Ignoring the lessons of the 2016 elections
It’s difficult to avoid politics these days. It’s everywhere. What stupefies me, though, is how no one has learned any lessons from the last few months. The Left hasn’t learned that their behavior over the last few years contributed to the rise of Republicans. Their participation in Occupy Wall Street’s and Black Lives Matter’s pointless theatrics ran off anyone who might have crossed the aisle to vote for their candidate (if their candidate hadn’t been the most corrupt person in America).
Everyone who doesn’t bow down to their empty platitudes are racists and Nazis. Just yesterday, Howard Dean called Steve Bannon a Nazi. The words have lost all meaning and just rolls off our backs now.
My liberal “friends” on Facebook are trying to guilt me into apologizing for my vote for Trump because somehow my vote means that I’m a racist, misogynist lout. Despite the fact that I decided to never cast a vote for Hillary Clinton back in 1994.
The Right is just as blind to the rise of Trump. They’re back to playing the Goldilocks game of “this porridge is too hot, this porridge is too cold” by poo-pooing every cabinet choice as “not conservative enough“. Ted Cruz, although conservative enough, he wasn’t American enough, Marco Rubio was American enough, but he wasn’t conservative enough…blah, blah, blah. So after eliminating all of the candidates for superficial reasons, we get Trump.
Don’t get me wrong – I’m glad we got Trump, but only because getting Trump means we don’t get Hillary Clinton.
Category: Politics
Death by cancer or bunga-bunga.
Only way we’ll see fundamental change in our government is by getting rid of the bureaucracy.
Both sides anymore want to control our lives, the only differences being how fast they want to do it and by which means.
I still have hopes that Trump will be a great president. He have done nothing yet to deserve a negative comment from me.
If he gives a job to Romney though….
I agree…Romney is a PHONY! he gave the election to obama….the whimp just stood there when he could have landed on the moron with both feet! he is a RINO imho
So we all all understand.
The National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP), more commonly known as the Nazi Party, was a political party in Germany between 1920 and 1945.
They were all for:
Nationalizing the Health care industry
Nationalizing the transportation industry
Hate Speech codes
Banning Christianity
Banning guns (except for the police and military)
Class warfare (especially at the Jewish 1%)
Race warfare
A massive centralized government
Control of the press
Abortion on demand – especially for the undesirables
Now which modern political party in America does that sounds like?
Two small items on your list:
The Nazis weren’t necessarily about universal firearm confiscation, but rather universal registration, which is far more insidious if you ask me. Party members in good standing could keep their guns, but anybody the Nazis didn’t like, or thought they might potentially not like in the future, was deemed a threat to public safety and had theirs confiscated. Public uproar over it was prevented by pointing to the aforementioned party members and saying, “See? We’re not taking everyone’s guns away! Just those who can’t be trusted! It’s for your safety!” Obviously we all know how that story ended.
The Nazi assault on Christianity was similarly nuanced and insidious, as Germany is (at least traditionally) a Christian nation since the 1860s, and a bunch of small Christian principalities (and Prussia, also Christian) prior to that, going back well over a thousand years. The Nazis promoted a doctrine called “Positive Christianity.” This dogma claims that Christ was not the divine Son of God and part of the Holy Trinity, but rather some kind of secular-ish champion of Aryan racial supremacy (His being ethnically Jewish is conveniently removed from the story). His death on the Cross was not a divine sacrifice to atone for the sins of mankind, but a betrayal by the Jews, and His resurrection is replaced with a call for revenge. Pretty much all of the biblical prophecies are thrown out; the few that stayed are mangled to fit the new narrative. This doctrine was actively promoted by the Nazis, who showed preferential treatment to any church that adopted it. It saw some popularity among Protestant churches, though many still refused it. Catholic parishes almost universally rejected it, which led to increasing discrimination against the Catholic Church. Eventually, priests and ministers who didn’t toe the line started disappearing, though the Gestapo never got around around to all of them.
Both aspects of the Nazi government bear disturbing resemblance to things going on today.
Eddie? I wish to rename him Lars.
Don’t for get murdering the mentally ill and those with serious birth defects and brainwashing the children through the education system. Goebbels also perfected the Big Lie as a propaganda technique.
They went beyond abortion into murder, they killed everything in sight including the mentally retarded! Not unlike the hilldabeast imho!
What I learned over this election cycle scares the crap out of me. When a socialist, a bum by profession, a mooch, an absolute waste product can garner the support that he did, and a liar, a fraud, a political whore, chameleon of the highest order, can nearly win the White House, there is something terribly wrong with the country. Maybe, just maybe, there is enough conservative in Trump to give some of these people a dose of reality, especially the younger, Free Cheese, crowd that so wanted that old commie bastard to win.
No generation has taken more and given back less than baby boomers.
Stop blaming millennial for being “socialist”.
You grew up and took advantage of a system that was far more socialist than now.
