The Blagojevich Impeachment

| January 9, 2009

Have you ever seen the Democrat Party move so fast to punish one of their own? I mean in EVAH? Ted Kennedy killed someone more than 30 years ago, for Pete’s sake and he’s still in the Senate. You know the names like I know the names; William “the Refrigerator” Jefferson, Harry “Land Deal” Reid, Nancy “no minimum wage for Samoa” Pelosi, one of the Kennedys (they all look alike to me and their names are all Robert, Joe and John so who can tell them apart) driving doped up on Capitol Hill (you can bet they’ve all done it once), gay whore master Barney Franks. And nuthin’ much happens to any of them.

Well, the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler‘s commenter Eyas, has a clue to the reason Blagojevich got dealt justice so quickly (Language alert! Have eye wash handy, it’s the Emperor’s place after all);

Obama (and/or Reid) are much more deeply involved in Blago’s corruption than we have been led to believe by that total fucking scumbag persecutor FITZGERALD, who, for no rational reason, stopped the investigation before any crimes were consummated.

Does anyone remember the panicked, shitting-his-pants look that was plastered on Rahm Emanuel’s face for the week or so where he didn’t know what was on Fitz-fucko’s tapes? No one gets that nervous if they haven’t done anything wrong.

In short, this whole episode has occurred because the Dems want to crucify and discredit Blago and anyone associated with him so that the entire Blago affair will go away before anyone learns how deeply involved other Dems were in the selling of a Senate seat (and maybe other things).

As to whether Reid, et al. are protecting themselves or their Messiah — we’ll never know. And that’s just the way they, and the MSM want it.

Profanity aside, that’s the way it looks to me. And you can probably bet there’s some sort of deal to keep Blago quiet, too.

H/T to Rurik for the heads up.

Category: Politics

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Safe and private cell or general population? That could be a hell of an incentive for “good”, aka cooperative, behavior.


As a now IL resident, I totally fucking agree!! Blago’s state of denial and continued defiance must mean he will sing as long as he is given immunity. No wait, that makes no sense. Er, ah, ah…Maybe they’ll hide so money for him when he gets out of prison on the isle in which the COW’s mistress resides.


I heard part of his presser today, and it doesn’t sound like Blago is gonna be the good little samurai and fall on his sword for the Obamunist and Rahm and the rest. MOF, he sounded just a little defiant, and pissed.
Pass the popcorn, this just gets better and better.

richard wheeler

Jonn Did you hear what Blago had to say about Obama on the tapes?Hell,compared to Blago you and the likes of defendusa would be Obama supporters.The guy is a scumbag and should be impeached and jailed for his friggin hairdo.


Thanks for picking this up. I think it’s the first time anyone’s quoted me on anything.

Truthfully, my main interest in this whole Blago affair is to find out what’s up with his hair.

I hear occasional comments, but no addresses this most important of issues directly. Can someone say, definitively, whether that is indeed his REAL hair? And, if so, what happened to it to make it look that way?


There’s a really funny blog about Blagojevich on the humor website, Through hyperlinks, they took the headline story, “Blagojevich still defends his actions in office despite overwhelming vote,” and showed the true meaning behind the words.

You can check it out here: