David C. Townsend; phony SEAL

| January 16, 2017

The folks at Military Phonies sent us their work on this fellow, Dave Townsend, from Prince Edward Island, Canada (his Facebook page went dark last night). As you can see from the pictures, he likes to tell folks he’s a Navy SEAL;

Because of the difficulty tracking Canadian citizens, we couldn’t find a record of his military service, so he may have been in the US service, but we do he’s not a Navy SEAL, thanks to Don Shipley;


I greatly appreciate your interest in upholding the honor of the US Navy SEAL Teams, and your search for the TRUTH. My efforts to expose SEAL imposters are performed as a service to the public, and in honor of my fallen SEAL Teammates… men who truly earned the right to the title “US NAVY SEAL” but who are no longer able to stand forward in defense of their honor, their reputations, and their TEAMs.

If the name you provided is spelled correctly, I do NOT find a listing in the SEAL Database (SEAL Teams, Underwater Demolition Teams and predecessor units from 1943 to the Present Day) for anyone named DAVID/DAVE TOWNSEND. I have also examined possible alternate spellings, and names with similar pronunciations without finding any that appear to be applicable.

Unless he has undertaken the unlikely action of a legal name change (an action for which there would be evidence in the form of court documentation) since his claimed participation in SEAL training, and based upon the information you have provided, I can state conclusively that DAVID/DAVE TOWNSEND NEVER COMPLETED SEAL TRAINING, and he is not now, nor was he ever a Navy SEAL or a Navy Underwater Demolition Team member.

Countless SEAL Imposters show proof of their SEAL claims in the form of SEAL Insignia (Tridents), SEAL Coins, SEAL Award Citations, and SEAL Training Graduation certificates which are unfortunately all available on-line. Numerous others get SEAL Tattoos, Photoshop their faces on SEAL Pictures and alter actual Military Discharge Papers to show SEAL service. Myriads of imposters claim the Navy removed their name from the SEAL Database when they encountered trouble during their service and nothing could be further from the truth.

Many SEAL imposters when confronted with the information I have provided will resort to claiming that their records are sealed, burned or their SEAL Operations were classified as Secret and that there are no official records of them. Before any classified operations may be undertaken as a SEAL Operator, a man must first successfully complete the Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) Training program and then the follow-on secondary training program. The names of all those who successfully graduate from that training program sequence are compiled in the SEAL database. Later participation in classified operations has “NO IMPACT” on whether or not a person is listed as a graduate of the training program.

There are records of every man who has qualified for the title of “SEAL”; there have been and will continue to be secret missions, but there are NO secret SEALs.

When discovering that a person was never a SEAL, many people would like know what that person actually did in the military or did he serve at all. For a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request of that person’s military service you should contact www.pownetwork.org and provide the necessary information. A $20 donation will cover the cost. Please inform POW Network that I have verified the SEAL claim when contacting them.

Thank you again for your concern in this matter, and for your assistance in upholding the honor of the US Navy SEAL Teams. If I can be of any further assistance to you in this matter, please contact me at your convenience.

Respectfully, Don Shipley BUD/S 131, SEAL Team ONE, SEAL Team TWO.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Just due to the beard, bike, vest, and SUPER advertising….I’m gonna go with a NO on this one.



You think it was the pink beard that turned you off? LOL


Hey it’s wannabe ZZ-Top posser.
He must be legit he has a jacket


Silentium Est Aureum

I was gonna say, I don’t think Billy Gibbons ever served, but hey, anything is possible, I guess.


ZZ-Top, fused with the Village People, doing a version of “In the Navy…”


? ? ? ?

Your Creepy Uncle

I guess the GoldRush thing is working out for Jack Hoffman anymore….

No guts no glory!


How could I have forgotten that one ???

The Stranger

What? No dog? It’s like this guy isn’t even trying! What a ?!


or doo rag.


I’ve got to admit, I didn’t catch the June 28, 2005 reference on his license plate and had to google it. It is almost certainly a reference to Operation Red Wings (the SEAL battle made famous by “Lone Survivor” by Marcus Luttrell). I wonder if Townsend includes himself in that story somehow (it looks like he has been growing that beard since at least that long ago).


No, the beard does not make you a Navy SEAL.


No, but it DOES make him a scrounge.


Hey. I disclaim being a scrounge.

But I also do not claim to be a Navy SEAL. If I were to claim some type of stolen valor, I’d claim to be a Green Beret. Much cooler guys.


Perhaps it does make one a Goblin, or Yard Gnome.


Yard Gnome. That’s it. Give him a pointy hat and we’ve got a winner.