As a percentage of household income inflation adjusted housing costs have gone up substantially since the 1950s
Household income has nearly stayed flat rising only slightly over the last 50 years while the NUMBER of working in a household has is higher and th total hours worked in a household is much higher as well.
Inflation adjusted college tuition has skyrocketed more than 400% while grants have remained flat so students pay more now than your generation.
Dear Dipshit,
Put down your soy latte and righteous indignation long enough to realize several things:
–Blame for the so-called millenials is plenty, and doesn’t rest solely with the boomer generation. Hell, one might even say the boomers were raised they way they were because of THEIR parents, who wanted to spare them the horrible conditions they endured during the Depression.
–Millenials are, by and large, soft. No generation has ever had a sense of entitlement ingrained into them as they have. Merely attending college does not entitle you to a six-figure income, company car, and benefits including four weeks of vacation right off the bat. Work to them is a four-letter word. So is fail.
–Quit whining about the cost of college. The percentage of adults over 25 with at least a Bachelor’s degree has remained nearly constant over the past 50 years. Costs have risen because of so-called “free” money. And when someone says they’ll pay any cost for a product, guess what? Any price is usually what they’ll end up paying. Academia is subject to the same laws of supply and demand as anything else. Eliminate the demand by kids going intO skilled trades, etc., where you can end up with a job earning in many cases MUCH more than they could with a degree in navel gazing, and guess what will happen to the costs?
–Politically speaking, kids have a more favorable view of socialism/communism for two reasons: first, they were born after the Cold War ended, or close enough to the end they don’t remember it, second, the media loves portraying the, “it’s not so bad!” mentality without showing the dark side of many of these so-called democratic socialist nations like the lack of economic mobility, mental depression, etc.
Shall I go on, or are you having a hard enough time keeping up?
Millennials have fought two wars for almost 16 years. Boomers had Vietnam. That didn’t end well due to some hippies, who some might say, are the most entitled, coddled generation ever. As a boomer, I can say, without reservation, as a generation, we suck. So, basically, he does have something of a point.
Generation X falls in there somewhere. 1965-1980.
The boomers were NOT raised by parents that went through the depression…you are off a whole bunch in years there bosco! The war babies parents were barely old enough to know about the depression, my parents were born in 1918 and 1920…hardly old enough to know what a depression was…my grandparents now, thats a different story…
I beg to differe, desert. My parents were born in 1905 and 1910, respectively. Both of them had to live through the effects of the Depression. I don’t think my mother ever really got over it, either. I’m not alone in this.
Uhhh, desert? You just typed that YOUR parents went through the depression. As did mine and those of a whole lotta other boomers. What is your point in denying the impact it had on all of them?
Being just one generation removed from it, many of us are also impacted significantly from it without having lived through it.
Tax Freedom Day in 1950 was March 20th, today it is the frackin end of April. Somebody is contributing to this combined federal, state, and local largess and is sure as hell aint the likes of General Electric or any other megacorporation.
So maybe households make slightly more, but the mandarins of the bureaucracy have found ways to take even more than that.
Private college tuition has increased at a rate about 2/3rds that of public ones. Asking elected official who holds the leashes of the public university presidents to reign is might be a wasted efforts. After they get the youth vote on promises of free tuition they’ll kick their lackey dogs in the rump. There aint no such thing as a free lunch.
Back it up with some proof, Lars… or is this another one of your diatribes about how Baby Boomers are keeping your ass down because we don’t want to give you the free shit you want? Let me give you a big fucking hint, it was advice I got from my father (who lived during the Great Depression) – “if you want something, get off your ass boy and work for it!”
As for college, nobody went and forced the “special snowflakes” to get a bachelors/masters/PhD in “Women’s Studies”, “Transgendered Studies” or any other worthless, bullshit major and now they find themselves at Starbucks or the local Quiki-Mart pontificating about the injustice in the world. Do something constructive with your life (like digging ditches, cleaning buildings, construction) and pay off your obligations.
Personally, I’m sick and tired of hearing you “pontificate and postulate” about how “DA MAN” is fucking up your life and not giving you the free shit that you and other members of the Free Shit Army want. Go get a job, pay your taxes and be a CONSTRUCTIVE member of society…
“No generation has taken more and given back less than baby boomers.”
I think a nice sharp cheddar would go well with your comment.
Waste of good cheddar with sour grapes whine.
I’d like to see verified and on paper what you have taken and what you have given back other than shooting off your mouth. I have been gainfully employed continuously since 1962, full-time since 1968. I have paid close to a third of my income in taxes for over 40 years. I served in the military for over 10 years in some rather challenging and dangerous assignments. For that I received 4 years of GI bill that didn’t even cover half my tuition in law school, so I changed to night law school so I could work full-time during the day. Other than the GI bill, I have never received a dime in welfare or education benefits from any government agency. Oh, I did get unemployment for a week or two after I resigned my RA commission and left AD. I bet your stank-assed ex-hippie profs have been nothing but takers their entire lives. So Phuck you and your whiney assed fellow traveler snowflakes.
Well, I see the Butthead of Berkeley has “graced” us with another appearance while I was busy yesterday. How’s it goin’, Poodle? I see you’re still harping on that “boomers benefited disproportionately” bullsh!t mantra your Berkeley professors spoon-fed you, and which you swallowed without any critical thought whatsoever. Well, let’s look at one aspect of that bogus claim: Federal student loan guarantees. With a 5-minute Internet search – which you could have done, but were apparently too lazy or too incompetent to do yourself – I found Federal student loan data for the period FY1966 thru FY2000. (It took longer to write this reply than it did to find and analyze the data.) It’s not the “whole enchilada”, but it’s enough to prove that you’re full of it. The chart is Table 1 at this link: https://www2.ed.gov/finaid/prof/resources/data/fslpdata97-01/Part_1/edlite-table01.html The “boomer” generation is generally considered to include those born between 1946 and 1964, inclusive. That means that the last “boomer” was born in 1964 – and turned 18 in 1982. They’d have completed undergraduate studies in 1986 or 1987, and even a Master or PhD program by spring 1990 or 1991. Since FY’s end in October, that means the first three columns of Table 1 at the source I linked above constitute virtually all Federal Student Loans taken out by the “boomer” generation for undergraduate and immediate graduate education. In fact, a substantial part of the last 4 years of that data (FY1987-FY1991) are expenses incurred by the generation which followed the “boomers” – Gen X. To account for that, I’m only going to allocate the first 2 columns (data for FY1966 through FY1990) to the “boomer” generation. It’s not precise, but it’s the best I can do with the data at hand. And it probably still overestimates the total that went to the “boomer” generation substantially. The first 2 columns of the table total 52,649 loans with a dollar value of $113.965 billion. The remaining columns, covering only the 10-year period FY1991 through FY2000, total 57,226 loans with a dollar value of $202.994 billion. The latter total is more in gross… Read more »
I done got me GED in 1976. Didn’t cost me squat. Ain’t no body ever give me nuttin fur free.
Dar usta be some guy called GI Bill dat gave out free stuff but I aint never met em.
I joined back when people didnt like us and we didn’t get no safe space.
Both parties lost this election. Which by itself is a good thing.
There is going to be a brutally frustrating and unjust period ahead of us on the left, particularly for specific groups being targeted by the Trump administration and right wing agendas; LGBT community, Muslims, some women…
Overall this will eventually turn out better for progressives since these right wing nationalist movements always end up discrediting the right eventually and the nations turn sharply progressive.
And all of you “patriots” who want the government to roll back civil rights and target religions and groups you feel threatened by don’t pretend you care about democracy and the constitution. You are the worst kind of authoritarian personality shitbags and would gladly embrace a strong authoritarian government and a police state as long as it goes after “others”.
Proof of what Jonn stated above.
Do you even know why Trump won? Not just because many of us could not fathom voting for Clinton. he won, because the People are sick and fucking tired of you idiots on the left calling us Racist, etc…
We are sick of your “safe spaces”, and exclusionary inclusiveness. We are tired of whiney ass lefties blocking our streets, because some dumbass criminal got shot by a cop.
We are sick and tired of being told that illegal is not what we think it is…
So, go ahead and keep on calling us racist, etc… It worked out so well for you recently.
I just hope and pray that this doesn’t come to more than words in this country. Because unlike words, there are things in this world that will hurt.
As a somewhat-liberal sort, I’m in large agreement with you – I’ve watched, shaking my head in dismay, as the party I lean towards has become synonymous with what I would deem to be ‘far-left’ types who promote ‘safe spaces’ and demand unflinching allegiance to BLM, even though their kernel of truth is obscured by a huge mess of undirected anger and false narratives.
And calling people who have countless valid reasons to oppose Clinton racist is so unhelpful and borderline absurd. Side note, a friend who is an enormous supporter of Elizabeth Warren was called sexist because she wasn’t sure she was going to vote Clinton – how does that make sense? All of this has combined to energize the far-Left, who comprise a small portion of the whole Left,.. but they’ve also alienated many who might consider crossing over and thus strengthening the party. It’s also lead to less turn-out for the Left in the past few elections, though it’s hard to say whether it’s just this, or the fact that Clinton lacked Obama’s charisma.
The point is, . you’re right. The ideals of the Left have been supplanted by the rhetoric of the far-Left, and that’s a problem that can only be handled internally by those who identify more with that side. I’m doing my part in calling fellow liberals and independents out and I hope others of similar ideology start to do the same.
Clinton lacked a real connection to the very people whose votes she could have gotten. Her first campaign stop last year was in Iowa. (see my comment below.) She talked about solar power in a farming community where corn and wheat and soybeans are major products for the commodities and ethanol markets. How completely out of touch can you get?
The difference between the “left” and the “far left” is just COMPLETELY NUTS or COMPLETELY INSANE! lesson over, you make go back to your cubicle now girls..
