Weekend open thread

| December 16, 2016

A road in the crack

A Road in the Crack

Iceland’s Route 1, better known as Ring Road, takes drivers through the country’s diverse, stunning landscapes. In this aerial image captured by Your Shot photographer Alex Visbal, a car makes its way through a stretch of the road that winds through a lava field in Reykjahlíð, located in the northeastern part of the country. Even amid the gray of the hardened lava, colorful plants sprout up to “spice the landscape,” says Visbal.

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*High Five*
Oh and Merry Christmas!!!


Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone.

I would first like to thank my F5 key for swift refreshing, Jonn for TAH, the word cocksucker and finally 2/17 Air Cav for his unwavering support of my many recent WOT losses.

I started a GoFundMe page to support my post-win gala.


Congrats on your victory today ex-OS2 (congrats mumbled begrudgingly, hangs head, kicks dirt).

Will there be hot and spicy pork rinds at your post-win gala?

I’m not going to attend if there aren’t any hot and spicy pork rinds.


My victory this week is a victory for all!

I will have trash bags full of hot & spicy pork rinds!

2/17 Air Cav

Just saw the win. Nice job. (I am oh so tempted but can’t bring myself to say it. Maybe you will help. What’s the magic word?)


ex-OS2 is a cocksucker for winning the WOT.


I don’t think so.


/FYDB. I’m a PRO. Look it up.


I recognize that s, it’s mine.


I haven’t hit First in two years I think. So Congratulations on your first First ex-OS2! You da man cocksucker!




However, I self-identify as being first.

Therefore, all of Team TAH must honor and respect that.


Sure we do, Mick.

But only if you’re buying the booze.

RGR 4-78

Top ten.

RGR 4-78

I’ll be damned, third.

Hack Stone

Honorary First, otherwise known as being in the Top 10.

Hack Stone

Can someone tell if Phil will be working balls this weekend, and if so, behind the dumpster at which truckstop?


Check NOTAMS 17-00-12 for the amended schedule.

A Proud Infidel®™



Don’t forget the special snowflake Change 3 in effect for December.




Closest I’ve gotten in several weeks.

Weekend plans include finishing decorating the house and getting a surprise Christmas present for Mrs. Graybeard (besides the one she told me to get for her).
And she set such unreasonable conditions on the surprise present: “Don’t go to James Avery again.”
I mean, why the heck am I busting my tail working after retirement if I cannot splurge on some nice jewelry for my sweetheart?

Temps here in East Texas are going to be typical for this season: anywhere between the 70s and the 30s, depending on the day and time thereof.


Are we there yet?


8 and Suck It Bernath.



Silentium Est Aureum

And an extra, “Suck it Bernath,” just for good measure.

Here’s hoping he overcomes the gag reflex before he hits prison. I hear the Florida Bar takes a dim view of someone pretending to be a lawyer.

Todd Davis

Thanks to hanging out here enough I know who Daniel ” fairey mason ” is so I third the Suck it

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Happy weekend folks!!


You too, VOV

Silentium Est Aureum

Not first, not last, cold as shit and working outside today. Hooray for -30 windchills!

The Stranger

Join the club. Goddamn GE Alstom live tank circuit breakers!

Silentium Est Aureum

Don’t get me started. A co-worker at another site was testing an oil breaker and it tested bad.

They went back to replace it and the customer wasn’t ready, so co-workers told the customer they’d be back when ready.

Customer started to switch BAD breaker in without okay. One guy is now in hospital over holidays and burned over 30 percent of body, requiring skin grafts.

That is something I would never want hanging over me, having someone hurt or worse based on the actions of me or my crew.

Our job is hard enough even when everyone goes home.

The Stranger

Ain’t that the truth. I had a long day and I gotta go in shortly. We’re putting in 2 line relay panels with SEL-421s and today is the big day…

Silentium Est Aureum

Two systems per line or just one?

Most of the utilities I work with do 2 systems on 115kv and up, typically SEL on the primary and GE as secondary.

At least the job security is nice, even if I do never get to see Casa de SEA.

The Stranger

Aaah…the AEP approach. Actually, we’re putting in one panel at each end of a 69 KV line. Each panel has a primary 421 and a back up 421 in each panel. This customer is not a fan of GE Multilin relays.

Silentium Est Aureum

Smart customer.


