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8 years ago
Everyone of these nutbars should be identified and picked up for a psychiatric evaluation to see whether they are a danger to themselves or others. If they have guns,ha, they should be confiscated subject to evaluation results. These peeps are good representations of the democat voting base.
Well, yeah – when you threaten harm toward someone because you or your side lost a legitimate competition, you have a real problem – denial of reality. But I don’t recall seeing meltdowns like this any time in the last 240 years. Must be something in their falafel or quinoa.
This is rather ironic, considering they ones calling for Trump’s assassination are in the same petri dish as the gun control cultists. What are they planning on using, spitballs?
OK..all these trump hating phools stand up, jump up and down, turn around fast three times, then run, hard as you can head first into a brick wall…..there, doesn’t that feel better!!
Veritas Omnia Vincit
8 years ago
I’ve seen liberals up close and personal, I’m not too worried about a civil war coming from them….most of them abhor guns and only commit violence in a mob..
That was funny stuff, what’s been really entertaining is that prior to last Tuesday they were all telling Trump voters to remember that once the election is over it’s time to accept the results and move on and not resort to violence. Once again proving they are great at the “One set of rules for thee, and quite another set for me”….mindset…
Indeed I think what infuriates them the most is that were so fucking confident they had it in the bag…
The pollsters were so arrogant in their numbers and facts and figures it never occurred to anyone that while they were playing checkers their political opponents had a chess game going….nothing screws with an arrogant elitist prick like finding out the folks they called uneducated racists homophobic misogynist deplorables were actually smarter than their liberal betters….I never laughed so hard in my laugh as I did watching George Stephanopolous on Tuesday the 8th as he realized what was happening…it was like somebody shot his dog in front of him.
The problem with playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers is that you lose the checkers match…
Which is in real danger of happening here. Yes, Hillary lost, but she didn’t lose by much. A few thousand voters in a couple of key counties and we are mourning a Hillary victory.
If the lesson really is don’t treat people like they are “uneducated racists homophobic misogynistic deplorables”, then we need to tread lightly when treating those whiney ass liberals, like the whiney ass liberals they are.
Otherwise two years from now we get smoked in the mid-terms.
Of course, this is a prime example of me saying “Do as I say, not as I do” because I’m sure as *bleep* enjoying their tears to the point I registered “tearsofliberals(dot)com”…
Point well taken, in fact I think it’s why Giuliani was pressed into action on the talk shows to make the comment that going after Clinton was not a productive use of anyone’s time in the new administration. Appearing vindictive and shallow will indeed lose the mid-terms…appearing presidential and bi-partisan might in fact strengthen the mid-term for the republicans…
I think he’ll withhold it out of well documented animosity for the bitch. I know I’ve said it before, but I’ll bet that on some level, Barry is loving this shit.
I’m hoping he will for a few reasons. First, it will just about completely confirm what we all know – that she’s guilty as hell. Second, it will keep Trump from having to decide whether or not to go after her. That way Obama basically renders a guilty verdict, and no one can say Trump is being vindictive.
Trump doesn’t need to lift a finger, the House is going to press the Hillary investigation. Don’t lose sight of the fact that there were probably dozens of Clinton minions w/o security clearances who mishandled classified documents. Now that Hillary will no longer be president, it may be much easier to get some of those people to point fingers at each other. When some of those lower level folks are actually convicted and go to jail, it won’t be necessary to convict Hillary to show the world how serious her crimes were.
Ask the former CEO of PacketSled… lost his job over threatening to take out Trump publicly. (Said he needs a “sniper rifle”, would be willing to bet given a real rifle he wouldn’t be able to hit a bull in the ass with a bass fiddle. Standing position, hundred yards, open sights… I’m thinking he’s shoot a large pattern.)
Even the presidential assassination remark was pretty stupid. Oh, so you want to assassinate the president? Well, that’s still Barack Obama for another 65ish days you dumb fuck.
Hopefully at the least the Secret Service makes them feel so significantly stressful pain for a few months.
That chicken shyt coward obama signed an executive order for ‘LIFETIME” security! To hell with that, that bas-ard has gotten all the taxpayer dollars he is going to, now nationalize his banks accounts and put the money back in the general fund….michael the tranny pervert too!
8 years ago
I saw this thing crying when it looked like Billary was going to be a loser
All time favorite
Dave Hardin
8 years ago
This lady figured it out. She knows exactly why people voted for Trump.
Yes, Poetrooper, because their brains are in their crotches. They should definitely get their abortions right now, to pull out the remaining bits of cranial tissue, just to be safe!
Frankly, their mommies should have thought of that themselves, when the pee stick turned POSITIVE for preggers time.
“Sources have told The American Spectator that on Tuesday night, after Hillary realized she had lost, she went into a rage,” R. Emmett Tyrrell reports. “Secret Service officers told at least one source that she began yelling, screaming obscenities, and pounding furniture. She picked up objects and threw them at attendants and staff. She was in an uncontrollable rage.”