Trump won because the electoral college voted for him, plain and simple. He didn’t win because the majority of people wanted him. He won because of a convoluted, outdated election system (which he ironically was railing against only a few years ago). There isn’t some rise of Republicans either, as he got fewer votes than Romney or McCain did.
Not that Hillary did any better. In fact, the only clear winner of that night seems to be: nobody. 47% of the population voted for nobody, easily trouncing the 26% Clinton and Trump got. I can’t wait to see what nobody will bring to the country along with his running mate, apathy, in the coming years.
“He didn’t win because the majority of people wanted him.” So, I guess that means he would have lost if the majority did vote for him, right? And which Electoral College members voted? I want their names or at least their states. Whatever mishmash you or anyone else wants to work on this, in the end, it will be President Trump, Vice President Pence, and a Republican majority House and Senate. And I would like to add, please God let Rump bulldoze the White House garden.
“So, I guess that means he would have lost if the majority did vote for him, right?”
No, I never said, nor implied that. Our system is set up so that the popular vote is a mere suggestion on how the electors should vote. But at the end of the day, they can do whatever they want. I saw that on election night when states were called one way or another, even though only 2% of the popular vote had been counted. Yet somehow the electoral votes were already in. Seriously, what repercussions do they have to fear if nobody even knows who they are? Now if you think that system is a fair and democratic way of electing the leader of the free world, then more power to you. I believe that there is something fundamentally wrong with this system and it should be adapted to better suit the world we live in now.
PS: and no, I’m not bitching because Hillary didn’t win. I didn’t want either of them to win. But I do want our government to be representative of the people.
“So, I guess that means he would have lost if the majority did vote for him, right?” It is the obverse of what you wrote. Clearly, you didn’t follow the syllogistic formula. Can’t help you there. As for your wanting to change the system while saying that you didn’t want Wide Load to win, I will certainly accept that, but not w/o pointing out that the timing is perfect. That is, the system has been in place for quite a long time and the majority vote getter’s not being the EC vote winner is not new either. Yet, now, immediately upon Wide Load’s loss, defeat, rejection, the system needs to be changed. As for your wanting to change the system “to better suit the world we live in now,” what does that mean?
I’ll have another go at this, because the system we have today best ensures that republican democracy (that’s a small r) remains intact. There is nothing out of date with respect to the EC. It is as responsive and smart today as it was 200+ years ago. Look at the number of candidates that announced for the presidency this time around. Now imagine each started his own party, knowing he or she wouldn’t get the DNC/RNC nomination. Now, each candidate garners tremendous regional and selective state support. We go to the polls and there are 33 candidates from which to choose. The winner by takes 16% of the popular vote, with the losers supported by the remaining 84%. That’s direct election at work. That’s what you want? Or how about something more realistic, something that was as real 200+ years ago as it is today: tyranny of the minority. That’s easy to imagine. A few monstrous states turn out to vote in record numbers for their guy. Most of the rest of the states choose another candidate. No matter. Direct election means that he with the most votes wins, even if that person is a first-rate bastard uninterested in any of the states but those he needed for election. I read one person’s analogy of direct election to runs in a world series, with runs being votes. Team A loses more games than Team B but scores more runs in the aggregate. Team A wins. Think about it. The wave of anti-EC rhetoric is sour grapes and prompted entirely by Wide Load’s loss. That is no reason to change a system that is as fair as we can get it.
“tyranny of the majority” is what I meant to write up there.
This assessment is the correct one, I always use the Baystate as a great example for my liberal friends here in the PRoM because we have a great example of what happens when direct elections decide how resources are used and by whom…
In Western Mass (most of which voted for Trump by the way) the population is far less dense and far smaller than the Boston to Worcester liberal paradise…consequently all of the important things are decided by Boston for the benefit of Boston. We have a reservoir in Western Massachusetts, very large and very good water but we can’t use it in Western Mass….in fact Boston decided to flood four towns and seized all the property in all four towns and flooded them. Then Boston decided it would take the water and use it for Boston’s needs and fuck Western Mass and its needs….that’s a direct election by large population centers for you…and it’s also why I piss in the Quabbin Reservoir every chance I get….
Directly to your accurate point, can you imagine what the Dakotas might look like if California decided the elections along with New York and Florida? I can, I imagine they’d quickly become the waste disposal sites for both coasts and be turned into toilets because neither of the Dakotas would matter in any general election. They’d never see another candidate as long as the US survives under a Direct Election system.
These silly electoral college questions come up every once in a while but people need to remember it would require a constitutional amendment to change the EC…and with republicans in charge of what 28 states now there’s not a chance in hell that any such amendment could be ratified. It’s just sour grapes from folks who don’t actually understand the benefit of the EC to our Republic and our unique form of representative democracy.
“…to our Republic and our unique form of representative democracy.”
Well put VOV. Thank you for referring to our nation as a Republic, many do not even realize that.