Guess if you’re going to pose, do it remotely like end of the earth PEI to lower the odds of getting busted. I mean, who up there would give a damn? But, of course, he had to overachieve and export himself on the internet….smart

Joyce McPhee

Many people here “Give a Dam”. We have one of the highest rate per capita of military members since the 1St. world war. I am a retirned Lt.(N) and DVA members and veterans are making every effort to track this imposter down. I was Logistics Supervisor for Ground Zero and was approached by this imposter in a reataurant in town telling me all about his work at 911 as a fire fighter from Summerside and how good a friend he was of the Female Supervisors on site’ I AM THE ONLY FEMALE SUPERVISOR AT WAS AT 911. So yes, we do give a dam here in PEI, military and disaster services as well. Its disgusting i agree.


This guy is a genius. Why have I bothered to serve for the past 20 years when all I had to do was buy a hat and vest? Brilliant!


Harley Davidson….Check

Leather vest…check

1980’s trucker hat with SEAL logo…Check

Thousand yard stare…Check

This dude is legit! LOL Too bad this oxygen thieving piece of shit doesn’t live in Alberta; him and Waverly Reynar could hang out and swap war stories!!!


Disagree. As pointed out above he doesn’t have a dog or doo rag. These are musts these days.


See posing rules specific to PEI. Running shoes (preferably New Balance) and leather hats meet requirements for Doo rags and service dogs.


Well said, sir, well said.


No service dog so he doesn’t go crazy? Buzz. No go.


PEI special rules. Service Moose or Service North Atlantic Cod. Both registered and legit, just not allowed in homes; must be kept in a natural setting. Therefore not in the pictures.


And note the picture with the very comfortable looking New Balance service shoes. Paid for by Canadian single payer health care.


TankBoy…Four years of USMC for me, 1811 MOS, 32 of the 48 months was spent in RVN. Would be interesting if we knew each other. Regardless, I’d like to get in contact with you. There’s a former Canadian working in one of the nearby “Big Box” stores with many tales of daring. Most offensive is his receipt of the MOH. Store manager ((Former Navy man) and I have discussed this clown and share the same OBVIOUS opinion about this clown belonging in the Fullashit Hall of Fame. More than once I have mentioned this to Jonn that I intend to make him a star on TAH. Would appreciate some advice from you on strategy with reference to his growing up in Canada and eventually enlisting in the United States Army. Please let me know if you can help. He’s ready to talk and tell his B. S. story at any time. First time I casually inquired about the MOH he claimed, his first response was, “Yes, I saw a LOT (with emphasis) of combat in RVN.” It was EASY to see he was full of shit from the git go. Your help would be greatly appreciated. For Jonn, or whomever is running the TAH press today, please release my email address and name if requested by Tank Boy. S/F


Let’s expand the potential…in addition to a service cod, add a service mussel and service potato…a PEI trifecta!


Looks like another Canadian in the mix.


I realize it’s just plain silly for a root vegetable to offer “service” but it could be a comfort potato. On another note, I passed through PEI years ago and kept on going…


So is Canada the new Florida?


It always has been! Judging by this web site, fully one hundred percent of all special forces personnel ever are in Florida and Canada.

And 95 percent of those have a strong attraction to leather and Harley Davidsons.

I’m thinking if I ever go home to Alberta, I won’t be able to walk to the local Tim Horten’s without tripping over a couple of Seals and a sniper or two.


Just make sure you have some fish with you, TankBoy. Seals like fish.


Every year from November to April Florida might as well be Canada. Quebec and Ontario anyway, judging by th e license plates you see on I-95.

A Proud Infidel®™

Another booger-eating dingleberry.

Green Thumb

More like Ghandalf the Ghey.

This tool looks like he is into dragons and shit.


A Proud Infidel®™

He looks like a unicorn-loving BRONY.


His records were lost in the Canadian fire.


That would be the Saskatoon fire of ’84?


I thought it was the Flin Flon conflagration of ’76?


LOL. My Dad grew up right down the road from there, Yorkton, Saskatchewan.


He lost his records when his home burned down near that oil town in Canada recently. He didn’t have time to save them since he was busy saving people with his harley 🙁


That might be true, he rides with these dudes… 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/OKMC.PEI/




He does like he would enjoy sucking the chrome off a trailer hitch, doesn’t he? LOL


He spends his leisure time suck-starting Harleys. Or Harley riders.


He’s got the shock absorber to be a high speed cocksucker.


X 10


Do any of these clowns realize that they can grow beards, ride motorcycles, own dogs and buy patches (sewing them on a vest is optional) without claiming military service?

In the interest of full disclosure: I own a vest. With patches sewn on it. It mostly hangs in the closet. The dogs do not hang in the closet. We try to keep them from servicing anything or anyone.