The screen refreshed but my comment didn’t post…or so I thought and I even refreshed .
I dunno.
8 years ago
Breitbart (Grain of salt) said
“Sources have told The American Spectator that on Tuesday night, after Hillary realized she had lost, she went into a rage,” R. Emmett Tyrrell reports. “Secret Service officers told at least one source that she began yelling, screaming obscenities, and pounding furniture. She picked up objects and threw them at attendants and staff. She was in an uncontrollable rage.”
I’ve heard more than one account of that, another said she had to be restrained and sedated. Given the amount of credible peole who have spoken about her personality, I find that very credible!
AAAAhhh sweet, SWEET schadenfreude!!!
8 years ago
Any more riots or massive protests yesterday?
Just wondered.
Hawks are winning (mostly), Bears are in the dumpster, and the Cubbies are still the World Champions. Life is good in my kingdom. We might get snow on the weekend. I should bring that little sunflower seedling indoors and get some birdfood.
Why am I rattling on like that? Well, the rest of us are getting on with our lives, not wallowing in the misery of losing for the first time EVER.
If those children grow up, someone let me know. I’ve got stuff to do.
Yeah, former presidents get pension pay and benefits, unless they hold another public office, which suspends that. They also get office space and staff, as well as secret squirrel protection which they can decline.
Well, in this case, if Mr. williepete dies and she remarries (eew!) she loses the secret squirrels. But he’s the one who gets it ahead of her because he was the Prezzie.
Wouldn’t it be nice if someone actually got a hidden video of hitllary throwing one of her screaming fits? Now, her fans would say it was all faked, but since it’s been rumored about her before and reported for real this time, a video would only confirm it for the rest of us.
A Proud Infidel®™
8 years ago
Y’all know, I live in Red State Country and I am QUITE sure I’ll never see any of those booger-eating candyassed toad booger-headed flower monkeys anywhere near my locale. Let’s look at it, they only get bold when they are either twice the size of their intended victim OR they outnumber them by at least six to one. As far as I’ve seen they’ve only had their Che Guevara-gasms in major municipalities that have been lorded over by dhimmirats for decades. So now we have the little snotflowers rioting in locales that voted Clinton trashing their own turf. Schadenfreude, HOW SWEET IT IS.
8 years ago
Where is the transcript for that video?
8 years ago
I love a happy ending like that.
A Proud infidel®™
8 years ago
AWWWW C’MON everybody, here’s all those pwecious Millenials want:
Jebus I posted it and when the refresh came up on the screen, I didn’t see my post and assumed that it didn’t post because of the links.
Jonn, TSO Hondo,
Please delete my duplicated stupidity
Silentium Est Aureum
8 years ago
I’m with TSO re: Infowars. It’s like the Weekly World News without the entertaining Bat Boy covers.
That being said, this was a pretty well done piece.
Trump’s election did not make my world into rainbows and Skittle-shitting unicorns. Hillary’s election would not have resulted in much more than a mild case of disappointment and, “Oh fucking well.”
In fact, several candidates I supported did not win. Boo-fucking-hoo. There. Done. Moving on.
See how that works, liberals?
The Other Whitey
8 years ago
I’m laughing my ass off at all the kind calling for for race war & other assorted violence, y’know, in the name of peace and tolerance…or some shit. Yeah, well, this Black Irish white boy is armed and competent, and the hot Asian chick this Black Irish white boy is married to knows her way around a scattergun and an old-school .38 wheelgun. And her parents taught her about what happens when liberals start acting like the Khmer Rouge.
I also find it hilarious that they loved Trump’s gay/tranny/etc-tolerance business policies before he ran for president. Bruce Jenner even made a big deal out of sitting down to piss in the ladies’ room of Trump Tower because The Donald was on record as being okay with it. But as soon as he threw his hat in the ring against Das Hildabeast, suddenly he gets reinvented as the second coming of Adolf Hitler, who’s gonna round up all “teh gheys” and ship ‘me to Auschwitz or something. Oddly enough, Clinton made a lot more use of Hitler’s playbook–labeling those you don’t like “deplorables” is a short step away from “untermensch,” for instance.
The really funny thing here, though, is that I don’t even like Trump, but because I’m white/conservative/Christian/heterosexual/not communist/whatever, I’ve been lumped in and targeted. Wait a sec, weren’t they just making accusations of fascism? I wonder if it’s fun to be a mob of colossal hypocrites?
Well, okay then. If it’s gonna be like that, then the Snowflake Liberation Front can bring it, but they’d better bring friends and they better come armed. They think Trump will start World War III (uh…against who, exactly, over what, exactly?), so they’ll “ensure peace” by calling for civil war. I guess that makes sense to libtards.