It ain’t much but I do what I can to enlighten where I think I can bring value to the discussion. Of course what I think is valuable is often not any such thing to many so there’s that….
Someguy, Instead of posting an INACCURATE screenshot put up before all the votes were counted link an article with the final count like this one.
Ooops Trump DID win more votes than either.
Clinton, OTOH failed to surpass Obama’s numbers in both 2008 and 2012
Mea culpa, I concede that he has a marginal lead over Romney. I guess that happens when you count your chickens before they’re hatched. Clinton’s performance was never up for debate, she conceded a huge number of voters to nobody. Shoulda stepped aside and let Bernie handle things.
Oh! Look who sobered up enough to hit the ENTER key!
The light is on, and nobody is at home. He must have run out of Mad Dog 40/40.
Mad Dog 40/40? Inflation? Used to be 20/20.
2/17, I only know of it from my years kicking bums off of private property in downtown Houston, and forgot it’s “proper” designation.
In other words – old age memory blip. Sorry.
As opposed to Dickless’ version which only oppresses Christians, conservatives and anyone who is white.
Yeah, we do want a smaller Federal government, because they shouldn’t be in every aspect of our life telling us how we should live.
And to play devils advocate, part of freedom is being able to be a racist if you want. No one is forced to work with you if you want to be that way, and society will probably shun you for it, but the government should not be trying to force people into the ‘proper’ way to think.
And please, don’t try and wrap yourself in the flag and claim you are all for freedom when half the time you argue for taking it away.
Commissar Poodle demonstrates what is actually wrong with the left. He doesn’t read or research, he just regurgitates the daily talking points.
No one except the leftist propagandists in our “journalistic” media have ever said any of this.
Trump has not called for “targeting” LGBT, Muslims, women, or even SJWs who reject knowledge and reason.
What he has called for (and what the mendaciously labeled “alt-right”) is to respect the rights of those not in such groups. I know…hard to fathom that freedom does not entail decrementation of the rights of one to support the rights of another, but non-fascist governments have been doing this for centuries.
If only the “progressives” would stop pretending, they might see this.
The Alternative Right, commonly known as the Alt-Right, is a set of far-right ideologies, groups and individuals whose core belief is that “white identity” is under attack by multicultural forces using “political correctness” and “social justice” to undermine white people and “their” civilization. Characterized by heavy use of social media and online memes, Alt-Righters eschew “establishment” conservatism, skew young, and embrace white ethno-nationalism as a fundamental value.
This is a pretty good description of the alt-right and points out a fundamental truth, when one is used to privilege equality feels like oppression…
It’s why christians keep on with their stupid fucking whining about a “war” on christmas….they’ve been so used to having the privilege of everything in the country based around their faith that any attempt at equality for others feels like the poor christians are now somehow being oppressed.
While I’ve no objection to Merry Christmas I understand businesses that might be concerned that non-christians would feel left out and thus they say Happy Holidays to cover them all with a generic, non-specific blanket statement…hoo boy some war…
You need to pay particularly close attention to the lessons of the election and the lessons to follow. The biggest lesson to learn is that reality just bitch-slapped your Berkeley textbook political theory into next week. Take a close look at the previous post by 2banana. Doesn’t take an advanced degree to see where the actual threat to democracy lies. It’s probably best that you and those of your ilk remain in their safe protected spaces while the rest of us get on with our lives. Ain’t nobody got time for tantrums.
“Ain’t nobody got time for tantrums.”
Quote of the week!
Groups aren’t going to be “targeted”. There just aren’t going to be “protected classes” anymore.
People will be held accountable and not given a pass for stupidity.
Equality is going to be a bitch.
Groups aren’t going to be targeted? Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadamit.
Hey Lars, how ’bout that age difference you mentioned? Remember? How you’re gonna outlive me because I’m 13 years *younger* than you? Basic math and biology are obviously not your strong suits.
Someone not agreeing with you, or even (gasp!) not voting for your candidate doesn’t make them racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, etc. Your assertion that it does, however, makes you a bigot. Sucks for you, Comrade Dickless.
By the way, are you still butthurt that Comrade Bernie Sellout–excuse me, Sanders–lost? Also sucks for you.
Speaking of Sanders, I wonder how many poor people could have been fed with the money that was spent on his nice waterfront home and expensive cars? That’s the question that his flock of sheeple ask anytime someone spends that kind of money.
Lars – Clinton blew it by using one word to alienate enough people:
Trump hasn’t been inaugurated and you’re already screaming “racism” and “targeting”. WTF do you think Obama has done for the last 8 years?
Get away from Bezerkley and see what is really happening in this country…
I doubt he’ll even think of doing that in fear of the real world wounding his inner child or *GASP* hurting his feelings and self esteem!
“And all of you “patriots” who want the government to roll back civil rights and target religions and groups you feel threatened by don’t pretend you care about democracy and the constitution. You are the worst kind of authoritarian personality shitbags and would gladly embrace a strong authoritarian government and a police state as long as it goes after “others”.”
