More on CNN’s Hoax Video
I posted this video earlier this morning in relation to a Michelle Malkin post on Joe the Plumber.
Bob Owens of Confederate Yankee characteristically takes the hoax a whole lot further;
But what marks this story as a hoax, and what elements point to media collusion in promoting this video as propaganda? Please watch the video above again, and we’ll go through those elements step-by-step.
They are:
* basic medical procedures are poorly faked
* known propaganda actors are used in this film
* the site of the attack is poorly-constructed and inconsistent with a military attack.
* the body doesn’t act like a bodyFirst, let’s return to the hospital, and take a look at our medical doctors and the life-saving procedures they are performing.
Owens pulls in the dope on the European doctor in the clip as well;
International media reports, including those from the BBC, CBS, CNN and FOX’s sister station Sky News, present Gilbert as an ordinary doctor.
But a look at his record shows that Gilbert, 61, is a political activist and member of the Norwegian Maoist “Red” party, and he has been involved in solidarity work for the Palestinians since the 1970s. He has criticized the international aid organization Doctors Without Borders for refusing to take sides in conflicts.
Go read the whole post. For most of us it won’t change our minds about the media (because we already know they’re lying crooks), but it’s got a lot of tips to critically watch the media coverage of this conflict.
Category: Liberals suck, Media, Terror War
“….take a look at our medical doctors and the life-saving procedures they are performing.”
I saw that. The “doctor” didn’t seem too enthused about the CPR he gave a ‘dying’ patient.
It’s so good to have bloggers, especially those who take the time to analyze the MSM’s propaganda, that pick apart the news and expose cockholsters like Gilbert.
Kudos to you and Confederate Yankee!
[…] More on CNN’s Hoax Video – This Ain’t Hell […]
“….take a look at our medical doctors and the life-saving procedures they are performing.”
Here in the U.S. itwould be advisable to check credentials also. Wonder what the statistics of doctors by faith in the U.S. are?
1STCAV. What’s your point? Majority Drs. probably Jewish.Large majority of Jews strong Democrats Clinton 90% in 1992 Gore 78% Kerry 73% Obama 76% to Mac’s 24%.Mac got 39% of Arab-American vote.I believe we should support Israel but not condemn all Arabs because of the actions of the likes of Hamas and Hezbollah.
I agree that this sort of thinking and extreme behaviour is unhealthy. ,