Funny, I was really scared of what Obama might do to our country in 2008. All I did was double-check my ammo stash, go back to work, and get on with life.
… But as soon as he threw his hat in the ring against Das Hildabeast, suddenly he gets reinvented as the second coming of Adolf Hitler, who’s gonna round up all “teh gheys” and ship ‘me to Auschwitz or something….
They are showing their true colors: Brown Shirt
If Trump-supporters acted in a similar fashion after a Clinton win, they would be accused of being Nazis; instead, these Clintoonians are employing Brown Shirt / Kristallnacht techniques and it’s okay by them.
The snowflake liberation front! Genius! I’ll bet they’re REAL hard core.
That sums them up beautifully.
SLF is gonna cry! Uh, win! Yeah, that’s it! We’re trying really hard!
Do I get a ribbon?
I consider Billy “Cigarman” Clintoon a reprehensible bastard. But he and his political advisors got ONE thing right – something his wife never seemed to “get”.
When it comes to an election, barring a war . . . “It’s the economy, stupid.”
8 years ago
“I may hate Info Wars, but this is damned funny.”
Yeah, I agree, but I think of the guy who did this, Paul Joseph Watson, as an island of relative sanity in a batshit crazy sea.
8 years ago
Well, I checked the New York Times for 11/15/16 – closest I could get to today – and there’s a reading and discussion group about books by local authors who are LGBTQ going on in a bookstore in Jackson Heights, in the borough of Queens. Admission is free.
There’s also a meeting with police officers, Black Lives Matter activists, and residents to discuss how to improve communication and cooperation at the Middle Collegiate Church in the East Village. 7 p.m. [Free, donations accepted]
And finally, there’s a lecture about dark matter, part of the scientific controversies series, at Pioneer Works in Red Hook, Brooklyn. 7:30 p.m. [Free]
Looks like things are back to normal in NYC. Ditto, Chi-town: the usual south side crime stuff, but Eddie Johnson (CPD Chief) is putting more cops on the beat and some big stores have opened for business in Englewood, providing jobs down there.
So, with all the noise and tears and ridiculously childish behavior by middle-aged adults, it appears that the rest of us are just going on about our business, as we should.
If the kiddies want to go on bitching, moaning and beating their little fists on the floors, let them.
No one is paying any attention any more.
They lost. We won. Peace out!
Me – I have to go get cat food (again – they are pigs!!), a gallon of milk, and dish soap, and make chocolate chip cookies. I think I’ll fix crepes with beef and mushrooms for supper and enjoy finishing ‘The Toll Gate’ by Georgette Heyer.
I have checked the most recent vote count at several different sites. Michigan has not finished counting the popular vote, and has until Nov. 22 to turn in its total count. However, in Michigan Trump leads by a substantial sum.
That said, the Millenial Tantrum Brigade of Disgruntleds thinks that their idol won the popular vote. Well, no. She has not. Per the latest count, these are the results.
DT 60,961,185
HC 61,693,234
Multiplier 51.00%
A 51% majority is 62,553,754
The actual margin is 732,049, at this time.
In the percentage of the popular votes, Clinton does not have a clear 51% majority, period. She has barely .6%, insufficient to give her the popular majority under electoral rules.
DT 49.70%
HC 50.30%
As I said, Michigan is still counting and has until Nov. 22 to declare its vote total, but at this point, Trump is ahead.
Even if Michigan went to Clinton, he is still the electoral college choice, whether the weeping, frothing, drooling, hiccuping snot-nosed spoiled brats like it or not. If they cannot accept that their candidate lost in a fair fight at this point in their lives, what will they be like when they hit 40? Real life is going to be a very unpleasant surprise for them.
And given that even though it was a high turnout, it was FAR short of a 100% turnout (about 146 million registered voters total) she actually might be ahead but is ‘way shy of any kind of mandate. Whether by apathy or Trump vote, she garnered what, 43%
Minor quibble, Ex-PH2: a “majority” is defined as receiving more than half of all votes cast. You haven’t accounted for the 7+ million votes received by other candidates for POTUS.
Add those in, and Clintoon is nowhere near having a majority of the popular vote. She has a plurality – and even that is suspect, given how rampant vote fraud is reputed to be in many urban areas.
That’s true, and it was unintentional on my part, since none of those ‘other’ got any electoral votes. But since they would figure in as a barely 5% portion, I wasn’t sure that including them was necessary.
However, Clintoon’s supporters are arguing that “she should be the winner” because “she got more votes”. However, she did NOT receive a MAJORITY of votes cast. That undercuts their asinine claim that she’s “clearly the people’s choice”. She’s not.
Hell – take away either Cook County or LA County, and she then comes in second nationwide. Both of those counties gave her more than 1M more votes than Trump received. And we all know every single one of those votes for Clintoon in those two counties were legit. (Yes, that last sentence was pure sarcasm.)