Tomorrow is Wreaths Across America’s day to place wreaths in Veteran Cemeteries around the country.

I’ll be at my local state veterans cemetery observing the proceedings. It sounds like a very excellent deal all around, but the skeptic in me questions things like this.

Have found out that donations made specifically for your local cemetery can help them get a start for next year if they receive more donations this year than they need. Otherwise, undesignated donations will buy wreaths for cemeteries which need them. Either way, sounds like a very good deal.

Will report back, if anyone is interested.



Wreaths Across America needs volunteers too! MRS D and I will be assisting at a local cemetery.



My crew and I will be at Quantico National Cemetery tomorrow. Feel free to join us!
(Gonna be a nasty day though, dress warm)


We’re signed up minus one. Thirteen plus Dakota our Vietnam vet we adopted.



Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

Hey Du

Hey DuLlAsS sorry, I had to post this here but I tried to call you and I can’t get a hold of you, and you didn’t respond to my text. I found the information that you asked me about…. It’s called pruritus anusitis, in other words itching anal – it’s quite common and is not dangerous. It can happen if you don’t wipe your butt properly. It can also be a sign of hemorrhoids in or near your butt hole, I still recommend you keep that doctor appointment. Wash it and keep it really clean and also wash your hands before you scratch, that way you don’t get pink eye like you did last time. If kept clean, the anal odor should be bearable although you may want to keep spray in your car. I hope my answer helped you.


Also recommend disposable diapers. That’ll save the embarrassment of stains on your pants. You’ll look like one of those People of Walmart.


DULASS AKA WITTLESS still has not COMETH, although he’s been threatening to for five hilarious years?

I have absolutely no clue why in the name of Buddha and God I was afraid of him. He’s all mouth and threats behind a computer but if you arrange a face to face meeting he doesn’t show.

So sad he’s no longer in love with me, but he sure has a crush on another Commentator on TAH?

A Proud Infidel®™

Like many others, he’s ALL MOUTH and no action.


Where’s the number dispenser?

minus 8 here with 20-25 mph winds. Nice.
Having a great time swapping batteries and dragging chargers and cables around the yard.
Carb fires. The smell of burning starter motors. Starting fluid highs. Man I love Christmas in the north country.

Silentium Est Aureum

Mt. Washington had -85 windchill this morning. Record for this time of year.

Yeah, sucks.


Ninty-twooth !!!
Merry Christmas to all my good, and bad compatriots here on the best Milblog on Planet Earth !!!


Is anybody participating wreaths across America this weekend?


MRS D and I are signed up


Yep. See my comment a couple, three or four above.

My first year to participate. Will be laying a wreath and whatever else the powers that be enlist me to do.


Yep. Scroll up ^


Mrs. HMC and I do so every year. Turnout is better each year. And each year we are not able to work as long as we did the previous years. We often take loads of coffee and creamer, but if you want sugar, you’re on your own.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Today is the second full day of legalized recreational weed in the PRoM, from all appearances my one neighbor who was a regular pothead is happy as a clam, in fact she was so high yesterday she was cruising her riding mower up and down the street…in the freezing cold.


I was reading the lengthy text of the law last night. They will set up a commission to run the whole thing and one of the requirements for the commissioner or one of the many hackarama jobs is a background in social justice.
I also read that a person can have ten ounces in the house and six plants growing.

This will not end well. Happy maybe but not well.


It would sure be sweet if the SJW’s just stayed continually high on the Ganja for the next four years. Just think of the contribution to the economy by all the junk food companies.


Wo0t! Better late than never.


That’s what she said…


…in a gurgling voice



fsckity fsck

John Giduck – the turd with a face!

A Proud Infidel®™

UMPTEENTH and STILL in the Top 40! *putting on RayBans®™*

The Dutch Rudder Ganc still works wino ballsacks behind bus stops.


Patiently waiting for Hondo…

Congrats ex-OS2…did you learn the F5 Key trick from Claw? 🙂

OWB, yes, please share tomorrow about visiting your local Veteran’s Cemetery on Wreath’s Across America Day.

Frankie Cee: Still wiping my desktop screen from spewing soda thru my nose after reading your post to you know who…(thumbs up)..


Will do, as soon as the inevitable allergy problem clears up.


It went pretty well. I stayed mostly confused about what was going on, where to be, and all that. Altogether a good day, though.

Since I got rather windy with my AAR I made a post about it over at that place I write occasionally.


