Charlie Liteky passes
The news comes to us of the passing of Captain (Chaplain) Charles James Liteky who was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions at Phuoc-Lac, Bien Hoa Province, Republic of Vietnam, on 6 December 1967;
Chaplain Liteky was participating in a search and destroy operation when Company A came under intense fire from a battalion size enemy force. Momentarily stunned from the immediate encounter that ensued, the men hugged the ground for cover. Observing two wounded men, Chaplain Liteky moved to within 15 meters of an enemy machinegun position to reach them, placing himself between the enemy and the wounded men. When there was a brief respite in the fighting, he managed to drag them to the relative safety of the landing zone. Inspired by his courageous actions, the company rallied and began placing a heavy volume of fire upon the enemy’s positions. In a magnificent display of courage and leadership, Chaplain Liteky began moving upright through the enemy fire, administering last rites to the dying and evacuating the wounded. Noticing another trapped and seriously wounded man, Chaplain Liteky crawled to his aid. Realizing that the wounded man was too heavy to carry, he rolled on his back, placed the man on his chest and through sheer determination and fortitude crawled back to the landing zone using his elbows and heels to push himself along. Pausing for breath momentarily, he returned to the action and came upon a man entangled in the dense, thorny underbrush. Once more intense enemy fire was directed at him, but Chaplain Liteky stood his ground and calmly broke the vines and carried the man to the landing zone for evacuation. On several occasions when the landing zone was under small arms and rocket fire, Chaplain Liteky stood up in the face of hostile fire and personally directed the medivac helicopters into and out of the area. With the wounded safely evacuated, Chaplain Liteky returned to the perimeter, constantly encouraging and inspiring the men. Upon the unit’s relief on the morning of 7 December 1967, it was discovered that despite painful wounds in the neck and foot, Chaplain Liteky had personally carried over 20 men to the landing zone for evacuation during the savage fighting. Through his indomitable inspiration and heroic actions, Chaplain Liteky saved the lives of a number of his comrades and enabled the company to repulse the enemy.
The chaplain’s time among us was not without controversy, according to ABC News;
Twenty years after his heroic actions in Vietnam, Liteky left the Medal of Honor — awarded under the name of Angelo J. Liteky — and a letter to President Ronald Reagan at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington in protest of the country’s foreign policy in Central America, where U.S.-backed dictators were fighting bloody wars against left-leaning rebels.
After that, Liteky spent years protesting against the U.S. Army School of the Americas, an academy at Fort Benning, Georgia, where the U.S. Army trained soldiers from Central and South America and the Caribbean. He was sentenced to one year in federal prison in 2000 for entering the school without permission and splashing its rotunda with their own blood.
In 2003, he traveled to Baghdad with other peace protesters to bear witness to the war and work with children in an orphanage and at hospitals.
Category: Blue Skies
May he rest in peace. God bless you sir.
Rest in Peace, Charlie Liteky.
Rest in Peace, Brother.
Rest in peace Sir.
He may not like it, but the fact is that his being awarded the CMOH is what history will remember of him. Here’s the thing. Whatever he did–throwing blood on walls, leaving his CMOH at The Wall, had no effect on anything. Nothing. But what he did in VN saved numerous lives. And it is for that he will be remembered.
Don’t agree with the theatrical politicking afterwards but for the fact that he braved fire time and time again to pull 20 men who might have not made it otherwise to safety….he is deserved of the utmost respect.
Rest in peace Padre.
Jay, I have to respectfully disagree with you. I think the good Captain followed his convictions both during and after combat. I certainly don’t align myself with his politics, but I’ll never have the stones he did.
Rest in Peace Chaplain.
