My choices for Weblog Awards [Jonn]

| January 9, 2009

I’ve been ruminating on writing a post about my choices for the Weblog Awards because I didn’t want to seem as if I’m telling you what to do. But then I realized you’re going to do what you want any way, so here’s who I’ve been voting for. Keep in mind, I have more than one vote because I have way more computers than a normal person does for some reason.

For Best Blog, there’s no other choice than Hot Air as far as I can see. They’ve linked to us a few times in the last few months, so it’s my chance to pay them back. How Andrew Sullivan is leading for 2008, I’ll never understand. All he did was stalk Sarah Palin’s doctor all year.

For Best Individual Blogger, I’m torn between The Anchoress and Jules Crittenden. Both are outstanding writers and they’ve both linked here at one time or another.

For the Best Humor Blog, I’m a new fan of “Mother, may I sleep with Treacher“. None of the category members have ever linked here.

Best Comic Strip; since Delta Bravo Sierra isn’t on the list, I vote for Day-By-Day.

The Best Conservative Blog is harder. Michelle Malkin, Pamela Geller, Rick Moran and Charles Johnson all gave me my first break. But Ace of Spades has endorsed us for Best Military Blog twice. Good thing I have more than one vote, huh?

For Best Political Coverage, the only choice is The American Thinker.

The Best Pet Blog is Fuck You, Penguin – it’s some funny shit. But you have to start reading from the first post in order to get the whole thing.

Best Blog Design and Best Photo Blog are the same choice for me; Snapped Shot cuz he’s in my blogroll and he put up with a lot of shit from Associated Press this last year.

The Best Culture Blog is SondraK, she’s in my blog roll and they write some great stuff over there.

The Best Canadian Blog is Dust My Broom. Darcey has been linked to us for over a year and they keep me up to date on our resisters.

Israelycool is my choice for best Middle East or Africa Blog.

There’s no other choice but Generation Y for Latin American blog. Yoani blogs from inside the Cuban dictatorship and the blog is the only way she can remain free – winning this award will guarantee her safety as much as there’s ever a guarantee of anything in Cuba.

Best Major Blog; Instapundit.

Best Very Large Blog; I’m torn between Right Wing News and Protein Wisdom who’ve both linked here from time to time.

Best Large Blog: Fausta and JammieWearingFool are both friends and they’ve both been a big help to getting this blog off the ground. And Sister Toldjah has linked here before. Again, I’m lucky I have more than one vote.

Best Midsized Blog; Israel Matztov and Argghhh! both link here.

Best Small Blog; William Teach of The Pirate’s Cove has always been a good friend of this blog and Nice Deb really is nice, trust me. Both of them have great blogs that deserve your vote.

Best Up and Coming Blog is our good friend at McClatchy Watch.

As far as the Best Military Blog goes, honestly, I’d be disappointed if Michael Yon didn’t win. Yon and Blackfive have actually put boots on the ground in the last year to bring us the news of the surge when the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party wouldn’t. But since they’re comfortably ahead of us – you can vote for us now. And as Matt pointed out, the more votes we get in the Military category, the more likely that the category will continue – so no matter who you vote for, I urge you to vote.

The War on Big Tobacco is a good blog, and I share his love for cigars. He’s also a wonderful writer (actually he reminds me of F Scott Fitzgerald a little), oh, and he’s deployed.

Army of Dude used to be a good blog, until he put us in his blogroll as Gun Clinging Fundamentalists. I mean, I am and I’m proud of it, but I don’t think he meant it in a good way.

Major Pain has always been one of my favorites along with OpFor. I think I know Knee Deep in the Hooah from a former internet life. Milblogging is our grand-daddy. From My Position…on the way has always been a favorite, too. Especially the command (when the tank or Bradley commander takes control of the weapons system from the gunner and fires).

So we’re in fourth place – don’t stop voting now.

Now, COB6 and TSO may disagree, but those are my choices.

Category: Bloggers

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Army Wife Toddler Mom is AWESOME too, and even nominated us. Also, I really like Melissa Clouthier.

BTW- I don’t own guns, and my only mention of a diety here has been Spongebob. (Hallowed be HIS name.)

Jonn wrote: That’s OK, I have enough guns and gods for the both of us.

Jungle Mom

Good choices.
I have not had time to do much blog reading of late, trying to learn Guarani.:(

LT Nixon

All these endorsements reek of the internet equivalent of “pay-to-play”!


Which is why I am moving to Impeach Jonn immediately.

Jonn wrote: I’m certain that in the end I will be properly exonerated and in the meantime, I will continue my work for the people.


Yep, it’s me. My husband (who does the DBS cartoons) and I have been following you for sometime. I didn’t realize it was you until someone told me the other day.

You have a great blog, and I am impressed with the coverage on the Anti-Israel/ Pro-Palestine marches.

As far as being a finalist… I laughed out loud and hard when I saw that. I am the proverbial gimpy finned fish in this bowl, and I am not afraid to admit that. Knee Deep was started back when my son deployed and DBS was at Ft. Benning getting bones broken. So, my blog is not cutting edge. It’s written from a neurotic mom and wife perspective.

I second voting for Army Wife Toddler Mom in best diarist category. She’s a great writer and tells her story well.

I was hoping and pulling for to win because of the work they have done. I would have officially pulled out if I had enough votes that would have made a difference to anyone else. I didn’t want to be the Ross Perot of the Weblog Awards!


Got three computers here, but candidly, I’m only voting for TAH with ’em.


I served with milblogging in A-stan, and I worship at the altar of Blackfive and Yon. Plus, Chuck kicks ass etc. The whole thing makes me inordinately nervous for some inexplicable reason. Wish we all tied at 10%.


TSO said: Wish we all tied at 10%.

There’s something kinda odd about that thought, can’t quite put my finger on it… I think I can appreciate the perspective, but still?

The way I see it the Hit Counter tells the tale. This particular thing just rises to the level of fun. Rather more like a mildly drunken touch football game than The Super Bowl.

Oh well…


Jonn/TSO: When my nomination failed to turn into a finalist spot, I considered a blogevich styled endorsement myself. Unfortunately, I found it difficult to endorse anyone in the Military category. Instead, I found a bunch of new links to add to the blogroll, not least of which was the anti-IVAW, THA blog.

Next year, we need to do a pre-emptive strike and nominate both B5 and Yon in the Best Blog and Best Political Blog Categories. Push them up the ladder so we can get some “fair” competition in the Military Category.

On the other hand, I was able to endorse Hot Air and Army Mom in their respective categories early. And I ended up splitting my endorsement for Military, because all finalists are good, as far as I’ve found.


I had the best of intentions when adding you to my gun clinging fundamentalist section. My sources for news are varied from the far left to the far right and everything in between. The blogroll sections are faithful memes of both parties; liberal blogs are marked “tax and spend defeatists.” Truth is, I depend on TAH to see the conservative side of many issues, military or otherwise. I may slant a little left, but I can only appreciate the insight of fellow veterans over those that don’t have the fortitude to serve.

Jonn wrote: I accept your answer. My remark was made mostly in jest anyway – it’s my weak attempt at humor to feign mild outrage. I thought. I’m just glad you’re a reader, no matter what the reason.