Tuesday morning feel good stories
A neighbor in Pinch, West Virginia saw burglars break into the home next door, so he went to confront the thieves. As they took off, he fired his gun at them which made the vehicle and the suspects easy for the police to find.
In Cedar City, Utah, a thief broke into the house and began stabbing the woman he found there. Her husband intervened and held the criminal on the floor until police hauled his ass to the hoosegow.
In Canada, a homeowner shot at and missed a criminal who broke into his house. While they’re still looking for the criminal, the police are investigating the homeowner’s use of a firearm in protecting his family. Any bets on who will see a judge first?
Category: Feel Good Stories
Canadian home owner is hosed
Swing and a miss….
Are they even looking for the criminal?
of course. they need a witness to testify against the homeowner. With full immunity of course followed by the criminal being allowed to sue the homeowner for emotional distress and other shit
“Shoot, Shovel, Shut up” The only way in a place that doesn’t appreciate a person’s right to self defense.
Might also need a mattock if you live on hard ground.
Glad I do not live in Canada.
Most places here it is illegal to shoot at someone who is already fleeing the area.
Not so in Texas.
Here in Texas, it should be illegal to miss the perp.
The husband in Utah shoulda broken every bone in the perp’s body while he had him down – at a minimum.
Stab my wife? You die.
There is more on the Utah incident here:
It ain’t pretty.
If Zippy the Pinhead and O’Bozo had a love child……just look at them ears…..
After reading that description, I’m surprised the bastard was still alive when the police arrived. If ever someone needed to be DRT!
“Lopez received minor wounds from being held down but suffered major wounds to his torso, neck and head after he accidentally fell on his knife 26 times before being restrained by the husband”