If they wanna argue popular vote, fine – we’ll go there. Clintoon was NOT the choice of the MAJORITY of Americans for POTUS. Period. And given the prevalence for vote fraud in areas where she received large margins, I think it’s questionable whether she legitimately received the most votes at all.
FWIW: Cigarman also wasn’t a “majority choice”, either time. Each time, he was the plurality candidate in a 3-way race with significant 3rd-party vote each time. In 1992, that 3rd party vote likely cost Bush (41) reelection, and was responsible for Cigarman’s ELECTORAL COLLEGE victory. But I don’t remember hearing any hue and cry for abolition of the Electoral College then – or for a run-off election between the two candidates getting the most votes, since neither received a majority.
MSG Eric
8 years ago
Same guy did a video about the protests which is good as well.
Note the yellow sign with black print by PSLweb dot org. Marxist group, and who could possibly be sponsoring that?
charles w
8 years ago
That Maddow dude looked sad.
In The Mailbox: 11.17.16 : The Other McCain
8 years ago
[…] Europe, Hotel Europe The Quinton Report: Saint Margaret, Pearl Of Scotland This Ain’t Hell: Some On The Left Are Not Taking This Well, also, VA Whistleblower Resigns Weasel Zippers: Teacher Says Trump Victory As Bad As 9/11, Kicks […]
2/17 Air Cav
8 years ago
Joyful, joyful, ain’t that just oyeful. I feel their pain and it’s giving me orgasms.
8 years ago
And in other news, outgoing President Whatshisname says that Mr. Trump won because the internet is out of control.
That’s a sore loser complaint I hadn’t even guessed would be voiced. After all, bodaprez no longer had a dime in vested interest, right? But wait! Merkel agreed with him. She says, bluntly, that the invention of movable type and printed materials has presented a problem for several hundred years!!!!
Watch out! The Thought Police are on the prowl people!!!
Even the Chinese can’t control the infoflow!!!
It’s – it’s — NORMALGEDDON!!!!
There IS therapy for people like this.
No, the article itself is not satirical in nature. I just offer it to you for a gale of hearty laughter directed at them all.
No, I haven’t seen any of those videos yet. But on the other hand, if they’re planning some ridiculous protest in WDC in January, there is the distinct possibility that a blizzard could hit the eastern seaboard just ahead of if, stopping interstate road traffic (for one thing) and flights, and dropping the temperature rather drastically. I was stationed at NASAnacostia (next to Bolling AFB), for three years and I know what a beast Washington weather can be in the winter. It’s at least as bad as Chicago when it wants to be, and there is a long range forecast for an Alberta clipper to hit the Atlantic corridor right around the time the inauguration is supposed to take place. I don’t think they have the stamina to face that kind of thing.
I keep wondering when Soreass is going to be arrested and deported. On the other hand, he’s over 80, so he’ll drop dead, too, some day.
This is the only video I could find like that, with a bunch of lame AIM protesters in Reno, NV, threatening to drag a driver out of his truck. He did not take kindly to that and plowed his way through them.
Everyone of these nutbars should be identified and picked up for a psychiatric evaluation to see whether they are a danger to themselves or others. If they have guns,ha, they should be confiscated subject to evaluation results. These peeps are good representations of the democat voting base.
Well, yeah – when you threaten harm toward someone because you or your side lost a legitimate competition, you have a real problem – denial of reality. But I don’t recall seeing meltdowns like this any time in the last 240 years. Must be something in their falafel or quinoa.
Especially the one calling for assassination.
Silly liberals.
I have to deal with these nuts all of the time.
This is rather ironic, considering they ones calling for Trump’s assassination are in the same petri dish as the gun control cultists. What are they planning on using, spitballs?
OK..all these trump hating phools stand up, jump up and down, turn around fast three times, then run, hard as you can head first into a brick wall…..there, doesn’t that feel better!!
I’ve seen liberals up close and personal, I’m not too worried about a civil war coming from them….most of them abhor guns and only commit violence in a mob..
That was funny stuff, what’s been really entertaining is that prior to last Tuesday they were all telling Trump voters to remember that once the election is over it’s time to accept the results and move on and not resort to violence. Once again proving they are great at the “One set of rules for thee, and quite another set for me”….mindset…
Fuck ’em
The trolls have been awfully quiet lately…
Something about having their teeth kicked in will do that.
Indeed I think what infuriates them the most is that were so fucking confident they had it in the bag…
The pollsters were so arrogant in their numbers and facts and figures it never occurred to anyone that while they were playing checkers their political opponents had a chess game going….nothing screws with an arrogant elitist prick like finding out the folks they called uneducated racists homophobic misogynist deplorables were actually smarter than their liberal betters….I never laughed so hard in my laugh as I did watching George Stephanopolous on Tuesday the 8th as he realized what was happening…it was like somebody shot his dog in front of him.