Liteky’s action, for which he received the CMOH, occurred on 6 December 1967 when he was 36. The following year, he personally received the Medal from LBJ in a White House ceremony. In 1975, he left the priesthood and some time later met a former nun and social activist named Judy Balch. They married in 1983. Her influence on him cannot be overstated and, three years after they married, he put his CMOH in an envelope, along with a note, and left it at The Wall. Thereafter, came his protest actions, an arrest or two, and, now, a month before his 86th birthday, death. Clearly, he did what he thought was right in his lifetime and did not want for courage. Whether we agree with the course his life took some years after Vietnam, is really here nor there. It was his life and he spent it as he saw fit. We salute the fact that he risked it in saving others and that his selflessness was properly recognized. I really don’t know what else there is to say.
May the Angels of His Mercy bring solace to all his family and friends.
I respect him greatly. Despite my disagreement with his later political actions, he had the courage of his convictions, and was willing to stand and take whatever came his way.
Compare and contrast him with the current crop of vandals who consider their actions “protesting”.
Thank you, brother. You raised your hand and kept your word, and for that we are grateful.
He was able separate what was needed to save lives in battle from his personal or political beliefs. I salute the man.
I read a story about the cadre at the JFK school coming out to meet him & paying their respects to him as he was protesting. To me, that is awesome.
Much is being made of his “giving back” his Medal Of Honor which can’t be done. Once earned there it is. I’m not one of those that consider past actions a permanent Get Out Of Jail Free Card for the rest of their lives no matter what they say or do. See McCain.
Considering all the knowledge about McPain’s military past that is known, what has he done that deserves a “get out of jail free” card? His stay in a POW camp really doesn’t count for much.
I am humbled by men and women such as this.
Much respect to the chaplain for his service and heroism in Vietnam.
As to his post-war political activities… well.. rest in peace, chaplain.
I think I can understand what made him disapprove of some post-VN events. Your view of things tends to change over time without your realizing it. I think he was just fed up with the destructive power of warfare. There is always a balance to things.
As it is, rest in peace, Chaplain Liteky.
See you on the flip side padre. St, Michael can use a man of your caliber.
He more than “earned” the right to any future change of heart/belief system. An astounding story….one few could possibly “replicate”, not that anyone would desire yo do so. 20 men and their children, and their children’s children , have thay brave man to thank and I’m certain they ALL gave him a “pass” for his protests.
Admire his actions in combat, afterwards not so much – but think he had every right to express his opinions even if I disagree.
For his actions he was given his countries highest honor. Can’t give that back, no matter what his wife talked him into.
The protests about the School of the Americas always fascinated me. We were giving training to people who got virtually none. They could then go and train their troops. But it was ok for the the Cubans and the Russians to be in Central America training the “Freedom Fighters”. The other rational was that some graduates had committed atrocities, it is war and that happens. Not an excuse but it is a consequence of war. It also happened on both sides.
Besides, all the junior Kennedy Uber-Kinder were protesting it, so I figured it must have been helping someone other than a Leftist Dictator.
The Chaplain did a selfless act, something that he was commended for. We live in a free country and he can choose his path. He chose it, I don’t have to agree with it, support it or celebrate it. The same way I feel about Smedley Butler.
The following comment by trooper Tom Kennedy of the 199th appeared is from October 21, 1997 and offers his personal insight into Father Liteky and the type of man he was. If we were running an operation where we knew there was going to be contact, he would be with the first company in the LZ. He did not hang out in the CP. He was out with the grunts, up to his waist in water & mud in Pineapple Junction & Run Sat Special Zone, or sweating with the rest of us in War Zone ‘D’. Frequently, he would overnight in the field with us grunts and stay in the company perimeter. (This must have been a considerable sacrifice since he had one of the two private hooches back at BMB/Long Binh. The other was Gen. Davison’s. They were rumored to be air conditioned). He walked with me several times when I was on point. At least two of these times were right in the middle of Indian Country/Free-fire zones when contact was imminent. Father Liteky could also pick out a booby trap, too, or at least spot a trip wire (and that was half the trick, wasn’t it?). He was a good guy. He wasn’t preachy. When he was around, he made everyone feel comfortable and at ease. If you wanted to talk to him about spiritual issues (or anything else), he was there for all of us. He heard my Confession once when I was on point. There was nothing