OWB, Thank you for the update. I went on your site and read your Blog on your visit…it was not windy..it was heartwarming.

Thank you again for honoring our Vets by doing this…Merry Christmas!??


“White House petition suggests naming next Navy ship ‘USS The Deplorables'”



Happily signed!


SFC D and Mrs.D: Thank you and Thumbs Up for volunteering and assisting tomorrow in Wreaths Across America.????


How about we name the next Federal Pound HITA facility “The Hillary Clinton Correctional Center?” It could even be a wymyns’ prison for felonious feminist SJW’s.

MSG Eric

And how quickly would those “women” who declare themselves “men” change back to being a Woman if they had to go to a men’s maximum sec facility?


Pretty quick; because no matter how fugly they are, having a working vajayjay in the men’s big house would be a popular asset. Their cell mates would be pimping them out for a candy bar.


Well, I’m 552th, so I don’t care who got there first.

I’m waiting for more snow to fall.

I found out Wednesday that there are some very good people who literally come out of nowhere. Saving that story for later. That balances someone who didn’t do what he said he’d do and left some people in the lurch.

S’posed to warm up a bit and give us mid to upper 30s soon and the northeast will get is own dose of Siberian cold!


Way to cold up there for this Texas boy, Ex-PH2. I’d kill myself on hot chocolate trying to cope.

Glad to know of the existence of the good folks and their assistance, even w/o details.


“Well, I’m 552th, so I don’t care who got there first.”

Ex-PH2, does that mean you won’t attend my post-win gala?


Of course, I will. I’ll even bring a bag of cat kibble for munchies!


Hey Ex- in case you’re feeling “spacey”, we successfully launched and deployed CYGNSS yesterday. It a group of microsatellites built by the folks I work with to predict and track hurricanes. Pretty neat deal and info is on the NASA website in case you’re interested.


Ah! I think I saw something about that, some hint of it, on an astronomy website, but I have to check on it now.

Thank you for the heads up!!!

Todd Davis

Just need some advice. I’ve read just about every Tom Clancy book there is as well as Michael DImercurio. Somebody suggested I start reading WEB Griffin. Thoughts or suggestions? If you have another good author I should check out. I’d appreciate some input. Thanks


Todd, Highly recommend you read the Sano Ichiro Mystery Series written by Laura Joh Rowland:


The books are addicting. Sano Ichiro is a Samurai and Private Investigator for the Shogun in the 1600s in Edo (Toyko), Japan.

The books is a mixture of Japanese history and fiction. If you enjoy Sam Spade/CSI, twist and turn “who done it” mysteries, you will definitely enjoy these books.

The Brotherhood of War series by WEB Griffin is excellent as well.


Craig Lowell was a busy, busy man. 😉

IDC SARC, a distant relative of yours, maybe?

Todd Davis

Just read the Synopsis of the Iris fan on the link. I’m a sucker for a good mystery. I’m gonna order it for starters. Sounds like some good reads. I’ve never heard of the series before but when I get hooked on a series. I can’t put them down. Thanks


Joel Rosenberg is one of my picks. Geopolitical with a Christian twist.

Todd Davis

Just checked his books on Amazon looks good


I always thought that The Brotherhood of War would’ve made a great series of movies ala Star Wars…


You could try John Le Carre. Not sure what your taste is, but there are also Hemingway and H. M. Tomlinson.

Todd Davis

I’ve read Smileys People. Your right he’s a great author.


Nelson DeMille-especially “the Lion’s Game” and “the Lion”.

If you like historical fiction the entire “Flashman” series by the late George MacDonald Fraser.

Todd Davis

Ive heard he’s good. I’ll check him out

Just An Old Dog

I read both ” Botherhood of War”
(Army/ USAF) and “The Corps”(USMC).
Both were good, with an edge to BOW.
Depending on your tastes ( if you like Westerns) you can’t beat Larry McMurtry’s series about Texas Rangers. “Dead Man’s Walk”, Lonesome Dove, Return to Lonesome Dove, Comanche Moon and Streets of Laredo.

Todd Davis

I have all the Lonesome Dove movies. I really enjoyed them. I think I might have to break them out again


David Weber’s “Honor Harrington” series. Start with ‘On Basilisk Station” (It is basically age of sail crossed with space opera.)