The problem with playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers is that you lose the checkers match…
Which is in real danger of happening here. Yes, Hillary lost, but she didn’t lose by much. A few thousand voters in a couple of key counties and we are mourning a Hillary victory.
If the lesson really is don’t treat people like they are “uneducated racists homophobic misogynistic deplorables”, then we need to tread lightly when treating those whiney ass liberals, like the whiney ass liberals they are.
Otherwise two years from now we get smoked in the mid-terms.
Of course, this is a prime example of me saying “Do as I say, not as I do” because I’m sure as *bleep* enjoying their tears to the point I registered “tearsofliberals(dot)com”…
Point well taken, in fact I think it’s why Giuliani was pressed into action on the talk shows to make the comment that going after Clinton was not a productive use of anyone’s time in the new administration. Appearing vindictive and shallow will indeed lose the mid-terms…appearing presidential and bi-partisan might in fact strengthen the mid-term for the republicans…
I wonder now if O will yield that Pardon Pen, or if he will let Hillzy swing in the wind, as a temptation for Trump.
I think he’ll withhold it out of well documented animosity for the bitch. I know I’ve said it before, but I’ll bet that on some level, Barry is loving this shit.
I’d bet you’re right on Barry. That animus is well known.
I’m hoping he will for a few reasons. First, it will just about completely confirm what we all know – that she’s guilty as hell. Second, it will keep Trump from having to decide whether or not to go after her. That way Obama basically renders a guilty verdict, and no one can say Trump is being vindictive.
We just don’t get to see her in prison…
Trump doesn’t need to lift a finger, the House is going to press the Hillary investigation. Don’t lose sight of the fact that there were probably dozens of Clinton minions w/o security clearances who mishandled classified documents. Now that Hillary will no longer be president, it may be much easier to get some of those people to point fingers at each other. When some of those lower level folks are actually convicted and go to jail, it won’t be necessary to convict Hillary to show the world how serious her crimes were.
Hell, Paddy Power, a big bookie firm in Ireland, paid off the bets that Hillary would win BEFORE the election!!!!!
They lost close to a million bucks.
God created whiskey to keep the Irish from ruling the world.
But God created the Scots-Irish to build the New World (anyway in North America).
He’s curled up in his safe space with Play_Doh and coloring books.
Isn’t threatening violence against a President or President-Elect a federal crime? Hey, Bubba, Julio, Thor and Mr. “Tiny” need new friends…
Ask the former CEO of PacketSled… lost his job over threatening to take out Trump publicly. (Said he needs a “sniper rifle”, would be willing to bet given a real rifle he wouldn’t be able to hit a bull in the ass with a bass fiddle. Standing position, hundred yards, open sights… I’m thinking he’s shoot a large pattern.)
Even the presidential assassination remark was pretty stupid. Oh, so you want to assassinate the president? Well, that’s still Barack Obama for another 65ish days you dumb fuck.
Hopefully at the least the Secret Service makes them feel so significantly stressful pain for a few months.
That chicken shyt coward obama signed an executive order for ‘LIFETIME” security! To hell with that, that bas-ard has gotten all the taxpayer dollars he is going to, now nationalize his banks accounts and put the money back in the general fund….michael the tranny pervert too!
I saw this thing crying when it looked like Billary was going to be a loser
All time favorite
This lady figured it out. She knows exactly why people voted for Trump.
Along that line this was pretty damn humorous as well..
“Get your abortions now!”
Can we offer these bints and manbuns a (poison) pill for an abortion? A post partum retroactive abortion…..of themselves?
Before getting pregnant? Sounds like something liberals would do.
Yes, Poetrooper, because their brains are in their crotches. They should definitely get their abortions right now, to pull out the remaining bits of cranial tissue, just to be safe!
Frankly, their mommies should have thought of that themselves, when the pee stick turned POSITIVE for preggers time.
Liberal tears make the grass grow.
They have electrolytes?
They work as a lubricant on scary black rifles too.
Someone posted a meme on Facebook that said liberal tears end drought in California….it was pretty funny.
Oddly enough, the local forecast here in SoCal is calling for rain…
In this case they’re going to make a country grow…
This warms my heart….
and this too
“Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” …..“Or the one.”
This warms my heart….
“Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” …..“Or the one.”
breitbart.com said
“Sources have told The American Spectator that on Tuesday night, after Hillary realized she had lost, she went into a rage,” R. Emmett Tyrrell reports. “Secret Service officers told at least one source that she began yelling, screaming obscenities, and pounding furniture. She picked up objects and threw them at attendants and staff. She was in an uncontrollable rage.”
Man, it must REALLY, REALLY, REALLY suck being on her Secret Service detail right about now.
ChipNASA, you seem to have the hiccups. You need a glass of water?