Joseph Williams

So far the Posers have left us rotorhead crew chiefs alone. Only 1 female cliaming to be a female helo crew chief. Of course she had be in the Marine Corps. Joe


Best one so far was the poser Quantico Admin Chief. it was like finding a unicorn.


Have we ever had a Warrant Officer poser? If so if he was wearing a PT uniform it would be a clue that he was a fake.


Yes, there has been one, a little over three years ago.

Cody Stermer, the McDonald’s counter server/janitor claimed to be a Warrant Officer and Pilot.

There was also One Low Ball Jimmy Walls, although it was really hard to figure out if he was posing as a Warrant Officer or Branch Officer when he was claiming to be a Spec4 repair parts clerk pilot.


Wasn’t there one recently from Oklahoma who had claimed to be a flying warrant from the Marine Corps, but came into the service way to late to have been one (the last Marine flying warrant had left service years earlier).


Yes. James Rice. Exposed 18 Dec 2016.

The turd who was all hat and no horse.


There was also that Richard Hollingsworth turd who had a plaque of himself hanging in the VFW Hall that said he was a Warrant Officer/Pilot.


But no property book warrants…Crypto warrants… Maintenance etc? And no pt uniforms.


sj, went looking in the archives a little and found these turds who claim to be non-flying Warrant Officers:

Andrew Finn-Infantry WO.
Timothy Dale Brown-Special Forces WO.
Kyle Barwan-Special Forces WO.
Paul Alan White-Marine WO.
Robert Charles McCune-Army Quartermaster CW2.

None of them were pictured in a PT uniform./smile

Keepin' It Real

Todd Golding – the CW05 double amputee.


NR Pax

There was Jaime St. Claire-de Janiero back in March 2010. Marine Corps, Warrant Officer, Recon (Of course). He used pictures of MCRD posted by a real Marine Corps Officer who had the joy of chewing his ass out.


I think Michael “Killer” Killam qualifies also.


He doesn’t seem to be listed as a Tarrant County employee these days. They have updated their website, so may have removed most employee names, but still – a search for him produces no results now.


I still find him listed there under MHMR Tarrant county/Addiction Services/Veterans Service as a program manager.

I check in at least once a week to see if he still has a job and have seen no changes.

But Killer never claimed to be a Warrant Officer, just claimed to have the Power of God/Life and Death and to being a door gunner when he was only a ground maintenance mechanic.


Thanks for the update. I’d forgotten that his agency was other than Tarrant County.


PS Have you heard the PSA he did for PVA? It rotates through the PSA playlist occasionally.


No, I never have. It probably doesn’t get much play time up here in the Snake River Plain.

The Other Whitey

I worked for several years at a station where we would write burn permits for a guy we are pretty sure is a retired SEAL. This guy doesn’t wear or display any SEAL logos or paraphernalia, and has never told us anything about his service other than that he was “in the Navy.” The only thing that really makes us think he’s a SEAL is that he carries himself a bit differently. Very nice guy, but you get the feeling that getting on his bad side would be a very bad idea.

Seems like the likelihood of a guy’s SEAL claims are inversely proportional to both the amount of SEAL stuff he walks around with and the amount of boasting he does.


Assclown looks like he can tickle taints, work balls and inspect manholes with the best of them.


Very true, Master Chief. And he has the 1000 yard stare of a veteran of the Blue Oyster Wars.


He lap dances at the blue mussel


No lap dances, that would imply tease. he is NO tease.



Wilted Willy

Wow, At least this assturd wasn’t from Florida! I was beginning to think we had a lock on the poser market? That of course doesn’t count my dear assbag poser brother! At least he doesn’t claim to be a Ranger or a Seal? I love to see these posers exposed. I just wonder how many ever get prosecuted after being exposed? I only hope I live long enough to see my dear brother in prison again! Maybe I should write to Trump about him? Do you guys think it would do any good, or who else can I try writing to about his glorious career? I would welcome any suggestions??


I don’t know all of the specifics of about your brother but perhaps have the local newspaper run a story on his Stolen Valor?

Wilted Willy

Thanks ex, but they already did that last year, Jonn was so kind as to run it here, just check out David “Doc” Shrum and check out his shit sundae! He is as phony as they come!!! If anyone knows how I can get this shitbag arrested, please let me know who to call???


WW, a suggestion or three:

1. Do an FOIA request for branch he claims.

2. If you have a good TVstation nearby with a decent investigative reporter, set up a meeting.

3. Come up with a game plan for later. Such as interviews around late September or early October for “30 second” shots for Veterans Day in November.

4. Contact local newspaper for same.

5. Provide both certified and notarized copies of FOIA returns.

Should do the trick of exposure.