Really? A lot of people here have gone, willfully mind you, to third-world shit-holes to sew democratic ideals and fucking freedom.
Where the fuck do you get off?
Can I ask the group a favor? Hold this asshole down so I can shit on his face.
I have some 550 Cord handy…
That would mean we have to touch him. How about a tranquilizing dart instead? We get to keep our distance and you can have at it.
Let me know a day prior so I can feast on Taco Bell.
Painful, yes, but I am dedicated.
Way to take one for the team Roh-Dog!
I will pay for the Taco Bell meal. The Grande Scrambler and a XXL Grilled Stuft Burrito are a must for the occasion.
And don’t forget to top off that sumptuous repast with a hearty helping of salsa made from Habanero and Carolina Reaper peppers.
(Just don’t allow any open flames or smoking within 50 feet of Roh-Dog after he eats it.)
And in addition to all of the comments posted above, indicating a critically-thought out response to the mindlessly repetitive propaganda of Lars ‘the Dense’ Taylor, one must also note that Commissar Poodle is boring, shows no initiative, repeats what is fed to him, and is bereft of any original thoughts of his own.
Targeting? I’m targeted because I’m a white woman by the sociopaths of the Alt-Left. Try that on for size, Commissar Shitface!
Privileged? How am I privileged? I have NEVER EVER had anything just handed to me, including jobs or promotions or raises or a place to live, or anything else, you stupid ass. I had to qualify for everything.
Up until I bought my little home eleven years ago, I always lived in property that belonged to someone else: Navy, landlords, etc., so how the fucking Hell does that make me privileged? Answer that!
I paid for my education by putting MY time in serving my country and by coughing up my own freaking cash for tuition and fees and textbooks, so how the bloody HELL does that make me PRIVILEGED, you useless twit?
Maybe this election was a wake-up call.
It’s easy to become complacent when you’re not threatened. It’s also easy to knuckle under and let the bad people run over you roughshod.
It’s not so easy to stand up to the process and stop it before it gets out of hand.
Just do not take it for granted that it’s cast in stone, because stone can be chipped and broken. Almost happened this time.
I am very optimistic about Trump.
Yeah, he’ll make some outrageous comments, but I keep in mind that he has been the CEO of a huge organization for decades. He is used to playing hard ball.
He knows how to organize large corporations, he is a good judge of horse flesh and I expect he will choose some excellent people to push his agenda.
He is delineating his way forward and I have no issues with his vision. He is hard enough to endure the slings and arrows from all sides and keep his eye on the goal: making America great again.
Outrageous comments? Hey, this is just a wild guess but I bet he will not visit foreign lands and make disparaging comments about the United States of America like his soon-to-be predecessor has done on multiple occasions.
I have a bottle of Jim Beam Devil’s Cut and a case of Samuel Adams I’m willing to bet he WON’T be bowing to foreign Heads of State like B. Hussein 0bama did.
I’ll sweeten the pot with a box of
Drew Estate stogies!
No one will take the bet, of course.
I started out not trusting Trump. The probability of him picking Mattis for SECDEF is turning my distrust into caution. If he continues like this, I might get into cautious optimism. We’ll see.
And with respect to the contentious issue of illegal immigration, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you President Bill Clinton:
The guy I got this from said that Trump should simply say that he supports this message and make it go viral. I agree.
And when you bring this up to Clinton supporters they just plain ignore you and at most respond with “Trump is a rapist!” or something of the sort.
My thinking is that neither side will learn any lessons from this election and we’re thus condemned to see continued stupidity for another cycle or two until it does sort out a bit…. The left assumes the alt-right did them in, mostly because that’s easier than accepting the fact that some of their own party members stayed home or switched to third party options due to their disgust over the DNC’s attempt to weight the primary against Sanders and jam the Clinton candidacy down their throats. It’s also easier than admitting the Democrats have conceded the working middle class to the Republicans while the Democrats continue to cater to fringe edges of their party….also if we’re being honest Clinton was far more of a corporate hack than Trump, and everyone with an honest bone in their body knows that to be true. She’s beholden to every corporate interest there is in this great nation. The progressive core concepts are also not being presented logically as they used to be with intellectual voices designed to persuade and are instead being delivered as a steady stream of insults to non-believers. That never plays well in any substantive discussion. It remains to be seen whether or not the Republicans and the right learn any lesson in this election. The very first lesson that should be quite obvious to them is that they didn’t win because of an overwhelming desire to accept their ideals, they won as a rejection of Clinton and they didn’t even win the majority of Americans and they hold a very slim margin in the Senate. Trump has never been a staunch conservative, those of you who identify as such on this very site have time and again stated your concerns about his lack of conservative values. So the right should be aware this is not a mandate and it’s barely an endorsement of their candidate’s views and ideals…If Trump governs as Trump the negotiator I think he has a shot at 8 years and a consideration as a decent president, if he chooses Trump the candidate as his vehicle… Read more »
‘Clinton was far more of a corporate hack than Trump….’ That is a fact.