The screen refreshed but my comment didn’t post…or so I thought and I even refreshed .
I dunno.
Breitbart (Grain of salt) said
“Sources have told The American Spectator that on Tuesday night, after Hillary realized she had lost, she went into a rage,” R. Emmett Tyrrell reports. “Secret Service officers told at least one source that she began yelling, screaming obscenities, and pounding furniture. She picked up objects and threw them at attendants and staff. She was in an uncontrollable rage.”
I’ve heard more than one account of that, another said she had to be restrained and sedated. Given the amount of credible peole who have spoken about her personality, I find that very credible!
AAAAhhh sweet, SWEET schadenfreude!!!
Any more riots or massive protests yesterday?
Just wondered.
Hawks are winning (mostly), Bears are in the dumpster, and the Cubbies are still the World Champions. Life is good in my kingdom. We might get snow on the weekend. I should bring that little sunflower seedling indoors and get some birdfood.
Why am I rattling on like that? Well, the rest of us are getting on with our lives, not wallowing in the misery of losing for the first time EVER.
If those children grow up, someone let me know. I’ve got stuff to do.
P.S. – He’s funny as hell!
I guess not *everybody* is taking the Cubs as World Champions seriously …
Sounds like a personal problem to me.
Anyone know a good country with a non extradition treaty?
Maybe Afghanistan, Abu Dhabi, Venezuela, Yemen,…
Funny how Chicago is a safe haven for illegal immigrants, but Yemen isn’t a safe haven for American citizens. If you know what I mean, wink!
Hillary who?
^^^ THIS ^^^
Yes, but would you tap that?
If you’re talking about das beast, that would be IMHO considered to be adultery AND beastiality.
Maybe double tap.
I’m sure that the secret squirrels who were assigned to surround that person are breathing a sigh of relief now.
Doesn’t someone from SS still have to work with the Klintoons?
Yeah, former presidents get pension pay and benefits, unless they hold another public office, which suspends that. They also get office space and staff, as well as secret squirrel protection which they can decline.
So our poor SS guys are still SOL when it comes to Killary.
Be nice if they could get some relief. Or at least get to mock her openly.
Well, in this case, if Mr. williepete dies and she remarries (eew!) she loses the secret squirrels. But he’s the one who gets it ahead of her because he was the Prezzie.
In this case, consider it ‘Guarding Tess’ with a rabid porcupine playing the former First Lady.
From the reports, this may be more accurate than we may think.
And if the past reports of her “sunny personality” are correct, they’re also grinning from ear-to-ear. Except when she’s watching them. (smile)
Wouldn’t it be nice if someone actually got a hidden video of hitllary throwing one of her screaming fits? Now, her fans would say it was all faked, but since it’s been rumored about her before and reported for real this time, a video would only confirm it for the rest of us.
Y’all know, I live in Red State Country and I am QUITE sure I’ll never see any of those booger-eating candyassed toad booger-headed flower monkeys anywhere near my locale. Let’s look at it, they only get bold when they are either twice the size of their intended victim OR they outnumber them by at least six to one. As far as I’ve seen they’ve only had their Che Guevara-gasms in major municipalities that have been lorded over by dhimmirats for decades. So now we have the little snotflowers rioting in locales that voted Clinton trashing their own turf. Schadenfreude, HOW SWEET IT IS.
Where is the transcript for that video?
I love a happy ending like that.
AWWWW C’MON everybody, here’s all those pwecious Millenials want:
I will sign up today. They probably need my heartfelt guidance and tender encouragement.
Those aren’t real Millenials. They can read and write things. I call phonies!!! on them.
Jebus I posted it and when the refresh came up on the screen, I didn’t see my post and assumed that it didn’t post because of the links.
Jonn, TSO Hondo,
Please delete my duplicated stupidity
I’m with TSO re: Infowars. It’s like the Weekly World News without the entertaining Bat Boy covers.
That being said, this was a pretty well done piece.
Trump’s election did not make my world into rainbows and Skittle-shitting unicorns. Hillary’s election would not have resulted in much more than a mild case of disappointment and, “Oh fucking well.”
In fact, several candidates I supported did not win. Boo-fucking-hoo. There. Done. Moving on.
See how that works, liberals?
I’m laughing my ass off at all the kind calling for for race war & other assorted violence, y’know, in the name of peace and tolerance…or some shit. Yeah, well, this Black Irish white boy is armed and competent, and the hot Asian chick this Black Irish white boy is married to knows her way around a scattergun and an old-school .38 wheelgun. And her parents taught her about what happens when liberals start acting like the Khmer Rouge.
