Tuesdays with Claymore

| December 6, 2016


Chinese takeout

That’s not how this works, DUmbass

When the moon hits your eye…


The Nancy Project

Disenfranchising hundreds of dead Detroit voters

Inditing Bret

Waiting to hear about if he’d want a whorehouse next door.

Who’s packing the sandwiches?

Unfunny despite the accent

Looking forward to 2020? Think again.

Seeking that lucrative DU endorsement

Generation Snowflake to the rescue!

Negative, Ghostrider…

Then this happened…

Feeling less secure are we?


Not to be outdone by Florida Man…

Old White Dudes Drinking Coffee Ruin Everything

Cult of Barry

Cult of Bernie

All your expanding base are belong to us

As lost as a fart in a hurricane

TL:DR = (sad trombone)

Ah…to be young and know everything. Such a burden.

Elitist shitbags hate “small-town” Americans

Good thing they aren’t a bunch of drama queens

Recounts by Chad

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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2/17 Air Cav

Holy goodnight! From “Who’s packing the sandwiches?” comes a line that includes this: “…people who identify as LGBTQIA, Native people, Black and Brown people, people with disabilities, survivors of sexual assault….”

I just got used to LGBTQ and now they’ve gone and added another two letters to that mess! I’m pretty certain I do not want to know what IA is.


Some may say the IA stands for Intersex and Allies, but I’m going with IA standing for the Zip Code state designator for Iowa.

There’s not enough brain bleach in the universe to wipe away the image of being a intersex ally.

IA sounds like it involves fat bottomed boys and goats.

2/17 Air Cav

They could shorten the LGBTQIA to FF and it would save us all some googling. FF” F’n Freaks.

2/17 Air Cav

From “Cult of Barry” comes this gem: “One way or another many people will die. That is a fact.” Argue with that!


Finally. Something with which I can completely agree coming from a lefty. Had to happen eventually. (Yeah, stopped clock and all that.)


Yep. Humans do have a 100% mortality rate….

2/17 Air Cav

“McDonalds on a monday morning (free coffee day) and just sit and listen to old white retirees conversations about politics.”

Well, we certainly know now why the DUers are at Micky D’s on Monday mornings, don’t we?


Yes, and it isn’t to actually work, either.

2/17 Air Cav

“Hindsight is 20/20, but many now feel they took their eye off the ball.” Cripes. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear Ernest Hemingway is a DU contributor. And that little beauty of a line was reprinted from an article that appeared somewhere!


The idiots talking about how small town Americans aren’t American and should be cut off are hilarious. If only America was large urban cities with unsustainable spending massive crime, and unconstitutional local decrees that produce nothing but tech and service industry jobs we’d certainly be the bestest!


Stop shipping food into these enlightened centers of leftist wankery and they would resort to cannibalism inside a week…at least the non-vegans.


Oh, Claymore, ‘Soylent Green’ was only a movie, wasn’t it? 🙂

In fact, I would love to see just how long any city these twits live in would survive if the food product trucks stopped rolling in to the loading docks. I’d give it six weeks, max.


And they wonder, when they publish such looking-down-their-nose nonsense, why they lost the election…


I don’t think they wonder a bit…I think the vast majority of them know full well why they lost, they just don’t care and they have that much contempt for their “enemy”, and make no mistake, they see their political rivals are enemies.


‘…392 of the City of Detroit’s 662 precincts are unavailable for recounted due to ballot numbers not matching poll book data….’

And the comment ‘Without Detroit, no Democrat can win Michigan’.

My pearls! My fan! My vinaigrette! I need a fainting couch! Quickly, minions, quickly!!

And I thought Chicago had a bad case of dead voteritis! Oh, the poor things! Should we throw them a bone? (Preferably one that has had the marrow cooked out of it.)


Truly amazing. demonrat election officials in a demonrat stronghold on’t follow election law, chain of custody, etc, thus making a recount impossible, and the libs complain that hitlery could have won… so basically, the argument seems to be ” since you won’t let us count fraudulent ballots, or candidate can’t win, and that’s not fair!” or did i read that wrong?


wow, I need more coffee. my apologies for all the typos


Hey, I have a cold and zero energy. Not enough caffeine in the world to push me out of a slump right now.


What was really funny in that thread twas that everyne went ballistic over how their votes wouldn’t count…and the article clearly stated that the original count stands. It is a RECOUNT that cant be done, because the original count can’t be matched to it due to poor administration.


And this is when you fall down laughing, because it’s like watching a 4-year-old realize that no, he cannot have 4 more boxes of Crispy Crunchies until the 8 at home are GONE!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I like the wankers at DU talking about needing some republican votes for maintaining the filibuster….I think they might have short term memory loss as their hero Harry Reid eliminated the ability of a filibuster in many situations andI suspect that will soon come back to bite them in the ass hard and often as it should.

Rules changes like Reid made are never as simple as they seem at the moment, they always come back and fuck the party the makes the change. It’s as inevitable as the sun rising and falling each day.


They’re afraid of the Death Squads, too. If you see any, would you be kind enough to give me a heads up? I need a nap.