A bit more political,and to the right? Tom Kratman’s “Cabrera” series. Start with “a Desert called Peace”. (The setting parallels the GWOT, but with… disturbingly effective participants.) Kratman also has a present day mil-fic series “Countdown”.

Like the “horror” genre, but modernized? Try Larry Corriea’s “Monster Hunter” series. Start with “Monster Hunter: International” (Ever watch a slash-flick, and blurt out “Why don’t hey just -shoot- the monster?”)

John Ringo: The Posleen war series (start with “a Hymm before battle”) and his stand-alone “The Last centurion”

As for WEB Griffin, his older stuff is better. The newer “Presidential Agent” series goes kinda weird as it progresses. Humor/MASH kinda stuff. Not at all like the “Brotherhood” series. (Side note: he wrote a whole bunch of books, under a whole bunch of pen names.)


Oh fiddlesticks…

TK series is “Carrera”

My spell-check is truly as warped as my typos. By these powers combined … I am Captain Dyslexic!

Todd Davis

Thanks I’ll def check them out.

Silentium Est Aureum

I liked WEB Griffin. Had a lot of his books.

DiMercurio? That Academy hack???

LOL. Let’s just say there’s a few of us who enjoy busting his chops.

Todd Davis

When I was on FB he friended me. I have to say. His posts about. His live life and his funny anti Clancy posts cracked me up

MSG Eric

Darnit. 56th! I was Rogue One’d by Jonn. I was watching that instead of waiting for the WOT.

Damn good, definitely one to see.

E-6 type, 1 ea

Agreed. I snuck the 8 year old out of school and we grabbed the old man for a Man-Movie Friday.

The first half dragged a bit, but the second half more than made up for it. Well done.

Holden Magroin

So, the swindler Adam Appel of Anchorage and Pahoa, Hawaii is back at the only thing he does consistently – asking people to donate money to some sketchy non profit


This time the con is for “Emergency Foster Home Care – Hawaii” with a $24k GoFundMe request. Rememeber that this is the same Adam Appel that was forced to settle with the Alaska Elder Fraud Division for stealing money from his own mother. He spent $400k of his mother’s money in properties….and settled for around $100k…not a bad deal.


Adam Appel was also issued a Cease and Desist letter by the Hawaii State Attorney General’s ofice for a fake non-existent charity named “American Search Foundation” supposedly operating out of Alaska and Hawaii. You can still find remnants of this fake charity online using your favorite search engine

Adam Appel of Anchorage/Hawaii hasn’t really ever held a well paying job beyond railway security guard in California and web designer for a buddy for more than a few months. Unless you count the bouncy house rental business which was hardly year round in Alaska.

Guess how he appears to live and support his family? Charities. Street Medics…emergency home care…you name it. Caveat emptor.



And it makes me wonder, when I have friends with a real need who cannot seem to raise more than a few hundred bucks on the GoFundMe type sites.

Holden Magroin

More permanent link for the “Emergency Foster Home Care – Hawaii” GoFundMe page. Google cache link often get overwritten after a few days if the page that was taken down has an attempted re-index



A Proud Infidel®™

Speaking of jackwads with GoFundMe pages, SoMeOnE ElsE well known to TAH had one asking for multiple thousands to go search for a MIA Troop in Vietnam.

Frankie Cee "In the Clear"

27 years ago today…in one of the dumbest “Sujete mi cerveza, mira esto” moments in history, Manuel Noriega stood behind a podium during a political speech. He boldly swung a machete and declared Panama and the United States are at a state of war. Four days later, his words led to our actions. And “OPERATION JUST CAUSE” was on like donkey kong.


Back when the USA had leaders who balls had dropped.

Unlike the last 8 years.


Thanks for the reminder, FitC.

My brother, D/1/504 82 Airborne First Sgt, called me a few hours after they got into it. I could hear the sound of musketry, artillery and mortars in the background. I thought he might of been at NTC or such.

He told his company had taken a bank as their HQ, checked the phone and called me.

Wish to hell I’d of had a tape recorder for posterity. Always hind sight.

Just a hand full of Navy EOD types were invited. Of course being comparmentalized, the rest of us knew nothing about it.


“Just cause?” Just cause we COULD!

2/17 Air Cav

There’s an important anniversary coming up tomorrow. It will be one-week since–since–since ARMY BEAT navy.


I congratulate Army and all its fine footballers. But Navy will come back next year and beat the pants off you.

