Monday morning feel good stories
Four intruders tried to enter a Hialeah, Florida home through the garage. The armed homeowner fired his weapon and one of the intruders became DRT (dead right there) – the other three fled the area.
A homeowner in Rural Donna, Texas told police that his home was burglarized twice the other day, but it was the second attempt that cost one of the thieves his life. Police found the criminal DRT in the road from the homeowner’s well-placed shot.
A thief in Cleveland, Ohio tried to walk a victim back into his house at gun point when someone in the house busted caps on him. The criminal was pronounced DOT (dead over there) after he transported himself to the hospital.
A woman in Washington County, Oregon settled a custody dispute with her baby-daddy by firing at him as he tried to kick in her door. Baby-daddy Louis Jarvis Jr. left the scene at a high rate of speed when she fired her gun at him.
Category: Feel Good Stories
4 incidents of Legally Armed people protecting themselves from the takers. 3 thugs are dead, another one left the scene, scared shitless, after a lady fired at him.
Three Darwin award winners out of 4….not a bad way to start the week.
You stole my thunder, Doc! lol – 75% doing the eternal dirt nap is a vast improvement….they must be visiting this site for pointers.
Or visiting the range more often.
DOC, amen to the range time!
I got in some trigger time this weekend; also training a friend’s lady in the user of her new Remington 870. She had a blast, no pun intended.
Hey, look at that! Contrary to the gun-grabbers’ “highly-trained professional” myth, these ordinary citizens achieved good shot placement with no harm to bystanders (thus beating the hell out of, say, NYPD when it comes to firearm safety) in extremely stressful life-or-death situations!
Or Diane Feinschwein’s claim that armed criminals will walk away when they see that their intended victims are unarmed.
Y’know, logic would indicate that a criminal arms himself specifically to coerce/harm an UNARMED victim. But logic never sat well with liberal fascists.
Gawd, I knew she was dumb, but that makes absolutely no sense at all. What the h*ll has Diane F been sniffing, paint thinner? That may be the most addle-brained thing I’ve ever heard of.
Or Joycelyn Elder’s comment years ago that we need “safer bullets”.
She’s senile.
She may have been born senile.
Remember her “good drug” comment about cocaine?
Diane Feinschwein and her ilk are living proof that LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER.
Here’s hoping that you feel better soon Jonn.
I worry about you, you know…
So, a clue as to why I’m re-reading Monday’s Feel-goods rather than Tuesday’s. Also hoping you ‘Feel Good’ soon.
I sent an inquiry off to TSO. Haven’t heard anything yet.