Sunday morning feel good stories
In Montgomery County, Alabama two men kicked in the door of an elderly man who met them at the door with his firearm. A scuffle ensued and the pair disarmed the old guy, but they decided to flee before police arrived. A foot chase was on, but the officers caught up to the pair when they decided to climb a tree. Officers also recovered the gun.
Patrick R. Mutter, 35 and two friends broke into a Trumansburg, New York home. A resident confronted them and by the time police arrived, Mutter was DRT (dead right there) from a knife wound.
Allen Thompson and a friend tried to force their will on a family in Columbus, Ohio when they started moving towards the children in the home Mom, Jessica Robinson got her gun and opened up the thieves. The criminals fired on the house as they fled the scene and Jessica returned fire. Both of the thugs were found wounded at the hospital by police.
Category: Feel Good Stories
When 2 guys come at you, and you are legally armed, shoot them. Don’t let them get into your “danger area”. If you show your weapon and they keep coming, they know that they have a good chance of disarming you.
Euderrien and Markess in a tree….quite an effort if you’re wearing your pants halfway down your ass which would seem appropriate for the demographic
Sorry, I couldn’t hear what Patrick was saying, he was Mutter-ing.
Nice shooting Ms Robinson.