2/17 Air Cav

Yes, that may well be, but not if Navy has the same QB. Plus, the coach may take another job. What else? Oh yeah, every day for the next year it will be “Army Beat Navy.” Navy had its way with Army for 14 long and painful consecutive years. I mean to enjoy every day of Army’s reign.


Army won?

2/17 Air Cav

Or Navy was beaten. Depends.


James Walls, phony UH-1 pilot is still slurping cock.

Colt Bulot, another Special Forces phony is still another Special Forces phony and sucks cock for a living behind Flying J dumpsters.

Thomas Reister, not a combat wounded veteran, grew up in a Holiday Inn Express and still scored a 17 on the ASVAB.

Jerry Foster, phony Navy Commander, works the balls of the entire DAV Chapter 55 (Simi Valley).

My A320 is properly fueled for my flight to KPHL tonight. Fuel planning is crucial, too bad someone else never figured that out.

John Robert Mallernee

In response to viewing one of my own homemade amateur video recordings, “WELCOME HOME, AMERICAN VET!”, posted at the YOU TUBE web site, a commenter asked if I’d seen the song, “I WAS ONLY 19”, written and performed by the Australian band, REDGUM.

I hadn’t seen it, so I searched the YOU TUBE web site and watched several versions of the song, “I WAS ONLY 19”, including one version which explains the terminology used in the lyrics.

If you haven’t seen the video recording, “I WAS ONLY 19”, then you might want to search for it at the YOU TUBE web site, and see why it’s a big hit in Australia.


Last Sunday I wrote about my young one on the WEEKEND open threat. I know many have not yet read about her volunteering at our VA hospital for a class at school. I can’t repost via phone and my tablets, computers are for work only. AIR CAV thought I should repost. Please read last Fridays Weekend and I will post on Sunday night what happened this weekend.

Pozz is off for winter break so she promised FFL she would come to them in Tuesday and Thursday morning and stay as long as they wanted. I’ll be taking pictures, videos and sharing them with Jonn. All I ask is that he black out faces, for both the men’s and Pozzs privacy.

I’m beyond PROUD of the young one. Nobody told her where or when to volunteer, it was her decision. The trip to the VA hospital is 150 round trip but worth the traffic and time by just seeing the smiles on the faces of our Military Veterans.

Silentium Est Aureum

It’s nice when it’s too cold to snow. Yes, there is such a thing. Google it.


Somewhat belated, (this past Monday was the 31st anniversary) so RIP to the 256 souls on board Arrow Air 1285.

Especially you, Andy. I will not forget.

USMCMSgt (Ret)


USMCMSgt (Ret)

A lot of you may already be familiar with this site, but anyone looking for a listing of ammo that can be bought online can be found at http://www.gunbot.net.

The site filters pretty much all online sales, provides the links, and shows how much cost per round. This is especially useful for anyone who buys in bulk.


Thanks for the link!


I wanted to take the opportunity to wish everyone here in my TAH family a warm and Merry Christmas. However each of you may observe this season, I hope it will be blessed and memorable for you. I think most of our men and women far away in service to us and pray they are safe and will soon see home again. God bless and keep each of you this Christmas. Thank you all for being the best family I never met.


Merry Christmas and God bless you and your family as well, Sparks.

Still chuckling over your Christmas light story…that was funny! ?


Hey USMCMSgt (Ret) –
What a great link for ammo! Too Bad I have the bad luck to live in the Peoples Republic of Kalifornistan, where stupidity is passed out like gummy bears and consumed in such haste you can actually hear the IQ quotient whistling as it drops. Soon, we will have to get a state ID in order to buy ammo. WTF? How is that supposed to help fight crime? We passed stupid a long time ago, sailed past dumbassery last month and are headed straight for Holy Fuck. And the NASA applicants in Sacramento are not done bending over the brain-dead hordes. Seems “Fucking Idiocy” now considered an Olympic sport.
The ONLY good thing about our suffering here is it’s a GREAT shining example of the dangers of letting libitard shit-for-brain Dumbocrats have free rein in a State Capitol. Learn, America – PLEASE learn. Otherwise, our suffering has been a waste.
Merry Christmas,
Comrade Thomas

Oh yeah: Jerry Brown go fuck yourself. Fucking fucktard.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

I feel for ya SPGhost. I lived in SoCal for 7 years while stationed at Pendleton but moved before things started to get crazy.

