Taking Chance

| January 8, 2009

From the generous folks at Blackfive, we got alerted to a trailer for a new HBO movie “Taking Chance” coming soon;

HBO gets it right sometimes (Band of Brothers). Read the background on the true story from Blackfive.

Category: Bloggers, Support the troops

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Might want to throw up the tissue warning.

I didn’t make it through the trailer last night at B5, this stuff messes me up. I’ll watch the movie late at night, alone, with the doors locked.


Damn it must be dusty in here, i could not go 1.56 with out tearing up, i know i will not last the movie with out crying. But i have to watch this one.

Winter Soldier

still deleting posts why blog then

Winter Soldier

hows capt sanders?



Dude, why do you think all the Patriot Guard Riders wear mirrored sunglasses?

Thanks for the heads up Jonn.


TSO – I agree! Tissue warnings please!
Definitely watching this one (with 2 or 3 boxes of tissues…)

The Sniper

Agreed… this one wells me up.

WS, not the post to be trolling on. Simply more proof that your type has no class whatsoever.


WS, you’d be a better troll if you didn’t type like a 13 year old.


TSO, I have the same problem. In fact it was this original story that led me to B5 several years ago.

I don’t have HBO. I am thinking about checking into a Motel 6 with a sixer of Stone IPA and a box of Kleenex.


“I don’t have HBO. I am thinking about checking into a Motel 6 with a sixer of Stone IPA and a box of Kleenex.”

Before anyone comes up with some smart aleck remark about that poorly phrased sentence: shut up.


aw tso… come sit by me. its a tough one to be sure.



I bet he is 13.


GI Jane,
A 13 yr. old who rides the short bus and has all those special classes in school.

TSO, yes, tissues are a must.


I hate it when my eyeballs aweat like this. And everytime I watch the trailer, they sweat even more than the last. I must be getting soft in my old age. I read about this a couple of years ago, and I am sure I cried then to. I don’t have HBO so I have already sent out a request to all of my friends to DVR it for me.


I had the privilege of seeing the premier of Taking Chance yesterday at Sundance. LtCol Strobel was present and took questions at the end of the showing. There were four standing ovations at the end for the director/cowriter as well as LtCol Strobel and another marine (I apologize that I don’t remember his name) from Dover whoi assisted int eh production to guarantee authenticity and the final one for Kevin Bacon who did a wonderful job. The movie is truly moving and is somehting all americans should view.