigods at CNN, DNC, SPLC, etc.

You all are pathetic. You remind me of a rat trying to escape drowning, scrabbling at any stray leaf in the vain hope that you won’t go under. Grow some gills.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I wonder why she didn’t say anything about the 26,000 bombs we dropped last year alone? Was she unaware of those bombs being dropped by her president, the Nobel Prize winner?

With all due respect to our liberal friends I find their sudden concern about middle eastern lives somewhat hypocritical….the outcry over a temporary ban seems far louder than the outcry last year over actual civilian deaths from bombings and drone strikes…perhaps I missed a memo or an anti-war march last year….I mean it’s not like they were in the news at all. The media was too busy telling us about the latest poll showing Trump was going to lose bigly in the election to tell anyone about Mr. Obama’s bombing and drone campaign.


When our Nobel-Prize winning prexie does it , the act is sanctified. If your wayciss Nazi prexie wipes his ass after taking a Pelosi, he’s spreading toxic waste in the environment. Gotta understand this…

As a side note, when I tried clicking on the links to read the original story about her, my work filter locked it as “entertainment.” How appropriate. I’m surprised it wasn’t classed as “pitiful”.

The Other Whitey

I was still in high school during the 2000 election, and I remember a math teacher declaring that “republicans just start wars.” Being the history nerd that I am and the disruptive teenager that I was, I called him out in front of the class and briefly ran him through the past century:

WWI: Woodrow Wilson, democrat (hugely racist, by the way), took us into the war after being re-elected on the promise of keeping us out of it.

WWII: started under FDR, democrat (though he was right). Finished with nuclear strikes ordered by Harry Truman, also a democrat.

Korea: started under Harry Truman, democrat, who refused to put the US on a total-war footing despite the fact that Americans were attacked in Korea and were fighting and dying. Ended within a few months of republican Dwight D. Eisenhower’s inauguration.

Vietnam: American involvement began under Harry Truman, democrat. Was scaled up somewhat by Eisenhower, republican, who sent advisers. Was scaled up more by JFK, democrat, who sent more advisers and SF. Was fully escalated by Lyndon Johnson, the democrat’s democrat, who also micromanaged the war into a quagmire. It ended when republican Richard Nixon took the gloves off.

That shut him right up.


Awesomesauce! Well done!

Deplorable B Woodman

…..Nobel PEACE Prize winner…..

A Proud Infidel®™

Somebody slap me upside the head if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Maxine Waters one of the D-party moonbat minions screeching that “Blowjob Willie” should not have been impeached? Moonbat minions like her in that Great Big Whorehouse on the Potomac River never cease to amaze me with their stupidity and hypocrisy.


What truly amazes me is how these useless dog turds keep getting re-elected.

A Proud Infidel®™

I see it as a byproduct of inner city election machinery like the way dead people always vote D-rat in Chicago, the political insiders find the dupe they want and keep getting him, her or it reelected to keep things their way. If it weren’t for politics I don’t think Maxine Waters would ever have been anything other than a minimum wage employee somewhere!

The Other Whitey

You can’t impeach the president without evidence of criminal activity on his part. If you just don’t like him, well, that’s why he’s only elected for four years at a time.


Who was it that said, “Elections have consequences,” a few years ago?

A Proud Infidel®™

It just might have been the same crowd braying and crowing that the end of Conservatism had come as they told Republicans to go to the back of the bus.


“You can’t impeach the president without evidence of criminal activity on his part.”

Even a lame brain like Nancy Pelosi has figured that one out.


If only there was a written reference, stating what impeachable offences actually are.

Oh, wait…

‘In the Constitution of the United States of America, provisions were made for removal (“impeachment and conviction”) of the President in the case of “mal-practice or neglect of duty.”

The framers of the Constitution deliberated extensively on what offenses were impeachable, finally agreeing (after a great deal of debate) on “Treason, or bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

Generally, legal comments (especially those from ratifying conventions) tend toward defining those other impeachable offenses as those of criminal, or grossly criminal, nature, although there continues to be a great deal of debate on this definition to this day.

In 1970, the House Minority Leader Gerald R. Ford (who would later become President) described one definition that has fit the practice in U.S. government to date: “An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history.”‘


The dems will bring articles of impeachment before the house, about 6 months prior to the mid-term election in 2018. The Republicans will laugh them out of the lower chamber, and the dems will run on “they wouldn’t impeach Trump”. Then, they’ll bray, “give us the house and we’ll impeach Trump”.
#BlackLiesMatter, the modern incarnation of the SDS, the AntiFa, and assorted SJW’s will camp out in front of polling places in cities across the country, attempting to intimidate voters.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure that a number of them will bet beaten, shot or run over if they try that in many locations across Red State America where people won’t put up with their shit!


Liberals are such sick puppies. She should seek out some mental health care.


Maxine Waters is perhaps the dumbest, I mean DUMBEST human on Capitol Hill. Equaled by only a few. How she generates the brain power to breath in and out without conscious effort boggles my mind. I have never heard her speak when she 1. knew what she was speaking of, 2. knew the details of the subject at hand, 3. could put together coherent sentences without the aid of puppet figures, crayons or whispers in her ear. Dumb ass bitch. My money says if anyone asked her to explain the even meaning of impeachment, much less the process required, her head would implode.

But she keeps getting reelected on the “I’m gonna get you mo free shit” ticket.


The woman may be stupid but she’s also a crook. From Politico two years ago:

Waters was under investigation for nearly three years over whether she used her position on the House Financial Services Committee to get officials to meet with OneUnited Bank and also help deliver $12 million in funds from the Troubled Asset Relief Program to the bank. Her husband had been a director at the bank and held hundreds of thousands of dollars of stock in the company, and several of the bank’s executives had cut campaign checks to her. In 2012, the House Ethics Committee cleared Waters of any wrongdoing after a hugely controversial probe.


Looks like she and Hillary are two peas in a pod.


These two may not be quite as stupid as Maxine Waters but hey, they certainly are (were) trying….

Sheila Jackson Lee

Cynthia McKinney


Waters/Jackson-Lee/McKinney = the trifecta of stupid!


In fairness McKinney might just be plain old nuts.


Man, she must like the sound of the words “President Pence” even more than I do.


Keep running your mouth, Maxine. The voters who elected you may think you hung the moon, but the rest of are enjoying your contribution to the implosion of the Democrat Party.

Now, if we can just get the attention of the Republican Party so that their national folks more universally represent the values of the party, we will be all set.

HT3 '83 to '87

Korea & Crimea…who doesn’t mix them up? Me, I don’t. Just like Iran, the country that exports terror, and I Ran, the 80’s song by Flock of Seagulls.

It’s easy to see how Jabronis can get those two confused.


I once had that song stuck in my head for an entire JRTC rotation. It almost drove me insane.