I found her first campaign stop in Iowa, when I was looking for that stuff last year. She said she’d put solar panels on every building across the nation.
Those farmers were there to find out what her take was going to be on commodities like corn and wheat, and she talked about solar power. Corn and wheat go into the current ethanol-producing industry, which is a subject she should have addressed right away, but she ignored it. And they just stared at her.
She was then, and right up to the end of the campaign, completely disconnected from the very people whose votes she was trying to get.
With the exception of the coasts the libs lost pretty much the entire central part of America and won 21 states with over 50% of the vote.
West “By God” Virginia went for “Trump with 68% of the vote with many of the other states going well over 50% for him.
Hillary won 13 over 50% with only the coasts turning in such numbers.
Basically the libs have forgotten the working class in America and the election results show it.
Even that bastion of liberalism, Wisconsin went for Trump and was instrumental in pushing his electoral college total over the top.
Area wise, the counties that went for Trump dwarf the size of the counties that went for the #Benghazibitch.
I too have good feelings about Trump and judging by some of the people he is putting in his cabinet, like my personal favorite, “Mad Dog Mattis” will be instrumental in pushing the PC crowd out of the limelight and putting regular Americans back in the spotlight.
Unless, he puts Romney in for SECSTATE… Then, there might be a problem…
Personally, I think he just picked his brain for info and then will hire someone else that will support Trump like they should, after all, he did win…
Jonn, as you well know some of us had the misfortune of being old enough to serve while the Clintons were “improving” the world. A large number of these outraged media squawkers were either single digits in age or not even born yet when Hillary ran rampant the first time. They truly cannot understand why anyone wouldn’t vote for her. As a lifelong republican, I’m kinda enjoying all of the party glitterati eating crow, too.
“Both parties lost this election.” Commissar
Yeah, that’s true. Proof? One of the losing parties has the White House, all of the appointments that come with it; has majority control of the Senate and all of the committee assignments that come with it, not to mention SCOTUS confirmation power, and; has control of the House and all of the committee assignments, appropriations, and investigation possibilities that come with it. If this is losing for the Republicans, let’s lose every election.
Don’t forget about Governorships of most states as well.
Most state legislatures, state judgeships and heads of agencies as they are repopulated with more conservative appointments from GOP Governors.
It has resulted in a major miracle in Wisconsin.
The state went from $3 Bn in debt to a few hundred million dollar surplus and tax cuts pretty much across the board.
The left was all certain that they would beat Walker in the recall back in 1012…
The election of 2016 was a complete replay of that behavior and had the same result…
Walker won with 7 points and an even larger win on his re-election in 2014.
So the GOP is actually doing pretty well, now, if we can just get California to leave the union we’ll do fine !!!
And, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood is in line, and favored, to become head of the DNC. The alternative to Ellison appears to be Howard Yearrrrrrghg Dean.
There may not be enough popcorn currently being harvested to last through this.
And, the dems have, I believe, 25 Senate seats to defend in two years.
Exactly. The DNC is trying to shore itself up by nominating a bunch of idiots. I say let them have Nancy Pelosi and whoever else they’re considering. They need all the help they can get to destroy themselves from the inside-out.
Damn. I forgot the state losers. The big loser is the Republican party, which picked up another six states whose governors are Republicans and whose legislatures are majority Republicans. I believe that makes 28 states that fit that profile.
I have been fitted for a brown uniform and new jackboots, Lars. We’re coming for you and yours.
He’s fucking pissed off because he was promised to be the Political Officer at the “reeducation camp” that all of us TAHers were going to be sent to if Bernie or Hillary was elected. Now all he has to look forward to is being a “professional student” at Bezerkley.
Most idiots of Lars’s stature would be content to be a commissar of the Snowflake Liberation Front (hey, his new screen name makes sense now!). Evidently Comrade Dickless dreams bigger. Maybe he wants to be Obersturmbanführer Dickless!
2/17, sign me up. I already have my jackboots left over from being a mounted civil war re-enactor.
Nothing and no one can dampen my glee. Wide Load was stopped. DU remains down, and Commissar is here to take a beating. What a day!
Well DU is up, sort of, for the hard core paying members…but yeah it’s been really awesome watching the wienies cry like little bitches.
At first I was very skeptical of Trump, thinking his bid was little more than a publicity stunt. My Dad mentioned that he could end up being another Teddy Roosvelt, remember that he came from a wealthy family and was regarded as a nuisance until McKinley’s assassination put him in the White House. He’s taking a job where he knows he’s going to be ridiculed and tested, Air Force One isn’t as luxurious as his own private aircraft, and he’s THE FIRST billionaire in U.S. History to move into public housing being vacated by a black family. I’m not looking through rose-colored glasses, mine were replaced with a jaundice-shaded set years ago, I’m just looking forward to the left reaping what they’ve sown and enjoying the sights and sounds of them bawling while they shit themselves. I want the left to KEEP GOING like they are right now, it’ll keep making more people come to our side.