A couple of years ago TAH, me and and an organization I belong to exposed a poser in Plano, TX. Of course justice really wasn’t served, but the poser lost his high-paying, tax payer-funded job.
(There were more than likely some TAH guys & gals involved behind the scenes, but I don’t know who they are. Thanks to all who exposed this assclown.)

Wilted Willy

Sorry, but all of that has been done already, check out his story above! I have called and written the VA, FBI, and even my state Senator, Bill Nelson. Still nothing, it has been over a year and this cocksucker is still getting over $3K a month for his phony PTSD 100% disability and he never served a day in combat! He didn’t even attend our mother’s funeral! How much lower can you get. I really need all of you guys help with this. It is really driving me crazy! There are so many more worthy vets out there that deserve this money a lot more than this asshat does!!!

Wilted Willy

Oh, I forgot, the only thing this asshole has lost was his phony Purple Heart license plates!


WW….Dig, Dig, Dig, and then Dig some more. Another TAH supporter have gone after some heavies, and have had some promises from media folks to “Look into the matter and follow through with it”. Gets old after a while, but the occasional success makes it worth all the time and effort spent chasing the dream. First suggestion would be to ask to speak to a veteran with any newspaper, TV or radio station. Lot easier to sell your idea when they get the feeling they might have some skin in the game. Sometimes if you look hard and deep, you can luck out and find a VSO who will take a serious interest in such cases and give you a hand now & then. If your target lives in a fairly large city, some times you can find a recruiter that sees an opportunity to help you. He will do it of course in private so as not to upset potential recruits into thinking he will be forever watching them.
One thing I’ve learned with the media; you can neither embarrass them nor intimidate them into doing the RIGHT thing. Wish I had more and specifically better advice for you. The absolute best I can give is ALWAYS make the strongest effort to speak with a veteran, no matter what agency you are contacting. Otherwise you can waste a lot of time pi____ing in the wind, being lied to and feel as if nobody will help and do the RIGHT thing. Good luck brother!


Don’t blame us, who do you think fed him to you guys in the first place, we don’t appreciate his bullshit any more than you do!


Oh, just throw this old fart a bone or a fish, would you? He can’t make up his mind between being a wizard at the RenFaires or a seal in a circus.


Or maybe towel boy in a gay bath house?


Takes a strong man to wear a pink beard.

But on a different note: Again, what is it about posers with bikes and vests? Is this a declared uniform of theirs or something?

Daisy Cutter

Standard issue from a POSer starter kit.


Ok. Thanks for the clarification. Wonder which CIF they get their issue from….


I wonder if he’s into “sticky buns”? Does his old lady treat his PTSD by tossing tennis balls at his melon?


Sticky “Bums”, I say again, Sticky “Bums.”


I stand corrected… he’s probably had his bum “glazed” a few time at the local ghey bar


Wickre’s Canadian brother from another mother. Dude is driving a raggedy ass S type jag-u-war, but it does have those bad ass seal plates. Hey, maybe this dipshit knows where Elaine is.

Silentium Est Aureum

Every time I see a Canadian poser (hoser):


Helen Doucet

Hi all. Please do no bash our wonderful province PEI for one asshole .There are many of us from the Island who have become very good friends with him. as we did not know any of his bullshitting. we (those of us who let him into our lives) are extremely pissed that he is not whom he says he is. he has gone into hiding but will eventually feel the wrath when seen again. as for him ..he rides a Vulcan, not a harley.And PEI is not the end of the earth.we are a beautiful little gem of an island .lots of great people except for one we called our friend. Thanks guys..from the wife of a veteran.

Henry Auchburn

Did your close friend also tell you another big secret he was hiding aside from all the war tales. Served federal time in penitentiary for incest and criminal report is filled with numerous sexual assaults. Makes sense why he would feel the need to portray himself in such a hero role. There’s reasons this joker left our town we he once lived.


Do you have any links to Townsend’s history prior to 2010. He just appeared and started telling tales.

Helen Doucet

No we don’t he just came on our sites in 2013. Knew nothing of him before that

Helen Doucet

He has told us nothing other than being in us navy ,served time in Vietnam, as for his criMinaj record we knew nothing and I thank you for telling me ,I will definitely pass this along..we meaning fellow islanders only knew what he told us ,but that does not make us bad or stupid people,wejust don’t want or like all the island comments as I am sure you would not wanting folks talking this way about your home if this was to have happened there. You can bash the shit out of him all you want.he totally deserves it.


This dick weasel makes the baby Jesus cry.


Hey, he really IS a seal once you remove the human makeup from his face.

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Harp, Ring or Fur???