I also find it hilarious that they loved Trump’s gay/tranny/etc-tolerance business policies before he ran for president. Bruce Jenner even made a big deal out of sitting down to piss in the ladies’ room of Trump Tower because The Donald was on record as being okay with it. But as soon as he threw his hat in the ring against Das Hildabeast, suddenly he gets reinvented as the second coming of Adolf Hitler, who’s gonna round up all “teh gheys” and ship ‘me to Auschwitz or something. Oddly enough, Clinton made a lot more use of Hitler’s playbook–labeling those you don’t like “deplorables” is a short step away from “untermensch,” for instance.
The really funny thing here, though, is that I don’t even like Trump, but because I’m white/conservative/Christian/heterosexual/not communist/whatever, I’ve been lumped in and targeted. Wait a sec, weren’t they just making accusations of fascism? I wonder if it’s fun to be a mob of colossal hypocrites?
Well, okay then. If it’s gonna be like that, then the Snowflake Liberation Front can bring it, but they’d better bring friends and they better come armed. They think Trump will start World War III (uh…against who, exactly, over what, exactly?), so they’ll “ensure peace” by calling for civil war. I guess that makes sense to libtards.
Funny, I was really scared of what Obama might do to our country in 2008. All I did was double-check my ammo stash, go back to work, and get on with life.
… But as soon as he threw his hat in the ring against Das Hildabeast, suddenly he gets reinvented as the second coming of Adolf Hitler, who’s gonna round up all “teh gheys” and ship ‘me to Auschwitz or something….
They are showing their true colors:
Brown Shirt
If Trump-supporters acted in a similar fashion after a Clinton win, they would be accused of being Nazis; instead, these Clintoonians are employing Brown Shirt / Kristallnacht techniques and it’s okay by them.
Go figure!
The snowflake liberation front! Genius! I’ll bet they’re REAL hard core.
That sums them up beautifully.
SLF is gonna cry! Uh, win! Yeah, that’s it! We’re trying really hard!
Do I get a ribbon?
“The Snowflake Liberation Front!”
THAT is inspired.
Thank you! Thank you!
I’ll be here all week. Remember to tip your waitresses!
Is the SLF a division of the Free Shit Army?
Militant wing thereof.
I call them the Disgruntleds. They’d make a great singing group, wouldn’t they? They could make a great living selling the World some coke.
And the odd thing is is that a lot of whites who voted for Obummer the past two elections voted for Trump.
These same people were tired of everything being about diversity, not issues like education and the economy.
I consider Billy “Cigarman” Clintoon a reprehensible bastard. But he and his political advisors got ONE thing right – something his wife never seemed to “get”.
When it comes to an election, barring a war . . . “It’s the economy, stupid.”
“I may hate Info Wars, but this is damned funny.”
Yeah, I agree, but I think of the guy who did this, Paul Joseph Watson, as an island of relative sanity in a batshit crazy sea.
Well, I checked the New York Times for 11/15/16 – closest I could get to today – and there’s a reading and discussion group about books by local authors who are LGBTQ going on in a bookstore in Jackson Heights, in the borough of Queens. Admission is free.
There’s also a meeting with police officers, Black Lives Matter activists, and residents to discuss how to improve communication and cooperation at the Middle Collegiate Church in the East Village. 7 p.m. [Free, donations accepted]
And finally, there’s a lecture about dark matter, part of the scientific controversies series, at Pioneer Works in Red Hook, Brooklyn. 7:30 p.m. [Free]
Looks like things are back to normal in NYC. Ditto, Chi-town: the usual south side crime stuff, but Eddie Johnson (CPD Chief) is putting more cops on the beat and some big stores have opened for business in Englewood, providing jobs down there.
So, with all the noise and tears and ridiculously childish behavior by middle-aged adults, it appears that the rest of us are just going on about our business, as we should.
If the kiddies want to go on bitching, moaning and beating their little fists on the floors, let them.
No one is paying any attention any more.
They lost. We won. Peace out!
Me – I have to go get cat food (again – they are pigs!!), a gallon of milk, and dish soap, and make chocolate chip cookies. I think I’ll fix crepes with beef and mushrooms for supper and enjoy finishing ‘The Toll Gate’ by Georgette Heyer.
Snowflake cocksuckers.
Flower Monkeys and dildoheads.
I have checked the most recent vote count at several different sites. Michigan has not finished counting the popular vote, and has until Nov. 22 to turn in its total count. However, in Michigan Trump leads by a substantial sum.
That said, the Millenial Tantrum Brigade of Disgruntleds thinks that their idol won the popular vote. Well, no. She has not. Per the latest count, these are the results.
DT 60,961,185
HC 61,693,234
Multiplier 51.00%
A 51% majority is 62,553,754
The actual margin is 732,049, at this time.
In the percentage of the popular votes, Clinton does not have a clear 51% majority, period. She has barely .6%, insufficient to give her the popular majority under electoral rules.
DT 49.70%
HC 50.30%
As I said, Michigan is still counting and has until Nov. 22 to declare its vote total, but at this point, Trump is ahead.