My nephew, who lives in Austin, TX, says there are just as many cars in that town with CA license plates as there are from TX.

Hope you get outta there eventually.


So the wife unit buys these moving, multi colored Christmas lights that shine on the house. (I don’t like them…at all. They are a pain in the butt to get set properly, that means to her satisfaction, and take a half dozen extension cords to power.) So after setting them out while she was gone and waiting for her to come home for her thumbs up, it snowed big time and there are now covered and have been for a week. Every day she wants to go out in the freezing ass cold, me that is, and dig them out and get them fired up. I mentioned that it is now so near to Christmas, “at this point what difference does it make”. I got…the look. Then fortunately she was diverted by a shopping trip with her friend. I could have kissed the friend for calling, which meant I was off the hook for another day. It is now 8 days until Christmas, they are still buried under 9 inched of snow and I told her that even if I dig them out, they are too short to shine out of the deep snow. My wife is a women who thinks everything can be fixed with super glue, so her idea was to put cardboard boxes out and stick them in those to make them higher. (That’s a good look for the neighbors don’t you think.) My brain is rattling off the dysfunction of cardboard boxes in wet snow as she speaks, and to my great delight we have no appropriate boxes. I then tell her, if you want to go to the UPS store and buy boxes then we can talk, short of that, they’re in the snow. You see, for her, grand ideas mean wonderful things my husband will do, not her. I am near to hoping for a case of the flu to keep me inside and away from those lights. I have even volunteered, such a nasty word, to do other chores in the house to divert her attention. We will see how it goes. As… Read more »


Sparks, easy fix.

White 5 gallon jug.
Pack jug with snow.
Add a layer of Sno-Melt salt on top.
Light set sits on packed snow.
Snow melts, lights go into the drink.
Turn on the lights.
Replace fuse in circuit box.
Says “Oops, I did it again.”

Pop open a cold one and sit back.


You da man Claw!!!


Just spent the past two hours reviewing the Weekend Open Threads since the beginning of time and discovered three things:

Sparks has never had a First!

Hondo has only ever had one First!

I have a serious case of OCD when it comes to trying to be First! on every WOT.

I know I’m breaking Gibbs Rule #6, but my apologies to all TAH commenters for my behavior.

I will endeavor in the future not to be such a First! hog.

Thank You for your time and now back to our regular programming.


If you are not first, you are second and that sucks.

A Proud Infidel®™

You neglect to mention that I have TWO firsts, GOTCHA!!


One thing I did discover while doing the review was this:

The rule for being a legitimate First! on the WOT (as determined by our resident WOT Parliamentarian 2/17 Air Cav) is the comment of First! must contain an exclamation point (!) at the end in order to be valid. The First! must also be capitalized to be valid.

Therefore, bear in mind, that in the winner takes all arena of cut throat, death match, when milliseconds count, attempts to be the First! on the WOT, all rules must be followed in order to be recognized as the holder of the crown for that week.

You have been warned. No shortcuts allowed or the claim of being First! will be denied.

Note: All above is purely sarcasm and no letters of the alphabet were harmed in the construction of this comment.


Looks like “the Airing of Grievances” has started early.


Claw, out of curiousity…who was the first “First!” ? (I paid attention to the rules of who is deemed to be “First”!)???


I’m glad you asked. I actually made a note of that while doing the review.

It was AW1Ed on the April 24th, 2015 WOT that declared the very first correct First!.

The tussle we have now for being the first started up about then, but didn’t really pick up steam until about June 2015.

That’s when the fun really started and has now morphed into a balls to the wall, Texas Death Match type competition for who is going to be first on the WOT.

It’s all in good fun and just goes to show that it really doesn’t take much to keep the TAH miscreants happy.


I was volunteering with my ‘guys’ at the Quantico National Cemetery this morning for the Wreaths Across America project. The weather did not comply with our mission, but we managed. I had a personal request to ensure one site was properly attended to on behalf of his daughter. I never knew the man, but never shirk an order. It took me a while, after the ceremony, but I found him and ensured his final resting place was secure and properly tidy. I spoke his name aloud, and took and sent some pictures to his daughter Amanda.
Let his name live on in TAH and internet history as a hero and a patriot:

SP3 Glenn Harold Carter
US Army Korea
Apr 25 1933
Feb 22 1999
Section 17 Plot 1534
Quantico National Cemetery
Quantico, VA 22314


Your awesome for doing this for his daughter..may your kindness be repaid ten fold. Your a true Military Veteran and THANK YOU?