I mentioned this on a different thread, but the guilting and shaming by the left is popping up in the weirdest places. A spice company I have purchased from in the past has been putting out similar messages in their recent emails, lambasting people for voting for Trump. (Penzey’s Spices – thinking of shifting my purchasing to Savory Spice Shop.)
If anyone is interested in the emails, I’ll be glad to pass them along. The latest really had me rolling my eyes.
When a business like that starts sending out political message, I’d beat feet out of there for good, too.
It is nothing more than proselityzing, as if they were trying to convert you to a new religion.
It is a religion, requiring more blind faith than even the goat-lovers’ Allah.
You’re right. It is a religion. They need their own planet where they can practice it and worship the God of Stoopidity in peace.
The ists and isms anti America party.
Fuck’em right in the pussy.
– proud Deplorable
I am soooo not a Trump fan. I don’t trust him in any way. He was a Dem until he decided to run, AND he was friends with the Clintons for decades.
I did not vote FOR Trump, I voted AGAINST the Bitch of Benghazi ‘I’m a mob boss’ Clinton.
Most of the stuff coming from him says same ol’ same ol’ to me, rather than real change. $1 trillion in infrastructure? Can you say ‘shovel ready jobs’?
I would have voted for ANYBODY to help keep Wide Load out of the White House. Trump picked great in selecting Pence and is off to a good start with those who will actually run things. He will be schooled in getting things done and, unlike the Moron, Hairplug Joe, I believe Pence will actually be working behind the camera. It even took The Emperor a few years before he decided that he had a pen and a phone. If Trump merely enforces the existing immigration laws and Congress actually funds the wall it authorized years ago, it will be rainbows over my house.
Don’t fear the commie!
I’m not a trumper but I despise cankles so voted for him after Cruz dropped out. I argued with someone on The Hill and was called a Fascist. hehehehehehehehehee, not much but there is one guy ruling by edict, regulations, memo’s and cutting secret deals to end run Congress. Wonder who that could be.
BTW: when a progressive calls you a name like Fascist, Homophobe, Racist etc. during an argument it means they got nothing else and you just won.
Lars is back here apparently because they ran out of crayons and playdough at his safespace/crying room at UC Berzerkley. Keep it up. You are really winning in your parallel universe. Your crypto-communist gang really won in your world. Internat’l ANSWER has a bus waiting for you.
As Jonn points out, when the terms Nazi and Fascist are so easily and frequently used to label those of us who are not on the mindless, progressive bandwagon, the terms lose their punch and become almost laughable. That’s a shame. Our fathers and grandfathers did not drive those Nazi bastards into the ground for their children and grandchildren to make light of the term.
Back in 2009, shortly after the progressive tyrant, B. Hussein Obama, took office, Newsweek ran a cover proclaiming, “We Are All Socialists Now.” Dumb bastards. They were wrong then and they are doubly wrong now. I wonder what the same rag will put on its cover for Trump.
It will probably be something like “We Are All Afraid Now”.
“We Need Our Binkies Now!”
I need breakfast!
I find myself in the strange position of pinning all my hopes on the idea that Trump is not really as crazy as he seemed during the campaign.
He’s not crazy. He knows how to bluster, that’s all.
Look at what he actually -does-, versus the various blather on the way. He takes all sorts of positions in the “negotiation” phase.
He also will not hesitate to yank any chain that unbalances an opponent. Basic Judo: keep your center, and jostle the other guy’s center our of kilter.
Do not take him -literally-. Pay attention to what he actually -does-.
Look at the names of those picked for his team, and what they have tended to actually do. Watch for the first one that crosses him to get canned. He may have picked one as a pre-planned example.
I haven’t seem a wave of ex-subordinates (especially minor ones) coming forward to trash talk. (Or a bunch of leaked stuff, dodging non-disclosure agreements.) This suggests an unusual degree of loyalty from past associates for an elected official.
Wait and see. You will know the tree by the fruit it produces.
Oh my, oh, my oh my. I proofread that thrice, and missed a few still……..center out of… haven’t seen a….
To all those former folks from my unit who have award certificates with dumb typos due to my Mahd Skillz, mey maxima culpa.
Some people who can’t accept that the results are in (and yes, there was a close margin in the popular vote) want a recount because obviously, the counting by machines must have been corrupted, because #THEYLOSTTHERACE!!
Reality is hard.
Oh, well, back to something important now.
Isn’t that the call of the five year old when losing? “CHEATER! CHEATER! Waaaaaaahhhhhh!”
The idea that districts in swing states with electronic voting showed a 7% tilt towards Trump compared with districts using paper ballots is troubling to say the least, especially in light of rumors of hacking, Russian and otherwise. It deserves to be looked into.
Perhaps other “hacking” and “fraud” by the “other side” will be discovered in the search….can of worms.