Even if Michigan went to Clinton, he is still the electoral college choice, whether the weeping, frothing, drooling, hiccuping snot-nosed spoiled brats like it or not. If they cannot accept that their candidate lost in a fair fight at this point in their lives, what will they be like when they hit 40? Real life is going to be a very unpleasant surprise for them.
And given that even though it was a high turnout, it was FAR short of a 100% turnout (about 146 million registered voters total) she actually might be ahead but is ‘way shy of any kind of mandate. Whether by apathy or Trump vote, she garnered what, 43%
as did he…
Exactly. I think the total, even with Michigan, will be less than the 2012 popular vote.
Can we stop looking at Madcow’s uggmug now?
Minor quibble, Ex-PH2: a “majority” is defined as receiving more than half of all votes cast. You haven’t accounted for the 7+ million votes received by other candidates for POTUS.
Add those in, and Clintoon is nowhere near having a majority of the popular vote. She has a plurality – and even that is suspect, given how rampant vote fraud is reputed to be in many urban areas.
That’s true, and it was unintentional on my part, since none of those ‘other’ got any electoral votes. But since they would figure in as a barely 5% portion, I wasn’t sure that including them was necessary.
For the electoral vote, they’re irrelevant.
However, Clintoon’s supporters are arguing that “she should be the winner” because “she got more votes”. However, she did NOT receive a MAJORITY of votes cast. That undercuts their asinine claim that she’s “clearly the people’s choice”. She’s not.
Hell – take away either Cook County or LA County, and she then comes in second nationwide. Both of those counties gave her more than 1M more votes than Trump received. And we all know every single one of those votes for Clintoon in those two counties were legit. (Yes, that last sentence was pure sarcasm.)
If they wanna argue popular vote, fine – we’ll go there. Clintoon was NOT the choice of the MAJORITY of Americans for POTUS. Period. And given the prevalence for vote fraud in areas where she received large margins, I think it’s questionable whether she legitimately received the most votes at all.
FWIW: Cigarman also wasn’t a “majority choice”, either time. Each time, he was the plurality candidate in a 3-way race with significant 3rd-party vote each time. In 1992, that 3rd party vote likely cost Bush (41) reelection, and was responsible for Cigarman’s ELECTORAL COLLEGE victory. But I don’t remember hearing any hue and cry for abolition of the Electoral College then – or for a run-off election between the two candidates getting the most votes, since neither received a majority.
Same guy did a video about the protests which is good as well.
Note the yellow sign with black print by PSLweb dot org. Marxist group, and who could possibly be sponsoring that?
That Maddow dude looked sad.
[…] Europe, Hotel Europe The Quinton Report: Saint Margaret, Pearl Of Scotland This Ain’t Hell: Some On The Left Are Not Taking This Well, also, VA Whistleblower Resigns Weasel Zippers: Teacher Says Trump Victory As Bad As 9/11, Kicks […]
Joyful, joyful, ain’t that just oyeful. I feel their pain and it’s giving me orgasms.
And in other news, outgoing President Whatshisname says that Mr. Trump won because the internet is out of control.
That’s a sore loser complaint I hadn’t even guessed would be voiced. After all, bodaprez no longer had a dime in vested interest, right? But wait! Merkel agreed with him. She says, bluntly, that the invention of movable type and printed materials has presented a problem for several hundred years!!!!
Watch out! The Thought Police are on the prowl people!!!
Even the Chinese can’t control the infoflow!!!
It’s – it’s — NORMALGEDDON!!!!
There IS therapy for people like this.
No, the article itself is not satirical in nature. I just offer it to you for a gale of hearty laughter directed at them all.
Let’s blame Al Gore. He did not foresee this happening and left out the interwebz filters.
Is it just my perception of what is going on, or are the control freaks flapping in the wind over not having control any more?
They have been already. Seen the videos of them getting his and run over by angry drivers? The little ditz in MN was merely one of many!
No, I haven’t seen any of those videos yet. But on the other hand, if they’re planning some ridiculous protest in WDC in January, there is the distinct possibility that a blizzard could hit the eastern seaboard just ahead of if, stopping interstate road traffic (for one thing) and flights, and dropping the temperature rather drastically. I was stationed at NASAnacostia (next to Bolling AFB), for three years and I know what a beast Washington weather can be in the winter. It’s at least as bad as Chicago when it wants to be, and there is a long range forecast for an Alberta clipper to hit the Atlantic corridor right around the time the inauguration is supposed to take place. I don’t think they have the stamina to face that kind of thing.
I keep wondering when Soreass is going to be arrested and deported. On the other hand, he’s over 80, so he’ll drop dead, too, some day.
This is the only video I could find like that, with a bunch of lame AIM protesters in Reno, NV, threatening to drag a driver out of his truck. He did not take kindly to that and plowed his way through them.