3/17 Air Cav

Given the decided change in our political culture. I’m wondering that bogus female marine gunner, can’t remember her name but her nickname was shortshit. Who claimed much but did little. I hope she will finally be officially outed for her lies and sent packing.


During the young ones reading group at the VA hospital, I got a call from a friend. Another friend of ours died. I asked when the funeral would be and the answer PISSED ME OFF!
His only surviving great grand nephew or whoever the coroner found had no clue he had a great uncle. Kid had them cremate his unknown uncle. So another MILITARY VETERAN is not getting the funeral he deserves.

This is the third one in three damn years…they get the money and to hell with paying your respect and saying Thanks for the money…punk ass inbreds…

How the hell do we stop this?


OK, I’ll bite.

What exactly is it that you want to stop? From what you wrote, it sounds like you want individuals to cease making their own decisions about how or even if they want to decide what is done with their remains. Who should make those decisions instead of each of us individually?

For the time being at least we still get to do that for ourselves. Some people just don’t want to do that. For me and mine, we made our wishes clearly known to multiple people in multiple ways. Others don’t want to do that. Their choice.

Meanwhile, if YOU want a memorial service for your friend, it’s up to you to arrange it. Since it is for your benefit, you get to fund it. Why should your friend, or his estate, pay for what YOU want, but apparently he didn’t?

Still, peace be with you. The loss of a friend is never easy, especially when you don’t know why they chose to do things in ways you may not yourself have wished for them.


It was the wishes of our friends and discussed with our group for years. We were told of their deaths after everything was done. I can’t blame it on our friends for not having a WILL, something I’ll be discussing with our Military vet friends today via email.

Would I fund the funeral? You bet my family would, but then I couldn’t attend, but they come first. They fought for our country, I didn’t.


I still have no clue what you want changed. There are many ways currently in place for each of us to declare what we want done and who should do it. Or we can opt out of it all. Sounds like your friend opted out or chose not to tell you what decisions he made or didn’t. I dunno. Just trying to find out what you want stopped.

John Robert Mallernee

************************************************ ************************************************ *************** WARNING ! ! ! *************** This dangerously illegal and highly immoral subversive underground resistance message is being surreptitiously monitored by the Beaming Internet Government Broadband Radio Oscillation Telecommunications Hearing Electronics Reconnaissance (i.e., “B.I.G. B.R.O.T.H.E.R.”) as part of a coordinated clandestine domestic surveillance investigation, in cooperation with the National Administration of Zealous Interrogation (i.e., “N.A.Z.I.”) and the Commission on Message Monitoring Investigative Electronics (i.e., “C.O.M.M.I.E.”). Serious felony criminal charges are pending, with extreme penalties yet to be determined! ************************************************ Greetings and Salutations to All my Kith and Kin and All the Ships in Outer Space: The Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, Joseph Michael Arpaio, held a press conference on Thursday 15 December 2016, the 225th anniversary of the ratification of our Bill of Rights, to announce that the birth certificate of President Barack Hussein Obama was forged. To view a video recording from Fox Television Network Affiliate KSAZ-TV Channel 10 of the hour long press conference, please click on this automatic computer Internet link URL: https://youtu.be/jk3KRxTfkLM This is news? Then why isn’t Barack Hussein Obama being arrested and prosecuted? Will anything change? From what I can see, this is the same ol’, same ol’ mox nix information being rehashed all over again. In pointing out the various anomalies and inconsistencies in the alleged birth certificate of Barack Hussein Obama, while comparing it to the birth certificate of Johanna Ah’nee Randolph, the alleged source of the fraudulent information, it was apparent to me that an important fact was being ignored. Barack Hussein Obama was adopted, just as I was. When I was adopted, the information on my birth certificate was changed, showing my new name and the identities of my new parents, and my original birth certificate was sealed. Therefore, wouldn’t Barack Hussein Obama’s original birth certificate also have been sealed, and wouldn’t his current official birth certificate show only his Indonesian name, and the identity of only his Indonesian father? Of course, that merely raises questions that have already been raised and ignored, such as why Barack Hussein Obama applied for financial assistance when enrolled as a FOREIGN… Read more »

2/17 Air Cav

“Live as if you’ll die today.” James Dean

Many think those were his last words. They weren’t. His last words were “Oh shit!” And the last words he spoke to another human being were, “Did you see where I put the car keys?

A Proud Infidel®™

“Live as if you’ll die today.”
James Dean

I thought it was “Live fast, die young and leave a good-looking corpse.”‘


‘Live fast, die young and leave a good-looking corpse’ came from the late John Derek. Ironically, he died of cancer-related causes after a so-so career in Hollywood.

A Proud Infidel®™

OK, I stand corrected.

2/17 Air Cav

The only NFL game many here care about is ended: Atlanta Falcons 28 San Francisco Crapernicks 7. The Crapernicks are 1-12. The lone win came when Crapernick was not playing. Must suck to be him. Not only is he the most despised player in pro sports, he can’t win a game.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure that pus-nuts no-load harebrained PC candyass’s days as a NFL Player are numbered. His peacock-headed antics being copycatted by other members of the National Felon League have caused me to not watch their games this year, their intentional disrespect for our National Anthem and Flag were more than enough! We still have plenty of our Soldiers, Sailors,Airmen and Marines deployed in harm’s way at risk of coming home in a coffin draped with the same Flag they intentionally disrespected while making more money in one game than they do their entire tour. For those that take part in the juvenile PC antics I say FA’ KHEMALL!!

2/17 Air Cav

I was premature. I thought it was final but it wasn’t The score now is 38-13, Atlanta. The Crapernicks will lose again and go 1-13. The only matter at issue is the final score. There’s 4 mins to go.

A Proud Infidel®™

It would be NICE if Atlanta scored again just to rub copious amounts of salt in the Crapernicks’ wounds.


And they did. The Dirty Birds kicked a field goal and left the Crapernicks crying in their lattes, 41-13.


Claw you’re on a roll. Is Mrs Claw in CO? Just you and Scooby in the recently renovated stately Claw manor.

We’re in the new (to us) SJ manor on wheels and loving it. Hope we are able to execute another Claw/3-17/SJ (and anyone else) reunion. I have the P38’s, and Mess Sergeant version too…thanks to The Supply Sergeant (Claw)


Nope, the Mrs. is here. Nowhere for her to go until April? Kind of hunkered down right now in the cold and snow. It’s almost 1900 MST right now and already down to -5 to start the night. Expected overnight lows for West Yellowstone/Old Faithful are about -16 to -18. It doesn’t take very long for the old snow bunny Scooby to get his business done. Zip, Zap, in, out, and he’s good for the next six hours. Glad to hear you’re in a new SJ Manor on wheels.

As far as the get-together for the upcoming year, there are a few more TAH miscreants that could be fairly close for a reunion. I know Deplorable B Woodman is down in Salt Lake City, 20thEB67 is up in the Bitterroots and Green Thumb may be somewhere close around as he almost made it here this past summer. There may be others, but I can’t recall them at the moment.

To any of the miscreants out there reading this, if you are within a reasonable distance from Idaho Falls, and maybe interested in a face to face shebang, just holler out as plans may start to gel up in the spring. Jonn has both myself and SJ’s contact info and has permission to forward it to you.

I have enough mess hall coffee cups and 10 ounce tumblers, plus P-38’s/P-51’s on hand right now to support at least a dozen of you should you want to look at each others ugly mugs./smile

As I’ve said before, the Stately Claw Manor/Motel 6 is always open and the light is on no matter what time of year it is.


If any of you miscreants are hesitant to accept Claw’s invite because it would be a bunch of old farts bull shitting about the Glory Days and getting liquored up, let me disabuse you of that. We did the behind smelling intro’s and that was pretty much it re reminiscing. The rest of the gathering was talking about what we’re going to do next. Class VI was avail but only taken over pizzas.

I viewed it as history gave us a common bond to launch what we will do in the future. Oh, BTW, Mrs Claw is a Jewell. Claw married above his raising.

2/17 Air Cav

Should we organize a search party for Hondo?


Wouldn’t it suck if Hondo is really Bernasty? Not likely though cause Hondo is smart and Bernasty is not…by ANY stretch of imagination.


Lesseeee….. A campaign to get the Electors to reject Trump:

Trump: 2 faithless electors

Clinton: 4 faithless electors

Is there nothing in this election that the Democrats cannot get wrong?